Answer on Question #46599 - Chemistry – Other

Answer on Question #46599 - Chemistry – Other
If you have 48.00g of K2CrO4, what volume of 0.1500 M BaCl2 solution is needed to
completely react with all the K2CrO4?
Balanced reaction equation is:
K2CrO4(s) + BaCl2(aq) = BaCrO4↓(s) + 2KCl(aq)
Molar masses of K2CrO4 and BaCl2 equal:
( )
( )
( )
Number of moles of K2CrO4 equals:
According to reaction equation 1 mol of K2CrO4 reacts with 1 mol of BaCl2, so 0.246 mol
of BaCl2 is needed to completely react with all the K2CrO4.
The volume of 0.1500 M BaCl2 solution needed is:
Answer: 1.64 L