View Kaya Şahin Curriculum Vitae

Associate Professor, Indiana University, Department of History
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Central Eurasian Studies
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
Academic Director, Indiana University Eurasia Gateway
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 773-865-8113
Ph.D. with distinction, University of Chicago, Department of History, 2007. Committee
members: Cornell H. Fleischer (chair), Constantin Fasolt, Fred M. Donner, Robert Dankoff.
Comprehensive examinations passed with distinction, University of Chicago, Department
of History, Fall 2004. Fields: The Ottoman Empire (major, with Cornell Fleischer); Early
Modern Europe (minor, with Constantin Fasolt); Late Medieval Europe (minor, with Rachel
M.A., Sabancı University, History, 2000.
B.A., Boğaziçi University, Political Science & International Relations, 1998.
Boğaziçi University, Business Administration, 1992-1994.
Baccalauréat, Lycée de Galatasaray, 1992.
Indiana University-Bloomington, Department of History, Assistant Professor, Fall 2012Spring 2015; Associate Professor, Fall 2015Tulane University, Department of History, Assistant Professor, Fall 2008-Spring 2012.
Northwestern University, Department of History, Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in
Middle Eastern Studies, 2007-2008.
University of Chicago, Graduate Lecturer, 2005-2006.
Sabancı University, Teaching and Research Assistant, 2000-2001.
The Foundation for the Social and Economic History of Turkey, Researcher, 1999-2000.
Metis Publishing, Editor and Translator, 1996-1999.
The institutional and ideological foundations of Ottoman imperialism, comparative studies
of early modern Eurasian empires, Ottoman and modern Turkish historiography, the
Ottoman-Safavid rivalry, inter-cultural and inter-religious exchanges in early modern
Empire and Power in the Reign of Süleyman: Narrating the Sixteenth-Century Ottoman
World. Studies in Islamic Civilization. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
(Turkish translation: Kanuni Döneminde İmparatorluk ve İktidar: Celalzade Mustafa ve
Onaltıncı Yüzyıl Osmanlı Dünyası. Trans. A. Tunç Şen. Istanbul: YKY, 2014.)
In progress
The Personal Anthology of an Ottoman Litterateur: Celalzade Salih and His Munshe’at, coauthored with Cornell H. Fleischer, under contract with Brill.
Articles and Book Chapters
“Courtly Connections: Anthony Sherley’s Relation of his Trauels into Persia (1613) in a
Global Context,” Renaissance Quarterly, 69, 1 (2016): 80-115, co-authored with Julia
“Imperialism, Bureaucratic Consciousness and the Historian’s Craft: A Reading of Celalzade
Mustafa’s Tabakatu’l-memalik,” in H. Erdem Çıpa and Emine Fetvacı (eds.), Editing the Past,
Fashioning the Future: Historiography of the Ottoman Empire (Bloomington, IN: Indiana
University Press, 2013), 39-57.
(Turkish translation: “İmparatorluk, Bürokrasi Bilinci ve Tarihçinin Zanaatı,” in H. Erdem Çıpa
and Emine Fetvacı (eds.), Osmanlı Sarayında Tarihyazımı (Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları,
2014), 46-68.)
“Constantinople and the End of Time: The Ottoman Conquest as a Portent of the Last
Hour,” The Journal of Early Modern History 14 (2010): 317-54.
“The Ottoman Empire in the Long Sixteenth Century,” Renaissance Quarterly.
“The Personal Anthology of an Ottoman Litterateur: Celalzade Salih (d. 1565) and his
Mecmu’a,” in Seyfi Kenan and Akşin S. Somel (eds.), Metin Kunt Festschrift, co-authored
with Cornell H. Fleischer.
“Political Pragmatism, Humanist Ideals and Early Modern Orientalism in Busbecq’s Turkish
Letters,” in Markus Keller and Javier Irigoyen-Garcia (eds.), The Dialectics of Orientalism in
Early Modern Europe, 1492-1700 (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.)
Under revision/to be resubmitted
“Performing an Empire, Creating an Empire: An Ottoman Circumcision Ceremony as Cultural
Performance (1530),” American Historical Review.
