Geography Homework

Geography Homework
Purpose: To increase students’ knowledge and understanding of physical and political aspects of the world as these
aspects relate to geography.
Directions: Use maps, an atlas, your planner, history book or other book to answer geography questions… computers
should only be used to check answers.
Use CBUNZ (worth 8 points) to help you answer all parts of the questions.
Circle (identify) the power verbs and question words. “Power verbs are any action
verbs which help you to answer the question.”
Box # words
Underline important information
Number how many parts are in your answer
Zeros are not accepted
Week 31
Due: Friday April 18, 2014
1. What is largest lake in South America that is located in northern Venezuela?
a. Bear Lake
b. Lake Superior
c. Maracaibo Lake
d. Titicaca
2. What two countries border the Gulf of Alaska? a. Canada b. Japan
c. Russia
d. USA
3. What is the name of the peninsula in southeastern Mexico
a. Belize
b. Yucatan c. Florida
and what two bodies of water does it touch? a. Caribbean Sea b. Gulf of Mexico c. Pacific Ocean
4. Which state extends farther north? a. Alabama
b. Georgia
c. Mississippi d. Texas
5. In what country of Africa in the Nile River Delta Located? A. Chad b. Egypt
c. Libya
6. Which is farther south?
a. the tip of Florida
b. the tip of Baja California
7. Imagine you are in Chicago, Illinois and want to travel to Point Barrow, Alaska. What direction
will you need to travel to get there?
a. Northeast
b. Northwest
c. south
8. Can Australia be both east and west of South America?
a. NO, because on a map it is to the east
b. YES, you could leave South America and travel either east or west and arrive in Australia
I used CBUNZ (8 points) to help you answer all parts of the questions. Student Initials ______
Score _________out of 11 points
Week 32
Due: Friday April 25, 2014
1. Where would you be more likely to find reindeer? A. near the Arctic b. near the Antarctic Circle?
2. Which is farther east? A. Newfoundland
b. Puerto Rico
3. If you were traveling from Mexico to Columbia, in what direction would you be going?
a. Northwest
b. Northeast
c. Southeast
d. Southwest
4. What large lake is located high in the Andes Mountains between Peru and Bolivia?
a. Bear Lake
b. Maracaibo Lake
c. Slave Lake
d. Titicaca
5. What direction is India from Japan?
a. Northwest
b. Northeast
c. Southeast
d. Southwest
6. Which is farther? A. Los Angeles (LA), CA to San Francisco, CA
b. LA to Las Vegas, Nevada
7. In what state is the Mississippi River Delta located?
a. Alabama
b. Louisiana
c. Mississippi
d. Texas
8. What country is both west and south of Canada? A. China
b. England c. USA
d. Russia
I used CBUNZ (8 points) to help you answer all parts of the questions. Student Initials ______
Score _________out of 8 points
Parent Signature: __________________________________________
Geography Homework
Purpose: To increase students’ knowledge and understanding of physical and political aspects of the world as these
aspects relate to geography.
Directions: Use maps, an atlas, your planner, history book or other book to answer geography questions… computers
should only be used to check answers.
Use CBUNZ (worth 8 points) to help you answer all parts of the questions.
Circle (identify) the power verbs and question words. “Power verbs are any action
verbs which help you to answer the question.”
