Solutions of Pioneer`s CBSE PSA Mock Test Name

Pioneer Education
Pioneer’s CBSE (PSA 2014-15)
[TestName: 14P03]
Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Maximum Marks: 60
Important Instructions:
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out the Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
The Test Booklet contains 60 questions divided into three sections A, B & C. A candidate is required
to attempt all the three sections. There are 24 questions in Section A, 18 questions in Section B and
18 questions in Section C.
Section A : Language Conventions (Questions 1 to 24)
Section B : Qualitative Reasoning (Questions 25 to 42)
Section C : Quantitative Reasoning (Questions 43 to 60).
All the three Sections contain Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Some of these are passage based
MCQs whereas others are stand alone MCQs. Each of these questions has four options out of which
only ONE option is correct. A candidate has to select the correct option and fill the corresponding
number in the Answer Sheet against the question.
Each question carries one mark. For each correct response candidate will get one mark. There is
no negative marking for any of the questions and unattempted question earns no mark.
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Section A: Language Conventions (Questions 1 to 24)
Directions (Q. Nos. 1 -8) Read the following passage carefully and select the most suitable option from
each list according to the corresponding number in the passage.
1. The World Wide Web has changed lives forever,
2. by linking millions of computers throughout the world,
3. thus making all the information they contain available to everyone.
4. The terms World Wide Web and the Internet are used interchangibly,
5. but they are not the same thing.
6. The Internet is the system that links the network of information
7. that is the Web. It is possible to have the Internet without the Web,
8. but the Web cannot exist without the Internet.
In line 1, the word 'changed' could be replaced with
(a) substituted
(b) transformed
(c) transferred
(d) subjected
Sol: (a)
In line 2, the word 'linking' could be replaced with
(a) tying
(b) joining
(c) chaining
(d) stitching
Sol: (b)
In line 3, the word 'contain' could be replaced with
(a) exclude
(b) include
(c) provide
(d) hold
Sol: (d)
In line 5, which of the following has the same meaning as 'but'?
(a) still
(b) whether
(c) however
(d) otherwise
Sol: (a)
Which of the following is the correct spelling of the word 'interchangibly'?
(a) interchangibaly (b) intercahngebaly
(c) interchangeably
(d) interchangebily
Sol: (c)
In line 7, the word 'possible' could be replaced with
(a) may be
(b) probable
(c) acceptable
(d) possibly
(c) work
(d) complete
Sol: (b)
In line 8, 'exist' could be replaced with
(a) die
(b) thrive
Sol: (b)
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8. Which of the following is the opposite in meaning to 'forever' as used in line 1 above?
(a) Everlasting
(b) Never ending
(c) Omnipresent
(d) Temporary
Sol: (d)
Directions (Q. Nos. 9-12)complete this passage by selecting the most suitable word/phrase from list
to fit the corresponding gap.
The rhinoceros is __9__of the largest land animals alive today. It has short thick legs and the its body
weight can __10__five tons. All the five species of rhinoceroses are herbivorous and they __11_on leaves,
twigs and grass. They usually eat in the night and can go_12_water for 4 to 5 days.
Which of these fits gap 10?
(a) have
(b) reach
(c) touch
(d) lift
(c) sleep
(d) feed
(c) without
(d) smelling
(c) amongst
(d) belong
Sol: (b)
10. Which of these fits gap 11?
(a) eat
(b) consume
Sol: (d)
11. Which of these fits gap 12?
(a) with
(b) along
Sol: (a)
12. Which of these fits gap 9?
(a) one
(b) among
Sol: (a)
Directions(Q. Nos. 13-16) Complete this passage by selecting the most suitable word/phrase from
list to fit. the corresponding gap.
Consequently, thousands of graduates and post-graduates come out of these institutions and
stand__13__waiting to get some_14__job __15_ in the country. Moreover, these degree holders do not
have any technical or vocational knowledge needed for a particular job. As a result, the number of
educated unemployed has been rising __16__. It has created a very serious problem.
13. Which of these fits gap 14?
(a) suitable
(b) remain
(c) study
(d) live
(c) event
(d) chance
Sol: (d)
14. Which of these fits gap 15?
(a) frequency
(b) occurrence
Sol: (d)
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15. Which of these fits gap 16?
(a) horribly
(b) regularly
(c) everyday
(d) slowly
(c) in queues
(d) tension
Sol: (a)
16. Which of these fits gap 13?
(a) outside
(b) inside
Sol: (c)
Directions(Q. Nos. 17-20) Complete this passage by selecting the most suitable word/phrase from
list to fit the corresponding gap.
