November 2015 - Crediton Methodist Church

Methodist Church
November 2015
Working out God’s love in Crediton
Crediton Methodist Church
Minister: Rev Ann Varker
Email: [email protected] - Phone: 01363 777308
Breakfast 11am
Mrs Karenza Cordery
Rev. Ann Varker
Revd. Julian Albrow
Revd. Alan Rothwell
Mr Stephen Lawson
Mrs Abigail Hardiman
(World Church Service)
Rev. Ann Varker
Mrs Monika Noronha
(All Age & Sacrament)
Rev. Ann Varker
Mrs Jean Mann
Church Groups
Mondays 1.30 to 3.15 p.m. during term time
Contact: Judith on 01363 773874 or Meg 01363 773692
(Fun Evening Social Tuesday):
Contact: Bronwyn Nott on 01363-775450
Supper Group:
First Tuesday of each month at 7.30 p.m.
Contact: Margaret Kenshole on 01363 775144
Mid-week Service: Wednesday 11.00 a.m. with refreshments.
Knit & Natter:
Wednesday 2.00 – 3.30 p.m.
Contact: Wendy Homeshaw on 01363 772786
Friday fellowship: 2.30 p.m. Contact: Jenny Hext on 01363 85031
Fellowship groups meet regularly: Please contact the Minister for details.
Every Saturday: Coffee Morning at the Church from 10.30 a.m.
Church open for prayer 9.00 to 10.00 a.m.
Sunday Services: 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. most Sundays
Sunday Club for Young People: Every Sunday at 10.30 a.m.
Material for the December/January Newsletter to
Christine Gregory by Friday 20th November
email: [email protected]
Church website:
Copyright ©2015, Crediton Methodist Church
Printed by Identity Print Solutions
Last month I gave you all a taster of the variety of my diary, and said ‘It
will be interesting to hear your views on what matters most’.
As yet no-one has responded to that invitation, so I begin by reminding
you of this, and hope there will be opportunities to talk with some of you
about my role in the coming month.
The Church Council took time in October to consider the report prepared
by the Leadership Team on our plans for this church year. This was
approved by the meeting and is included in full later in the magazine.
Please read this carefully so you know what to expect later in the year,
and prayerfully consider what God is asking of you as you participate in
the life of the church.
As I look ahead to November I am looking forward to starting the small
group series ‘Questions’ which I mentioned in my last letter. The first
meeting will be held on Thursday 5th November, with the theme ‘Create’.
There will be opportunity to consider our own creativity as human beings
and question the source of that. It will be good to get into conversation
about other key themes of the Christian faith in the weeks to come.
On the 11th of the month I’ll be attending the Methodist Women in Britain
Conference at Sidholme, at which Alison Judd will be speaking on the
theme ‘Inspiring women’. I’m intrigued to see whether she will speak
about women who are inspiring, or how women might be inspired.
Maybe one thing leads to another, as inspiring women inspire others.
Outside of the church I’ll be leading assemblies on the theme of
Remembrance, and then Advent as the month draws to a close. Christmas
festivities start early in school so we’ll be taking time to think that some
things are worth waiting for!
It’s shaping up to be an exciting month! I hope you will find something
that will challenge and inspire you over the coming weeks, so we may all
be blessed to be a blessing to others.
Ann Varker
Christmas is a time of giving, a time when
we think of others, and also a busy time for
I was wondering if we as a Church could
add one more job to our list i.e. raising money to help Christian Aid
purchase gift/s to benefit those less fortunate than ourselves.
Any amount we raise whether small or large will buy something.
If you feel you would like to help then I will put a container in the
Church porch and also a list of gifts that can be purchased, at the
beginning of November.
Christine Gregory
Armistice Day poem
I do not know your name
Nor for which battle you died.
I do not know your home.
Nor the tears that were cried.
I do not know where you rest
Nor the promises broken.
I do not know your uniform
And the fears lay unspoken.
But, I know your spirit exists
That your courage is admired,
And your sacrifice is honoured
By each soul that’s inspired.
And I offer you from my heart
Thank you, to guardians unknown
For offering yourselves for us all
That we may keep freedom.....
Our home.
