Counting On up to 10

U n t er r i ch t spl a n
Co unt ing On up t o 10
Altersgruppe: K i nde r gar t e n, 1st Gr ade
Virginia - Mathematics Standards of Learning (2009): K .2a
Virginia - Mathematics Standards of Learning (2016): K .3 .a
Fairfax County Public Schools Program of Studies: K .2.a.1, K .2.a.2,
P r e K .16.a.2, P r e K .4 .a.1
Online-Ressourcen: F l yi ng F l o c ks
T eacher
present s
St udent s
pract ice
M at h Obj e c t i v e s
E x pe r i e nc e counting on with moving objects/passing events.
P r ac t i c e counting up to 10, over time.
L e ar n counting on / forward counting.
De v e l o p counting strategies.
Ope ni ng | 10 min
Copyright 2015
Bring to class 5 marbles and a jar.
S ay : Let us learn about counting.
Place the jar on a table. Hold 3 marbles in one hand.
S ay : Let us count the marbles that are dropped into the jar. Count
along with me.
Drop a marble. Say one and at the same time use your other hand to show
the count using a finger. Encourage the class to do the same.
Drop another marble in the jar. Say 2 aloud and show the count using two
fingers. Ask the class to do the same.
Drop the third marble and count 3 in the same manner.
A sk : How many marbles did I drop into the jar?
3 marbles.
Take the marbles out of the jar.
Now use 5 marbles and the above process to count them.
Next, count 4 marbles using the same process, but this time increase the
pace for dropping the marbles in the jar.
S ay : All the time we are counting aloud, we were also using our
fingers. Let us try counting silently while still utilizing our fingers.
Use 2 marbles. Drop them one by one into the jar and use fingers to indicate
the number.
Remind them to simultaneously count silently, along with finger counting.
A sk : How many marbles did I drop into the jar?
2 marbles.
Check if the class has gotten the right answer.
Copyright 2015
S ay : Let us practice again.
Practice with dropping 3 marbles in the jar.
S ay : Let us try counting without using our fingers. We will count
Use 2 marbles to do this.
S ay : Now, let us try counting silently, and without using our fingers.
Use 2 marbles to do this.
Conclude that two marbles were dropped into the jar.
S ay : Let us get ready to play the game.
T e ac he r pr e se nt s M at h game : F l yi ng F l o c ks - C o unt up t o
5 | 7 min
Present Matific’s episode F ly in g F lo c k s - C o u n t u p t o 5 to the class,
using the projector or interactive whiteboard, in preset mode.
This episode practices counting passing events, up to 5. Count the number
of birds flying by.
Copyright 2015
S ay : Above the roof, birds fly by, one by one, in short intervals. We
have to count the passing birds. When we press the button
birds will begin to cross the roof.
, the
S ay : Ready to count? Let me press the button.
Press the button and start counting the birds. Encourage students
to count along with you.
A sk: How many birds did you see?
S ay: Let us count once again. To replay the scene, let me click on
the eye button.
Demonstrate how clicking the eye button enables watching the birds and
counting them again.
Copyright 2015
S ay : We saw 2 birds flying over the roof. So, I will click on number
Click on number “2”. A new scene will appear.
A sk : Ready to count ? Let me press the button.
Press the button and start counting the birds. Encourage students
to count on along with you. (Four birds fly by).
S ay: Let us count once again. Let me click on the eye button.
S ay : You may use your fingers to count.
A sk : How many birds did you see?
4 birds.
Input 4 and a new screen appears.
Press the button and start counting the birds in the same manner. (This time
there are 5 birds)
Input 5.
Replay the game,in preset mode, and count the birds.
2 birds fly by.
S ay : If I input a wrong number, the counting process is shown
explicitly. The numbers are displayed on the screen during the
counting sequence. Enter any number other than 2 to demonstrate.
Copyright 2015
S t ude nt s pr ac t i c e M at h game : F l yi ng F l o c ks - C o unt up t o
5 | 15 min
Have students play Matific’s episode F ly in g F lo c k s - C o u n t u p t o 5 on
their personal devices. Circulate, answering questions as necessary.
Advanced students can move on to play F ly in g F lo c k s - C o u n t u p t o
1 0 which is a similar game where you have to count the number of birds
ranging from 1 to 10.
C l ass di sc ussi o n | 5 min
Di sc uss :
What was challenging about the game? How did they manage to
solve the issue?
Did they use fingers to count? Why? Why not?
How did they ensure that they don’t make mistakes while
Copyright 2015
C l o si ng | 8 min
Present Matific’s episode F ly in g F lo c k s - C o u n t u p t o 1 0 to the class,
using the projector or interactive whiteboard.
S ay : This game is similar to the game we just played, except, the
numbers to be counted are up to 10.
Play the game by involving the class. Let the students guide you to the
Play the game, as time permits, then assign it as homework.
Copyright 2015