On the Complex Human Blood Flow Modeling *Luboš Pirkl **Tomáš Bodnár * CFD support, s.r.o., Želkovická 823, 19014 Praha 9, Czech Republic ** Czech Technical University, Faculty of Mech. Engin., Technická 4, 166 07 Praha 6, Czech Republic The paper presents a numerical simulation of blood coagulation process in the injured blood vessel. There are three levels of modeling in this study. There are followed three major phenomenas: shear-thinning property of blood, viscoelasticity of blood and blood coagulation process. Governing system is based on Navies-Stokes equations. The blood coagulation model consists of interaction 28 chemical constituents described by advection-diffusion equations. All mentioned models are implemented in OpenFOAM CFD toolbox. Introduction Coagulation is a complex process by which blood forms clots. It is an important part of hemostasis (the cessation of blood loss from a damaged vessel), wherein a damaged blood vessel wall is covered by a platelet and fibrin-containing clot to stop bleeding and begin repair of the damaged vessel. Disorders of coagulation can lead to an increased risk of bleeding (hemorrhage) or obstructive clotting (thrombosis). A thrombus, sometimes called blood clot or simply clot, is the final product of the blood coagulation step in hemostasis. It is achieved via the aggregation of platelets that form a platelet plug, and the activation of the coagulation system (i.e. clotting factors). A clot is normal in cases of injury, but pathologic in instances of thrombosis. In this study we perform a numerical simulation in injured vessel watching the clot growth and clot lysis due to the blood chemical reactions. The original study of the blood coagulation model was published in [1]. It is assumed the flow is laminar. Mathematical model is based on incompressible Navier-Stokes equations which are generalized to take into account viscoelasticity and shear-thinning properties of blood flow. The blood coagulation model consists of chemical reactions of 28 constituents described by advection-diffusion equations. The model used to capture viscoelastic properties of the blood flow is the generalized Oldroyd-B model, more details can be found in [2]. The model used to capture shear-thinning properties of blood is Modified Cross Model, more details can be found in [4]. The numerical method used for solution of the system of equations is based on the Finite Volume discretization. The computational test case is based on straight channel geometry imitating idealized blood vessel. Mathematical model The governing system of equations is based on Navier-Stokes equations using Johnson-Segalman model for stress tensor. The system of equations can be written in the following general form: div u = 0 du ρ = divT − ∇p dt δD δT = 2µ(γ̇) D + λ2 T + λ1 δt δt (1) (2) (3) Here T is the stress tensor, D is symmetric part of the velocity gradient, γ̇ is the shear rate and λ1 and λ2 denote the relaxation- resp. retardation time. Stress tensor T can be splitted into two parts: T = Ts + Te Ts = 2µs (γ̇)D δT Te + λ = 2µe D δt (4) (5) (6) Where Ts is solvent part of stress tensor that corresponds to Stokes law for Newtonian fluid. Te is viscoelastic (extra stress) part of stress tensor. Both parts can be solved separately. Viscoelasticity contribution Viscoelastic part of stress tensor Te is a symmetric tensor of second order (as well as T and Ts ) therefore six components (in three dimensions) must be computed. Extra stress tensor can be evaluated from the following equation: ∂Te 2µe 1 + (u · ∇)Te = D − Te + (WTe − Te W) − a(DTe + Te D) ∂t λ λ (7) Where model constants are: µe = 0.004 P a · s λ = 0.06s, a = 1.0, D & W are symmetric and antisymmetric parts of velocity gradient. More details about extra stress equation can be found e.g. in [3]. Shear-Thinning viscosity model contribution For evaluation of the variable viscosity was used Modified Cross Model, where the viscosity decreases from µ0 to µ∞ depending on shear-rate. Model parameters are obtained by fitting an experimental