In England and other countries this system is called 'Staggering Working Hours' and many business
centres use it. It is __17_that greater working efficiency can be __18__ . Employees are happier
because they can arrange convenient personal __19__hours, buses and trains can be dispatched at
suitable __20__, and so on.
17. Which of these fits gap 18?
(a) reduced
(b) approved
(c) added
(d) achieved
(c) working
(d) appointed
(c) periods
(d) interims
(c) claimed
(d) forecasted
Sol: (d)
18. Which of these fits gap 19?
(a) departing
(b) evening
Sol: (c)
19. Which of these fits gap 20?
(a) intervals
(b) sessions
Sol: (a)
20. Which of these fits gap 17?
(a) considered
(b) predicted
Sol: (a)
Directions (Q. Nos. 21-24) Complete this passage by selecting the most suitable word/phrase from
list to fit the corresponding gap.
It was midnight, when the last guest left. I sighed heavily as I looked around. The living room was
__21__of cigarette smell and stale perfume. As I looked around, _22__wet patches of spilt beer on my
best Persian carpet. My antique vases were totally smashed. They had even __23__my antique oak
tables as ashtrays. These guests of mine had done their best to destroy my expensively decorated
living room. What a night this had turned__ 24__to be.
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21. Which of these fits gap 22?
(a) had seen
(b) saw
(c) foreseen
(d) looked
(c) checked
(d) wiped
(c) out
(d) forward
(c) looking
(d) full
Sol: (b)
22. Which of these fits gap 23?
(a) used
(b) destroyed
Sol: (a)
23. Which of these fits gap 24?
(a) in
(b) for
Sol: (c)
24. Which of these fits gap 21?
(a) filled
(b) chocked
Sol: (d)
Section B: Qualitative Reasoning (Questions 25 to 42)
25. Which of these statements reflects a similarity between three words given below?
Stirrup : Anvil : Drum
(a) The items are used by riders
(b) They are parts of ear
(c) They are musical instruments
(d) They are used by folk artists
Sol: (b)
26. Idioms are sayings that convey more than a surface or literal meaning.
Select the correct, deeper meaning for the following idiom. I have a 'bone to pick' with you in this
(a) am angry
(b) selfish motive
(c) selfless motive
(d) desire
Sol: (a)
In the given context it means am angry.
27. Which of the following sentences contains a tautology?
(a) He nearly missed the ball.
(b) She saw clearly for the first time.
(c) The peg fitted loosely into the hole.
(d) They were completely surrounded.
Sol: (d)
They were completely surrounded (as the word ‘surrounded’ itself implies covering from all sides)
28. You are sitting among the friends and an argument erupts. You know that you are right but some
others are opposing your view point without any edge that too aggressively. You ___________
(a) will start fighting with them
(b) will plead your arguments politely
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(c) will keep quiet and let than overpower you (d) will start keeping your views in an aggressive way
Sol: (b)
It will be worthwhile to places the argument politely.
29. If the words below were organised according to development which would come first?
(a) Foetus
(b) Child
(c) Baby
(d) Adult
Sol: (a)
The stages of development is as follows foetus-baby-child-adult.
30. The meaning of colours can vary depending on culture and circumstances. Each colour has many
aspects to it, but you can easily learn the language of colours.
The meaning of the colours are as follows
Imagination and creativeness
Impractical and Idealistic
Love and nurturing
Harmony and emotional balance
Security and seriousness
Complete and pure
Use the above information to answer the following question.
For a newly married couples, the colour chosen would most likely be
(a) Pink and Magenta
(b) Brown and White
(c) Purple and Turquoise
(d) Magenta and Brown
Sol: (a)
Nearly married couple can be well depicted by thepink and megenta.
Directions(Q. Nos. 31-36) Read the following information in passage and answer the questions given
The Park
Reem likes to go to the park with her mom.
She likes to play at the park with her Friends.
Today when Reem goes to the park, she looks around and becomes very sad.
"What is wrong, Reem?" Mom asks.
"There is so much trash on the ground", Reem says. "It seems like each day, I see more trash here."
Reem and her mom look around.
There are old boxes on the ground.
There are popped balloons on the ground.
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There are old cans, too.
"You are right" Mom says. "The park is very dirty'".
"What can we do?" Reem asks.
"I am sure you will think of something", Mom say.
Reem and her mom go home. Reem paints a picture of a park. She uses blue, green, brown and yellow
Please Keep Our Park Clean, she writes in big letters on the top of her picture.