Submitted/In preparation (all articles solicited by editors)
“Ottoman Imperial Governance in the Renaissance: A Reconsideration,” in William Caferro
(ed.), The Routledge History of the Renaissance (London and New York: Routledge, 2017).
“A Tale of Two Chancellors: Niccolò Machiavelli, Celalzade Mustafa, and Connected Political
Cultures in Early Modern Eurasia,” in Giuseppe Marcocci (ed.), Orientalizing Machiavelli:
The Western Political Thought, Islam, and the East.
Book reviews, encyclopedia entries, etc.
Review of Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Courtly Encounters: Translating Courtliness and Violence
in Early Modern Eurasia (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2012), American
Historical Review, 119, no. 5 (2014): 1659-1660.
Review of Colin Heywood, Ottomanica and Meta-Ottomanica: Studies in and Around
Ottoman History, 13th–18th Centuries (Istanbul: Isis, 2013), International Journal of Maritime
History, 26, no. 2 (May 2014): 399-402.
Review of Denise Aigle and Stéphane Péquignot (eds.), La correspondance entre souverains,
princes et cités-états: Approches croisées entre l’Orient musulman, l’Occident latin et
Byzance (XIIIe-début XVIe s.) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013), The Medieval Review, Indiana
University, online publication, 2014.
Review of Paul Wittek, The Rise of the Ottoman Empire: Studies in the History of Turkey,
Thirteenth-Fifteenth Centuries (Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2013), Journal of
the Royal Asiatic Society, 24, no. 1 (January 2014): 181-83.
(With Cornell H. Fleischer), “Suleiman the Magnificent,” in Gerhard Bowering, et. al., The
Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
Review of Stephen F. Dale, The Muslim Empires of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals
(Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010), International Journal of
Turkish Studies 17, nos. 1-2 (2011): 196-99.
Conversation with Cornell H. Fleischer, “Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun ‘Altın Çağı’ ya da 16.
Yüzyılda Bir İmparatorluk Resmi,” Tarih ve Toplum Yeni Yaklaşımlar 11 (Winter 2010): 11929.
Review of Ian Almond, Two Faiths, One Banner. When Muslims Marched with Christians
across Europe’s Battlegrounds (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2009), Journal
of Religion 90, no.1 (January 2010): 94-96.
Review of Kurt Franz, Kompilation in arabischen Chroniken. Die Überlieferung vom Aufstand
der Zanğ zwischen Geschichtlichkeit und Intertextualität vom 9. bis ins 15. Jahrhundert
(Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2004), Journal of Near Eastern Studies 68, no. 3 (July
2009): 226-27.
Review of Richard Bulliett, The Case for Islamo-Christian Civilization (New York: Columbia
University Press, 2004): “Oryantalizm: Hep O Şarkı,” Tarih ve Toplum Yeni Yaklaşımlar 1
(Spring 2005): 233-40.
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, 2015-16
NEH Summer Institute, “Empires and Interactions across the Early Modern World, 14001800,” St. Louis University, June 2013
SSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship for Transregional Research: Inter-Asian Contexts and
Connections, 2012-13
Institute of Turkish Studies, Post-Doctoral Summer Travel Grant, Summer 2012
Sherman Emerging Scholar, 2011-2012, University of North Carolina-Wilmington
Newberry Library, Andrew W. Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2010-2011
Folger Shakespeare Library, conference participation grant, March 2011
NEH Summer Seminar, “Re-Mapping the Renaissance: Exchange between Early Modern
Islam and Europe,” University of Maryland, June-July 2010
Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Northwestern University, 2007-2008
American Research Institute in Turkey Dissertation Research Fellowship, 2006
Internal and other
Indiana University, Office of the Vice President for International Affairs, International
Conference Travel Grant, 2016
Indiana University, Office of the Vice Provost for Research, Research Leave Supplement,
Indiana University, Office of the Vice President for International Affairs, International
Conference Travel Grant, 2015
Indiana University, Ostrom Program Grant, 2014
Indiana University, Mellon Innovating International Research, Teaching, and Collaboration
Innovative Workshop Grant, 2014
Indiana University College Arts and Humanities Institute Conference and Workshop Grant,
Indiana University College Arts and Humanities Institute Travel Research Grant, 2013
Lurcy Research and Travel Grant, Tulane University, Department of History, 2011
Lurcy Fund Research Grant, Tulane University, the School of Liberal Arts, 2010-2011
COR Summer Research Fellowship, Tulane University, the Office of the Provost, Summer
Overseas Travel Grant, Tulane University, Department of History, Summer 2009
Andrew W. Mellon Dissertation Year Fellowship, University of Chicago, 2006-2007
Overseas Dissertation Research Grant, Division of Social Sciences, University of Chicago,
Center for Middle Eastern Studies Research Grant, University of Chicago, Summer 2004
Kunstadter Research Grant, Department of History, University of Chicago, Summer 2004
University of Chicago Century Fellowship, 2001-2005
Sabancı University Fellowship, 2000-2001
Galatasaray Foundation Grant for Lycée de Galatasaray Alumni, 1993-1998
Vaksa Achievement Fellowship for Undergraduate Studies, 1992-1998.