Bless you.
Sherrie Ball.
An enthusiastic person
or group of people
to co-ordinate the programme of activities for
(Fun Evening Social Tuesday)
which offers opportunities for friendship and fellowship.
If you feel you could help in this way,
please ask Bronwyn for more details
Christmas Concert
Mass in G
Come, Ye Sons of Art
Saturday, 5th December, 7.30 pm
at Crediton Methodist Church
Entrance £5 (children half price), including mince pies
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Celebrating a birthday, anniversary or special event?
Please let Christine Gregory know!
Email: [email protected]
October Birthday’s
 2nd
 5th
Glenn Turner
Hannah Smith
Ellen Kitchen
 11th
 29th
Barry Stimson
Ann Varker
New Appointment
Rita and Roland Ash are pleased to announce that their son, David, has
been appointed the Vicar of Prestatyn, North Wales, and his Institution
and Induction took place on Sunday the 4th October 2015.
Unfortunately, due to Rita's illness, they were not able to attend which
they had planned to do.
Prestatyn is a seaside town with a population of nearly 19,000 which
developed with the arrival of the railway. There are two Churches in the
Parish. The major Church is Christ Church in the centre of the town with
a seating for 300, built in 1862 and has a congregation of about 180. The
second Church, the Church of the Holy Spirit, was built in a district of
Prestatyn, in 1968, with accommodation for 170 and has a congregation
of about 60. Both Churches have sizeable hall accommodation for a wide
range of activities.
David and his family moved into the Vicarage at the end of August and the
two boys soon settled into their respective schools and both are learning
to speak Welsh with which Sarah, who is Welsh speaking, can help.
David took his first services at both Churches on Sunday 11th October
2015 and the morning service at Christ Church was their postponed
Harvest Festival. David appears to have the prospect of a busy time from
his first Vicar's Surgery when he was asked to conduct five baptisms and
three weddings.
May God bless David in his ministry.
Roland ASh
All Age Worship & Shoebox Sunday
22 November 2015
If you have seen the October issue of the Church Newsletter you will
have seen that I had received a request from Luba, the International Aid
Manager in the Odessa Region of the Ukraine. Luba is in her twenties and
works with families and individuals that live in very sad circumstances.
Her care is not restricted to church going families, but all families. She
writes:“Dear friends, we need small prizes (like pencils, pens, balls etc.) for our
work with non-Christian children in villages and orphanages, to encourage
them. If you have any chance to bless us with these things we would be
really glad and happy! Thank you so much for all you do for us!!!”
Such a simple request, but your help would encourage Luba so much.
These small gifts could either be put in the yellow box in the foyer or
incorporated into a shoebox. The photo below is a picture of a man that
Luba visits. He is totally paralyzed, unable to do anything for himself.
There are no Social Services to care for him, only what Luba can organise
to keep him clean etc. This photo was taken AFTER he was cleaned up!
Be assured, he will receive a shoebox!
Thank you for your continued support! June
The Church has grown very
rapidly in Nepal. Living in
Kathmandu we are often not
very aware of this because
its a big city and hard to
know what is happening.
Occasionally though people
tell us stories of their
experience that sound very
like the times of the early church. Bharat is one of those people.
He started attending church after his mother was converted when he
was about 11. At 12 years of age he was asked by his pastor to accompany
him to another village. A family known to Bharat had asked for help
because a lady seemed to be possessed by a demon.
After praying for 3 hours with no tangible effect Bharat hit a crisis of
faith. Until this point he had had a nominal faith. Now he prayed that if
Jesus was real then the lady would be healed. If so then he would give
his life to Jesus, if not then that was the end of it. When he opened his
eyes the lady was staring close into his eyes and he was scared. But the
lady ran away from him. The pastor asked why she ran away and she
replied that she had seen Jesus in the boys eyes.
The pastor told Bharat to pray for her. He went up to her, laid hands on
her and prayed. She was completely healed and in her right mind! The
crowd of Hindu villagers applauded him and Bharat became a Christian.