Box # words
Underline important information
Number how many parts are in your answer
Zeros are not accepted
Week 33
Due: Friday May 2 , 2014
1. Which ocean touches the coasts of Africa, Asia, Australia and Antarctica?
a. Arctic
b. Atlantic
c. Indian
d. Pacific
2. Find the large bay in Canada that is north of the Great Lakes.
A. Bengal
b. Hudson
c. Ontario
d. Siberia
3. Is Iceland closer to the North Pole than New Zealand is to the South Pole? A. no
b. yes
4. What sea is at the mouth of the Nile River in Africa? A. Black b. Dead c. Red d. Mediterranean
5. Which is farther east? A. the east coast of the United States
b. east coast of South America
6. What sea is located at the mouth of the Dnieper River in Ukraine?
a. Black
b. Caspian
c. Dead
d. North
7. What mountain range runs through western Canada, but not along the coast?
a. Appalachian
b. Himalayas
c. Pamir
d. Rocky
8. Which ocean is at the mouth of the Amazon River? A. Atlantic
b. Arctic c. Indian
d. Pacific
On which continent is the Amazon River located? A. Africa b. Asia
c. N. America d. S. America
I used CBUNZ (8 points) to help you answer all parts of the questions. Student Initials ______
Score _________out of 9 points Parent Signature: __________________________________________
Week 34
Due: Friday, May 9, 2014
1. What strait, controlled by the United Kingdom, is close to the place where the Mediterranean Sea
meets the Atlantic Ocean? A. Gibraltar
b. Siberian
2. Look at the physical map of the US. What state contains more low land? A. Colorado b. Texas
3. What country is west of Alaska? A. Canada
b. Greenland
c. Russia
4. What is the name given to small rivers that flow into larger rivers?
A. bays
b. creak
c. streams
d. tributaries
5. What bay separates Greenland from Baffin Island?
A. Baffin
b. Bengal
c. Hudson
d. Siberia
6. Traveling from San Diego, CA to Mexico City, Mexico, you would drive through which mountains?
A. Appalachian
b. Rocky
c. Sierra Madre Occidental
7. Which US states border Mexico? A. Arizona
b. California
c. New Mexico
d. Texas
8. According to a physical map of the US, which state has higher elevations?
A. Florida
b. Indiana
c. Montana
d. Tennessee
I used CBUNZ (8 points) to help you answer all parts of the questions. Student Initials ______
Score _________out of 11 points
Parent Signature: __________________________________________
Geography Homework
Directions: Use maps, an atlas, your planner, history book or other book to answer geography questions… computers
should only be used to check answers.
Use CBUNZ (worth 8 points) to help you answer all parts of the questions.
Week 35
Due: Friday, May 16, 2014
1. Would you be closer to the Prime Meridian on the eastern or western coast of South America?
a. eastern
b. western
2. What is the large bay off India’s northeast coast?
a. Baffin
b. Bengal
c. Biscay
d. Hudson
e. Siberia
3. Which part of South America is more mountainous?
a. eastern
b. western
4. Is the source or mouth of the Mississippi River in the Gulf of Mexico?
A. mouth b. source
5. Which country claims Greenland?
a. Canada b. Denmark c. England d. North Pole
6. In what South American country is the Orinoco River Delta located?
a. Argentina
b. Brazil
c. Chile
d. Venezuela
7. What is the name of the westernmost nation of Europe?
a. Denmark
b. Finland
c. Iceland
d. Ireland
8. The Bering Strait separates what two countries? A. Canada
b. China
c. Russia
d. USA
and which two continents? A. Asia
b. Europe
c. North America
d. South America
I used CBUNZ (8 points) to help you answer all parts of the questions. Student Initials ______
Score _________out of 8 points
Parent Signature: __________________________________________
Week 36
Due: Friday, May 16, 2014
1. Countries west of the Prime Meridian are in the western hemisphere. Countries east of the Prime
Meridian are in the eastern hemisphere. Where is the African nation of Morocco?
a. Eastern
b. Northern
c. Southern
d. Western
2. What European country is bordered by France, Portugal, the Atlantic Ocean, and the
Mediterranean Sea? a. Austria
b. Denmark
c. Spain
d. Italy
3. The Leeward and Windward Islands north of South America are part of what is called the ______
a. Equal
b. Greater
c. Lesser
4. What is the name of the bay on Spain’s northwest coast?
a. Baffin
b. Bengal
c. Biscay
d. Siberia
5. Which direction does the Nile River flow?
a. from north to south
b. from south to north
c. from east to west
d. from west to east
6. Which country in Africa is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, Gabon, Cameroon, Central African
Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cabinda?
a. Algeria
b. Botswana
c. Congo
d. Zambia
7. What is the capital of the island country that has cities named Hiroshima, Kyoto and Nagasaki?
a. Bangkok
b. Philippines
c. Tokyo
d. Vietnam
8. What is the capital of the only country that borders both the Mediterranean and Black Seas?
a. Ankara in Turkey
b. Athens in Greece
c. Kiev in the Ukraine
d. Rome in Italy
I used CBUNZ (8 points) to help you answer all parts of the questions. Student Initials ______
Score _________out of 8 points
Parent Signature: __________________________________________