Chapter 15 Skills Practice

Lesson 15.1 Skills Practice
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Customary to Whom?
Customary Measurement
Match each definition to its corresponding term.
1. to change a measurement to an equivalent measurement in
a. standard units of
different units
2. units used by everyone in a certain area
b. measurement
3. the magnitude of a quantity specified with a number and a unit
c. convert
Problem Set
Determine an approximate measure in customary units for each item.
1. the height of a stamp
2. the capacity of a jug of milk
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The height of a stamp is about one inch.
3. the weight of a loaf of bread
4. the weight of a slice of bread
5. the capacity of a fruit juice box
6. the average length of an adult shoe
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Lesson 15.1 Skills Practice
page 2
Choose the appropriate customary unit of measure to use when measuring
each of the following.
7. the length of a bicycle
8. the capacity of a bottle of glue
The length of a bicycle would be best measured in inches or feet.
9. the weight of a tennis ball
10. the height of a tree
11. the distance of a marathon race
12. the capacity of a swimming pool
Choose the most appropriate measurement for each of the following.
a. 8 oz
b. 16 fl oz
c. 4 lb
d. 14 gal
b. 2 t
c. 300,000 lb
d. 56 c
b. 2000 lb
c. 26 in.
d. 45 qt
b. 16 fl oz
14. the weight of a blue whale
a. 500 yd
15. the length of a car
a. 13 ft
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13. the capacity of a bottle of water
Lesson 15.1 Skills Practice
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16. the capacity of a car’s gas tank
a. 20 fl oz
b. 5 mi
c. 3 t
d. 16 gal
c. 7 yd
d. 6 gal
c. 5 c
d. 8 fl oz
17. the average weight of a newborn baby
a. 8 lb
b. 9 oz
18. the length of a cat’s tail
a. 15 mi
b. 12 in.
Complete each model. Multiply to determine each measurement conversion.
19. How many inches are in 2 feet?
2 ft
? in.
1 ft
12 in.
​ ______
1 ft
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12 in.
2 ft ​​ ______
​5 24 in.
1 ft
There are 24 inches in 2 feet.
20. How many cups are in 3 pints?
3 pt
1 pt
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Lesson 15.1 Skills Practice
page 4
21. How many ounces are in 2 pounds?
2 lb
? oz
1 lb
22. How many yards are in 12 feet?
12 ft
1 yd
? ft
16 c
1 qt
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23. How many quarts are in 16 cups?
Lesson 15.1 Skills Practice
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24. How many pounds are in 48 ounces?
48 oz
1 lb
? oz
Multiply to determine each measurement conversion.
25. How many feet are in 3 miles?
26. How many pounds are in 5 tons?
3 mi ​ _______
​ 5280 ft
​5 15,840 ft
1 mi
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There are 15,840 feet in 3 miles.
27. How many fluid ounces are in 8 cups?
28. How many yards are in 504 inches?
29. How many pounds are in 480 ounces?
30. How many gallons are in 200 quarts?
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Lesson 15.1 Skills Practice
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32. How many yards are in 2 miles?
33. How many inches are in 1 mile?
34. How many fluid ounces are in 2 pints?
35. How many pints are in 3 gallons?
36. How many fluid ounces are in 4 quarts?
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31. How many ounces are in 1 ton?
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Lesson 15.2 Skills Practice
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It’s All Based on Powers of 10!
Metric Measurement
Choose the term from the box that best completes each statement.
gram meter prefix liter
1. The standard unit of length in the metric system is the
2. The standard unit of capacity is the
3. The standard unit of mass is the
4. A
is a group of letters attached to the beginning of a word which changes
the meaning of the word.
Problem Set
Choose the appropriate metric unit of measure to use when measuring
each of the following.
1. the width of a roadway
2. the mass of a horse
The width of a roadway would be best mea-
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sured in meters.
3. the capacity of a fish tank
4. the length of a road between two cities
5. the mass of a penny
6. the capacity of a pond
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Lesson 15.2 Skills Practice
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Choose the most appropriate measurement for each of the following.
