Unit 6, Science and Technology and Society

Grade 3 Social Studies
Unit 6
Suggested Time Frame
6th Six Weeks
32 Days
Science and Technology
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings
New inventions and new technology can change the way of life in
Guiding Questions
Which inventions had the biggest impact on how people live?
*Safety Net Standard
Readiness TEKS
Supporting TEKS
Process Skills
Vertical Alignment Expectations
*TEKS one level below*
*TEKS one level above*
Sample Assessment Question
What impact has inventions, technology, pasteurization and vaccines had on communities?
The resources included here provide teaching examples and/or meaningful learning experiences to address the District Curriculum. In order to address the TEKS to the proper depth
and complexity, teachers are encouraged to use resources to the degree that they are congruent with the TEKS and research-based best practices. Teaching using only the suggested
resources does not guarantee student mastery of all standards. Teachers must use professional judgment to select among these and/or other resources to teach the district
curriculum. Some resources are protected by copyright. A username and password is required to view the copyrighted material.
CISD 2015, Updated 4/5/16
Ongoing TEKS
17) Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of valid sources, including electronic technology. The
student is expected to:
(B) sequence and categorize information;
(17) Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of valid sources, including electronic technology. The
student is expected to:
(C) interpret oral, visual, and print material by identifying the main idea, distinguishing between fact and opinion, identifying cause and effect, and comparing and contrasting;
(18) Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual forms. The student is expected to:
(C) use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation.
Knowledge and
Skills with
(16) Science,
technology, and
society. The student
understands how
individuals have
created or invented
new technology and
affected life in various
communities, past and
present. The student is
expected to:
(A) identify scientists
and inventors,
including Jonas Salk,
Maria Mitchell, and
others who have
discovered scientific
breakthroughs or
created or invented
new technology such
as Cyrus McCormick,
Bill Gates, and Louis
Pasteur; and
District Specificity/ Examples
Blooms: Remember
Continue to have students focus not just
on the invention/scientific discovery or
the inventor/scientist, but on h
​ ow that
new idea or person ​changed the ways
people live and work.​ Also help them​
see how that invention led to other
subsequent inventions that were
important. (The use of a cause and effect
graphic organizer helps students see these
Note: The individuals included in the
Content Specifications are those specified
in the TEKS. Your classroom study can
include other individuals in each of these
fields that are important to students in
your class
Some examples of inventors and
inventions that made a difference in the
lives of Americans and others are:
In the field of vaccines/medicine, ​Jonas
Salk​ - He was an American
CISD 2015, Updated 4/5/16
Suggested Resources
Resources listed and categorized to indicate suggested uses. Any
additional resources must be aligned with the TEKS.
Read alouds
Children’s Literature
The Story of Jonas Salk and the Discovery of the Polio
Vaccine by Jim Hargrove. Childrens, 1990.
Louis Pasteur: Young Scientist by Francene Sabin. Troll,
The Real McCoy: The Life of an African American Inventor
by Wendy Towle. Scholastic, 1995.
Samuel Todd's Book of Great Inventions by E.L. Konigsburg.
Atheneum Publishers, 1991.
Have students create a "Hall of Scientists and Inventors" for
classroom display. Each student can pick one or more individuals
that were important and tell why that person made a difference in
providing new ideas and technology. This can be extended as a
project to "spotlight" individuals from various ethnic and minority
groups that have contributed in the fields of science and technology.
Have students create a cover for a new magazine called "Famous
Scientists and Inventors". For the cover, the student can pick the
scientist or inventor that they feel deserves the honor of being on the
cover of the magazine as the "Most Important Inventor or Scientist".
microbiologist who invented a vaccine
for polio, a crippling disease, and his
vaccine was used to protect 7 million
children against this disease in the 1950's.
His medicine reduced the threat of polio
by over 96%. His research led to vaccines
for other epidemic diseases like flu.
Maria Mitchell​ 1818-1889 ​was one of
the first women astronomers. She
discovered the ” Miss Mitchell’s Comet”
In the field of farm equipment, ​Cyrus
McCormick​ - He patented a successful
mechanical reaper in 1834. This machine
was used to harvest grain. It
revolutionized farming by allowing
farmers to plant and harvest more. Horses
or mules pulled the first reapers, but later
these machines had gasoline engines.
This invention led the way for all kinds of
farm machinery that increased farm
production and made the United States a
leader in producing farm crops for the
whole world.
Bill Gates​ entrepreneur and inventor, his
company Microsoft started the personal
computer industry.
In the field of pasteurization​, ​Louis
Pasteur​ - He began the branch of science
known as microbiology. He found out
that bacteria grew in liquids and caused
people to get sick when they drank it. He
realized that heating the liquids killed the
bacteria. His process was called
pasteurization and is used in milk and
other liquids today. He also invented a
vaccine for rabies and conducted research
with other infectious diseases. He worked
in the 1860's and 1870's in France.
