Thomas I. Wahl - NDSU Agriculture

Curriculum Vita
Thomas I. Wahl
106 Putnam Hall/406 Barry Hall. PO Box 6050, Fargo ND 58108-6050
(701) 231-7270/(701) 231-5103, [email protected]
1989 Ph.D.
1984 B.S.
Agricultural Economics, Iowa State University
Agribusiness, Iowa State University, with Distinction
Graduate education, international marketing and trade; trade policy; livestock economics,
food safety and food policy; consumer and health economics; and applied econometrics.
2014 to Present
Associate Dean, College of Graduate and Interdisciplinary Studies,
North Dakota State University, Fargo.
2009 to 2014
Assistant Director for Global Agricultural Initiatives and Economic
Development, North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station,
North Dakota State University, Fargo.
2007 to Present
Professor, Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics,
North Dakota State University, Fargo.
2007 to 2009
Chair, Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics, North
Dakota State University, Fargo.
2000 to 2007
Director, International Marketing Program for Agricultural
Commodities and Trade (IMPACT) Center. Washington State
University, Pullman.
1998 to 2007
Director, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Food
Systems Program. Washington State University, Pullman.
1990 to 2007
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, School of Economic Sciences
(formerly the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics)
and IMPACT Center, Washington State University, Pullman.
1989 to 1990
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Economics and
Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), Iowa
State University, Ames.
1985 to 1989
Research Assistant, Department of Economics and Meat Export
Research Center (MERC), Iowa State University, Ames.
Assistant Manager, McCarty Farms, Sanborn, Iowa.
1972 to 1981
Owner and operator of a farm business, Inwood, Iowa.
Thomas I. Wahl
AAEA Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award, Honorable Mention, 1990
Phi Kappa Phi Academic Honor Society
China, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan,
Philippines, India, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Romania,
Ireland, Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and
Editorial Advisory Board: China Agricultural Economic Review, Journal of Science and
Technology Policy in China
Co-Editor, Review of Agricultural Economics, 1999-2001
Journal Referee: American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Agricultural
and Resource Economics, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Review of
Agricultural Economics, European Review of Agricultural Economics, Southern
Journal of Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness: An International Journal,
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, China Agricultural
Economics Review, Journal of Agricultural Economics, China Economic Review
Food Systems Leadership Institute, Fellow, Class 4, 2008-2010
Washington China Relations Council, Board of Directors, 2007
International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC), Executive Committee,
2002- 2009. Chair, 2005-2007
ESCOP/ACOP Leadership Development Program, Class 9, 1999-2000
APEC Food System Advisory Board, 1998-2005
American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA)
Outstanding Published Research Awards Committee, 1997
Professional Relations with Economies in Transition, 1997-98
Professional Relations Between China and the U.S., 1998-99
International Section Board , 2005 - 2007
Annual Meetings Topic Organizer, 1997-1998, 2011-2013
Galbraith Forum and Award Committee, 2013-2014, Chair
Quality of Research and Discovery Award Committee, 2013-2015
Western Agricultural Economics Association (WAEA)
Outstanding Published Research Awards Committee, 2000
USDA NRI Competitive Grants Program
Review Panel Member, 1999
Referee, 1992-1994, 1996,1998, 2001
Thomas I. Wahl
Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics, NDSU
Graduate Committee, 2009/2010; 2010/2011, Chair 2009/2010
College of Agriculture, Food Systems and Natural Resources, NDSU
College Curriculum Committee, 2008-2010
Student Progress Committee, 2009-present
NDSU Global Council, 2011-2014
NDSU Graduate School International Advisory Committee, 2011-present
American Agricultural Economics Association
International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium
Western Agricultural Economics Association
International Association of Agricultural Economists
International Food and Agribusiness Management Association
Australian Agricultural Economics Association
Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC)
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Study Centers Consortium
1. Wahl, Thomas (PI), Junfei Bai, Jikun Huang, James Seale, Jill McCluskey.
“Understanding Changes in China’s Food Consumption.” USDA CSREES, AFRI,
$299,542. 1/11/2010-1/10/2013. Extended to 2015.
2. Wahl, Thomas I. “Enhancing Competitiveness of Agricultural Exports” $362,094, USDA,
3. Wahl, Thomas I and Jill McCluskey. “Consumer Response to Naturally Enriched Apple
Coatings,” Pace International, $14,915, 9/1/2006 to 8/31/2007.