7. the mass of a tiger
a. 30 mg
b. 75 kL
c. 95 kg
d. 45 cm
c. 30 mm
d. 12 g
c. 400 mg
d. 300 km
b. 9 L
c. 5 m
d. 7 kg
b. 16 mg
c. 18 cm
d. 14 mL
c. 8 g
d. 10 mm
c. 95 kg
8. the length of a basketball court
a. 29 m
b. 85 mL
9. the capacity of a mug
a. 300 L
b. 250 mL
10. the mass of a bowling ball
a. 6 mg
11. the length of a pencil
a. 20 km
a. 9 kL
b. 6 L
Complete each sentence with the appropriate number or unit of measure.
13. A meter is
15. A milligram is
17. A
of a gram.
is ____
​  1   ​ of a meter.
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14. One thousand grams is 1
16. A kiloliter is
18. A liter is 1000
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12. the capacity of a bucket
Lesson 15.2 Skills Practice
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Use the metric system chart to determine each measurement conversion.
19. 5 dam 5
20. 8 km 5
cm (0.01)
hm 5 201 m
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dm 5 37 cm
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Lesson 15.2 Skills Practice
24. 4.78 km 5
23. 95.2 dam 5
page 4
Multiply to determine each measurement conversion.
25. How many centimeters is 3.4 kilometers?
26. How many meters is 350 millimeters?
3400 m ​( _______
​ 100 cm
​5 340,000 cm
1m )
1000 m
3.4 km ​ ​ _______
​5 3400 m
1 km
There are 340,000 centimeters in
27. How many milligrams is 12.9 kilograms?
28. How many grams is 25 milligrams?
29. How many liters is 3.75 kiloliters?
30. How many kiloliters is 269 milliliters?
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3.4 kilometers.
Lesson 15.3 Skills Practice
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They’re Saying the Same Thing?
Moving between Measurement Systems
Problem Set
Estimate each measurement conversion.
1. If a dog is 14 inches tall, what is the approximate height in centimeters?
One inch is about 2.5 centimeters. So, 14 inches is about 35 centimeters.
2. If a tennis court is 24 meters long, what is the approximate length in yards?
3. If the speed limit is 65 miles per hour, what is the approximate speed limit
in kilometers per hour?
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4. If a child’s shoe is 15 centimeters long, what is the approximate length in inches?
5. If an infant weighs 18 pounds, what is the approximate weight in kilograms?
6. If a horse weighs 400 kilograms, what is the approximate weight in pounds?
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Lesson 15.3 Skills Practice
page 2
Write a proportion to calculate each measurement conversion for units of length. Round your answer to
the nearest hundredth, if necessary.
7. 17 in. 5
8. 4 m 5
17 in. ​ 
1 in.  ​ 
​ ______
x cm 5 ​ 2.54 cm
(17)(2.54) 5 (x)(1)
43.18 5 x
9. 32 cm 5
10. 57 mi 5
11. 14 yd 5
12. 26 m 5
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17 in. 5 43.18 cm
Lesson 15.3 Skills Practice
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Write a proportion to calculate each measurement conversion for units of mass. Round your answer to
the nearest hundredth, if necessary.
13. 13 oz 5
14. 26 g 5
​ 13 oz
5 _______
​  1 oz  ​ 
28.35 g
(13)(28.35) 5 (x)(1)
368.55 5 x
13 oz 5 368.55 g
15. 42 kg 5
16. 120 lb 5
17. 4.8 oz 5
18. 78.4 g 5
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Write a proportion to calculate each measurement conversion for units of capacity. Round your answer
to the nearest hundredth, if necessary.
19. 9 pt 5
20. 15 L 5
9 pt
1 pt
​   ​ 5 ______
0.47 L
(9)(0.47) 5 (x)(1)
4.23 5 x
9 pt 5 4.23 L
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Lesson 15.3 Skills Practice
21. 54 L 5
23. 16.2 qt 5
22. 3 gal 5
24. 46.8 L 5
page 4
Use the given information to answer each question.
