Annual Report 2016

June 2016
Nisbet team earns three-year
accreditation renewal
Shown here is the 12-person team that
earned Nisbet Lodge the maximum renewal
possible from CARF, an international
accrediting body recognized by the Ministry
of Health and Long-Term Care.
From the left in the back row:
Jay Jesudas (Director of Finance &
Information Technology), Peter Maxwell
(Director of Environmental Services), and
Carole Fowler (Director of Activation)
In the centre row:
Bonnie Oliver (Resident & Tenant Services
Manager, Mirna Romero (Resident Care
Manager, Days), Roxanne Adams (Director
of Human Resources & Staff Development
and Accreditation Team Leader), Maria Oler
(RAI-Coordinator), and Laval Ng (Director
of Food Services)
“Listen with the ear of your heart.”
hen you agree to be put under a microscope for accreditation
purposes, you plan in detail and you plan well in advance. So we
were ready on March 3 and 4 this year when two surveyors from
the accrediting body, CARF, came to examine what we do at Nisbet Lodge.
Nisbet Lodge has been accredited since 1971. The process is demanding
and can be nerve-wracking. We volunteer to go through it because it tells us
where we stand against nationally-accepted standards – 1,400 of them – all of
which are above and beyond what is required by the Ministry of Health and
Long-Term Care. We also use it to drive quality improvement for Nisbet Lodge.
CARF is officially recognized by the Ministry as an accreditor. Our surveyors
were Garry Woessner, Regional Director Rehabilitation with the Benedictine
Health System in Minnesota and Lakisha Taylor, Program Director with
Easter Seals of West Georgia.
They probed our records, and interviewed residents, staff and community
partners about every aspect of our work, from management to how we
uphold the rights of the people we serve.
Roxanne Adams, our Director of Human Resources and Staff Development
has herself been a CARF surveyor for over a year now and guided us through
the standards. All of the managers worked hard in ensuring our policies
and procedures are in line with CARF standards. Barbara Snell, Executive
Assistant worked tirelessly to ensure all of our documentation was ready.
Happily, we were awarded a three-year certification, the longest term
available. The final report named 29 areas of strength, 10 recommendations
In the front row:
Barbara Snell (Executive Assistant),
Lorna Guard – holding the frame certificate
(Board Chair), Glen Moorhouse (CEO),
and Ama Williams (Director of Care)
for improvement, about which we must
report in writing, and 22 “consultations”
– suggestions that do not require a
written response.
Hearing about our strengths, having
specific improvements identified, and
achieving a three-year award made all
of the work worthwhile.
A comment by Administrative
Surveyor, Garry Woessner was
especially meaningful. He said that one
of the Rules of St. Benedict is to ‘listen
with the ear of your heart.’ Garry said
that we do that. What more can you
ask for.
More about the strengths,
improvements and
“consultations” can be found
on our web site at
v Board members and managers
took in the annual Willow Creek
Leadership Summit and the Ontario
Association of Non-Profit Homes
and Services Convention. Other staff
took part in external workshops
on palliative care and RAI MDS
documentation. In house, staff and
volunteers took training on 41 topics.
Recording our annual staff Christmas caroling to respond to the #CanadaCarols
challenge by P.K. Subban
Highlights of the year
v A Nisbet tradition is having management staff sing Christmas carols at
lunch on Christmas Eve. This year our carolers ventured into social media
for the first time. Montreal Canadiens star defenseman P.K. Subban issued
a challenge to Canadians to sing “Jingle Bells” and post the performance
online to cheer up the kids at Montreal’s Children’s Hospital. So we
uploaded part of our performance. Did we make it into the compilation
video released on Twitter? View it on Twitter and you’ll see why we can’t
be sure!