At that time there were just 9 churches in the district on the flat, hot lands
in the West of Nepal. Bharat has a vision to see one church in every village
of his district. There are now 121 churches. He is just 25, and after getting
some theological training in Kathmandu, he is now going back to serve
as a kind of overseer for these 121 churches. I have videoed an interview
with Bharat and can send the link to anyone who is interested.
Other news: Andy is now off of his crutch and walking a little wonkilly but
getting strength back quickly. Jenny has had a stomach bug followed by
a fluey thing but again is gradually regaining strength.
Nepal has a serious fuel shortage because of the Indian blockade of
the border. Hardly any vehicles are on the road. Buses are even more
overcrowded than usual. Cycling is wonderful! And so are the views in
the smogless air! But economic activity is coming to a standstill, cafes are
closing for want of gas and shops are in short supply.
by callingkathmandu (from Andrew and Jenny’s blog)
Saturday 7th November
at 7.30pm
Concert QE Jazz Band
Tickets priced £6 in advance and £7 on the door.
School children £1.
Do come along – it will be a great concert.
We are very grateful for our three property stewards who do so much
DIY around the Church – mending locks, replacing broken tile s etc.
thus saving a lot of expense. We really do need more people to help
in this important work and if anyone feels they could offer DIY skills,
please contact Bronwyn on 775450
Friday Fellowship
Every Friday starting at 2.30 p.m in the Wesley Room.
November 6th. Mr. John Gooding. Bring and Buy Stall.
November 13th. Julie Farrell
November 20th. Rev. Kenneth Hext
November 27th. Mrs. Tina Turner
December 4th. Rev. Ann Varker. Bring and Buy Stall.
December 11th. Carol Service
The meetings will restart on Friday 8th. January 2016.
Caring for Mind and Spirit
Speakers from the Devon Partnership NHS Trust,
Devon Recovery Learning Community,
MIND, The Bridge Collective
Examples of churches working with people coping
with and recovering from mental health problems
Aiming towards a five year strategy
Year One – A Start….
The aim is to create a five year plan, a great deal of which will hinge on
how the planned refurbishment progresses. Plymouth & Exeter District
is still to make its decision on that matter and we are awaiting results of
a meeting to be held in November 2015. This document was compiled
from the replies we had from the questionnaire the Leadership team
asked you over the last several months. It covers the first of those five
years, bearing in mind that certain things have to be done to the building.
Whatever we decide to undertake will need to be done in such a way as
to tie in with the planned refurbishment and not result in any waste of
money, time or effort.
Consolidate Breakfast church: Establish sustainable ways of
working, involving integration of all aspects of the congregational
Practicalities (physical):
Provide practical resources needed- additional tables, chairs,
resources permanently stored upstairs, kitchen equipment in the
upstairs kitchen
Musicians – identify a leader to organise musical talent within the
Church and then resource additional musicians to join this aspect.
Engage a music leader
Publicise styles of worship in addition to preachers’/leaders’
names (in preference where space is limited)
Appoint a specific person to ensure this is carried out regularly
Ensure we have an annual programme of special services, e.g.
world church link, supported charities, as well as Harvest, Church
Ensure publicity is provided well in advance
Counteract the lack of quality and depth in some services
a) Once a term develop a ‘mini series’ around a theme, book of the
bible etc… invite preachers for these Sundays or ask that they
would consider preaching on a part of the theme
b) Gain informal feedback from new themed services – be aware
of what members of the congregation are taking away from a
c) Encourage congregation into discipleship groups where serious
discussion and learning can continue
Aiming for excellence in our use of AV equipment
a) Update PA, provide built in video facilities and bring the Church
up to date in how we deliver the messages
b) Identify additional people to join the AV team
Bridge the perceived divide between the age groups and break
down perceived barriers
a) Provide guidance on time frames for Breakfast Church in notice
b) Encourage all ages to try different kinds of worship
c) Prepare invitations for different kind of services to encourage
people to come
Learning & Caring
Ensure no one feels isolated and everyone has adequate support
a) Provide opportunities for interaction at all Church services and
b) Identify potential new pastoral visitors and appoint three
c) Identify others to join the door stewards team
d) Explore the possibility of a Church Away weekend in the spring,
giving an opportunity for a get together
Move to a deepening of faith through learning from the Bible
a) Decide on choice of material for Discipleship groups for whole
year and publicise well in advance
b) Identify additional leaders for small groups
c) Aim to have four groups in place by end of year
d) Develop a curriculum of material for Young Church
e) Run an Enquirers course for newcomers to the Christian faith
Youth Work
10. Continue to develop our relationship with young people and the
community through our support of the Youth Worker
a) Support the programme this year to maintain good community
links with the young people of the town
b) Work towards funding for future years
Service in the Community
11. Further identify the needs of this town/area and find ways to
a) Find ways to support those serving the community, including
involvement in services, prayer support and practical ‘hands on’
within the community to be more visible.