"Let's go back to the park, Mom", Reem says.
"Okay," Mom says.
Reem grabs a bunch of trash bags to take with her. She also brings along some tape.
When Reem gets to the park, she tapes her picture on a big trash can.
"Here when you go!" she says to her mom. She hands her mom a bag. "Will you help me pick up the
"I Sure will," Mom says.
The children at the park run over to see what is going on.
Reem hands them bags. "Let's clean this place up," she says.
The children pickup lots of trash. They talk and laugh as they work. Soon, all the bags are full.
"We need to come back another day. There is still some trash on the ground," Reem says, "But the park
looks much better."
"It does," Mom says. "I knew you would think of some way to help."
31. How does the park look after everyone cleans it up?
(a) All clean
(b) Better
(c) Very dirty
(d) Dirtier
Sol: (b)
32. How might Reem and her friends feel after cleaning up?
(a) Cold
(b) Good
(c) Mad
(d) Sad
(c) Mops
(d) Trash bags
Sol: (b)
33. What does Reem give the children?
(a) Brooms
(b) Gifts
Sol: (d)
34. Why does Reem tape her picture to the trash can?
(a) So, people can see it
(b) So, it falls to the ground
(c) So, people get mad
(d) She is tired of holding it
Sol: (a)
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35. What does Reem do when she gets home?
(a) She makes a sign
(b) She eats dinner
(c) She paints her face
(d) She cleans her room
Sol: (a)
36. What is on the ground?
1. Old boxes
2. Paper
3. Plastic wrappers
(a) Only 1
(b) 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Sol: (a)
Directions (Q. Nos. 37-42) Read the following information in passage and answer the question given
As per the United Nations Developments Programme (UNDP), Human Development Report 2009, the
Human Development Index (HDI) for India in 2007 was 0.612 on the basis of which India is ranked
134, out of 182 countries of the world placing it at the same rank as in 2006.The HDI is based on three
indicators, namely Gross Domestic product GDP per capita (PPP US ), life expectancy at birth and
education as measured by adult literacy rate and gross enrollment ratio (combined for primary,
secondary and tertiary education). The value of Human Development Index for India gradually
increased from 0.427 in 1980 to 0.556 in 2000 and went upto 0.612 in 2007.
This trend indicating improvement in the HDI powered by per capita income growth for India is
heartening though, there is no room for complacency as India is still in the Low Human Development
category with even countries like China, Sri Lanka and Indonesia having better ranking.
37. What was the score of India in HDI in 2007?
(a) 0.612
(b) 0.512
(c) 0.412
(d) 0.312
Sol: (a)
(a) 0.612 was the value of HDI of India in 2007.
38. What was the rank of India in HDI in 2007?
(a) 125
Sol: (c)
lndiaranked134,out of 182counriesinHDIin2007.
39. What are the basis indicators of HDI?
(a) GDP per capita
(b) Life expectancy at birth
(c) Glass enrollment ratio
(d) All of these
Sol: (d)
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40. Gross enrollment ratio includes students from
(a) primary education
(b) secondary education
(c) tertiary education
(d) All of these
Sol: (d)
41. What was the HDI value of India in 1980?
(a) 0.427
(b) 0.327
(c) 0.227
(d) 0.027
Sol: (a)
0.427 was HDI value India in 1980.
42. India have poor ranking than which of the following country in HDI?
(a) China
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Indonesia
(d) All of these
Sol: (d)
Section C : Quantitative Reasoning (Questions 43 to 60)
43. Professor Merle White of the Mathematics department, Professor Leslie Black of Philosophy and Jean
Brown, a young stenographer, who worked in the university's office of admissions, were lunching
"Isn't it remarkable," observed the lady, "that our last names as Black, Brown and White and that one of
us has black hair, one brown hair and one white.
"It is indeed, "replied the person with black hair," and have you noticed that not one of us has hair that
matches his or her name?
"By gallery, you're right!" Exclaimed Professor White.
If the lady's hair isn't brown, what is the colour of Professor Black's hair?
(a) Black
(b) Brown
(c) White
(d) Cannot be determined
Sol: (c)
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From the conversation Professor White's hair cannot be white for C, then it would his or her name nor
can it be black because he (she) replies to the black haired person. Therefore, it must be brown. If the
lady's hair isn't brown, then professor, White is not a lady. The remark from the black haired person can
be from Professor Black (for then the colour of hair would match his or her name) and cannot be from
Professor White as well (because the remark prompts an exclamation from white) Therefore, the black
haired person is jean Brown. Based on this the first statement from the lady is made by Professor Black.