But you can see the video submitted by our staff on Instagram at
v We submitted our second Quality Improvement Plan to Health Quality
Ontario. One focus for the current year is reducing the number of
avoidable emergency transfers of residents to hospital.
v Thanks to our Falls
Committee, steady
progress has been
made over the last
three years on reducing
the number of falls and
fall-related injuries. One
tactic was purchasing
hip protectors.
v Our Chaplain, Shawn
Van De Visch chairs
a revamped Palliative
Care Committee, laying
the foundation to
expand this program.
v Nisbet Lodge has many valuable
partnerships. We are a longtime
member of Solutions: east Toronto’s
Health Collaborative and have
benefited from their e-learning
modules for staff. We also partner
with the Michael Garron Hospital’s
Nurse-Led Outreach Team to help
avoid preventable emergency
department visits.
v We are fortunate to have local
suppliers like Pape Pharmacy, Golden
Care Dentistry, Hearing Works and
others that come into the building to
provide service, making it easier for
families and residents.
v The Nisbet Family Council hosted our
first family celebration with a Greek
theme. The Boehmer Dining Room
was full and people were up dancing
v The Residents’ Council, ably chaired
by Ted Freeman Atwood, made
several suggestions for improving the
life of the home and recruited two
new members: Ioanna Moundreas
and Sheila Burgess.
v To better manage electricity costs, a
new energy management system was
installed in McClintock Manor. In
addition, lighting in both buildings is
being converted to LEDs, to provide
better quality light and help reduce
energy costs.
SOMETHING RIGHT! ­– During this past year five
residents reached their 100th birthdays! Shown
here is Edna Inrig (center) a resident at Nisbet
Lodge, being visited by her two sisters, Marie
Tomlinson and Elsie Gordon.
v We are always grateful to the leadership and congregation of Calvary
Church and to clergy from St. Barnabas on the Danforth (Anglican), Holy
Name Parish and St. Irene Chrisovalantou Greek Orthodox Church for
providing pastoral support to our residents.
v A small advisory group of McClintock
Manor tenants gave input on
improvements to the main floor
lounge. The Tenants Association also
introduced a number of new social
activities including a craft class.
v Although challenged by an
accumulated deficit, our overall
financial picture improved this
past year, and we expect further
improvement in the current year.
Living in community
Report from the Chair of the Board
Our internal community is rich with events
and opportunities to connect. Nisbet is also
part of the external community and we make
ourselves known through the Taste of the
Danforth and the Foundation’s Mother’s Day
Walkathon. The work of living in community
pays big dividends through enhanced
programs and a feeling of belonging.
The Board always pursues the best
interests of those who live and work here.
This year at the Board’s annual retreat
we updated our strategic plan, reviewed
Mission, Vision and Values, and spent time
discussing redevelopment priorities.
Increasingly, we have current data
and best practices to inform our decision
making. Members keep up to date through
both formal and informal education.
Each member also serves on one of our
committees: The Resources Committee
monitors the financial health of the
organization. The Quality Care Committee
persistently seeks ways to improve the
care we give. The Nominating Committee
recruits people to the board who have the
skills necessary for the times ahead.
The Corporate Planning and
Redevelopment Committee has been
considering possible partnerships. To make
redevelopment easier, the government
is relaxing some of its conditions, but
availability of land remains a problem for
many not-for-profit homes.
I am honoured to work with our CEO,
Glen Moorhouse. His leadership is invaluable
and he exercises it with patience and grace.
I value the care and dedication of our staff
and volunteers. On them, rests our
reputation. I want to thank all who contribute
to this organization. Your donations of time
and money are greatly appreciated.
I thank God for this community. Even as
we plan for the future, we wait patiently for
His leading, and trust His timing.
