130323 Etymology with Doug Harper

The Science of Word Stories
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A two-day seminar in English Etymology
Presented by LEX Author Gina Cooke
Author Douglas Harper
Sat-Sun, March 23-24, 2013
Hosted by The Delaware Valley Friends School ★19 East Central Avenue, Paoli, PA 19301
Everyone knows that stories are made up of words, but words are also made up of stories. Those stories —
where words come from, when they entered English, and how they’ve changed — are compelling, and help us
to deepen our understanding of how words work. Sometimes, word stories are so compelling that people
make them up, even inadvertently, or pass them along without verifying their accuracy. Often, the lines between
historical facts about words and historical fictions about words become blurred.
Etymology — the origins of words and the historical development of their meanings — is an important driving
force in the English writing system: we use a <ph>, for example, to spell /f/ in words of Greek origin, and words
with an <-ion> suffix are marked as Latin. Research in both linguistics and education calls for including
etymology in English language study for the mastery of spelling as well as reading and writing (Crystal 2012,
Birsh 2011, Henry 2010). But teachers are often left scrambling for reliable etymological information and solid
etymological understanding.
You won’t want to miss this unique opportunity to get the facts about English etymology with two experts in
the field. Gina Cooke is a linguist in education, offering logically sound, linguistically accurate information and
strategies to English language teachers of all stripes. Douglas Harper is a historian, author, journalist, and
lecturer who has spent more than a decade compiling and documenting English word histories on his Online
Etymology Dictionary, a resource for teachers, students, writers, and the curious. Your own understanding and
study of the English language will be renewed and energized by their humor, experience, and insights.
Registrations can be mailed, emailed, or faxed. Please indicate preferences for lunch. Purchase orders are accepted.
Linguist-Educator Exchange
March 23-24, 2013
Gina Cooke & Douglas Harper
Paoli, PA
*Day One: Word Structure & Word History
✦ encounter the scientific and historical field of etymology ~ the origins
and development of languages and words
✦ understand how historical forms are attested and determined
✦ learn terminology to discuss word histories and etymological forms
✦ hear the story of how The Online Etymology Dictionary is compiled
and maintained
✦ ask questions and investigate specific word histories.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
8:30: Registration & Check-In
9:00-12:00: Language History
12:00-1:00: Lunch (on-site)
1:00-3:00: The Online
Etymology Dictionary
3:00-4:00: Q&A
*Day Two: Integrating Orthographic Study & Teaching
✦ see worked examples of etymological word study
✦ consider how etymological study fits into overall literacy skills
✦ practice working with etymological terms and concepts
✦ investigate relationships between words, both historically and in the
present day
Sunday, March 24, 2013
9:00-12:00: Hands-On Study
12:00-1:00: Lunch (on-site)
1:00-3:00: Diachrony &
3:00-4:00: Final Q&A
✦ handouts, including sample lesson plans and activities, will be available for use in the seminar and beyond
✦ additional materials, while not required for use or implementation, will be available for purchase
Fax, mail, or email your registration form by 2/25/13 to:
Gina Cooke (LEX), 516 Grimm Road, Eureka, IL 61530 ★ (760) 454-­‐3639 (fax) [email protected]
Registration will be con0irmed via email.
Etymology! The Science of Word Stories
❑ Registration Fee: $225.00 ❑ Saturday Lunch: $12.50 ❑ Sunday Lunch: $12.50
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(W) ___________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________
❑ Check (payable to LEX) ❑ Purchase Order Attached #___________ ❑ Credit Card (Visa, MC) Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Card# ____________-­‐____________-­‐____________-­‐____________ Exp: ________ /________ CVV: _______________ Linguist-Educator Exchange
March 23-24, 2013
Gina Cooke & Douglas Harper
Paoli, PA