Her hair cannot be black or brown. So, she has white hair.
Direction (Q. No. 44) Study the following graph carefully and answer the following question that
follows. The following graph gives the circulation growth of Gram Sewn magazine from July to
December-03 and answer the questions.
44. The growth rate is very marginal during the month of
(a) August
(b) October
(c) November
(c) December
Sol: (a)
In the month of August the growth rate is least.
45. The speed of a boat in still water is 12 km/h. It can go 32 km upstream and return downstream to the
original point in 6h. Find the speed of the stream.
(a) 3 km/h
(b) 4 km/h
(c) 6 km/h
(d) 8 km/h
Sol: (b) 4km/hr
Let the speed of stream = ‘s’ km/h
Upstream speed = 12 – s
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Downstream speed = 12 + s
Distance (given) = 32 km
32/(12-s) + 32/(12+s) = 6 hours
S2 = 16
46. The side of a square exceeds the side of another square by 2 cm and sum of the areas of the two squares
is 164 cm2. Find the dimension of the smaller square.
(a) 10cm
(c) 8 cm
(d) 11 cm
Sol: (c) Let S1 and S2 be two squares. Let the side of the square S1 be x cm in length. Then, the side of
square S2 is (x + 2) cm.
Area of square S1 = x2sq cm
and Area of square S1 = (x + 2)3sq cm
According to the given condition,
Area of squares, + Area of square S2 =164 cm2
(x + 2)3 +x2 =164
x2 + 4x + 4 + x2 =164
2x2 +4x –160 = 0
x2+2x – 80 = 0
x2 + 10x – 8x – 80 = 0
x(x + 10) – 8(x + 10) = 0
(x + 10) (x – 8) = 0
x = – 10 or 8
So, the side of the smaller square is 8 cm.
47. Three pieces of timber 42 m , 49 m and 63 m long are to be divided into planks of same length. What is
the greatest possible length of each plank?
(a) 63m
(c) 42 m
(d) 7 m
Sol: (d) Greatest possible length = HCF of 42, 49 and 63
Factors of 42 = 7× 6
Factors of 49 = 7 × 7
Factors of 63 = 7 × 9
HCF = 7
So, the greatest possible length of each plank is 7 m.
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48. Two trains are running on parallel lines in the same direction at speed of 40 km/h and 20 km/h,
respectively. The faster train crosses a man in the second train in 36 s. The length of the faster train is
(a) 200 m
(b) 185 m
(c) 225 m
(d) 210 m
Sol: (a) Let the length of the faster train be x m.
Relative speed (40 – 20) = 20 km/h
x = 20 × 5/18 × 36 = 200 m
49. An iron pipe 20 cm long has exterior diameter equal to 25 cm. If the thickness of the pipe is 1 cm, then
the whole surface area of the pipe is
(a) 3014.4cm2
(b) 3268cm2
(c) 3168cm2
(d) 3368cm2
Sol: (a) Whole surface area of pipe
20 2 3.14
= 3014.4 m2
50. The average score of a cricketer in three matches is 22 runs and in two other matches, it is 17 runs. Find
the average in all the five matches.
(a) 20
(b) 19.6
(c) 21
(d) 19.5
Sol: (a) The total score of cricketers in three matches= 22 × 3 = 66
Total scores in other two matches - 17 × 2 = 34
Average in the five matches
66 34
51. Participation in sports is compulsory in a school. A class has 80 students out of which
60 students play football and 40 students play basketball, find how many students play both football and
(a) 18
Sol: (b) A
Then, n A
Football, B
n B
n A
(d) 30
= 60 + 40 – 80 = 20
52. A bag contains an equal number of 50 paise, 25 paise, 20 paise and 5 paise coins, respectively. If the total
value is Rs 40, then how many coins of each type are true?
(a) 40
(b) 25
(c) 30
(d) 20
Sol: (a) Lee there bex number of each type of coins of 50 paise,25 paise,20 paise and 5 paise.
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x = 40
So, there are 40 coins of each type.
Directions(Q. Nos. 53-56) Study the following paragraph carefully and answer the following questions
that follows.
When a rectangular coil carrying current is placed in a magnetic field, a torque acts on the coil which
rotates it continuously. When the coil rotates, the shaft attached to it also rotates and thus it is able to do
mechanical work. A DC motor consists of a rectangular coil made of insulated copper wire wound on a
soft iron core. This coil wound on the soft iron core forms the armature. The coil is mounted on an axle
and is placed between the cylindrical concave poles of a magnet.