Lorna Gard, Chair of the Board, Nisbet Lodge
More accessible, more welcoming,
more communications
This past year we made a priority out of connecting, collaborating and
communicating inside and outside our walls.
v We continue to make our property more accessible. Braille nameplates
and larger street numbers were installed at the entrances to both buildings.
v Nisbet reception was renovated to lower the counter to be suitable for
people in wheelchairs. A TTY device was installed at reception for the
v We provided placement opportunities for 20 students from six
educational institutions and hired five summer students.
v We completely overhauled our web site to make it compatible with mobile
devices, and simpler for us to update.
v We continue to work with local politicians both to advance Nisbet’s work
and generally to advocate for seniors. We appreciate the interest of our
new federal MP, Julie Dabrusin, as well as the long-term engagement
with MPP Peter Taubins and City Councillor Mary Fragedakis.
v Nisbet has always had strong community partners such as Calvary Church
and other area churches, the Michael Garron Hospital and other health
service providers, local businesses, suppliers, funders, and associations.
These valuable connections help all of us to advance health care in East
v I co-presented a session on collaboration at the B.C Health Leaders
Conference with Wolf Klassen from the Michael Garron Hospital and Lynne
Raskin from the South Riverdale Community Health Centre. Our example
was the impressive work of Solutions: East Toronto’s Health Collaborative.
We also celebrate our successful accreditation. Receiving a three-year
award is a real tribute to our staff, residents, families, tenants, and volunteers.
As well, I want to thank the Board of Directors and our Board Chair,
Lorna Gard for all of their work especially on the demanding redevelopment
file. The outcome remains unknown, but we believe the effort will pay off.
And thank you for helping to make Nisbet Lodge and McClintock Manor
great places to live, and to ensure that the caring continues.
Glen Moorhouse, CEO
Nisbet Lodge Board Members
Irene A. Andress, RN MN
Chief Nurse Executive Director of
Emergency Department/Medicine Program
Michael Garron Hospital
Elsie Dickson
Lorna Gard (Chair)
Retired Computer Programmer/Medical
Jamie Gillingham
Proprietor of Riverdale Tax
Gloria Lacuesta
Retired Teacher
Ian Mucignat
Lending Expert
Marcella Parr
City of Toronto Public Health Nurse
Former Missionary
Rodola Sibuma-Gomez
Key Account Manager
Workplace Safety and Prevention Services
Audrey Wright
Retired Teacher
WE DON’T WALK ALONE – Nisbet continues to work with local politicians both
to advance Nisbet’s work and generally to advocate for seniors. We appreciate our
long-term engagement with provincial MPP Peter Taubins, the interest of our
new federal MP, Julie Dabrusin, and the consistent presence of City Councillor
Mary Fragedakis. Shown here opening our annual Mother’s Day Walkathon are,
from the left: Councillor Fragedakis, CEO Glen Moorhouse, Board Chair
Lorna Gard and MP Julie Dabruisn. The event raised $18,000 for our Foundation,
bringing us a big step closer to being able to replace all window curtains in the
Lodge and installing a new computer center in the Manor. (Photo by Alex Wright)
Statements of Revenue and Expenses
Combined Statement of Operations March 31, 2016
Government subsidy
Residents’/tenants’ fees
Grant - Nisbet Lodge-McC MF
Investment income
$ $ $
555,9004,431,920 4,762,653
540,1212,238,553 2,728,235
14,472174,938 177,560
61 61-
Admin & building costs
Raw food
-3,852,740 3,710,063
525,0991,223,325 1,633,081
-597,258 612,080
-317,736 330,982
-326,613 326,009
-310,550 314,413
Mortgage payments
Replacement reserve fund
543,323 507,50435,819546,967
-97,866 89,774
614,117246,943 768,761
552,036181,685 728,039
You help the caring continue!
ANONYMOUS ADMIRATION – The McClintock Manor gardeners enjoyed an
anonymous flower donation from a person who walks by daily and reported greatly
enjoying seeing the results of their work in the front-yard flower beds. Shown here
from the left are Manor tenants Douglas Grynol, Mary Keane, Mary Yule, Annemarie
Klingbiel, Leo O’Connor amd Irina Nikolaeva.