12. Working out God’s love in Crediton by spreading the word
a) Hold an ‘invite a friend’ service
b) Introduce and provide a ‘first step’ activity into the life of the
Church, for children/young people/working age people/retired
c) Hold social activities to which those outside the church are
d) Start one new initiative so that the doors are open on another
day of the week
Our Building
13. We need to upgrade our facilities and premises to provide a
suitable building for the 21st century in order to fulfil our vision
a) Carry on with the Refurbishment plan and fundraising
b) Provide new doors in relation to requirements for Safeguarding
Internal Administration
14. Improve communications across all aspects of the Church
a) Create a central Administration to funnel all things to everyone
in good time
b) Create an annual plan
c) Ensure that everyone informs and uses the Church diary which is
in place and also create a visual diary for all to see at the Church
Church Family
15. Encourage greater interaction between all the Church family and
those who use the premises
a) Set expectations that all fundraising events are multigenerational and priced as such
b) Create new events to attract a wider audience
c) Involve all age groups in event planning
d) Plan ahead – especially for family events, taking into account
term times etc
e) Hold Bring & Share meals once a month, with various groups.
f) Provide cross generation invitations for all functions
Prepared by the Leadership Team – September 2015
Fore Street, Exeter EX4 3AT
Social Reading - 6 THURSDAYS in the Priory Room
(lift available)
Ever tried a social reading group? Social reading is a
lively, more communal way of enjoying great literature.
We listen to quality stories and poems read aloud, and share
responses as we go. It’s fine just to relax and listen.
Materials and drinks provided. £8 payable at session.
Come any week for a story and a cuppa.
For more info please ring me 01364 653994, or just turn up.
Sarah Hopkins, Reader Organisation trained shared reading facilitator.
Mill House Retreat Day - 3 October 2015
On a sparkling Autumnal day (once
the fog had dissipated) eight of us
arrived at Mill House Retreat with
varied expectations and needs. As
before, on arrival we were served
coffee in the barn lounge which
was ‘ours’ for the day. After a short
prayer time we then went our own
way to explore the gardens, seek
out the chapel, sit in the courtyard,
browse through the selection of books in the library or just sit in ‘our’
lounge, and if we felt the need, record our thoughts and feelings on a
table/blackboard for the purpose. The sun came out and shone through
the foliage now showing autumnal shades from yellow to the fiery red of
the Virginia Creeper- just wonderful. The birds sang and we were bathed
in complete peace, none of us felt the need to communicate with each
other as our needs were being met.
At lunchtime we enjoyed a bowl
of soup followed by a Ploughmans
lunch and a good time to share our
thoughts and have a laugh! It was
interesting to see how everyone had
just settled into a relaxed attitude,
seeking out places to just ‘be’. We
were all aware that God was with us,
enabling us to lean on him and spill out our concerns and our thanks.
After lunch we did more of the same,
walking, sitting, reading etc.
We came together again for mid
afternoon tea accompanied by a
substantial slice of Dorset apple cake,
followed by a time of reflection. We
recorded our feelings and thoughts
about the day in a book, and here are
some of the comments :-
….nothing, not even reading books about Him can replace the time spent
with Jesus……a very restful and inspiring day spent with God’s creation
all around uplifting day to be still and know that you are God…
…..a day which has given me a chance to breath and reflect, thank you
Lord.…….time to think and pray… still and know that I am God.
Finally a prayer from Nick Fawcett’s book “Daily Prayer” (found on the
Are you always chasing time?
Are you burdened by a fear of the future?
