GCSE Expectations Evening

GCSE Expectations Evening
Headline results 2016-17
A level results 2016
• % A*+ A 33%
• % A*- C 86%
• Level 3 threshold
GCSE Results 2016
• % of pupils achieving 5 A*/A 12%
% of pupils achieving the Level
2 threshold (5 A*-C) – 84%
• % of pupils achieving the Level
2+ threshold (5 A*-C) - 62%
• % of pupils achieving the Level
1 threshold (5 A*-G) - 99%
More students gained more qualifications at a
higher level than ever before.
Amelia Bunce
2A*, 6A, 3B
Eve Clark
3A*, 8A
Olivia Curtis
5A*, 6A
Carla Elipane
6A*, 4A, 1B
Katrin Higginson
4A*, 7A
Lizlie Jarolan
4A, 5B
Anya Laesser
4A, 5B
Drew Ludlow
4A, 3B, 3C
Elizabeth Norris
2A*, 3A, 4B
Morgan Phillips
Konstancja Preisner 1A*, 5A, 3B
Caila Ranola
2A*, 9A
Grace Speakman
Georgina Taylor
James Williams
1A*, 4A, 6B
4A, 4B
Highest performing pupils
4A*, 5A, 2B
Knowing what counts
• Performance in Maths and English
• Performance in 9 subjects across the full
• Level 2+ threshold: at least 5 GCSE A*-C
grades including English and Maths
• Level 1 threshold: at least 5 GCSE
grades at A*-G
Case study – pupil 1
• Pupil 1 was predicted to meet the level 2+ threshold.
• Pupil 1 had attendance below 95% and had to be chased to complete
• The school was concerned. Letters were sent home and I met with
parents at a special year 11 parents evening.
We stressed the importance of revision sessions and offered
additional help in English and Maths.
• Pupil 1 enjoyed 2 of their option subjects and wanted to study these at
A level. They achieved a C grade in these subjects and 2 others.
• They did not attend revision sessions and there was a low level of
engagement with additional help offered.
• This pupil gained 8 GCSE grades but did not get fifth grade required to
progress to A level study. He has returned to school to take a resit
Case study 2
• Pupil 2 gained 10 GCSE grades all at grade C or better.
• This pupil gained 4 of their 10 grades at A*/A grade.
• Universities use the number of A*/A grades at GCSE as
an indicator of ability, with 5 being the benchmark.
• Pupil 2 gained 4 of these grades.
• This pupil was given the opportunity to take an
additional course when the GCSE examinations had
finished. Sessions were also run after school and in the
holidays. This pupil failed to attend any of these
Sound advice from the people who
Year 12 students
Just been awarded their GCSEs
1 piece of advice make a difference
to year 11 studies.
Advice for everyday
Attend every lesson/revision session.
Ask teachers for help, don't pretend you understand
if you don't.
Make sure you complete work once it has been set,
otherwise it starts piling up. Don’t make things
stressful for yourself.
Be organised and keep all your books and folders
safe from the start of the year to make revision
easier when you come to it.
Focus in class.
Advice for exams
Start revising early.
Attend all revision classes on offer.
Try different ways of revising:
writing over and over again
acting out
Find a way that suits the way you learn.
Remember coursework is your best friend.
Working together
We will…
You can help by…
Keep you well informed. Following us on social media:
Twitter, Facebook , school Moodle
Early entry
site , newsletters, Show My
Revision lessons.
Homework, Get Revising
Support for English and
Make the examinations count first
time. Serious effort.
Support and intervention. Make them attend and let us know
if transport is a problem.
Accessing support materials,
monitoring homework
Give us feedback , get actively
involved. Supervise home study.
Learner voice says it all!!
Do your
best and
won’t get
you can
do it.
The Farah Effect
Do your best, God will do
the rest.