July 2016 - Barney and Barney

Emotional and Mental Aging
By WebMD
Emotional and mental vitality are closely tied to physical vitality-just as your mind has powerful
effects on your body, so your physical state affects how you feel and think. Social contact can
also make a big difference in how you feel. Here are some helpful hints from WebMD that can
help support healthy emotional aging.
Physical activity: Protect or improve your emotional and cognitive health with regular physical
activity. While physical activity produces chemicals in the body that promote emotional wellbeing, inactivity can make depression, anxiety, and stress worse. Research has been done to
link physical activity and the risk of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Adults who are
physically active may be less likely to get Alzheimer's disease or dementia than adults who are
not physically active
July, 2016
Serving You Well
Health Observance
Motion Medicine
Food for Thought
Mindful Wellness
Wallet Wellness
In the Know
Clip & Cook
Social activity: Protect or improve your emotional health by staying in touch with friends,
family, and the greater community. Whether physically healthy or ill, people who feel connected
to others are more likely to thrive than those who are socially isolated. Volunteering in your
community and sharing your wisdom and talents with others is a gratifying and meaningful way
to enrich your life. Mental activity: Protect or improve your memory and mental sharpness by:
Did You Know...?
During the 4th of July, Americans
light about 175 million pounds of
fireworks, which is equivalent to
about 100,000 lightning bolts
The earliest recorded use of fireworks
dates back to 200 B.C. in China.
People would roast bamboo stalks
until the air inside would sizzle and
The colors in fireworks are a result of
burning different metal elements.
When different elements burn, they
produce different colors
Challenging your intellect on a daily basis. Read, learn a new musical instrument or
language, do crossword puzzles, or play games of strategy with others. Just like an active
body, an active brain continues to develop and thrive, while an inactive brain loses its
power over time.
Helping your memory along. Write down dates, names, and other important information that
you easily forget. Use routine and repetition. For example, keep daily items such as keys
and eyeglasses in a specific place. And when you meet someone new, picture that person
while you repeat his or her name out loud to others or to yourself several times to commit it
to memory. (No matter what your age, having too much on your mind can keep you from
remembering new information. And as you age, it is normal to take longer to retrieve new
information from your memory bank.)
Preventing depression, which is a common yet treatable cause of cognitive decline in older
people. In addition to getting regular physical activity and social contact, avoid the
depressant effect of alcohol and sedative use, eat healthy meals and snacks, and include
meaningful activity in your daily life (such as learning, creating, working, volunteering). If
you think you have depression, seek professional help, antidepressant medicine or
counseling or both which are effective treatments for depression. 
Not smoking. Cigarette smoking may speed mental decline. This connection was identified
in a large study comparing smokers and nonsmokers age 65 and over. Regardless of our age, being aware and proactively preparing for the emotional aging that come
with physical aging, we will be better able to adjust to the changes that come with this unique
time of life.
.Source: http://www.thefactsite.com
July is National Fireworks Safety Month
Thousands of people, many of them children, suffer eye injuries from fireworks each year in the United States. Fireworks may seem fun,
but they can literally blow up in your face causing blindness and even death. Know the facts before you purchase, use or watch fireworks
this 4 of July.
9.000 injuries happen each year
47% are injured bystanders
46% or under the age of 20
Firecrackers are responsible for nearly 25% of all injuries
Sparklers can burn 1,200 F. or higher, 10 times hotter than boiling water
Bottle rockets cause 1 in 12 fireworks injuries.
Prevention is your best defense: Obey the law, Don’t let kids play with fireworks, Wear safety glasses and Keep your distance. For more
information, visit: http://www.aao.org/eye-health/news/fireworks-injuries-infographic-2
Summer is here and there are plenty of healthy reasons to
swim. Here is a list sure to motivate you:
Low impact: There's no ground impact when you swim, and
so you protect the joints from stress and strain.
Swimming can be a life-long exercise: Because there's
no impact with swimming, it can be continued for a lifetime.
Builds cardiorespiratory fitness: In one study of
sedentary middle-aged men and women who did swim
training for 12 weeks, maximal oxygen consumption
improved 10% and stroke volume (the amount of blood
pumped with each beat which indicates heart strength)
improved as much as 18%.
Builds muscle mass: In a study of men who completed an
eight-week swimming program, there was a 23.8% increase
in the triceps muscle (the back of the arm).
An alternative when injured: When athletes are injured,
particularly in the lower extremities, they are frequently told
to swim to maintain their fitness level. Swimming helps them
stay in shape, and it's even part of the rehabilitation. That's
because the resistance of the water makes the muscles
work hard without the strain or impact that is experienced on
Burns calories: Swimming burns anywhere from 500-650
per hour depending on how efficiently you swim. Very early
research on swimming and calorie expenditure showed that
swimming, regardless of the stroke, burned about 89% of
the calories burned during running and 97% of the calories
burned during cycling for the same time period.
Just when you thought you were having fun, guess what?
You are staying healthy too!
http://www.medicinenet.com/swimming/page4.htm Food for Thought
Staying hydrated has to be on the top of your priority list
this season. These 8 foods are rich in electrolytes such as
magnesium and potassium or boast high water content to
help you do just that.
1. Watermelon is about 92% water. Watermelon contains
high levels of vitamins A, B5 and C in addition to amino
acids, antioxidants and lycopene.
2. Cucumbers contain 95% water. Put away your peeler
as the skin contains vitamin K which contributes to
healthy bones.
3. Celery is 95% water and is full of vitamins A, C, K and
B, folate and potassium with only 6 calories per stalk.
4. Cherries are about 81% water and only 100 calories
per cup. It also offers lots of B vitamins, flavonoids and
an added bonus of fiber.
