ORDINANCE 2017- AN ORDINANCE OF ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA CREATING VOLUME I, CHAPTER 70, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 1, SECTION 70-71 OF THE ESCAMBIA COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES RELATING TO STREET LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICES BENEFITS UNITS; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE CODE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Article VII, Section 1(f) of the Constitution of the State of Florida and §125.01 (q), Florida Statutes, the County is authorized to establish municipal service benefit units; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioo|re'.-'6f Escambia County previously enacted Ordinances establishing municipal service benefit for the purpose of providing street lighting districts in certain unincorporated areas of Escambja County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Corr|r|i|si5ioners finds thlLenacting this provision to formally codify said previously enacted Ordiiilii'rl^es serves a compeililr^gjipublic purpose for the benefit of the citizens of Escambia County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE ^TT ORDAINED .BY, THE BOARDS OF COMMISSIONERS OF ESCAMBlA^OpN^, FLORID^THAT: COUNTY Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing|^clfi|fee^^ an'dli||),rrect and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. rs A* A ' •iShv,, Creatl6rty=^"^b1ume. I. Chabfer.7ft.^®ll^e^^l.> Section 70-71 of the E.scamhia . a! I -W^ ^ r\ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ i_ • _ County Code of Ordifrahces of E^carnbia Cou^'g^orida is hereby created to read as follows: r—-r-TTT..- Sec. 70-71. - Street LigKting Muliicipal Servi^s.Benefits Units Trte|fbllowing1^ werljifirpyibusly enacted by the Board of County Commissioners, are her%y forrrially:codified as baft of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances: ' District 5-i Wyatt Street Arba|Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Johfistbne Street^fea Street Lighting Municipal Sen/ice Benefit Unit; TiffanY^treet Area'Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Vizcaya Street Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Magnolia Lakes Estates, Unit 5 Street Area Street Ughting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Marcus Points Villas Street Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Bridgewood Street Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Ziglar Ridge Street Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Busbee Plantation Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Westfield Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Amelia Place Street Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Tahisco Grove Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Woodbridge Street Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; 2005-27 2005-28 2005-29 2005-30 2005-31 2005-32 Grande Oaks Farms, Addition 1, Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; 2005-57 Hickory Hills Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Gienwood Area Street Ughting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Floridian, Phase 1 Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Lakes of Carrington Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Grand Cayman, Phase II Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Southwoods Area Street Lighting Municipal Sennce Benefit Unit; 2006-•5 2006--6 Cypress Creek Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Arbor Ridge Area Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; 2006- 7 2006- 8 2006-•14 2006- 15 2006- 31 2006- 33 2006- 34 2006- 36 2006- 37 2006- 42 2006- 43 2006- 44 2006- 45 2006- 46 2006- 57 2006- 58 2006- 59 Floridian Phase II Area Street Lighting Municipaj^ervice Benefit Unit; Logan Place Area Street Lighting Municipal S^^^ Benefit Unit; Twin Spires Plantation Area Street Ughtino^^^cioal Service Benefit Unit; Grande Lagoon Area Street Ughting Mu^^ra^^ivice Benefit Unit; Bilek Manor Area Street Ughting Muni^^^Sei^^jgenefit Unit; Betmark Place Area Street Ughtin|j||jj|inicipal Sen^jBenefit Unit; Manchester Area Street Lightii^tt||hlcipal Service B^^Mjt Unit; Millview Estates Area Street U^|ffig Municipal Service'^''l^|efit Unit; Woodlands Area Street Lightin^Wnicipal Sen^e Benefiffejt,: Grand Cedars Reserve Area Streai||gitinq^j^|icipal Sen/ic^enefit Unit; Heron Bavou Area StreeJ: Liahtina " High Springs Area Sfi Oakhilis Estates Area^^^Kij^btina Munlci^iService Benefit Unit; Twin Pines, Phase IAr^^.tr^^ghting Muni^^l Senrice Benefit Unit; Bristol Cre^j^ase III A^.Stre^^^g Munppal Service Benefit Unit; Ironhoree^^^^eet LightinlkMuni^^^^e Be^pfit Unit; Herrin^pm^^^^a Stree%faht|MWu^^tBe'^c6 Benefit Unit; Bristdil^ek. Ph^^lJ Area Sfra^^^hting Mui^ipal Sen/ice Benefit Unit; Glenvie^^ea Stre®_ighting Miiipipal Service Benefit Unit; 2006- 60 2006- 81 2006- 82 WaterforaR^ce AE^Street Lightii|!i|^unicipal Service Benefit Unit; 20072007- Airway O 2007- Creelwoo 2008-•1 2008- 8 2008-•11 2008-•12 2008- 13 2008- 15 2008- 18 2008- 19 2008- 20 2008- 22 2008- 23 2208- 32 2008- 33 2008- 34 2008- 35 2008- 41 'Municipal Senrice Benefit Unit; umoe MunW^ai Service BenefitUnit; |eet Ligppg Municipal Senrice Benefit Unit; Plantatip^treet Oghting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; page Oaks S^|pt Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Wei®to|r Cove sfeetLighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Baywal(|^rclej|^i|pet Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Scenic Hitl^^||lofflStreet Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Dunleith Sfe^rlighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; WillowTree Acres Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Twin Pines II Street Ughting Municipal Sen/ice Benefit Unit; Huntington Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Cardinal Creek Street Ughting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Boulder Creek and Rrst Addition Street Ughting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Lost Creek Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Osprey Place Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Clear Creek Farms and First Addition Street Lighting Municipal Sen/ice Benefit Unit; Madison Place Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Maple Oaks West Phase II Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; 2008-58 2008-59 2008-60 2008-61 2008-62 Lillian Woods Subdivision Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Summerfieid Street Lighting Municipai Service Benefit Unit; Providence Manor Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Weatherstone Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Autumn Meadows Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; 2009-2 2009-3 2009-6 2009-32 West Ridge Place Street Lighting Municipal Sen/ice Benefit Unit; Indian Lake Subdivision Street Lighting Municipai Service Benefit Unit; Chasefield Subdivision Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Li Fair Subdivision Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; 2010-30 River Oaks Landing Subdivision Street Lightip^jiMunicipal Service Benefit Unit; 2011-15 Camshire Meadows Subdivision Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; 2011-16 2011-31 Highlands Subdivision Street Lighting Muhfcipal Seiyice Benefit Unit; Robinson's Miii Subdivision Street Lighting MunicigaijiService Benefit Unit; 2011-36 Coventry Estates Subdivision Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; ,'n. 2012-6 Heritage Woods Subdivision Stre'eLLighting Municipai Servjbe,Benefit Unit; 2012-12 Woodside Estates I&II Subdivision Street.Lighting Municipal Servfce'Benefit Unit; 2012-25 Sunset Oaks Subdivision Street Lighting Muriipipal Service Benefit Unit; Bay Meadows SubdivlllBn'-'M^^ Lighting Municipai Sen/ice Benefit Unit; Deerfield Estates Subdi^isipn St^et Lighting Municipai Service Benefit Unit; 2013-15 2013-16 2013-17 Providence Manor II Subdivision Stfe^ Lighting Murjicipal Service Benefit Unit; 2013-26 Millview.E^tates llSubdivisioaStreet Llglitin^ Municipai Service Benefit Unit; ./111 I*llliil:!!:ii3'' ''S'il::, ,,;ii;i5!SS'' ' ®3;jSliit--. 2014-41 Legacy.Gaks Subdivision StreefLjgfiting Municipal Senrice Benefit Unit; 'I'll". ' jlpte Lincoln ParkiHomefej||g^rs^^ 2015-25 2016-7 V Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; Baybropk Subdivision Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit Unit; friie and accurate cppies of tHi foregoing provisions shall remain on file with the Escambia bounty Clerk of the Circuit Cdutt,'s Office of the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners.". Section 3. 't?' Severability. If any section, stjbs'ection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason "found void, invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, independent, and severabie provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 4. Inclusion In the Code. It is the intention of the Board of County Commissioners that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances; and that the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. DONE AND ENACTED this day of 2017. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA By: D. B. Underbill, Chairman ATTEST: RAM CHILDERS Clerk of the Court By: Deputy Clerk (SEAL) ENACTED: FILED WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE: EFFECTIVE DATE: Approved as tc^form apfi legal sufficiency/_ By/Title: Date:
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