The construction of electric motor is shown aside.
An electric motor is a device which converts electrical energy into
mechanical energy. A common motor works on direct current. So, it is
also called DC motor. When the coil is powered, a magnetic field is
generated around the armature. The left side of the armature is
pushed away from the left magnet and drawn towards the right,
causing rotation.
Motor losses are mainly due to resistive losses in windings, core losses and mechanical losses in
bearings, and aerodynamic losses, particularly where cooling fans are present, also occur. Losses also
occur in commutation, mechanical commutations spark and electronic commutators and also dissipate
heat. The efficiency of motor is the ratio of output to input power. When the coil turns through 900, the
brushes lose contact with the commutator and the current stops flowing through the coil. However the
coil keeps turning because of its own momentum. Now when the coil turns through 1800, the sides get
interchanged. As a result the commutator ring C1 is now in contact with brush B2 and commutator ring
C2 is in contact with brush B1 . Therefore, the current continues to flow in the same direction.
53. In the figure what does P and Q stands for?
(a) Brushes
(b) Armature
(c) Split rings
(d) None of the above
Sol: (c) P and Q stands for split rings.
54. Which principle is related with?
(a) II converts kinetic energy into potential energy
(b) It converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
(c) It converts kinetic energy into rotational energy
(d) It converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
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Sol: (a)
It converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.
55. The efficiency of the DC motor increases by
(a) decreasing the number of turns in the coil
(b) increasing the number of turns in the coil
(c) the number of turns in the coil is kept constant
(d) decreasing the strength of the current
Sol: (d) All types of lens are discussed in the passage i.e., concave and convex both.
56. What happens when the coil turns through 180°?
(a) Current flows in the opposite direction
(b) The sides of commutator remain same
(c) The sides of commutator get interchanged which results current flow in the same direction
(d) The sides of commutator get interchanged which results current flow in the opposite direction
Sol: (d) The sides of commutator get interchanged which results current flow in the same direction.
Directions(Q. Nos. 57-60) Study the following paragraph carefully and answer the following questions
that follows.
The Universe is commonly defined as the totality of existence, including planets, stars, galaxies the
contents of intergalactic space and all matter and energy. The broadest definition of universe is that it is
simply everything, while a narrower definition is that the universe is limited to what can be observed.
Similar terms include the cosmos, the
world and nature. Scientific observation of the Universe, the observable part of which is about 93 billion
light years in diameter, has led to inferences of its earlier stages. These observations suggest that the
Universe has been governed by the same physical laws and constants throughout most of its extent and
history. The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological model that describes the early development
of the Universe, which in physical cosmology is calculated to have occurred 13.79 ± 0.037 billion years
At the heart of the solar system is our sun. The tour planets nearest it are rocky, terrestrial worlds—
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. After that arc four gas giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter lies the asteroid belt, which includes the dwarf planet Ceres.
Beyond the orbit of Neptune one finds the disk-shaped Kuiper belt, in which dwarf planet Pluto resides,
and far beyond that is giant, spherical OortCloud and the
teardrop-shaped heliopause. The sun is by far the largest object in our solar system, containing 99.8% of
the solar system's mass. It sheds most of the heat and light that makes life possible on Earth and possibly
elsewhere. Planets orbit the sun in oval-shaped paths called ellipses and the sun is slightly off to the side
of the center of each ellipse. The inner four planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars arc made up mostly
of iron and rock. Asteroids are minor planets, most of which circle the sun in a region known as the
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asteroid belt, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Scientists estimate that there are more
than750,000 asteroids in the belt with diameters larger than three-fifths of a mile (1 Ion), and they are
millions of smaller asteroids.
57. Which is not the member of solar system?
(a) An asteroid (b) A constellations
(c) A satellite
(d) A comet
(c) Mercury
(d) Saturn
(c) Curve
(d) Spherical
Sol: (b) A constellations
58. Which is not planet?
(a) Pluto
(b) Earth
Sol: (a)
59. What is the shape of theOortCloud?
(a) Straight line (b) Parabolic
Sol: (d)
60. Match the following.
Column A
Column B
A. Inner planets
1. Disk-shape
B. Minor Planets
2. Mars
C. Kuiper
3. Oval-shape
D. Planet orbit the sun
4. Asteroids
Sol: (a)
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