Marine Harvest Herald - Marine Harvest Ireland

Marine Harvest
ISSUE 18 - SPRING 2017
Harvesting this Lent
Most importantly and thankfully, we recommenced harvesting on the 28th of
February. This time Creevin in Donegal Bay is
where the front runners of this year’s harvest
are coming from – well done to our all the
team at Inver.
Last year’s success in managing to avoid
sea-lice with the aid of cleaner-fish has led to
some fish being ready for the market earlier
in the year than previously. This improvement
is a most welcome development for
everybody, and the outlook is that we will be
very busy over the coming months.
While Rinmore was much too quiet during
January and February, it did allow us to
concentrate on making a substantial,
constructive and comprehensive submission
to the Independent Aquaculture Licensing
Review Group. This included a legal analysis
from our solicitors, Matheson, with a view
to avoiding the need for the State to have
to draft new legislation which we fear
could paralyse the licensing process for
aquaculture for a further five years or more.
The Minister announced the review
in December, in accordance with the
undertaking in the Food Wise 2025 strategy,
and Ireland’s National Strategic Plan for
Sustainable Aquaculture Development
(NSPSAD 2015). It is his expectation that the
Independent Review Group will report to him
at the end of April.
A big thank you to all who made their own
submissions to this Group, a total of around
380 were received, at least 70% of which
were from industry supporters. I have little
doubt that supporters and detractors of
our industry share a common vision for
a clear, unambiguous and transparent
licensing process for aquaculture in the
future. I hope that the implementation of
this Group’s recommendations will mark a
positive milestone and turning point for the
development of aquaculture in the country
and the jobs it supports.
ALAB has written to us that it does not
expect to conclude on the Shot Head
appeal until the end of October 2017 – more
than two years after the license was granted
and seven years after the application
process began – naturally ALAB will also be
on the agenda for the Independent Review
Talking about milestones, I am delighted
to note that on April 4th we signed a
50/50 joint venture with “Bifand”, a salmon
company led by Gerard O’Donohue and
Eugene Casey who have been at salmon
farming for just as long as me. We are
combining resources and sharing the
risks and costs of a modest production
in Bertraghboy Bay which is northwest of
Kilkieran Bay where we previously leased
a site from another farming company back
in 2014/15. It will be exciting to operate
with new colleagues in a Bay in Connemara
where we have not farmed before.
As we move from Spring into Summer
and the temperatures slowly rise so too
will the activities at our sites. The new
generations of salmon will be mostly put to
sea by Easter and then six weeks later we
look forward to rolling out the application
of cleaner-fish to all these young stocks to
keep them free from sea-lice. Our ambition
is to master this biological control all the
way through the growth cycle of our stocks,
the most challenging will always be just
before harvesting. Nowadays when we talk
about “treating fish against sea-lice” this
simply means increasing the number of
cleaner-fish amongst the salmon. This is not
easy and remains a very challenging and
complex solution, but one which certainly
proved itself in 2016 and one we must seek
to master at all our operations, then we can
drop that “t” word all together.
Wishing everybody a Happy Easter and
Spring time.
Fanad Lighthouse celebrating 200 years as pictured
by Felix Sproll, MHI Cleaner fish Coordinator.
A number of second and third level students
have begun their spring work experience
placements with our Technical Team.
MHI sponsors
new computing
and sensory
equipment in
St. Crohan’s
national School
Adam Graham is
a transition year
student from Milford
Community School
who undertook a
work placement
at our Rinmore
MHI recently sponsored the purchase of computing and sensory equipment for the resource
room in St. Crohan’s National School, Caherdaniel, Co. Kerry in order to facilitate children
with special needs.
MHI sponsors new floodlights for
Rathmullan Flag Pole football pitch
Pictured alongside MHI’s Lab Technician Bernie
McFadden and Lab Manager Nigel Teape are
Transition Year student David Hemmerle and
third year Galway Mayo Institute of Technology
(GMIT) student Chris Dyke respectively, both of
whom are on work placement.
Simon Bright is a
transition year student
at the Royal & Prior
Secondary School in
Raphoe and is pictured
working in our Rinmore
Harry Boyce of MHI pictured (centre) with Rathmullan Celtic Football club at the
presentation of new pitch flood lights.
Lumpsucker doing its job
MHI sponsors 5k run
in Milford
Bernie Gallagher of Marine
Harvest pictured with winners
of the Marine Harvest
sponsored 5k in Milford. Seated
are Noreen Scanlon, Bernie
Gallagher, Colette McElwaine,
Teresa Winston and Noreen
Bonnar. At back: Paddy Ryan,
Liam Doherty, Kevin Logue,
Martin Kerr, Mary O’Donnell and
Mark McPaul.
