Delinilions From the words in Group A and Group B

From the words in Group A and Group B following, choose
the one that most nearly corresponds to each defimtion
below Write the word on the line at the right of each definition
and then in the illustrative phrase below the definition
Group A
approbation (ap ra 'ba shan)
assuage (a 'swaJ)
coalition (ko a 'I ish an)
decadence ('de ka dans)
elicit (e 'lis it)
errant (' er ant)
hackneyed (' hak ned)
hiatus (hi 'a tas)
innuendo (in yu 'en do)
intercede (in tar 'sed)
1. (v.) to plead in behalf of someone else; to serve as
a third party or go-between in a quarrel or other
asked me to----~-
with the coach in his behalf
2. (adj.) used so often as to lack freshness or originality
a dull and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ plot
3. (n.) expression of approval or favorable opinion, praise _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
greeted by smiles of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. (n.) hint, indirect suggestion or reference (often
in a derogatory sense)
accused me of misconduct by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. (n.) combination, union, merger for some specific
a(n) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of many community organizations
6. (v.) to draw forth, bring out from some source
(such as another person)
attempt t o - - - - - - · - - - information
7. (n.) gap, opening, break (in the sense of having an
element missing)
puzzled by t h e - - - - - - - - - __ in his story
8. (v.) to make easier or milder; to quiet, calm
- - - - - - - - - his hurt feelings
9. (n.) decline, decay, deterioration (often applied
to morals, art, etc.)
an example of __________ in modern painting
i D. (adj.) wandering; mov1ng 1n an aimless or lightly
changing way, dev1ating from what IS correct or
reproved h1s - - - - - - - --- aSSIStant
Group B
jaded ('ja did)
laggard ('lag ard)
meritorious (mer i 'tor 8 as)
petulant (' pech a Iant)
prerogative (pre 'rag 8 tlv)
provincial (pre 'vin shal)
sim1.1lale (' sim ya lat)
transcend (tran 'send)
umbrage ('am brei)
unctuous ('a~k chu as)
11. (v.) to make a pretense of, imitate; to show
the outer signs of
to - - - - - - - - - interest in his problems
12. (adj.) wearied, worn out, dulled (in the sense of
being satiated by excessive indulgence)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from too many parties
13. (n.) offense, resentment
to take _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the offensive treatment he received
14. (n.) special right or privilege
the - - - - - - - - - of a veteran employee
15. (n.) person who moves slowly or falls behind;
(adj.) excessively slow, falling behind
in recognizing the dangers
16. (v.) to rise above or beyond, exceed
ideas that
our comprehension
17. (adj.) narrow in mind or outlook,countrified
in sense of being limited .and backward;
pertaining to an outlying area;
(n.) person with narrow point of view
amused by their
1_8. (adj.) peevish, annoye(J by trifles,easily
irritated and upset
will not indulge the - - c - - ' - - ' - - - - - child
_____ __________________________
19. (ad/) excessively smooth and smug;
trying too hard to grve an impression
of supenor morality, piety, etc"
offended by his __________ manner
20. (adl) worthy, deservrng recognition and praise
rewarded after many years o f - - - - - - - - - service
the Sentence
From the words lor this unit(Group A or Group B). choose the
one that best completes each of the following sentences.
Write the word in the space provided.
1. Various insects have a marvelous capacity to protect themselves by
appearance of twigs and other objects in their
2. Of course you have a right to ask the waiter for a glass of water, but is there any
need to· use that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tone?
3. I take no
at your personal remarks, but I feel you would
have been better advised not to make them.
4. I feel that, as an old friend, I have the
actions without arousing resentment.
of criticizing your
5. There is no way of predicting who will be the next object of his - - - - - affections.
6. If you take pride in expressing yourself with force and originality, you should not
use so many
7. Today, when the United States is the world's greatest power, and we must think in
global terms, we cannot afford to have leaders with a(n)
point of view.
8. In the question-and-answer session, we tried to
from the
candidates some definite indication of how they proposed to check inflation.
9. If you cannot meet the college's entrance requirements, it will be futile to have
in your behalf.
1(1. His confidence grew as he received clear signs of the
his superiors.
11. The issue of good faith that your conduct raises far
specific question of whether or not you are responsible for the damage to my car.
12. I appreciate your praise, but I must say that I can see nothing so remarkably
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in having done what any decent person would do.
13. When we played back the tape, we realized that there was a(n)
of several minutes duration that prevented us from understanding what had
-------------------------1'!. I lrke the salespeople in that store because they do their job eftrciently and
pleasantly, wrthout making a big show of ____ ----- - - - - - courtesy_
He is quick to approve of new programs and activities for our club, but
---· .. - - -.. ·--······----·-when it comes to giving financial or personal support to
make them successful.
1'1l, Their tastes have been so__ __ __ _______ by luxury and self-indulgence
that they seem incapable of enjoyrng the simple pleasures of life_
17, The only way to defeat the party rn power rs for all the reform groups to form a(n)
__ ______
_ __ and back a srngle slate of candrdates_
1B, Weakened militanly, and with a large part of the population living on tree "bread
and crrcuses," the once mighty Roman Empire now entered a period of
- 19. He expressed his unfavorable opinion of the JOb applicant by - - - - - - - ,
rather than by direct statement
20. Although we tried to express our sympathy, we knew that mere words could do
nothing to
her grieL
21. I believe that the ultrmate nature and purpose of the unrverse - - - - - - - our feeble human understanding_
22. I thought my photographs were makrng a brg 'rmpression on the editor, but all that
from him was a muttered "Not bad_"
23. We wandered aimlessly to and fro, like the
From the words for thisunit(Group A or Group B), choose the -,,o,
one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to each of the 1'
following words or expressions- Write the word on the line
provided at the right
1. easy-going, even-tempered
2. to push back, repress
3. blameworthy
4. division or separation into parts
5. broadminded, sophisticated
6. direct statement or reference
7._to refuse to mediate
8. original, new, fresh
9. stationary, immobile
10. keenly appreciative, w'ith unspoiled
capacity for enjoyment
11. to aggravate, intensify
12. in the forefront
13. rise, growth
14. disapproval, condemnation, rejection
15. direct; sincere, with no effort to be
From the words for this unit (Group A or Group B), choose the
one that is most nearly the same in meaning as each of the
following words or expressions. Write the word on the line
provided at the right.
1. to assume an appearance not one's own
2. alliance tor joint action
3. to surpass, exceed the limits of
4. oblique reference; insinuation
5. injured feelings
6. countrified, narrow
7. marked by too great a desire to please or f l a t t e r - - - - - - - - - - - 8. wearied through excessive indulgence
9. special advantage, favor, or right
10. to quiet or satisfy
11. interruption; gap
12. to enter into a disputedn behalf of another
13. to bring out into the open
14. routine, common. stale
15. going astray
16. deterioration, impairment of quality
or condition
17. backward, slow; one who lingers
18. deserving reward or commendation
19. compliment, praise, favorable opinion
20. fretful and faultfinding