In first and second grades students were
introduced to the effects of scientific
CISD 2015, Updated 4/5/16
In an article on the back of the cover, have the student write a brief
"editorial" describing why this person deserves this honor.
National Inventors Hall of Fame​ search by invention or by inventor
The Great Idea Finder (inventions and inventors
The Arts in History
(16) Science,
technology, and
society. The student
understands how
individuals have
​ created or invented
new technology and ​
affected life in various
communities, past and
present. The student is
expected to:
(B) identify the
impact of scientific
breakthroughs and
new technology in
pasteurization, and
medical vaccines on
various communities
inventions and technology on the ways
people live and work. They learned about
people like Thomas Edison and
Alexander Graham Bell.
Blooms: Remember
Review with students the definition of
technology. Technology is not just
computers but it is ​any tool that makes
work more productive, easier, faster or
more useful.
New technology and scientific inventions
bring about change and help people do
things in a new way (a new discovery) or
make an old way of doing something
more efficiently (faster, more productive)
Computers- ​have profoundly changed
the world we live in. The way people
communicate, businesses function, the
way societies work, shop, eat…
Pasteurization​ ​is the process of quickly
heating milk to kill off harmful bacteria.
In the early 1900’s it was discovered that
milk can transmit numerous diseases
including tuberculosis, diphtheria and
scarlet fever. The threat of these diseases
has drastically dropped since the
invention of pasteurization.
Medical vaccines​- ​Dr. Edward Jenner
first introduced the ideas of vaccinations
in 1796. Vaccines really began to be used
in World War I and II. The introduction
of vaccines has saved millions of lives
against such diseases as smallpox, polio,
tetanus, typhus and so on.
In first and second grades students were
introduced to the effects of scientific
inventions and technology on the ways
people live and work. They learned about
CISD 2015, Updated 4/5/16
Medical vaccines
Read alouds
Explain how
a scientific
discovery has
made your
life better.
Create a
showing the
progress in
over the last
Children’s Literature
The Story of Jonas Salk and the Discovery of the Polio
Vaccine by Jim Hargrove. Childrens, 1990.
Louis Pasteur: Young Scientist by Francene Sabin. Troll,
The Real McCoy: The Life of an African American Inventor
by Wendy Towle. Scholastic, 1995.
Samuel Todd's Book of Great Inventions by E.L. Konigsburg.
Atheneum Publishers, 1991.
Have students brainstorm important examples of technology in their
own lives and research the scientists/inventors that were responsible
for those technological innovations.
Ask students to rank order a list of those inventions that they
consider most important and defend their choices.
Medicine​ - in the 20​th​ century we moved from limited medical
knowledge to advanced antibiotics and cures for chronic diseases
Penicillin and other antibiotics
Improved diagnostic and treatment facilities - hospitals
Vaccines such as measles, mumps, polio
Question - How have innovations in medicine made us more
interdependent with other states and nations?
Ask students to create a web or graphic organizer that puts a new
invention or discovery in science, medicine, technology,
communication, transportation, or some other field and on the
spokes describe in writing and/or pictures changes this new
discovery has made in our lives for the 21​st​ century. They could also
display their ideas in a Then and Now chart…Then (before 1900) old crank telephones…Now (20​th​ - 21​st​ century) - cell phones that
take pictures and connect to the internet.
people like Thomas Edison and
Alexander Graham Bell.
What impact has inventions, technology,
pasteurization and vaccines had on
Explain how a scientific discovery has
made your life better. Create a time line
showing the progress in technology over
the last ___years
Primary Sources
The Arts in History
(17) Social studies
skills. The student
critical-thinking skills
to organize and use
information acquired
from a variety of valid
sources, including
electronic technology.
The student is
expected to:
(A) research
information, including
historical and current
events, and
geographic data,
about the community
and world, using a
variety of valid print,
oral, visual, and
Internet resources;
Children’s Literature
Primary Sources
The Arts in History
CISD 2015, Updated 4/5/16
Background/ Extra information
(17) Social studies
skills. The student
critical-thinking skills
to organize and use
information acquired
from a variety of valid
sources, including
electronic technology.
The student is
expected to:
(B) sequence and
Children’s Literature
Primary Sources
The Arts in History
Background/ Extra information
(17) Social studies
skills. The student
critical-thinking skills
to organize and use
information acquired
from a variety of valid
sources, including
electronic technology.
CISD 2015, Updated 4/5/16
Children’s Literature
Primary Sources
The student is
expected to:
(D) use various parts
of a source, including
the table of contents,
glossary, and index as
well as keyword
Internet searches, to
locate information;
The Four Chaplains- ​http://www.fourchaplains.org/story.html
The Arts in History
Background/ Extra information
CISD 2015, Updated 4/5/16