Pictured above are the stomach contents
of a lumpsucker caught at the Creevin sea
site, which has been keeping our salmon
lice free.
Trade Mission to the Gulf States
In the first week of March, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the
Marine, Michael Creed, TD, led a delegation of over 30 Irish agrifood and agri-tech companies on a week-long trade mission to
the Gulf States, coordinated by Bord Bia. The mission included
visits to Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Dubai, all major cities in the region,
and over 30 separate engagements, including meetings with key
political influencers, regulatory bodies, and potential customers for
Irish produce.
Hederman smoked
The Rolls Royce of Smoked Salmon
MHI Sales Director Pat Connors was part of this delegation which
accompanied the first harvest of fish from our Inver Bay sea site.
Reaction to this fish was described as a “wonderful product”.
On Friday 9th December 2016, one of the few luxury foods chosen
to celebrate 60 years of the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club (RREC) at
Kensington Palace was Hederman Smoked Irish Salmon from County
Cork which is one of MHI’s valued customers. Over 400 guests,
representing the world’s finest brands came together to celebrate the
heritage and craftsmanship of Rolls-Royce and Bentley cars, and the
launch of the RREC’s Diamond Anniversary and publication.
Boston Seafood Show
Pictured: Pat Connors, Sales & Processing Director Marine Harvest
Ireland; HE Patrick Hennessy, Irish Ambassador to UAE; Tara
McCarthy, CEO Bord Bia; Girar Vouyoukas, Vice President of Fresh
Express International; Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine,
Michael Creed; Tara McCarthy CEO Bord Bia; and Michael Hussey,
Bord Bia Middle East Director during the Ministerial trade mission
to Dubai.
Pat Connors and Annette
Rodgers from the sales team
attended the 37th Boston
Seafood show from March
19th until March 21st 2017.
The show was the biggest
ever with 1,348 exhibitors,
spanning from 53 countries.
Korean Ministry of Ocean’s and
Fisheries delegation visit
MHI are focusing on
expanding sales to the US
market for 2017. During
Pictured: Boston Seafood Show
their visit, Pat and Annette
entrance hall.
met existing customers and
potential customers from across the US. There is huge potential for
Organics in the market and increased sales to the US are expected in
this year. During the trip, they met a new potential customer who has
links closer to home. Thomas McIntyre from Kates Fish in Cleveland
Ohio has strong ancestral links to Fanad. Thomas got engaged
during his recent visit to Fanad where he visited our Rinmore
processing plant during a trip to the local area to visit his relatives.
Thomas is hoping to begin selling our Irish Organic Salmon in this
store in the upcoming weeks.
On March 9th, a delegation from the “Free South Korea” Ministry
of Ocean’s & Fisheries visited Ireland and toured the Marine
Harvest sites in Lough Altan, Inver and Lough Swilly. Thanks to all
staff for making a very positive impression.
Rinmore staff clean up Fanad
Pirctured L to R:
Owen McDermot,
Patrick G Martin,
Paul McFadden,
Shaun Patton on
White Shore, in
Fanad during the
February beach
Pictured: Thomas McIntyre and his fiancé Madalyn Maire, who
recently got engaged during a visit to MHI in Fanad.
For a chanc
e to win this
fantastic pri
complete th
ze, simply
e Easter Sp
ot the Diffe
ce below by
24th May 20
17 and retu
email to: M
by post or
aurice Kelly,
Marine Harv
Rinmore, Le
st Ireland,
tterkenny, C
o. Donegal
Email: Mau
F92 T677.
Win a €200 shopping
voucher for One4All
Circle the SIX differences in the Easter picture
below on the right to be in with a chance to win.
Spot the Difference
Contact No:
Terms and conditions:
The competition is open to all employees of Marine Harvest Ireland. There
is one prize only. No cash alternative will be offered. The prize winner will be
selected at random from all correct entries received before the closing date of
Wednesday 24th May 2017.
The judge’s decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into. Only one
entry allowed per person.
Congratulations to Christine McElwaine who is the winner of the 17th
edition of the Marine Harvest Herald’s competition. Christine who is a
member of our Evening Hygiene team based in Rinmore, Co. Donegal,
has won a €200 One4all voucher.
If you have any comments on this newsletter or ideas for future features please contact Catherine McManus
at [email protected] or Maurice Kelly at [email protected]
Marine Harvest Ireland, Rinmore, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal. T: 074 915 9805. F: 074 919 2500.