Animals of North America

Pavol Koval
Matúš Knobloch
 The American beaver is one of two living species .The
American beaver can reach weights in excess of 30 kg,
making it the world's second largest rodent. American
beavers are stocky and have a compact body and short legs.
 The brown bear is among the largest and most powerful of all land
carnivores. They can run at a considerable clip despite their large size
and are know to reach speeds of up to 56 km/h.Brown bears have a coat
of black, brown or tan fur with longer outer hair often of a different
 The American moose is the largest member of the deer family. Moose
have a large, heavy body and long legs. They have a long head, flexible
upper lip and nose, and large ears. Their fur is dark brown (almost
black) and fades during the winter months.
 The Arctic wolf is a subspecies of the grey wolf .Adult Arctic wolves are
between 63 and 78 centimeters in height and reach weights of up to 83
kg. Females tend to be smaller and lighter than males.. Occasionally,
Arctic wolves form groups of larger numbers (up to 30 individuals).
 The black-footed ferret is North America's most endangered mammal.
Black-footed ferrets have light yellow-buff fur and a pale underside, a
white face, snout and throat, and black feet. They also have a black
mask around their eyes.
 Caribou also known commonly as reindeer, are members of the deer
family that inhabit boreal forests and tundra of North America, Siberia,
and Europe. There are four subspecies of caribou and each of the
subspecies differs slightly in its coat color and size. Coat color of
caribou may be dark brown to nearly white depending on season and
 The monarch butterfly has a black body with white spots and bright
orange wings with black borders and veins (some white spots are
dappled in the black wing areas too). Monarchs are poisonous due to
toxins in the milkweed plant (milkweed is a foodsource for the
monarch caterpillar) and their bright coloration serves as a warning to
potential vertebrate predators.
 Ruby-throated hummingbirds are tiny birds that grow to lengths of
75mm-90mm and weights between 3.4g-3.8g .Both sexes have metallic
green feathers on their back and white feathers on their belly. Males
have irridescent ruby colored feathers on the throat.
 The Tufted Titmouse is a small, gray-plumed songbird, easily
recognized for the crest of gray feathers atop its head, its big black eyes,
black forehead, and its rust-colored flanks. They are quite common
throughout the eastern part of North America, so if you're in that
geographical region and want to catch a glimpse of a Tufted Titmouse,
it may not be that difficult to find.
 The nine-banded armadillo is an intriguing creature with bony armor
and leathery skin covering its body.. This armadillo species is about the
size of a small dog, reaching lengths of 35 to 55 centimeters and
wieghts of 2 to 6 kg. The armadillo has a tail that can grow to a length
of about 45 centimeters.