U4C2L2 - Study Guide - The First Lifesaving Steps

Lesson U4C2L2 ‐ FIT Questions 1. (U4C2L2:F1) If you started to choke on some food and you were alone, what should you do? A) stick your finger down your throat and try to remove the food B) lean forward over a railing or chair and thrust yourself down until you dislodge the obstruction C) lay down flat and try to cough D) bend over until your head is upside‐down and try to cough 2. (U4C2L2:F2) What life‐saving technique is being demonstrated in this image? A) cardiopulmonary resuscitation B) rescue breathing C) automated external defibrillator D) Heimlich maneuver 3. (U4C2L2:F3) If you entered a room and saw this scene what would you think is happening? A) He is trying to fix the chair back B) He is choking and trying to dislodge the obstruction C) He is having a stroke and is falling over 4. (U4C2L2:F4) Which statement below is not true about rescue breathing? A) Sweep out anything you find in the victim's mouth B) Tilt back the victim's head and lift the jaw C) Pinch the victim's nose and completely cover their mouth D) Give two quick breaths every five seconds 5. (U4C2L2:F5) During a family gathering your uncle starts complaining he feels nauseous and can't seem to catch his breath. The symptoms he described could be _____. A) a stroke B) a heart attack C) choking 6. (U4C2L2:F6) In what category should "Difficulty in Breathing" be placed? A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 7. (U4C2L2:F7) Which picture shows the correct hand placement for CPR? A) B) C) 8. (U4C2L2:F8) How prepared are you at school and home to handle an emergency? A) I am confident I could handle most emergencies B) I think I will be okay but hope help comes soon C) I can help a little but hope someone else is there D) I do not feel adequately prepared at all 9. (U4C2L2:Q1) Read the following paragraph, and decide which option is correct. Rescuers that perform CPR act as life‐support systems for the victim. CPR is a combination of mouth‐to‐mouth resuscitation and closed chest heart massage. The mouth‐to‐mouth resuscitation supplies oxygen to the lungs. The close chest heart massage restarts the heart to pump blood through the victim's body. These actions keep the heart and brain alive until the heartbeat is restored and medical help arrives. A) Do not change anything. The paragraph is correct as written. B) Replace "supplies oxygen" with "restores breathing" C) Replace "life‐support systems" with "certified medical personnel" D) Replace "restarts the heart to pump" with "manually pump" 10. (U4C2L2:Q2) Kelly's grandmother was telling a story about life during World War II. As she listened, Kelly's grandmother first seemed to get confused, then was unable to speak, and finally was unable to lift her left arm. Kelly determined that her grandmother was having a stroke, so she called 911. What should she do next? A) Lay her grandmother on one side, cover her with a blanket, monitor the ABC's, and give CPR as necessary. B) Immediately give mouth‐to‐mouth resuscitation, even if she is still breathing. C) Try to get her grandmother to stay awake by walking her around the room until EMS personnel arrive. D) Nothing. She should just wait for the emergency medical service personnel. 11. (U4C2L2:Q3) Read the following paragraph, and decide which option (A‐D) is correct. The ABCs of life‐saving reminds rescuers of the first things to check on an injured person. They stand for Airway, Bleeding, and Circulation. The Heimlich maneuver clears a choking victim's airway. Mouth‐to‐mouth resuscitation helps restore breathing. CPR helps restore circulation (heartbeat). For the best and safest results, classes from a qualified instructor are recommended before performing mouth‐to‐mouth resuscitation or CPR on an injured person. A) Do not change anything. The paragraph is correct as written. B) Replace "bleeding" with "breathing" C) Replace "recommended" with "required" D) Replace "of the first things" with "everything" 12. (U4C2L2:Q4) You turned on a medical show on TV, but the show was almost over. A reporter was talking to an emergency medical service person about the action he took to help a stroke victim. The EMS person was saying, "I did 30 chest compressions followed by two breaths. After three sets, I felt a pulse and knew the victim was going to be okay." What procedure was he describing? A) Mouth‐to‐mouth resuscitation B) The Heimlich maneuver C) Rescue breathing D) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 13. (U4C2L2:G1) Another name for mouth‐to‐mouth resuscitation is ______________. A) Buddy Breathing B) Rescue Breathing C) Rescue Resuscitation D) Team Breathing 14. (U4C2L2:G2) A _____________ occurs when blood vessels that deliver oxygen‐rich blood