Sound PRE Test

Name: __________________________
Date: ___________________
Sound PRE Test
1. If you are attending a rock concert and the sound of the guitar is much louder than the
singer’s voice, which of the following conclusions would be most reasonable?
a) The guitar is producing sound waves of a longer wavelength than the singer’s
b) The singer is producing sound waves of a longer wavelength than the guitar’s
c) The singer is producing sound waves of a higher amplitude than the guitar’s
d) The guitar is producing sound waves of a higher amplitude than the singer’s
2. Dave’s sister is producing sound by banging cymbals together. How could she decrease the
loudness, or volume, of the sound the cymbals make?
a) increase the force she uses to bring the cymbals together
b) decrease the size of the cymbals
c) increase the size of the cymbals
d) decrease the force she uses to bring the cymbals together
3. Why do the thin strings on a guitar produce a sound with a higher pitch than the thick
strings on a guitar produce?
a) The thin strings vibrate faster than the thick strings.
b) The vibration of the thin strings is weaker than the thick strings.
c) The vibration of the thin strings is stronger than the thick strings.
d) The thin strings vibrate slower than the thick strings.
4. The graph below shows the relationship between pitch and vibration speed of sounds.
Which of the following can be concluded from the graph?
a) As the rate of vibration increases, pitch decreases.
b) The higher the vibration speed of a sound, the higher the pitch.
c) The pitch of a sound is not related to vibration.
d) All sounds have the same vibration speed.
5. Which of the following sounds would be produced by fast, weak vibrations?
a) high-pitched, loud sound
b) low-pitched, soft sound
c) high-pitched, soft sound
d) low-pitched, loud sound
6. Mr. Gibson measured the speed of sound in several different materials. His results are found
in the table below.
Speed of Sound (m/s)
What conclusion can you draw based on Mr. Gibson’s results?
a) Sound travels faster through a liquid than through a solid.
b) Sound travels faster through a gas than through a liquid.
c) Sound travels fastest in solids.
d) The speed of sound is unaffected by the type of material.
7. The pictures below represent the amplitude and frequency of sound waves through time.
Which of the following waves would produce a sound with the highest pitch?
a) W
c) Y
b) X
d) Z
8. In which material will sound travel most slowly?
a) iced tea
b) plastic
c) water vapor
d) hot chocolate
9. Which of the following is NOT an example of condensation?
a) Dew forming on grass in the morning.
b) Water droplets forming on the outside of a glass of water.
c) Steam rising off a pot of boiling water.
d) Clouds forming in the sky.
10. Robert knows that a good scientist records observations before making inferences. He
decides to watch bees in a garden one afternoon. Which of the following is an observation?
a) Bees are scary animals.
b) Bees have black and yellow stripes.
c) Bees like to make honey.
d) Bees are not afraid of people.