25. Rosa drove 175 miles to visit her grandparents. How many kilometers did she travel?
175 mi ​ 
​ _______
5 ________
​  1 mi  ​ 
x km
1.61 km
(175)(1.61) 5 (x)(1)
281.75 5 x
175 mi 5 281.75 km
Rosa traveled 281.75 kilometers.
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26. Franco weighs 165 pounds. What is his mass in kilograms?
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Lesson 15.3 Skills Practice
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27. Ronna is making dinner for her family. The recipe she is using calls for
0.5 kilogram of ground chicken. How many pounds of ground chicken
does she need?
28. Hector needs to refill his lawn mower gas tank. The tank holds 4.2 liters of gas. How many gallons
of gas does the tank hold?
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29. Lee is going to compete in a 5000 meter Race Walk. How long is the race in yards?
30. Lavon’s favorite basketball player is 2.1 meters tall. How tall is Lavon’s favorite basketball
player in feet?
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Lesson 15.4 Skills Practice
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Is That Appropriate?
Choosing Appropriate Measures
Problem Set
Choose the appropriate measurement for each figure.
1. Which measurement best describes the area of the figure?
a. 35 in.
5 in.
b. 35 in.2
c. 35 in.3
7 in.
b. 35 in.
2. Which measurement best describes the perimeter of the figure?
a. 90 mm
b. 90 mm3
c. 90 mm2
30 mm
30 mm
30 mm
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3. Which measurement best describes the volume of the figure?
a. 1536 cm2
b. 1536 cm3
c. 1536 cm
16 cm
8 cm
12 cm
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4. Which measurement best describes the perimeter of the figure?
a. 32 ft3
10 ft
b. 32 ft2
6 ft
c. 32 ft
5. Which measurement best describes the area of the figure?
a. 20 cm2
b. 20 cm
c. 20 cm3
4 cm
10 cm
6. Which measurement best describes the volume of the figure?
a. 603.2 in.
b. 603.2 in.3
Radius = 4 in.
c. 603.2 in.2
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Height = 12 in.
7. Which measurement best describes the area of the figure?
a. 225 mm2
b. 225 mm3
c. 225 mm
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15 mm
Lesson 15.4 Skills Practice
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8. Which measurement best describes the volume of the figure?
a. 972 cm
b. 972 cm2
c. 972 cm3
9 cm
18 cm
12 cm
Choose the appropriate customary unit of measure and metric unit of measure to use when measuring
each of the following.
9. the height of a building
10. the weight of a giraffe
The height of a building would be best
measured in feet or meters.
11. the capacity of a propane tank
12. the length of a dog’s tail
The length of a dog’s tail would be best
measured in inches or centimeters.
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13. the weight of a penny
14. the capacity of a shampoo bottle
Choose the most appropriate unit from the indicated system of measurement to answer each question.
15. A race car is traveling at a speed of 185 miles per hour. How can this be stated using the most
appropriate unit in the metric system?
185 mi ​ 
5 ________
​  1 mi  ​ 
​ _______
x km
1.61 km
(185)(1.61) 5 (x)(1)
297.85 5 x
185 mi 5 297.85 km
The race car is traveling at 297.85 kilometers per hour.
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Lesson 15.4 Skills Practice
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16. The capacity of a bottle of fruit juice is 2.5 L. How can this be stated using the most appropriate
unit in the customary system?
17. A car weighs 3500 lbs. How can this be stated using the most appropriate unit in the
metric system?
18. The length of a rattlesnake is 1.4 meters. How can this be stated using the most a
­ ppropriate unit in
19. The capacity of a barrel of oil is 42 gallons. How can this be stated using the most appropriate unit
in the metric system?
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the customary system?
Lesson 15.4 Skills Practice
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20. A rhinoceros has a mass of 1200 kilograms. How can this be stated using the most appropriate
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unit in the customary system?
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