data [4]. The Modified Cross Model is given by formula: # " s 1 X 2 1 ∂ui ∂uj 1√ 1 D:D= di,j , D = ( + ) , γ̇ = µs (γ̇) = µ∞ + (µ0 − µ∞ ) m a [1 + (αγ̇) ] 2 2 i,j 2 ∂xj ∂xi (8) where: µ0 = 0.16 P a · s, µ∞ = 0.0036 P a · s, α = 3.736 s, m = 2.406, a = 0.254. More information about blood viscosity models can be found e.g. in [4]. Blood coagulation model contribution When the blood coagulation model is applied, the clot growth and clot lysis is modeled by a local viscosity changes. The solvent viscosity can locally increase due to fibrin production to simulate the clot. The time evolution of all 28 constituents are described by advection-diffusion: dCi = div (Di ∇Ci ) + Ri dt i = 1..28 (9) Where Ri are source terms specific for all of 28 constituents, Di are diffusion coefficients. The viscosity increase mimics the increase in fibrin concentration. There is a limiter applied on viscosity growth, the viscosity can increase only to certain level e.g.: C ibrin µ limiter: µlocal = min(µlocal , Q · µ) µlocal = Cffibrin 0 where increase factor Q is of the order of hundreds (still in developing phase). High viscosity at the places with high fibrin concentrations simulate the clot (clot is, where the fibrin concentration exceeds 350 nM). Clotting surface is an area on the vessel boundary which is being damaged (simulating injury). At the clotting surface non-Homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions for five selected constituents are used: ∂IXa ∂x ∂IX ∂x ∂Xa ∂x ∂X ∂x ∂tP A ∂x k7,9 · IX · T F V IIa L K7,9M + IX DIXa k7,9 · IX · T F V IIa L = K7,9M + IX DIX k7,10 · X · T F V IIa L = − K7,9M + X DXa k7,9 · X · T F V IIa L = K7,9M + X DX = − (10) (11) (12) (13) = −(kCtP A + kIIatP A · e−134.8·(t−T0 ) · IIa + kIatP A · Ia) · ENDO · L DtP A (14) where L is characteristic length, surface concentration ENDO = 2.0 · 109 cells/m2 , Time evolution of the surface concentration T F V IIa is based on an experimental data approximation, see [1]. Concentration T F V IIa is modeled using following formula: 2 2 T F V IIa = (kT F 7a · 10−15 ) · (93.93 · e(−((t−465.8)/123.4) ) + 58.66 · e(−((t−765.5)/352.2) ) ) Test case The geometry of the test case is a straight channel or tube, to imitate an idealized blood vessel: (a) let/outlet view in- (b) side view (c) 3d channel Figure 1: 3d tube, rectangular zone at the wall indicates the clot surface (15) (a) Fibrin concentration time development (b) Fibrinogen concentration time development (c) Thrombin concentration time development (d) Prothrombin concentration time development Figure 2: Selected concentrations at three selected points, 1 - geometrical center of the clot, 2 - point in the middle of leading edge of the clot, 3 - point at the end of the clot, all three points are in one single line The cloting surface at the tube boundary is indicated in the Figure 1. It is a rectangular part of the tube wall, asymmetrically placed closer to the inlet of the domain. Boundary conditions are following: Five of twenty eight chemical constituents Ci have a special treatment, at the clot surface, the time dependent non-homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions are applied: ∂Ci /∂n = f(Ci ,t). For the rest of constituents homogeneous Neumann (∂Ci /∂n = 0 ) is applied everywhere. Velocity U is zero at the walls and constant at the inlet. Pressure p is constant at the outlet of the domain. Components of extra stress tensor Te are zero at the inlet. The diameter of the tube is one centimeter, the length is 5.5 cm. The increase factor Q is 100. The mean inlet velocity is 10 cm/s. The density of flowing blood is 1060 kg/m3. The computational grid is of 25 000 cells. Conclusion Set of figures 2 shows time development of selected concentrations in three selected points of the geometry. All three points are placed on the clotting surface according to Figure 1. The growth and lysis of the clot were clearly observed. Set of Figures 4 shows time development of velocity Figure 3: Time evolution of the clot volume in mm3 magnitude. On the right