Corporate Supporters
Achievea Health
Akler, Browning, Frimet
& Lanzberg LLP
Bass Associates
BMC Interiors
Cardinal Health
Complete Purchasing
C & S Construction
Custom Arts Concepts
Dobson & Toncic
Dom Amodeo Produce
Dykeman Dewhurst
Exclusive Alarms
Golden Dental Care
Hearing Works
Horizons Business &
Hospitality Net
Kyocera Mita
Julie Bessant Pelech &
Jones Deslauriers Blevins
Langlois Konrad Inkster
Medical Mart
Medavie Blue Cross
Manulife Financial
Nestle Health Science
Pinchin Ltd
Point Click Care
Precision Property
Robert Somerville Co. Ltd.
Scotia McLeod Wealth
Shoppers Home Health
Silver Meridian
Toronto Division Copiers
Venture Computers
Local Business
Danforth Foot Clinic
Korry’s Clothiers to
Gentlemen on the
Pape Drug Mart
Percy Waters Florists
The Palace Restaurant
Trull Funeral Home &
Cremation Centre
Other Business
ASK Financial
Balsam Plumbing &
IBM Canada Ltd.
Norstar Corporation
Grand & Toy
Remington Parkview
Golf & Country Club
Individual Donors
Adams, Jim
Adams, Roxanne
Alforque, Estela
Allen, William
Ames, Phyllis
Anand, Deepak
Bajusz, Cecilia
Baker, Pauline & David
Binetti, Sandra
Blackwell, Alice K.
Bollers, June
Jack Booth
Breckels Stephen
Brown, Sharon
Chandler, Peter
Clarke, Ivy
Cooke, Wendy
Cooper, Nora
Correira, Deolinda
Currell, Frank
Decker, Adam & Lydia
Dickson, Elsie & Kofi
Duggan, Aaron
English, Wilda
Faldas, Yvonne
Fleischer, Mandy
Fowler, Carole
Franey, Phyllis
Fraser, Anne
Fraser, Elvira
Freeman-Atwood, Edward
Gard, Lorna
Georgopoulos, C
Gouse-Sheese, Janice
Grange, Herman
Hadzi-Miseva, Diana
Haskens, Henry & Ann
Hayashi, Chiyono
Hearing Aid Source
Hicks, Athalene
Hoffman, Hans & Mavis
Howard, Judith
Howell, Joan & Leslie
Howes, John & Bonnie
Hymmen, Phyllis
Ichikana, Henry
Izatt, Sharron
Jackson, Muriel
Jesudas, Jay
Joyce, Cathy
Ju, Panshik
Jones, Ian
Jordan, Ronald
Keane, Mary
Kesler-Cornnell, Dian
Kiriakidis, Elizabeth
Klingbiel, Annemarie
Knott, Anna
Koufakis, Niki
Kozak, Emily
Kumar, Romella
Kurshid, Ali
Lacuesta, Gloria
Lafortune, Luce
Lawrence, Audrey
Leithwood, Tom
Logue, Ken
Longtin, Natalie
Lougheed, Craig & Jeva
Lougheed, Mary Lynne
Louth, William
Lucas, Jack
Lumber, Gail
Marshall, Jean
Matthews, Larry
Maxwell, Betty
Maxwell, Muriel
Maxwell, Peter
McArthur, Roberta
McConnell, Kathleen
McGeown, Terence
Micaallef, Herminia
Miller, George & Lori
Mitchell, Sandra
Moorhouse, Glen &
Morris, Walter
Mortimer, Joan
Nicholls, Robert & Ruth
Okalowe, Miriam
Page, John
Panter, Judy
Parr, Stephen & Marcella
Pellegrino, Evelyn
Perry, Guy
Pouris, Anastasia
Quick, Constance &
Quick, Paul
Reilly, Mary
Reilly, Maureen
Riley, Teresa
Richardson, Bob
Riley, Robert
Robinson, Lucy
Romero, Mirna
Ross, Hugh
Rubery, Ethel
Russell, Margaret
Sankar, Lucille
Sanoy, Elora
Sauriol, Claude
Shellington, William
Sibuma, Pearla
Sinclair, Doris
Sithivong, Long &
Smith, Diane
Smith, Richard
Snelgrove, Kathleen
Sonada, Wayne
Spear, Michelle
Stevens, Marjorie
Supica, Lisa
The Estate of
Dorothy Baddeley
The Estate of
William Rivney
The Estate of
Marjorie Ribble
Thompson, Denise
Ukaobasi, James
Umoafia, Stella
Umoh, Akanimo
Umoh, Peter & Elizabeth
Vakani, Abdul & Aziza
Van De Visch, Shawn
Vogl, Vita
Wahlstrom, Scott
Weber, Brenda
Weeks, Claudette
Wilding, Eileen
Wilson, David & Sheryl
Wright, Blenus & Audrey
Wunker, Donald
Yacentiuk, Diana
Yadao, Amelia
Yuhas, Frank
Yule, Mary
Zanidakis, Stella
Zavitz, Donna
You make life better!