5. Spinach helps the body retain hydration by offering
high levels of magnesium, potassium and calcium.
6. Tomatoes are about 94% water but their benefits to
staying hydrated don’t stop there. Hosting plenty of
lycopene, vitamin C and potassium, tomatoes do a
body good.
7. Skim milk! Not just produce keeps you hydrated. Dairy
can help too. Because of the high amounts of
electrolytes dairy is a great option for summertime
8. Bananas are a great source of potassium which helps
stabilize the body’s water levels. Watch this one
however, because bananas also contain a lot of natural
Pump up your next summer salad by combining any or all
of these ingredients and you are bound to stay hydrated.
Source: http://www.eatthis.com/healthy-summer-foods
Wallet Wellness: Low-Cost Summer Activities
Looking for summer activities on a budget? Here are a some ideas to get you started:
Take a field trip to a nearby town. Check with convention and visitors bureaus for information about special summer events and deals, as
well as free attractions.
Give the kids a photography project. Let the youngsters choose a theme or subject and take photos all summer. They can then use those
photos in a scrapbook, storybook, collage online slideshow or gift for relatives or friends
Do outdoor movie night. Find a neighbor with a projector, put up a sheet and invite friends and neighbors over for a potluck movie night.
Kids can watch the film under the stars while parents and grandparents visit, or vice versa.
Explore your local library. Not only can you borrow books for free, you can also check out movies and download music. Plus, many
libraries have story times, movies and other activities for kids and teens during the summer. Most libraries have a summer reading
program in which kids can earn free books or other prizes. Barnes & Noble also has a summer reading program that awards a free book
to youngsters who read eight books and fill out a journal.
Go to a free concert in the park. Cities and towns nationwide put on free concerts in parks in the summer. That’s a great way to introduce
kids to music and live performance without having to worry about whether they’ll squirm in their seats.
Source: http://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/articles/2014/05/30/12-free-or-low-cost-summer-activities-foryour-kids
Wellness: Avoiding Summer Depression
Take these cues to avoid the summertime blues. Here are a few tips to help make it wonderful as well as warm.
Letting the kids watch television, play video games, or hang out on the Internet is not the answer. Get your kids and yourself involved
with other real-live humans.
Lemonade stands, garage sales, or car washes are great activities that bring the family together. These activities are fun and teach
your kids the value of money.
Spend some time volunteering. Giving back to the community will make you feel better about yourself, and the whole family can join in.
Check with your local United Way (www.unitedway.org) to find opportunities.
If you’re at work, make sure you get outside at least twice a day, and not just when you’re on the way to and from the office. Sunlight is
healing and lifts your mood.
Come home early at least one night a week to enjoy a meal with your family and have a little extra relaxation time.
If you can’t afford to travel right now, try having a vacation in your own town. Spend time with those you love in your backyard, at a
local park, or on the school playground. Many cities have community pools, and the YMCA has tons of summer activities for kids of all
For more information, go to: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/emotional-fitness/200907/10-ways-avoid-summertime-depression
In The Know: Natural Mosquito Repellents http://www.healthline.com/health/kinds-of-natural-mosquito-repellant#3
If you want to keep the mosquitoes away without relying on chemicals, here are some more natural repellent options:
Lemon Eucalyptus Oil: Used since the 1940s, lemon eucalyptus oil is one of the more well-known natural repellents. The CDC has
approved eucalyptus oil as an effective mosquito repellent. A recent study showed that a mixture of 32% lemon eucalyptus oil gave more
than 95% protection against mosquitoes for three hours. You can create your own mixture with 1 part lemon eucalyptus oil to 10 parts
sunflower oil or witch hazel.
Lavender: Crushed lavender flowers produce a fragrance and oil that can repel mosquitoes. Crush the flowers and apply the oil to bitesensitive areas of the body, such as your ankles and arms. Alternatively, drop some lavender oil on a clean cloth and rub it onto the skin.
Lavender has analgesic and antiseptic qualities. This means that in addition to preventing mosquito bites, it calms and soothes the skin.
Cinnamon Oil: Cinnamon is more than just a great topper to applesauce or oatmeal. According to a study conducted in Taiwan, cinnamon
oil can kill off mosquito eggs. It can also act as a repellent against adult mosquitoes, most notably the Asian tiger mosquito. A concentrated
dose of cinnamon oil on your skin can be irritating, so be careful. To make a diluted 1 percent solution, mix ¼ teaspoon (or 24 drops) of oil
for every 4 ounces of water. You can spray the fluid onto your skin or clothing, around your home, and onto upholstery or plants.
Although these remedies come from plants, the oils can be harmful in high concentrations. The trick is diluting the home remedies with either
lotion or water as suggested. To make sure you’re not allergic to any of these potential repellents, do a spot test on a small patch of skin for
one or two days before any full-on usage. If you suspect an allergic reaction, stop use, wash the area, and check in with your local poison
control center.
Clip & Cook: Healthy Breakfast in a Jar by myrecipes.com
Get the kids involved and make a fast, easy, healthy and cool summer breakfast everyone can enjoy.
½ cup uncooked rolled oats
½ cup Greek yogurt (use your
favorite flavor)
½ cup sweetened almond milk
½ cup of your favorite summer fruit
Stir oats, yogurt, and almond milk
together in a jar with a lid. Twist lid onto
jar and refrigerate, 8 hour to overnight.
Stir oatmeal, add fruit and top with a
spoonful of crunchy granola when ready
to eat.
Make this a fun summer activity you can have your kids join in. Let them decorate their own jars
and select their favorite flavors. This is sure to please while providing a healthy breakfast your
kids will enjoy. Because there is nothing to cook, this gets you out of the kitchen with little
cleanup afterward.