Organized conferences, workshops and panels
Beyond the Sunni-Shiite Conflict: The Ottomans and the Safavids in the Early Modern Era,
Indiana University, Bloomington, October 24-25, 2014. Co-organized with Erdem Çipa
(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor).
Asian Early Modernities: Empires, Bureaucrats, Confessions, Borders, Merchants. Part of the
Conference on Inter-Asian Connections IV, Istanbul, 2-5 October 2013. Co-organized with
Hendrik Spruyt.
Between Friction and Collaboration: Imperial Elites and Local Powerbrokers, Northwestern
University, 15-16 April 2011. Co-organized with Rita Koryan (BCICS) and Hendrik Spruyt
(Political Science).
Style, Content, and Audience in Early Modern Islamic Poetic Traditions, the Sixty-Second
Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Boston, MA, 1 April 2016.
From European Renaissances to Global Early Modernities: A Discussion, the 130th Annual
Meeting of the American Historical Association, Atlanta, GA, 7 January 2016.
Texts, Authors and Readers in the Early Modern Islamic World, the Sixty-First Annual
Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Berlin, Germany, 27 March 2015.
New Issues and Approaches in Early Modern Islamic History, Sixteenth Century Society
Conference, San Juan, PR, 24-27 October 2013.
Between Pragmatism and Prejudice: European Representations of the Ottoman-Safavid
Conflict (ca. 1500-1650), the Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of
America, San Diego, CA, 4-6 April 2013 (co-organized with Julia Schleck).
The Ottomans and the Safavids in a Persianate World: Convergences and Divergences, the
Ninth Biennial Iranian Studies Conference, Istanbul, 1-5 August 2012.
From Samarkand to Cairo: Religion, Politics and Intellectual Networks in the Islamic World in
the Fifteenth/Ninth Century, The Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, San
Diego, CA, 18-21 November 2010.
Lectures and talks
“The Ottomans and Early Modernity: A View from the Long Sixteenth Century,” University
of Toronto, Seminar in Ottoman and Turkish Studies, 25 February 2016.
“Ottoman-Safavid Frontiers, Real and Imagined,” University of California, Los Angeles, The
G.E. von Grunebaum Center for Near Eastern Studies, Eurasian Empires Seminar Series
Lecture, 11 February 2014.
“Politics and Performance in an Early Modern Empire: Ottoman Public Ceremonies in the
Reign of Suleiman the Magnificent,” Northwestern University, Roberta Buffett Center for
International and Comparative Studies Faculty and Fellows Series, 11 November 2013.
“Ottoman Imperial Ceremonies under Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566),” University of
Arkansas, Fayetteville, The King Fahd Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 4 November 2011.
“Sunnis and Shiites: A Rivalry that Transformed the Middle East,” the Tenth Annual
Sherman Lecture, University of North Carolina-Wilmington, 20 October 2011.
“Urban Space and Imperial Performance in Sixteenth-Century Istanbul,” Newberry Library
Colloquium, 4 May 2011.
“Empire on Display: Ceremonies during the Reign of Süleyman,” Ohio State University,
Middle East Studies Center, 24 May 2010.