Is it time you let go and trust in God?
A wonderful day of complete abandonment to God.
Ken and Margaret, Sophie, Pam, Judith, Rose, Julie and June.
(photos by Julie)
For more info
Saturday 21st November
St Nicholas Fayre Boniface Centre
If anyone has new unwanted presents would they please give
them to Elizabeth Greenslade who will be running the stall.
There will be a
Church Council meeting
on Thursday November 26th
at 7.30pm at the Church.
Tea and coffee will be available from 7.00pm
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Churches Together in Devon
October newsletter 2015.
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Gal 5:22-23). ‘Season of mist and
mellow fruitfulness!’ (John Keats).
Refugee and migrant crisis: many of you have responded in your local
communities to the need for aid for the current migrant situation. The
Populus survey for the Charities Aid Foundation shows that more than six
million people – 12% of the population – have given money to a refugee
charity appeal, 10% have donated food, clothes or other goods, while a further
9% have either volunteered their time or backed social media campaigns
supporting refugees. Many churches are acting as collection points and the
season of Harvest has allowed a focussed response. Coffee mornings are
being held in many places. The Diocese of Exeter has produced a list of such
places but it rapidly became clear as soon as it was published it was out of
date. Social media has overtaken us on this one. For those wanting to read
‘Calais and Beyond: Responding humanely to the migrant crisis can be found
at: Vaughan Jones is a Church minister and former
CEO for Praxis and now works with Ekklesia thinktank. The World Council
of Churches called on European governments to do more to accommodate
Two Churches Together Groups have appointed Communications/Publicity
Officers to share the work of the group. Tiverton and Newton Abbot have
joined the list of those sending me information each month or so on what a
local group is getting up to. So welcome to Roy Webber as well as Bob and
Jean Francis.
At CT Torquay’s AGM all the officers generously offered to stay on for another
year and so form another springboard for action in Torbay area.
Meanwhile Tavistock Area Christians Together Chair- David Palmer goes from
strength to strength.
If you have an AGM coming up why not let me know about it please?
From Plymouth a welcome to new clergy in the area- Revd Dr Clive Burnard
at Mutley Baptist Church and Rev Vanessa Appleton at Hooe Baptist Church,
Captain Suzanna Offor at Whitleigh Salvation Army; Rev Donna Leigh at
Crownhill, Compton and Colebrook Methodist Churches; Rev Geoff Hewitt at
Derriford URC; Andy Bowden as Chaplain to All Saints Academy, Plymouth;
Chris Forster Transforming Plymouth Together. I am sure there will be others
so welcome to you all. The Roman Catholics have had a move around of
clergy so welcome to Father Jonathon Bielawski who moves to the Vicariate
for Evangelism and David Wells who moves to the Catholic schools Team.
3rd November Dementia Workshop Diocese of Exeter at Torquay Central.
Contact Sally Farrant.
6th November at 6.30 pm Truro Baptist Church have asked us to advertise a
Jackie Pullinger Youth Event at Truro Methodist Church. Aged 22, in response
to God’s call, Jackie Pullinger went from England to Hong Kong. She started
sharing the love of Jesus Christ with gangsters and the poor in the Kowloon
Walled City, seeing them set free from drug addiction and starting new
Friday 13 November at the Palace Gate Centre, Exeter - a follow up to the
Mental Health Roadshow.
Saturday 14th November 2015 Spiritual Companions Network in Devon
annual conference from 10.30am - 3.15pm at South Street Baptist Church,
Exeter. It will be led by Liz Watson from the World Community for Christian
Meditation. Further details on our What’s On page.
Saturday 14th November Teignbridge Circuit have a Quiet Day ‘The waiting
place of God’.
Wednesday 18th November Plymouth City Transformation Conference
Contact Chris Clewer for more details or speak to Chris Forster.
[email protected]
The Ugly Duckling Company are again running their initiative for Christmas:
“The Big Christmas Table Talk App Giveaway”. Find out more
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18th-25th January 2016
material prepared by the Christians of Latvia, adapted by the Britain and
Ireland writers group, based on 1 Peter 2:9-10 -an encouragement to the
newly baptised to live holy lives and to answer the calling shared by all the
baptised to proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord.
