Beverley Mabel Prendiville

Stephen Prendiville Chris Robinson
Tony Prendiville
David Hart
Sam Thomas
Graham O’Sullivan
A Poem for Nana
To my dearest darling Nana,
Up in Heaven, high above,
I know today you’re with us all,
And sending all your love.
Today we all remember you,
And bid you one last goodbye,
Celebrate the life you’ve had
And maybe have a cry.
You’ll never be forgotten Nana,
I’ll just close my eyes and see,
Your smiling face and feel your love
And you’ll be close to me.
You had such a long life,
So many have so less,
It was your time, the Angels came,
And placed you with the best.
So dear Nana, up above
Although you’re no longer here
In my heart is where I’ll keep you,
Forever, you’ll be near.
In Loving Memory Of
Beverley Mabel Prendiville
To Those Whom I Love
and Who Love Me...
When I am gone, release me, let me go
I have so many things to see and do
You must not bind yourself to me in tears,
Be happy that we had so many years.
I gave you my love, you can only guess
At how much you gave me in happiness
I thank you, for all the love each of
you has shown
But now it is time I travelled alone.
So grieve for me a while, if grieve you must
Then let your grief be comforted by trust
It is only a while we must part
So bless the memories within your heart.
I will not be far away, for life goes on
So, if you need me, call and I will come
Though you can not see, or touch me,
I will be near.
And if you listen with your heart
You will hear all my love around you
Soft and clear.
Sue, Steve, Tony and their families thank you for being here today
and at the conclusion of the service extend a warm invitation to stay
and join them to share refreshments and memories.
We trust that you will keep this service sheet in memory of Bev.
22nd February 1937 - 15th November 2013
“In our hearts forever”
Funeral Service for
Beverley Mabel Prendiville
Richmond Funeral Home
Richmond Road, Carterton
Celebrant: Pam Bailey
Funeral Director: Richmond Funeral Home
Welcome and Introduction
Eulogy: Stephen Prendiville
Speaker: - Sue Robinson
- Helen Gray
Poem: Tony Prendiville
An opportunity for family and friends to share
their memories of Bev
Photos for Reflection
Music: “The Rose” & “Let There be Peace on Earth”
Poems: Stephanie Prendiville - “A Poem for Nana”
Michelle Prendiville - “Today We All Remember”
Piano: Sam Thomas
“Titanic Theme”
The Committal
Recessional Music: “Love is all Around”
Wednesday 20th November at 2pm
Followed by Private Cremation
Today We All Remember
Today we all remember,
A Mum, Nana, and a friend,
A life that was so special,
But sadly had to end.
You were there when we needed you most,
and you went that extra mile,
You’d greet us with a loving hug,
And such a cheerful smile.
Knowing you were always there,
Was such a piece of mind,
A Mum, Nana and a friend,
Truly one of a kind.
You are loved so much by all of us,
You’ve been our biggest fan,
We’ll try our best to make you proud,
In whatever we can.
Words are not enough,
To say what I want to say,
Nana, I’ll never forget you,
And remember you every day.
Although we cannot see you,
It doesn’t mean you’ve gone,
Cause we love you and you’re in our thoughts
Your memory will always live on.
Nana, it’s time now to say goodbye,
You’re someone we’ll always love,
You’ll be missed so dearly,
At peace now - up above