Society of Women Engineering

Society of Women Engineering
Bi-weekly Newsletter: 9/18/13
Vice President
Hello SWE ladies,
Hi Ladies,
I'm Alexa Jones, your SWE President. Thank you to those
of you who completed and turned in your SWE Nationals
Application on time! We will be reviewing them and getting
back to you shortly. Remember, even if you don't attend
this conference, there are plenty more in the futureincluding our Regional Conference in the U.P. in February!
Also, don't forget to sign up as a National SWE member
ASAP! The "Collegiate to Career" option is the best dealit's only $50 to be a National member of SWE for your
entire educational career. As a national member, you gain
access to thousands of scholarships, awards, and career
opportunities that other engineers don't have. If you have
any questions about membership, or anything else, please
email me!
Alexa Jones
[email protected]
Laura Klemm received her BS and MS in Mechanical
Engineering from the University of Michigan. She has spent
the last 6 years working for Meritor and holds the current title
of Engineering Manager and Component Engineer. She has
25 years of experience in driveline product development in the
automotive industry.
Kristen Cook is a Strategic Project Manager at Meritor and
received her BBA in Finance from the University of Michigan.
She has experience in corporate finance then moved to
executive retained search and talent acquisition in Human
Resources. She has experience in healthcare, advertising,
and the automotive industry.
Victoria Hicks is an ELDP Candidate Design Engineer who
received her BS in Mechanical Engineering from the
University of Michigan. She has a background as a
manufacturing technician, and project management and
accounts manager for heavy steel construction for 5 years.
She has been with Meritor for 4 months working as a design
engineer in North American Axle.
Kevin White is a Quality Systems Engineer who has been
working at Meritor for 18 years. He received his BA in human
resources from Central Michigan University. He has a
background in Facility Management, Records Management,
Document Control and Information Management, and Quality
Linzy Pedersen
[email protected]
Hello SWEsters!
Hey SWEsters!
I am Laura Gumpper and I am a junior studying
Biomechanical Engineering. I am so excited that all of you
have come back for our second SWE meeting!
I Hope your having a fantastic week. SWE is having a tshirt design contest. Submissions will be voted on during
the next general board meeting. The winning design will be
printed and sold in the Engineering building and if your
design was picked you will recieve a free shirt. Submit
designs to [email protected] by September 30th. What
to get more involved with treasurer duties? Join our
Please take any opportunity you can to get involved in
SWE, you won’t regret it! We will have subcommittees set
up soon and a lot of events are coming up! Also, consider
becoming a national member, it opens up so many doors
to great opportunities and connections!  I am open to
answering any questions you may have about SWE, so
please feel free to contact me at the email below!
Laura Gumpper
[email protected]
Caroline Kerbelis
[email protected]
Miriam Chege
[email protected]
Community Service
Member Relations
We are Nicole Traitses and Morgan Hoxsie and we are
your community service representatives. Nicole is a
sophomore in chemical engineering and Morgan is a senior
in civil engineering. We have some exciting volunteer
opportunities this semester at Ronald McDonald House,
Capital Area Humane Society and more. One of our first
opportunities is Saturday, October 5th. We are looking for
SWEsters to volunteer at the Color Me Rad 5k run taking
place on campus. If you are interested make sure to sign
up with Nicole or Morgan. If you have any suggestions or
comments please don't hesitate to contact us.
Morgan Hoxsie
[email protected]
Nicole Traitses
[email protected]
Jennifer Jones
[email protected]
Corporate Relations
Hello Everyone,
Hi SWEsters,
We will be going the the lansing STEM elementary school
on Thursday the 26th from 9 to 10 to do a fun engineering
activity with 4th grade students. In order for this outreach
event to be successful we need you guys to come out and
volunteer. This is a great opportunity to for you to not only
get to volunteer in the community but also to hangout and
get to know your fellow SWEsters ! Look out for the
volunteer sign up sheet going around during the meeting .
Anne Rabellorolim
[email protected]
I am looking to set up subcommittees for some of the
positions on our E-Board. If you would like to become
more involved in SWE, working on a subcommittee is an
awesome opportunity!!! In addition, if you have not already
do so, you should consider becoming a National SWE
member. Not only can you receive prizes for your
participation in SWE, you are granted a variety of perks as
a National Member. Lastly, Stryker is hosting its annual
Stryker Challenge the weekend of October 25th. All juniors
and seniors are welcome to apply in order to represent
MSU. If you have any questions feel free to email me!
