PE and KE Graphic Organizer

Introduction:_______/ 4pts
•Hook/Lead statement (1 pt)
•Gives main topic for the paper (1 pt)
•Reviews all 4 topics for paper (2 pts)
Body Paragraph #1: _______/ 7pts
•Topic sentence (1 pt)
•Definition of Potential Energy (1 pt)
•Example of Potential Energy from your life with description (2 pt)
•How to calculate Potential Energy (1 pt)
•Using your Potential energy skate park lab- describe one thing you learned about potential
energy (2 pts)
Body Paragraph #2: _______/ 7pts
•Topic sentence
•Definition of Kinetic Energy (1 pt)
•Example of Kinetic Energy from your life with description (1 pt)
•How to calculate Kinetic Energy (1 pt)
•Using you r Energy skate park kinetic energy slope and straight drop lab- describe one thing
you learned about kinetic energy (2 pts)
Body Paragraph #3: _______/ 7 pts
•Topic sentence (1 pt)
•1st Similarity between Kinetic and Potential energy (1 pt)
•Proof or supporting detail (1 point)
•2nd Similarity between Kinetic and Potential energy (1 pt)
•Proof or supporting detail (1 point)
•3rd Similarity between Kinetic and Potential energy (1 pt)
•Proof or supporting detail (1 point)
Body Paragraph #4: _______/ 7 pts
•Topic sentence (1 pt)
•1st Difference between Kinetic and Potential energy (1 pt)
•Proof or supporting detail (1 point)
•2nd Difference between Kinetic and Potential energy (1 pt)
•Proof or supporting detail (1 point)
•3rd Difference between Kinetic and Potential energy (1 pt)
•Proof or supporting detail (1 point)
Conclusion: _______/ 4 pts
•Review of the 4 topics (2 pts)
•Closing idea or thought on energy (2 pts)
Neatly hand written or typed (2 pts)
Correct grammar and spelling (2 pts)
Graphic Organizer Completed ☺ (4 pts)
Your grade total: _____/ 44 pts Lab grade
Hook/Lead/Read me statement: _____________________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________ 4 topics for paper
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Transition sentence:
Body Paragraph #1:
Topic sentence:
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Definition of PE:
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Example of PE with description:
_____________________________________________________________________________________ How to calculate PE:
_____________________________________________________________________________________ What you learned about PE from the labs:
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Body Paragraph #2:
Topic sentence:
Definition of KE:
Body Paragraph #2 continued:
Example of KE with detail:
_____________________________________________________________________________________ How to calculate KE:
_____________________________________________________________________________________ What you learned about KE from the labs:
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Body Paragraph #3:
Topic sentence:
Similarity #1:
Proof or supporting detail:
Similarity #2:
Proof or supporting detail:
Similarity #3:
Proof or supporting detail:
Body Paragraph #4:
Topic sentence:
Difference #1:
Proof or supporting detail:
Difference #2:
Proof or supporting detail:
Difference #3:
Proof or supporting detail:
Review of topics:
Closing idea or sentence: