Purpose of a workplace

Week of 29th
April 2013
The students inquired into their sixth Unit –How we organize ourselves.
Central ideaIn a workplace people share responsibility towards a common purpose.
Inquiry Into• Purpose of a workplace
• Interconnectedness of people in a workplace
• Importance of shared vision or common purpose
Key Concepts- Function, Causation, Change
Related Concepts– Cooperation, Employment
Students were involved in School tour- Interviewing the different department heads of the school to inquire
about their roles and responsibilities and understand how they are connected to
each other.
 Consolidating their understanding of the interviews conducted and presenting
it to their peers using different graphic organizers.
 Summative Assessment- Setting up their own workplace focusing/keeping in
mind on the interconnectedness of various departments for a common vision
and purpose.
 Introduction to antonyms as the opposite of synonyms and conjunctions as
joining words and further understood the concepts through a group activity
and practice sheets.
 Introduction to fractions and the types of fractions- unit and non- unit
 Group activity- Worked with the concept of fractions using different cutouts in
pizza making activity.
 Assessment on position and angle.
 Home Task• Practice sheets on fractions
• Practice sheet on conjunctions
 Spelling Bee
• There will be a spelling challenge on Friday- 10th May 2013
• Words for the week areadmission, fraction, numerator, denominator, quarter, halves, ancient,
modern, expensive, scared, brave, conjunctions, because
 Suggested activityEncourage your child to identify and highlight the conjunctions(and ,
because, or , but) from the newspaper , magazine, any story book and
make 10 sentence strip.
Conducting interviews
Consolidating their understanding
for presentation
Finding antonyms of the given words
Fraction activity
Children were given basic information regarding safety measures of life.
The first topic was on the “Bad Touch” followed by making of the NO-GOTELL posters
Standard Level:
 Names of birds and practice sheet based on the same
 Recitation assessment on the poem
 Explanation and recitation of the poem
 Viewing and listening to Hindi animated story
comprehension based on the same
Intermediate Level:
 Dictation on
 Introduction to matraa
 Reading and writing practice of words with the same
 Introduction to ‘Ling’ (gender)
 Viewing and listening to Hindi animated story
comprehension based on the same
Abinitio Level:
 Introduction to
 Reading and writing practice of words and sentences with
 Dictation of words with the above matraas
 Viewing and listening to Hindi animated story
comprehension based on the same
 Explanation and recitation of the poem
and oral
and oral
and oral
 Students were introduced to isolation of body parts with combination
of dance moves.
 Students learnt shift of body weight and balancing
Collaboration with the UOIStudents were given an inquiry sheet in which they were asked to:
 Interview teachers and staff of the school to write names of the
technologies used in different parts of our school
 Discussion held on technology used in our school and different
The students were introduced to the term ‘Composition’.Inputs given on:
 Drawing of bigger forms and use of new forms.
 Colouring skills- the use of textures and vibrant colours.
 Arrangement of elements to create an interactive composition.
Kriti Chadha
Priya Syal