Abigael Onchiri
[email protected]
Remember to sign up on RecPass so you can submit your
resumes for the resume book and be part of the SWE
section! Also, Make sure you finish your resume and get
the in the book, it is a very helpful in get internships. Make
sure to have lots of fun!
Coryn Frye
[email protected]
Halle Doering
[email protected]
Hey Ladies!
Hello SWE!
My name is Daphne Cai and I am your SWE Social Chair
for this Fall. I am looking forward to putting on some great
events this Fall and learning more about all the members
old and new!
Be sure to sign up for your RecPass as it is REQUIRED in
order participate in the career gallery. With this RecPass
account you will also be able to submit your resume under
SWE into the resume book for engineering expo and
career gallery.
Daphne Cai
[email protected]
Hopefully you are all having a good week so far, and
hopefully SWE makes it just a little bit sweeter still!
Amanda and I would like to inform you that the date for
WOW has officially been set to November 23, 2013! We
are looking forward to involving many girls on
subcommittees/volunteers to ensure that we have many
fun projects, leadership, and overall organization for our
wonderful day with our young visitors. If anyone is
interested in helping out with WOW please let Amanda and
I know since there are many opportunities to get involved
with! Good luck with the rest of the semester and we hope
to see you at the meetings and events!
Amanda Sliney
[email protected]
Mariana Madrigal
[email protected]
Day With SWE
Professional Counselor
We do not have any events going on right now but if you
attended Day with SWE last year we would like to get
some feedback from you about what you liked and what
you didn't like. We would love to hear anything you have to
say. Also, if you would like to get involved with the
planning for the next Day with SWE we will have
opportunities for that as well. I hope your semester is
getting off to a good start.
Hi my name is Emily, and I’m your Professional Counselor!
I am an MSU Alumni who graduated with a degree in
Mechanical Engineering in 2008. I served as SWE
president in 2007 and 2008. I live in Ann Arbor, Mi and
work at the Toyota Technical Center in vehicle safety
developing airbags, seatbelts, and body structure. I think
my favorite memories of SWE are going to National
Conference….it’s always a blast! Good Luck this year and
always feel free to let me know if you need my support.
Adeline Ford
[email protected]
Emily Khouphongsy
[email protected]
Hello everyone! I hope you classes are going well for all of
you. Day With Swe will have our big event next semester
but we are looking to have a reunion for the girls that
attended last year so be on the lookout for that. I've said
this before but SWE is what you make of it so get involved
and become a national member!
SWE Advisors
Casey O’Donohue
[email protected]
Laura Bartow – Goudie
[email protected]
Hello Ladies!
Welcome back! For those who do not know me or forgot
my name is Ayona Van Horn-Lee and I am SWE's
webmaster. I have recently changes my major from
computer science to media & information with an IT
specialization and i'm a junior/senior. A SWE memory I
have was during one of the many great SWE socials at
Uncle John's Cider Mill where I was able to meet members
that I did not have a chance to speak with throughout the
semester. For those who are unable to attend any meeting
feel free to check out our website for updates on events
and feel free to join the MSU SWE group on Facebook. I
hope you all have a wonderful semester :)
Ayona Van Horn-Lee
[email protected]
Hello everyone. My name is Judy Cordes, and I am the
Co-advisor for SWE as well as the Coordinator for the
Women in Engineering Program. I have been at MSU for
26 years, and I enjoy working with women who come to
study engineering and then go out into the field to make a
difference! I have so many "favorite moments in SWE"; it
is hard to pick one. I think I would have the say the
Evening with Industry Banquet and the National
Conference. We have many great things planned for you
this year in SWE as well as Women in Engineering. If you
have any questions, or would just like to stop by, I am in
1340 Engineering Building (The Center for Spartan
Engineering). I would love to meet you and hear about
your experience.
Judy Cordes
[email protected]
Colleen Mcdonough
[email protected]
Inspirational Quote of the Week
“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is
something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”
Christian D. Larson