The Odyssey {The Final Project }

The Odyssey
{The Final Project }
Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding and interest in a selected aspect of
The Odyssey by proposing, researching, and creating a final project that also includes technology. This project has
three parts:
Part I: Written Proposal, due:
In a formal written proposal, market your final project to your English teacher !me!) and your classmates. This is how
you are “selling” your project idea. The word “proposal” implies, of course, that your project must be approved by
me before you can do it. This also leaves open the possibility that I might a) not approve your project, or b) will
require further clarification before giving you the green light.
Your proposal should include the following clearly labeled sections:
Title and Purpose: Why did you call this? What will it accomplish? What is the objective?
Description/Explanation: What is it? How will it serve and appeal to an identified audience? Who IS the
audience? IDENTIFY and explain THE THEME that will be demonstrated through the project.
Justification: How will your project demonstrate your expertise and understanding of at least one aspect of
The Odyssey? WHY do it? Why should I accept it?
Technology Integration: How will you take advantage of the twenty-first century? Will you be using Garage
Band to compose a song? Comic Life for your graphic rendition? Explain how you plan on integrating
technology into your project.
An Organizational Timeline: How will you complete the project? How will you meet deadlines? How will the
group members be accountable for deadlines and project responsibilities? This should be in the form of a
chart or other computer-generated graphic.
This proposal MUST be typed, neat, and professional. See the proposal rubric, which should be stapled on TOP of
your proposal. ONE proposal per group, please.
Part II: The Project, due:
Design and create a project that demonstrates your understanding of the text, shows your expertise in at least one
specialty area related to The Odyssey, and brings closure to the unit of study by showing what you know.
Presentation is KEY! Neatness counts!!
Think about the parts of The Odyssey that stuck out most to you. A character? A scene? A lesson? A major theme?
Think about your hobbies and interests outside of school. Sports? Music? Theater? Politics or current events?
Cooking? Writing? Fashion? Anything else? Now… merge the two to create a fantastic, unique project.
You may work on your own or with a small group of students (no more than 4). You are not limited to only students in
your class, but you must only work with students who have me for English. The more students in a group, the more
intensive I expect your project (meaning – a group of 4 students should not submit a painting).
You may concentrate on plot, character, theme, style, social, historical, or musical angles. Some ideas from previous
students to consider:
Create an artistic representation of a scene or theme from the story. It may be a water color, oil paint,
collage materials, or any other appropriate medium. This should be accompanied by a written piece which
explains WHY you chose a particular scene, why you chose a specific medium, et cetera.
Compose a musical selection for a presentation which captures a theme or scene. It must be performance
Prepare a dramatic scene (with costumes and props) from the story that you will perform for your classmates.
Research and write a formal report with appropriate charts and graphics.
Create a detailed scrapbook of Odysseus’s journey home (or for Penelope’s or Telemachus’s ten-year wait).
Create a Facebook community, with pages for various characters who interact with each other.
Write and illustrate a children’s version of The Odyssey.
Part III: Self-Assessment, due:
Once your project is complete, evaluate your performance using the project requirements as a checklist (this will be
provided to you later).
Revised on 11/16/11
Group Members:
The Odyssey
{The Final Project PROPOSAL}
Project Title:
Purpose and Title:
Includes what it will accomplish, why the title is
Includes WHAT it is, how it will serve and appeal to
an identified audience.
THEME is clearly identified and explained
HOW it will demonstrate your expertise and
understanding of at least one aspect of The
Odyssey; WHY you are doing it; WHY it should be
HOW it will be appropriate to the 21st century
Organizational Timeline:
How will you complete the project? What are your
deadlines? How will the group members be
accountable for deadlines and project
responsibilities? Who will do what and when?
Professional Presentation:
Typed, single-spaced, neat and clean, polished and
error-free, mechanically sound
Revised on 11/16/11
Tracy Swan
November 24, 2010
The Odyssey Final Project Proposal
“Letters Across the Ionian Sea”
Title and Purpose
The title implies the great distance Odysseus was separated from his family. However, through this great
distance, familial bonds exist and remain strong. The title also implies that even through the years,
Odysseus’s family members always remembered him, and he always remembered his family members.
These letters give the audience the opportunity to view the Books from different perspectives. For
example, instead of looking at Odysseus’s stay on Calypso’s island from his point of view, the reader has
the chance to look at it from Penelope’s point of view.
My objective is that after reading these letters, the audience will be able to compare them and see how
each of the characters’ feelings have developed or changed.
I am going to write a series of six letters. This will help the readers see all the events from each of the
main character’s perspective, and they will ultimately gain a better understanding of all the major events.
Each letter will be at least one page long, double-spaced.
The letters will give the reader a sense of each of the main characters’ feelings and predictions at different
parts of The Odyssey. They will give the audience some insight into each of the character’s personalities.
These letters will demonstrate my knowledge of the important events in The Odyssey and the characters’
reactions to them.
I will be utilizing technology in various ways; the first most obvious way is to use the computer to write
the letters. I will also take several photographs and snapshots and use PhotoShop to insert pictures of the
characters to include with the letters. In addition, I will include a few Google maps so the characters can
share their locations.
Organizational Timeline
1st letter (Penelope to Odysseus during Books 1-2)
2nd letter (Telemachus to Penelope during Books 3-4)
3rd letter (Cyclops to Odysseus right after Book 9)
4th letter (Odysseus to Penelope in the beginning of Book 5)
5th letter (Penelope to Odysseus during Books 17-21)
6th letter (Odysseus to Athena, thanking her, during Books 22-24)
Review and edit letters
Add photos and maps
Due Date
Monday, November 29
Thursday, December 2
Monday, December 6
Monday, December 13
Revised on 11/16/11