he 10th anniversary Joint Charity Golf Tournament in June 2015 raised
a record $123,940 for Nisbet Lodge and the other four homes that
help stage the event!
Thanks to our many individual and corporate donors we were able to
upgrade the main floor lounges in both buildings. This was seen as an area
of strength in our accreditation evaluation.
The Christmas Bazaar had 17 vendors and raised $1,900
Although we fell just short of our donations goal this year of $165,000 we
expect the results of the Mother’s Day Walkathon and the Joint Charity Golf
Tournament to bring us to target by the end of June. This will enable Nisbet
Lodge to purchase new resident room curtains and create a new computer
centre in McClintock Manor.
Donors recognized
At our annual donor recognition evening
in March, 16 people were added to
the Donor Wall or moved to a higher
level. Special awards were given to Bill
Rivney (Friend of Nisbet Lodge, Memorial
Award), Peter Hadjis (Good Neighbour
Award), Sandra Binetti and Pearla Sibuma
(Individual Donor Awards), and a special
Appreciation Award to William Louth
for his long tenure as a donor and his
extended service to Nisbet Lodge and to
the Foundation. Mr. Louth is shown here
receiving a gift and certificate.
Charitable business number: 892982166RR0001
If you’d like to receive this newsletter
by e-mail please call Barbara Snell at
416-469-1105, ext. 1122.
Foundation chairperson Jamie Gillingham (centre left) and Board Chairperson Lorna Gard
(centre right) officially opened the renovated reception area in Nisbet Lodge.
Members of the Board of the Nisbet
Lodge-McClintock Manor Foundations
Jamie Gillingham
Chairperson and Acting Treasurer
Nora Cooper
Glen Moorhouse
Chief Executive Officer of Nisbet Lodge
Jay Jesudas
Director of Finance & Information
Technology of Nisbet Lodge
Gwen Ramsay
Foundation Fundraising Coordinator
Michelle Spear
Len Tokey
Nisbet Lodge is a long-term-care home and a charitable, not-for-profit organization.
We are home to just over 100 seniors at any given time. In a Christian environment
we offer residents accommodation and care that fulfills the needs of today’s seniors.
We value the total individual, caring for the physical, recreational, emotional and
spiritual needs of those entrusted to us. We are committed to providing compassionate
care to maximize peoples’ strengths, and to support residents and families with
end-of-life care.
McClintock Manor is an apartment building for seniors (59+) who can live on their
own. We provide 62 apartments where seniors can live independently in a “goodneighbour community” with Nisbet Lodge and Calvary Church – well-run and
maintained, in an atmosphere enhanced by Christian values. The building is a mix
of market-rate and rent-geared-to-income (RGI) rentals. Tenants often have the
opportunity to transition to care at Nisbet Lodge if and when needed.
Nisbet Lodge-McClintock Manor Charitable Foundation exists to raise funds and
other donations to enhance the comfort, dignity and welfare of aging residents and
tenants, and help keep Nisbet well-equipped and prepared for the future. Thank you