“An Ottoman Apocalypse in Fifteenth-Century Anatolia,” Northwestern University, Roberta
Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies Faculty and Fellows Series, May
“What was the Ottoman Empire?” “The Ottomans in the Balkans: Conquest, Consolidation,
and Decline,” “Life in the Balkans under the Ottomans,” “The Question of Tolerance
Revisited: Intercommunal Relations in the Ottoman Empire,” Northwestern University
Summer Study Abroad Program, Dubrovnik, June 2006.
“The Ottoman Empire and the Balkans,” University of Wisconsin-Madison, October 2005.
Conference presentations, workshops, etc.
“Renaissance East and West: Political Power and Pictorial Representation,” and “Searching
for a Global Early Modernity: Anthony Sherley (d. 1635) between Elizabethan England and
Safavid Iran,” Renaissance Studies NOW: Cutting Edges, New Approaches, Indiana
University, Renaissance Studies Program, 29 April 2016.
Discussant, “Roundtable: Reconsidering the Global Renaissance,” the Sixty-Second Annual
Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Boston, MA, 2 April 2016.
“The Personal Anthology of an Ottoman Litterateur: Celalzade Salih (ca. 1493-1565) and his
Munshe’at,” the Sixty-First Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Berlin,
Germany, 27 March 2015.
“The Performance of Power in an Early Modern Empire: Ottoman Public Ceremonies under
Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-1566),” Rethinking Early Modernity: Methodological and
Critical Innovation since the Ritual Turn, The Centre for Reformation and Renaissance
Studies, Victoria University in the University of Toronto, 25-27 June 2014.
“The Ottoman-Safavid Frontier, Real and Imagined,” Sixteenth Century Society Conference,
San Juan, PR, 24 October 2013.
(With Julia Schleck) “Reading the Ottoman-Safavid Conflict through European Eyes,” the
Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, San Diego, CA, 6 April
“Early Modern Orientalism between Humanist Ideals and Political Pragmatism: Busbecq’s
Ottoman Missions (1554-62),” Works-in-Progress Workshop, Indiana University,
Renaissance Studies Program, 1 March 2013.
Discussant, Ready for Democracy? Religion and Political Culture in the Islamic and Orthodox
Worlds conference, panel on “First Encounters and Continuing Legacies,” Indiana University,
REEI, 28 February 2013.
“Religious Controversy and Cultural Exchange in a Global Renaissance,” The 127th Annual
Meeting of the American Historical Association, New Orleans, LA, 5 January 2013.
“Martin Dickson and World History,” roundtable on the legacy of Martin Dickson, The
Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 17-20 November 2012.
“Towards an Ottoman Sunnism: Perceptions of the Safavids in Early Modern Ottoman
Chronicles,” Mapping the Landscapes of Islamic Studies, Indiana University Islamic Studies
Program, 5-6 October 2012.
“From Metadoxy to Orthodoxy: The Safavid Problem and the Birth of Sunni Islam,” the
Ninth Biennial Iranian Studies Conference, Istanbul, 2 August 2012.
“Towards an Ottoman Sunnism: Perceptions of Bektashis/Alevis/Shi’is/Safevis in Chronicles
from Aşıkpaşazade to Celalzade,” Alevi-Bektashi Communities in the Ottoman Realm:
Sources, Paradigms and Historiography, Istanbul, Boğaziçi University, 14 December 2012.
“Between Humanist Ideals and Political Pragmatism: Busbecq’s Ottoman Missions (15541562),” The Dialectics of Orientalism in Early Modern Europe, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign, 7-8 October 2011.
“Chancellor of the Empire, Representative of a New Elite: Celalzade Mustafa (ca. 14901567) on Imperial Management and Bureaucratic Merit,” Between Friction and
Collaboration: Imperial Elites and Local Powerbrokers, Northwestern University, 15-16 April
“Heretics, Enemies of the Empire, Cultural Competitors: Celalzade Mustafa and the
Ottoman-Safavid Rivalry in the Sixteenth Century,” Newberry Library Fellows Seminar, 25
October 2010.
“Interpreting History through Divination: The Ottoman Conquest of Constantinople as a
Portent of the Last Hour,” The Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting, San Diego,
CA, November 2010.
