Trademark Usage Guidelines | PMI

Marks & Usage Guidelines
Our Trademarks
27 September 2016
The word marks and logos included here are those currently used as trademarks by PMI. This list is not
The Legal Department prepares this list based on our registered and unregistered trademarks. Except
for PMI logos, entries appear in alphabetical order starting with PMI’s certification marks.
Note: An omission from this list does not constitute a waiver of any intellectual property rights that PMI
may have established in any other marks. All registered marks are registered in the United States
and/or other countries.
Certified Associate in Project Management
(CAPM) ®
Empowering the Future of Project
eSeminarsWorld ®
Human Systems International™
Making project management indispensable
for business results.®
OPM3 ProductSuite®
PM for Social Good®
PM Network®
PM Port ®
PMBOK® Guide
PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®
PMI Professional in Business Analysis (PMIPBA)®
PMI Risk Management Professional (PMIRMP) ®
Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP)®
Program Management Professional (PgMP) ®
Project Management for Social Good®
Project Management Institute®
Project Management Journal®
Project Management Professional (PMP) ®
Project Management Professional®
Project Management Skills for Life®
Project Management Toolkit for Teachers™
Project Management Toolkit for Youth®
Projects at Work™
PMI Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) ®
PMI Talent Triangle™
PMI Today®
Pulse of the Profession®
Seminars World®
Where Project Management is Always in Stock®
LOGOS Protected by Trademarks
The logos included here are those currently and previously covered as PMI symbols. This list is not allinclusive of all PMI’s logos.
Logo: PMI (black/white)
Logo: PMI logo (blue)
Logo: PMI Educational Foundation
Logo: PMIEF Logo
Logo: Global Accreditation Center for Project
Logo: Global Accreditation Center for Project
Logo: Registered Education Provider
Logo: Registered Education Provider (color)
Logo: R.E.P.
Logo: PMI and Design Plus Color
Logo: PMI and Design (black and white)
Logo: PMI (Stylized)
Logo: PMI Favicon
Logo: PMP Certification
Logo: PMI Global Executive Council
Logo: PMI Consultant Registry
Logos: PMI Alliance Circles
Logo: PMI (Stylized) as used on Facebook,
Twitter, and YouTube
Logo: Project Management.Com
Logo: Projects at Work Logo
Logo: Human Systems International Logo
(Continued next page)
Trademark Usage Guidelines
As PMI’s trademarks are an important business asset, we must be steadfast in our efforts to
protect them. PMI employees, members, volunteers, communities, Registered Education
Providers (R.E.P.s), certification holders, licensees, and other third parties can help in these
efforts by using the marks properly and providing appropriate attribution.
The following trademark usage guidelines apply to everyone using PMI marks. There are
exceptions, namely, individuals and organizations that are under license with PMI should follow
the special trademark guidelines provided to them, pursuant to their respective agreements. The
guidelines below will be updated periodically by PMI.
These guidelines are not intended to be a comprehensive guide for all legal uses. Related
questions should be directed to PMI’s Legal Department.
Avoid using PMI marks to refer to your own goods or services. Third parties may
not incorporate any PMI mark into their own product names, services, trademarks, logos,
company names, domain names or URLs. Registered Education Providers, colleges
and training centers may continue to use PMI’s certification marks in course headings
(i.e., “PMP® Exam Prep 101”), provided notice is given that the mark is owned by PMI.
Avoid using marks that are confusingly similar to PMI’s marks.
Avoid altering any PMI mark. PMI marks or logos may not be changed in any
way. They must be used exactly as they appear on the PMI List of Marks.
Avoid using the PMI Logos without authorization. Only third parties expressly
authorized by PMI to use the PMI Logos (i.e., by executed written agreement) may do
so. In such cases, only the PMI approved artwork for the specific logo may be used.
Avoid using the PMP Certification Logo without authorization. Only PMP
certification holders in good standing are authorized to use the PMP logo, which may
only be used on business cards in close proximity to the certification holder’s name.
Always use the proper trademark notice with PMI marks.