hand side of intersections one can observe the velocity decreases, which clearly indicates the existence of the clot. Figure 3 shows the time development of the size of the clot. The maximal clot size is at time t = 1200 s and clot disappears at time t = 2600 s, both times have good agreement with [1]. The demands on the CPU power are quite high. In total, 38 differential equations are solved. The model is still in experimental stage of development. References [1] M. Anand, K. Rajakopal, K. R. Rajakopal, : A model for the formation, growth, and lysis of clots in quiescent plasma. A comparison between the effects of antithrombin III deficiency and protein C deficiency,: Journal of Theoretical Biology 253 (2008) 725-738. [2] G. P. Galdi, R. Rannacher, A. M. Robertson, S. Turek, :Hemodynamical Flows - Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, vol. 37 of Oberwolfach Seminars, Birkäuser, 2008. [3] T. Bodnár , A. Sequeira, :Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 9, 83 - 104 (2008). [4] Cho, Y.I., Kensey, K.R., :Effects of Non-Newtonian Viscosity of Blood on Flows in Diseased Arterial Vessel, Part 1: Steady Flows, vol.28 (1991), pp. 41-262. (b) T = 0 s (c) T = 200 s (d) T = 300 s (e) T = 400 s (f) T = 500 s (g) T = 600 s (h) T = 700 s (i) T = 800 s (j) T = 900 s (k) T = 1000 s (l) T = 1100 s (m) T = 1200 s (n) T = 1400 s (o) T = 1600 s (p) T = 1800 s (q) T = 2000 s Figure 4: Time development of velocity magnitude in cross-section at point 1 Appendix Constant name Symbol SI Unit Value h11L1 h11L1 [0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0] 216.6667; h11A3 h9 h10 hTFPI h2 hPC hPLA hPCI12a halphaAP h12A3 hPCI11a h8 hC8 h5 hC5 h1 h12 hkalli H1M HC8M HC5M h11A3 h9 h10 hTFPI h2 hPC hPLA hPCI12a halphaAP h12A3 hPCI11a h8 hC8 h5 hC5 h1 h12 hkalli H1M HC8M HC5M [0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 -1 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 26666.6667; 270000; 5783333.33; 8000000; 11900000; 11; 1600000; 3666.6667; 183.3333; 0.0216667; 2300; 0.0037; 0.17; 0.002833333; 0.17; 25; 0.014166667; 0.01133333; 250000e-9; 14.6e-9; 14.6e-9; Table 1: Summary of constituents, model parameters, part 2 Constituent name Symbol Diffusion coefficients Di Initial value [M] Fibrinogen I 3.10e-11 7.00e-6 Fibrin Ia 2.47e-11 7.00e-9 Prothrombin II 5.21e-11 1.40e-6 Thrombin IIa 6.47e-11 1.40e-9 Factor V V 3.12e-11 2.00e-8 Factor Va Va 3.82e-11 2.0e-11 Factor VIII VIII 3.12e-11 0.70e-9 Factor VIIIa VIIIa 3.92e-11 0.7e-12 Factor IX IX 5.63e-11 9.00e-8 Factor IXa IXa 6.25e-11 9.0e-11 Factor X X 5.63e-11 1.70e-7 Factor Xa Xa 7.37e-11 1.7e-10 Factor XI XI 3.97e-11 3.00e-8 Factor XIa XIa 5.00e-11 3.0e-11 Factor XII XII 5.00e-11 5.00e-7 Factor XIIa XIIa 2.93e-11 5.00e-9 Prekallikrein PreK 4.92e-11 4.85e-7 Kallikrein Kalli 4.92e-11 4.85e-9 Tissue Pathway Inhibitor TFPI 6.30e-11 2.50e-9 Protein C PC 5.44e-11 6.00e-8 Activated Protein C APC 5.50e-11 6.0e-11 α1 Antitrypsin α1 AT 5.82e-11 4.50e-5 α2 Antiplasmin α2 AP 5.25e-11 1.05e-7 Plasminogen PLA 4.93e-11 2.18e-9 Plasmin PLS 4.81e-11 2.18e-6 Protein C1 Inhibitor C1-INH 4.61e-11 2.41e-6 Antithrombin III ATIII 5.57e-11 2.41e-6 tissue pathway Activator tPA 5.28e-11 0.08e-9 Table 2: Summary of constituents, diffusion terms, initial values Constituent name Symbol Chemical reaction source terms ßi Fibrinogen I Fibrin Ia Prothrombin II Thrombin IIa Factor V V Factor Va Va Factor VIII VIII Factor VIIIa VIIIa Factor IX IX Factor IXa IXa Factor X X Factor Xa Xa Factor XI XI Factor XIa XIa Factor XII XII k1 ·IIa·I K1M +I LA·Ia k1 ·IIa·I − hH1 ·P K1M +I 1M +Ia −k2 ·V a·Xa·II KdW ·(K2M +II) k2 ·V a·Xa·II −h2 · IIa · AT III KdW ·(K2M +II) −k5 ·IIa·V C5 ·AP C·V a − hH K5M +V C5M +V a hC5 ·AP C·V a k5 ·IIa·V − HC5M +V a −h5 · V a K5M +V −k8 ·IIa·V III K8M +V III hC8 ·AP C·V IIIa k8 ·IIa·V III − HC8M +V IIIa −h8 · V IIIa K8M +V III −k9 ·XIa·IX K9M +IX k9 ·XIa·IX −h9 · IXa · AT III K9M +IX −k10 ·V IIIa·IXa·X KdZ ·(K10M +IX) k10 ·V IIIa·IXa·X −h10 · Xa · AT III − hT F P I · T F P I · Xa KdZ ·(K10M +IX) ·XIIa·XI −k11 ·IIa·XI + −kK12a K11M +XI 12aM +XI ·XIa·AT III−h11L1 ·XIa·α1AT k11 ·IIa·XI 12a ·XIIa·XI + kK + −h11A3 −hC1Inh−11a ·XIa·C1IN H K11M +XI 12aM +XI Factor XIIa XIIa Prekallikrein PreK Kallikrein Kalli Tissue Pathway Inhibitor TFPI −hT F P I · T F P I · Xa Protein C PC Activated Protein C APC kP C ·IIa·P C KP CM +P C kP C ·IIa·P C −hP C · AP C · α1 AT KP CM +P C α1 Antitrypsin α1 AT −hP C · AP C · α1AT − h11L1 · XIa · α1 AT α2 Antiplasmin α2 AP −(hP LA · P LA + hα2 AP · XIIa) · α2 AP Plasminogen PLA Plasmin PLS Protein C1 Inhibitor C1-INH −(hP CI−12a · XIIa + hP CI−11a · XIa) · C1 − IN H Antithrombin III ATIII −(h9 · IXa + h10 · Xa + h2 · IIa + h11A3 · XIa + hAT 3 · XIIa) · AT III tissue pathway Activator tPA 0 ·Kalli·XII −k12 ·XIIa·XI + −kKkalli K12M +XII kalliM +XII −h12 ·XIIa−hC1Inh−12a ·XIIa·C1IN H ·Kalli·XII k12 ·XII + kkalli + −h K12M +XII Kkalli +XII αAP ·XIIa·α2AP −hAT 3 ·XIIa·AT III −kP reKB ·XIIa·P reK −kP reKA ·XIIa·P reK + KP reKBM +P reK −hkalli · Kalli KP reKAM +P reK kP reKA ·XIIa·P reK P reKB ·XIIa·P reK + kK KP reKAM +P reK P reKBM +P reK kP LA ·tP A·P LS KP LAM +P LS + kP LA−12a ·XIIa·P LS −hP LA · P LA · α2 AP KP LA−12aM +P LS −kP LA ·tP A·P LS KP LAM +P LS + −kP LA−12a ·XIIa·P LS KP LA−12aM +P LS Table 3: Summary of constituents, reaction terms Constant name Symbol SI Unit Value k12a k12a [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 0.000566667; k11 k8 k9 k5 k10 k2 k1 kPLA k12 kPreKA kPreKB kPC kkalli kPLA12a K12aM K11M K9M K8M K5M KdZ K10M KdW K2M KPLAM K1M KPLA12aM K12M KkalliM KPreKAM KPreKBM KPCM k79 k710 K79M K710M kCtPA kIIatPA kIatPA kTF7a k11 k8 k9 k5 k10 k2 k1 kPLA k12 kPreKA kPreKB kPC kkalli kPLA12a K12aM K11M K9M K8M K5M KdZ K10M KdW K2M KPLAM K1M KPLA12aM K12M KkalliM KPreKAM KPreKBM KPCM k79 k710 K79M K710M kCtPA kIIatPA kIatPA kTF7a [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 0.00013; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 3.24; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 0.1883; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 0.45; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 39.85; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 22.4; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 59; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 0.2; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 0.033; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 3.6; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 40.0; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 0.65; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 7.25; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 0.0013; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 2000e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 50e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 160e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 112000e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 140.5e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 0.56e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 160e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 0.1e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 1060e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 18e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 3160e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 270e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 7500e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 780e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 91e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 36000e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 3190e-9; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 0.54; [0 0 -1 0 0 0 0] 1.716666667; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 24.0e-9; [0 0 0 0 1 0 0] 240.0e-9; [0 2 -1 0 1 0 0] 1.087e-5; [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0] 1.545e-13; [0 2 -1 0 0 0 0] 8.4317e-20; [0 0 0 0 0 0 0] 1.0e4; Table 4: Summary of constituents, model parameters
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