Discussant, “Turkey’s Emerging Role in its Neighborhood,” symposium panel, Roberta
Buffett Center for International and Comparative Studies, Northwestern University, 17 May
“Nomads, Merchants, Soldiers, Preachers: Encounters in Pre-Modern Central Asia,”
Perspectives on the Modern Middle East III: Along the Hindu Kush, Tulane University, 24
April 2010.
Roundtable discussion, “Teaching about the Middle East,” International Studies Association
Fifty-First Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, February 2010.
“How to Read Celalzade’s Histories? Narrative, Ideology and Historiography in the Works of
Celalzade Mustafa,” Editing the Past, Fashioning the Future: Historiography of the Ottoman
Empire, Indiana University, October 2009.
“Ahmed Bican on the Fall of Constantinople: the Rise of the Ottoman Empire or the End of
the World?” the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Los
Angeles, CA, March 2009.
”Urban Space and Imperial Performance in Sixteenth-Century Istanbul,” The Middle East
Studies Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 2008.
“The Ottomans and the Safavids in the Early Modern Middle East: Conflict,
Confessionalization, and Cultural Exchange,” Global Encounters: Legacies of Exchange and
Conflict (1000-1700), Medieval and Early Modern Studies at the University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, November 2008.
“From Ghazi to Sheikh, from Obscurity to Glory: Ashikpashazade’s Balkan Journey,”
Conversion to Islam and Islamization in the Early Ottoman Balkans, ACLS/Orijentalni institut
u Sarajevu, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, June 2008.
“Ottoman Elite Identity in the Sixteenth Century,” Northwestern University Faculty Seminar
Abroad, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2008.
“Who was an Ottoman?” The Great Lakes Ottoman Workshop, Notre Dame University,
April 2008.
“Bureaucratic Consciousness and History-Writing in the Ottoman Empire in the Sixteenth
Century: Celalzade Mustafa (d. 1567) and His Works,” The American Historical Association
Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2008.
“Intertextuality and Narrative Strategies in the Work of Celalzade Mustafa,” The Middle East
Studies Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, November 2007.
“Recent Political Developments in Turkey,” roundtable discussion with Muhammed Sani
Umar, Şevket Pamuk and Andrew Wachtel, Northwestern University, Roberta Buffett Center
for International and Comparative Studies, November 2007.
“How to Watch Ararat?” panel with Atom Egoyan, University of Chicago, November 2006.
“Islam, Multiculturalism, and the State in the Ottoman Empire,” Northwestern University
Summer Study Abroad Program, Istanbul, July 2006.
“From Messianism to Law and Order: The Reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, 1520-1566,”
Early Modern History Workshop, University of Chicago, May 2004.
Paul Virilio. La bombe informatique (Enformasyon Bombası). Istanbul: Metis, 2003.
Tzvetan Todorov. Poétique (Poetikaya Giriş). Istanbul: Metis, 2001; 2nd printing, 2009; 3rd
printing, 2014
Vedat Nedim Bey. Nevhîz’in Defteri (Diary of Nevhiz; annotated transliteration from
Ottoman into modern Turkish). Istanbul: Yapı Kredi, 2000; 2nd printing, 2012.
Murray Bookchin. Remaking Society (Toplumu Yeniden Kurmak). Istanbul: Metis, 1998; 2nd
printing, Istanbul: Sümer, 2013.
Boris Kagarlitski. Restoration in Russia: Why Capitalism Failed? (Rusya’da Kapitalizm Neden
Tutmadı?). Istanbul: Metis, 1997.
Editorial Advisory Board Member, Renaissance Quarterly, 2015The Renaissance Society of America, Discipline Representative, the Islamic World, 2014-.
Editorial Collective Member, Radical History Review, Fall 2014-.
Editorial Board Member, Tarih ve Toplum: Yeni Yaklaşımlar (History and Society: New
Approaches), an academic and refereed quarterly published in Istanbul. Spring 2005-Spring
Reviewer, The Journal of Near Eastern Studies; The American Historical Review; Journal of
Early Modern History, International Journal of Middle East Studies, Journal of the Economic
and Social History of the Orient, İletişim Publishing (Istanbul), Indiana University Press,
Cambridge University Press.
Modern Turkish (native), French (near native)
Ottoman Turkish, Arabic, Persian (main research languages)
Italian, Spanish, German (advanced)