Bus Safety Workshops: A great big thank you to Transco, our

Bus Safety Workshops:
A great big thank you to Transco, our bus service, provider who came in October to give
free bus safety workshops to our kindergarten and grade 1 students. The students were engaged
and learned about the importance of being safe while traveling on the bus!
October 31st was great fun at Cedarcrest School as our students dressed up in costume for
a costume contest and enjoyed watching a movie and eating some delicious TCBY! A big thank
you to all the Home and School volunteers who spent the day in costume with the students and
contributed to the success of this fun filled day!
Kinder COOP
Starting October 3rd and culminating December 4th the kindergarten students and teachers
have been working with Dynamix through a Kinder Coop program which teaches cooperative
skills to children through play. We are already noticing an increase in awareness and cooperation
amongst the students!
Study Skills and Transition to High School Workshops
Sharon Klar from Bartimaeus is back to work with our students once again this year to
help children and parents get organized and succeed in school. This year she is working with
grades 3 through 6. Save the date: Thursday, February 5th at 6:30 p.m. there will be a parent
session for our Cedarcrest parents…more details to follow!
Etiquette and Netiquette Workshops
This year we have joined with an organization called Kosik Academy and starting
November 27th are offering etiquette workshops to our students in grades 1 and 2 and netiquette
(the dos and don’ts when using the internet) for grades 5 and 6.
Parent Teacher Interviews
A great big thank you to all the parents and guardians that made the effort and took the
time to come and meet your children’s teachers on November 19th and 20th. It is only through
continued collaboration that our children can continue to succeed!
Cold Weather
In case you haven’t noticed, winter has arrived! Please ensure your children come to
school dressed appropriately with snow pants, winter hats, mittens, scarves and boots. It is
important for the students to get fresh air and play but they need to be dressed appropriately!
Also, please ensure that all of your children’s clothing is clearly labeled with his/her name.
As parents, we spend a lot of money on school attire and outerwear; we wouldn’t want it to go
lost or unclaimed.
Holiday Shopping on a dime?
The holidays can be an expensive time of the year with lots of gift giving. Remember all
those toys that you donated? Well, feel free to visit La Boîte aux Trésors at 1620 rue Barré to
pick some toys at excellent prices. All those labeled with a CES 2014 sticker bring monies back
to Cedarcrest students! Helping our school while shopping and saving…who can ask for a
sweeter deal?
Terry Fox Fundraiser
On November 17th we culminated our fundraising efforts with the shaving of Mr.
Michael Mackenzie’s head, Mme. Karine Forget’s hair and M. Hanchet cut 6 inches of his hair
and all his facial hair. We had an electrifying assembly singing as the shaving took place! A
great big thank you to Louie from Salon St. Louis who came to shave and cut and to Peter from
the Terry Fox foundation who came to personally thank the students for raising well over
6000$!!! Thank you
to all of you!
Tableau d’Honneur
I am pleased to announce that this year the staff has chosen to replace “L’Étoile du Mois”
with “Le Tableau d’Honneur”. Every term the teachers will be selecting 5 students per class to
be honored for success in the following subjects: French, English (cycle 2 and 3), Math,
Citizenship, and Effort.
Congratulations to the winners of term 1:
KA: French: Kayla Gibara and Sangithan Ponnampalam
Math: Joshua Yip
Citizenship: Trias Lazarre
Effort: Elias Panetta
KB: French: Derek Bussière and Vanessa Cucci
Math: Vasco Maltoni
Citizenship: Julia Magera
Effort: Oliver Gee
KC: French: Nathan Tse and Izabella Martinez
Math: Khadja Khan
Citizenship: Adam El Houkmi
Effort: Jack Rego
1A: French: Mariella Panetta and Gabrielle Champod
Math: Henry Boberg
Citizenship: Joe Volikas
Effort: Amelia Diamantopoulos
1B: French: Agatha Gore and Kaleigha Kennedy-Noble
Math: Noah Becker
Citizenship: Kosta Karvelas
Effort: Benjamin Kedelarian
1C: French: Janaya Mohan and Allysa Ethier
Math: Nicola Bujanda-Chwoschtschinsky
Citizenship: Anthony Koroneos
Effort: Lilah Lessard
2A: French: Karina Garcia Fasone and Gabriel Bizdikian
Math: Julian Sarli
Citizenship: Stelyos Kanellopouloss
Effort: George Vogas
2B: French: Matthew Arcaro and Rohan Dominguez-Sharma
Math: Marco Wilson
Citizenship: Justice Matthews
Effort: Gabriel Aboussaly
3A: French: Zoe Markopoulos
English: Thomas Boberg
Math: Mahreen Tanveer
Citizenship: Sienna Ghorayeb
Effort: Tak Yan Li
3B: French: Massimo Parissi
English: Aliyah Nagel
Math: Adam Coleman
Citizenship: Nicholas Miranda
Effort: Amnah Rehman
3C/4B: French: Sienna Corral
English: Isabel Patrocinio
Math: Jacob Magera
Citizenship: Mirella Federico
Effort: David Arcaro
4A: French: Henrique Etrusco Ribeiro-Moreira
English: Sachsin Sinnathurai
Math: Fatimah Bukhari
Citizenship: Faris Al Sameea
Effort: Atalia Bolanos
5A: French: Carolyn McKenna
English: Julian Manku
Math: David Carpintero
Citizenship: Paul Charitou
Effort: Howard Zeng
5B/6B: French:Zaynab Ben Mekki
English: Erica Levy
Math: Victoria Yip
Citizenship:Costa Dritsas
Effort: Ume Ammaarah-Abdul
6A: French: Haleema Begum Khan
English: Jasmina Mansell
Math: Kyle Gibson
Citizenship: Niko Stathopoulos
Effort: Jessica Macdonald
A word from your Home and School chair…..
Home and School has been keeping busy with our raffle and sample sale! Thank you for
your generosity as we raised over 2000$ in two days! Also, stay tuned for our upcoming bake
sale on December 16th during the music concert. Also, there will be a special raffle on this day
for a chance to win a pair of two hockey tickets, a set of four hockey tickets and a 100$ gift
certificate to a restaurant in old Montreal. Details to follow!
A word from your principal…..
What a fabulous year we have had so far! Thank you for your constant collaboration and
check out our website www.emsb.qc.ca/cedarcrest to see the video that was created for our open
house which was held on November 14th and was a great success! Many thanks to the open
house committee made up of teachers and a special thanks to Mme. Sylvie who created the
video. Also, as preparations for the holidays are in full gear, take the time to enjoy your family
and celebrate all the blessings in your lives!
Dates to Remember:
Wednesday, November 26, 2014………. GMAA Mini Volleyball Tournament grades 5 and 6
Governing Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. in staff room
Friday, November 28, 2014……………...PED Day (No school but daycare is open)
Tuesday, December 2, 2014 …………....Holiday Dress Up Day (bring in a nonperishable food item)
Thursday, December 11, 2014…..………Field Trip Grades 1 and 2 (Theatre)
Tuesday, December 16, 2014……………Music Concert at 8:30 a.m. and Bake Sale/Raffle #2
Thursday, December 18, 2014…………..Santa’s Breakfast
Friday, December 19, 2014………………Last day of classes
Monday, January 5, 2015………………..Welcome Back! Happy 2015!
Nadia Sammarco