Film as Message: A Study of Heroism in Film

Dr. June H. Smith
.. Film as Message: A Study of Heroism in Film ..
Professor of Communication
[email protected]
COMM 3366.010
Summer II 2015
Office: LIB B-303
Phone: 486-6088
Office Hours: Mon-Fri
noon-2 p.m. in LB 303, & by appointment.
TWTr: 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Class hours:
T, W. Tr 2-5 p.m. Film as Message Comm 3366
Course Materials
Readings are on the “J” drive. Please read prior to the class to aid your ability to discuss the material.
Course Objectives
 To observe and analyze film terminology and film criticism techniques
 To develop skills in analysis and writing
 To apply some fundamental communication theories to messages found in contemporary film
Assignments: (two papers, one presentation, and two tests)
Grading Scale:
Paper #1: a short comparison of two of our early 5 films
Paper #2 a paper comparison of two of the last 7 films with one of the first 5 films which you have not
already written about.
Presentation over material from Paper #2
Midterm exam
Final Exam (comprehensive)
Academic Integrity Statement
Angelo State University expects its students to maintain complete honesty and integrity in their academic pursuits.
Students are responsible for understanding the Academic Honor Code, which is contained in both print and web
versions of the Student Handbook.
American Disability Act
Persons with disabilities which may warrant academic accommodations must contact the Student Life Office, Room 112
University Center, in order to request and to implement academic accommodations.
Attendance Policy
Be here to both view the film clips and to discuss. Plan on having perfect attendance. You may have up to 2 absences for
any reason on lecture days only (following those two absences, any further absences will result in a 2 point penalty on
your final average). If there is some explanation for your need to be absent, please discuss this with me in my office prior
to being absent from class, if at all possible. Having the discussion does not mean that the absence will be excused.
Religious Holy Day Observance
A student who intends to observe a religious holy day should make that intention known in writing to the instructor prior
to the absence. A student who is absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day shall be allowed to take an
examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after the absence.
Syllabus: Hollywood & the Concept of Heroism: Comm 3366 Film as Message
July 15
July 16
July 21
July 22
July 23
July 28
July 29
July 30
The Deep South and Heroism: a study
of fighting culture wars. Who are all
the “out groups?”
July 14
Motif: “Feminism in film”
The culture shift
July 9
Motif: “Heroes versus
Gangsters. How does the
Gangster environment affect
July 8:
Theories & Story Motif: The
foundations of heroism in
story/film. What is is to be a
July 7
Intro to the class. Lecture: analyzing film content. Handout: Reading #1 & beginning analysis sheet. Short
film analysis discussion. Semiotics Theory discussion. Fisher’s Narrative Paradigm discussion. Realism and
Formalism. Handout: the virtues of heroism discussion. Reel Bad Arabs discussion. Film #1: To Kill a
Mockingbird 129
Reading: The Psychology of Heroism on “J” drive. Discussion. Film #2. Began Winter’s Bone 100
Discussion & Reading: The Characteristics of Heroism (J Drive)
Reading: Teaching Heroism (J drive) Film #3 begun. Discussion with evaluation sheets Apollo 13 126
Filming techniques discussion. Mythic tale conventions discussion.
Film #4 begun. True Grit 110 Discussion. Short paper discussion. Hitchcock papers on J Drive.
Introduction to cultural theories & film Standpoint Theory/Muted Groups Theory. Stock Characters
from Comedia Reading (J Drive)
Film # 5 Unbroken 137 Discussion of midterm and final paper assignment. Discussion of all readings
to this point, and a discussion of film techniques as applied to the theories.
Review for Midterm, continue material from yesterday. Science Fiction and fantasy genre on dangers:
Dangers from natural causes, from the machinery we make, and dangers from ourselves and our culture.
Film #6: Chocolat
to recover him/herself.
Introduce the Human element of heroism: The hero is flawed, but needs
Short paper due today in class. Midterm exam (Beginning at 3 pm) – lecture/readings.
Film 7Fantasy films introduction Serenity 119.
Film 8 Star Trek Into Darkness .
Virtues/Vices/Motives introduction
131 Preparation for final papers. Discussion and analysis.
Review of comm theories, add Penelope’s Patriarchal Universe of Discourse
Film 9 The Butler 132 Cultural discussion continues. Prep for Heros vs. Gangsters section next week.
Heroes & Gangsters begins The Help 146
Film 10 finished. Heroes, Nerds, and Villains dramatic motif.
Film 11 finished. Discussion of final exam and final paper. Social Judgment Theory & Elaboration
Likelihood Model introduced. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, part 1... 123
Prep for final paper and final exam, also any unfinished film discussions finished here. :
August 4
Paper #2 due. Review for final exam & presentations. Paper presentations.
August 5
Final Exam & Final Papers returned