Use of the appropriate symbol depends upon the registration status of the mark. The
symbol should only appear with a mark that has been registered with the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office or the trademark office of another country; TM may
appear after an unregistered mark that is used on either goods or services; and SM
may appear after an unregistered mark that is used specifically in connection with
services. The appropriate trademark notice should appear in superscript format
(TM, SM, ®) following the mark.
b. It is correct to use the ® symbol whenever a registered mark is cited in connection
with the goods or services for which it is registered.
In print or electronic documents, publications or communications, it is sufficient to
use the appropriate trademark notice following the mark when it first appears in the
work. There is one exception: the PMBOK mark in the PMBOK® Guide, which always
carries the superscripted ® after the mark.
For PMI’s serial publications, the appropriate symbols can be used with the marks
once per article (the first appearance, short article) or more often (the first
appearance per page), if it seems warranted. For web content, the appropriate
symbol should appear with the mark on the first appearance per web page.
Always use PMI marks when referring to PMI goods and services. Third parties
are free to use PMI word marks (not PMI logos) to refer to PMI products and services,
as long as such references are truthful, fair, and comply with these guidelines.
Always use the ® after the “PMI” trademark or service mark but not after PMI’s
company name or initials. If PMI is used to refer to a product or service, then the ®
symbol should be used to identify the PMI trademark or service mark.
Example: The PMI® Certification Program is recognized worldwide.
If the acronym “PMI” refers to the business/company name, it is being used as a trade
name and the ® symbol should not be used.
Example: PMI is the world’s leading association relating to project management.
Example: Project Management Institute (PMI), Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299.
When used as a trade name, “PMI” can appear in the possessive case.
Example: PMI’s trademarks are among its most valued assets.
Always use PMI certifications properly. PMI certifications may only be used by
authorized individuals to show that they have met their respective certifications. A
certification appears immediately following a certification holder’s name, for example on
business cards. Used in this manner, the mark does not require use of the ® symbol,
nor is an attribution statement required. Important Note: Any certified individual whose
certification has lapsed should immediately discontinue use of the certification.
Always use the generic term after a word mark wherever possible. To be
properly protected, a word mark (excluding slogans) should not be used as a noun—it
should be used as an adjective followed by a generic noun, e.g., PMBOK® Guide or
PMP® certification or PMI® seminars, etc. Use of “PMP” by itself is discouraged. Also,
pluralizing a certification, such as “PMPs” is incorrect. Instead, PMI recommends using
“PMP® certification holders.”
Always use the registration ® symbol following a registered mark when used in
connection with its registered goods or services. If a registered mark is being used in
connection with products or services for which it is not registered, the TM symbol should
be used in place of the ®symbol.
Important Note: PMI staff should contact the Legal Department when use of a PMI mark
has expanded beyond the goods or services for which it is registered. Additional
trademark protection may be warranted.
Always use marks in their proper format. A mark that has been registered in a
specific format should bear the superscripted registration symbol ® only when used in
that particular format. Conversely, text-only marks, such as “PMI” or “PMBOK” may be
used with the superscripted registration symbol ® in either stylized or typed format.
Always provide an attribution statement when using PMI trademarks. Each
document or product in which any PMI mark appears (e.g., in marketing materials, white
papers, advertisements, news releases, brochures, web pages, etc.), whether in print or
electronic form, should contain an attribution statement at or near the first appearance of
the mark, or if multiple marks appear, in a logical and prominent place within the
Registered Marks. Registered marks are marks that are registered with
the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. If the PMI List of Trademarks
indicates that the mark is registered, the attribution statement should
include the word “registered,” as follows:
“PMI” and “PMP” are registered marks of Project Management
Institute, Inc.
Unregistered Marks or a Combination of Marks. If the marks are not registered,
or if the attribution statement includes both registered and unregistered marks,
the word “registered” should be omitted:
marks of Project Management Institute, Inc.
PMI employees and/or contractors producing materials for PMI may forego the
use of a narrative attribution statement in instances where spatial limitations
render inclusion impractical. In such instances, use of the circle ®, TM, or SM
notices must be faithfully observed.
Always report any suspected infringement of PMI’s marks to the Legal