to the brain ruptures or when a blood clot forms and blocks the flow of blood in the brain. A) Stroke B) Heart attack C) Migraine D) Seizure 15. (U4C2L2:G3) What is the Heimlich maneuver? A) A marching drill of Germanic origins B) A technique for clearing the clogged air passageway of a choking victim. The technique uses an upward push to the abdomen to clear the airway and expel an object stuck in the airway of a choking victim C) A technique for effective reading of a textbook D) A technique for keeping your knees unlocked so you don't faint while standing at attention for long periods of time 16. (U4C2L2:G4) How can you save yourself if you are alone and are choking on an object lodged in your airway? A) Throw yourself down hard on the ground to dislodge the object. B) Lean forward over a railing, sink, or chair and thrust yourself downward until you dislodge the obstruction. C) You can't. Call 911 while you can still talk. D) Ram yourself in the chest with a broomstick or other pointed object. 17. (U4C2L2:G5) Another name for rescue breathing is ______________. A) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation B) Mouth‐to‐mouth resuscitation C) An electrocardiogram D) Shock treatment 18. (U4C2L2:G6) What is an AED? A) An Attitude and Education Dilemma B) Airway and Expulsion Device C) Automated External Defibrillator D) None of the above 19. (U4C2L2:G7) What is an Automated External Defibrillator used for? A) To clear a blocked airway in a choking victim B) To control bleeding in a compound fracture C) To treat victims of sudden cardiac arrest by measuring heart rhythms and administering a shock when necessary D) To test one's sugar level for diabetes 20. (U4C2L2:G8) The technique for clearing the clogged air passageway of a choking victim is called ____________. A) the Heimlich maneuver B) mouth‐to‐mouth resuscitation C) rescue breathing D) first aid evaluation 21. (U4C2L2:G10) T or F: One technique for saving yourself if you are alone and choking is to throw yourself on the floor to dislodge the item. A) True B) False 22. (U4C2L2:G12) AEDs are frequently found on airplanes today. What is an AED? A) Automated External Defibrillator B) Arterial External Defibrillator C) Automated Echocardiogram Defibrillator D) Automated External Delineator Lesson U4C2L2 ‐ Vocabulary 1. (U4C2L2:V1) Which picture shows an automated external defibrillator? A) B) C) 2. (U4C2L2:V2) Choose the word that best completes the sentence below. A(n) _____ is the sudden stoppage of the heart. A) abdominal thrust B) cardiac arrest C) automated external defibrillator D) stroke 3. (U4C2L2:V3) Which picture shows rescue breathing? A) B) 4. (U4C2L2:V4) A(n) _____ is a reduction of blood flow to a part of the brain. A) abdominal thrust B) cardiac arrest C) automated external defibrillator D) stroke 5. (U4C2L2:V5) Which picture shows what you would do for a choking victim? A) B) C) Lesson U4C2L2 ‐ Stroke/Heart Attack/Choking 1. (U4C2L2:AD1) Loss of Consciousness A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 2. (U4C2L2:AD2) Persistent chest pain A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 3. (U4C2L2:AD3) Dizziness A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 4. (U4C2L2:AD4) Bluish color to lips, tongue, fingernails A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 5. (U4C2L2:AD5) Shortness of breath A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 6. (U4C2L2:AD6) Mental confusion A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 7. (U4C2L2:AD7) Sweating A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 8. (U4C2L2:AD8) Paralysis on one side A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 9. (U4C2L2:AD9) Slurred speech A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 10. (U4C2L2:AD10) Gasping for breath A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 11. (U4C2L2:AD11) Pupils of unequal size A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 12. (U4C2L2:AD12) Nausea A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 13. (U4C2L2:AD13) Inability to speak or cough loudly A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking 14. (U4C2L2:AD14) Difficulty in breathing A) Stroke B) Heart Attack C) Choking Lesson U4C2L2 ‐ DL Questions 1. (U4C2L2:DL1) What prior experience do you have with CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)? A) I have administered CPR in an emergency situation. B) I have seen CPR administered in an emergency situation. C) I have heard about CPR but know very little about it. D) I do not know what CPR is and/or when you would use it. 2. (U4C2L2:DL2) What is an element of CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)? A) Abdominal Thrusts B) Leg compressions C) Cardiac Arrest D) Chest compressions