Monday 22nd February- Friday 26th February 2016 – Growing the church.
I was thinking......
As it is November, I am thinking about Remembrance. It is right that
as individuals we should wear our poppies with pride as we remember
and honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. It is
fitting, too that nationally our communities should honour the fallen with
parades and special services, so that publicly we can show our gratitude
and respect.
However, an incident I read of recently reminded me that for some
people their sense of grievous loss is with them always and not just in
November. A few months ago a lady was in Burma and visited a war
cemetery where Allied and Commonwealth servicemen killed in the
Second World War are buried. Her eye was caught by a poppy that had
clearly been placed recently on the grave of one fallen British Serviceman.
It’s almost unbearably poignant tribute read, “In enduring memory, from
your fiancée Mavis”. We should feel humbled by Mavis’s loyal devotion
over about seventy years - her pain and loss always there.
Of course, there are many who still suffer in mind and body as a result of
war and we are often astounded by their courage. Let us remember that
the best tribute we can pay them is to work for the peace for which they
were ready to die. May God help us with this vision, here is “A glory that
shines upon our tears”.
Cynthia Dixon
Don’t forget to get any articles in for December
and January issue by the 20th November. The
following issue will not be until February
Don’t forget the Kids Cinema
Club. When, Saturday 28th
November. Where, Crediton
Methodist Church. Time 10
-12 pm .
It is the place to be.
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November Diary Dates
Sunday 1st
Come Dine with Me, 5.00-9.00pm
Monday 2nd
Big Top Youth Cafe, 3.30-5.00pm
Tuesday 3rd
Supper Club at Beer Engine, 7pm for 7.30pm
Wednesday 4th Club Night for Wednesday Night at the Big Top, 7-8.30pm
Discipleship Group, 7.30pm
Thursday 5th
Service at Summerhayes Care Home, 3pm
Discipleship Group, 7. 30pm
Saturday 7th
Prayer Time in the Chancel, 9-9.30am
Concert by QE Jazz Band, 7.30pm
Monday 9th
Big Top Youth Cafe, 3.30-5.00pm
Young Church Meeting, 7.30pm
Wednesday 11th
Wednesday Night at the Big Top, 7-8.30pm
(Skittles & Chips Outing)
Thursday 12th
Cook it. 3.30-6.00pm
Saturday 14th
The Ark, 4-6.00pm
Monday 16th
Big Top Youth Cafe, 3.30-5.00pm
Service at Kenwyn Care Home, 3.15pm
Wednesday 18th
CYC Karaoke Night Wednesday Night at the Big Top, 7-8.30pm
Discipleship Group, 7.30pm
Thursday 19th
Cook it, 3.30-6.00pm
Discipleship Group, 7.30pm
Saturday 21st
St Nicholas Fayre, 10am at Boniface Centre
Admit One, 6-9.00pm
Monday 23rd
Big Top Youth Cafe, 3.30-5.00pm
Wednesday 25th Club Night for Wednesday Night at the Big Top, 7-8.30pm
Pastoral Committee meeting (7.30pm at Church)
Thursday 26th
Cook it, 3.30-6.00pm
Church Council, 7.30pm
Saturday 28th
Kids Cinema Club, 10am
Monday 30th
Big Top Youth Cafe, 3.30-5.00pm
Wednesday 9th December
Carols Down the Line
please let Bronwyn know if you would like to attend
Saturday 12th & 19th December
CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL – Christmas Journeys
From 10.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m.
If anyone is able to offer an hour or so to welcome visitors,
please let Wendy Homeshaw know.
Saturday 23rd January
Tuesday 16th February
FEST, Games Evening
Sunday 24th April
Church Anniversary Meal
Car Boot Sale
Probable dates 28 May, 23 July and 24 September.
If anyone would be willing to run one of these days,
please let Elizabeth Greenslade know
Saturday 2nd July
Strawberry Tea
A six-part introduction to the Christian faith
You’re invited to come and explore
some of life’s big questions
Starting on:
Thurs 5th November
To find out more about
joining the group, contact:
Ann Varker
Think about it, talk about it, question …