4. Marsh, Thomas L. and Thomas I. Wahl. “Welfare Impacts of Invasive Species on
Livestock Trade” $119,000. USDA, 2006
5. Wahl, Thomas I. “Promoting Open Agricultural Markets through Capacity Building in
Developing Countries” $213,000. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, 2006.
6. Wahl, Thomas I. “Specialty Crop Options and Consequences: Implications for the PNW,”
$99,935, California Institute for the Study of Specialty Crops, 2005.
7. Wahl, Thomas I. “Enhancing Competitiveness of Agricultural Exports” $348,360, USDA,
8. Wahl, Thomas I. “Enhancing Competitiveness of Agricultural Exports,” $325,779,
USDA, 2004.
9. Wahl, T.I., Chaddad, F.R., and Duft, K.D. “Expanding Value Added Markets for Identity
Preserved Pearled Barley,” $50,000, RBCD, USDA, and Palouse Grain Growers, 2003.
Thomas I. Wahl
10. Wahl, Thomas I. “Tradeoffs and Resource Allocation Effects for Alternative Invasive
Species Management Policies,” $100,000, USDA/PREISM, 2003.
11. Wahl, Thomas I. “Kellogg Farming and Environment Policy Forum” $25,000, Farming
and the Environment Foundation, 2003.
12. Wahl, Thomas I. “Value-Added Research For Potato Culls And Waste,” $50,000,
Washington Potato Commission, 2003.
13. Wahl, Thomas I. "Enhancing Competitiveness of Agricultural Exports," $365,000, USDA,
14. Wahl, Thomas I. "Enhancing Competitiveness of Agricultural Exports," $337,752, USDA,
15. Wahl, Thomas I. and K. F. Duncan. “Washington State International Marketing Database”
$20,000, WSDA, 2002.
16. Wahl, Thomas. "Enhancing Competitiveness of Agricultural Exports," $367,018, USDA,
17. Wahl, Thomas. "Chinese Agriculture and WTO: Implications for Washington Agricultural
Exports," $30,000, IMPACT Center, WSU, 2000.
18. Wahl, Thomas and A.D. O'Rourke. "The Feasibility of Durum Production in the PNW,"
$10,000, Washington Wheat Commission, 2000.
19. Wahl, Thomas. "The Value Chain for Poultry," $5,000. Pacific Basin Economic Council,
20. Wahl, Thomas. "Evolving Chinese Demand for Food Products: Opportunities for PNW
Exporters," $25,000, IMPACT Center, WSU, 1999.
21. Wahl, Thomas. " APEC Study Center for Food Systems," $60,000, College of Agriculture,
WSU, 1998-2000.
22. Gould, B., W. Chern, B. Goodwin, R. Mittelhammer and T. Wahl. "A Multi-Country
Analysis of Household Food Demand: Implications for U.S. Food Exports," $63,456,
USDA NRI, 1998-1999.
23. Wahl, Thomas. "U.S. - Asia Trade in High-Value Food Products: Opportunities for PNW
Exporters, " $35,000, IMPACT Center, WSU, 1998.
24. Wahl, Thomas, "A Multi-Media Network for Teaching on the Web," $11,546, College of
Agriculture and Home Economics, WSU, 1997.
25. Wahl, Thomas, "U.S. - Asia Trade in High-Valued Food Products: Opportunities for PNW
Exporters," $49,997, IMPACT Center, WSU, 1997.
26. Wahl, Thomas and H. Shi. "The Economics of Capturing Segregation Premiums with
On-Farm Wheat Storage," $8,000, Washington Wheat Commission, 1996.
27. Day, Randal and Thomas Wahl. "Multi-Media Enhancement," $7,200, College of
Agriculture and Home Economics, WSU, 1995.
Thomas I. Wahl
28. Wahl, Thomas, R. Mittelhammer, S. Devadoss, N. Meyer, T. Worley and H. Shi, "Trade
and Marketing Analysis of PNW Agriculture," $55,354, IMPACT Center, WSU, 1995.
29. Mittelhammer, Ron and Thomas Wahl. "Effectiveness of Market Promotion in Japanese
Meat Markets," $15,000, NICPRE, 1995.
30. Wahl, Thomas, A.D. O'Rourke and V. McCracken. "Expanding U.S. Apple Markets in
Asia," $75,000, USDA, NRI, 1995
31. Wahl, Thomas, R. Mittelhammer, S. Devadoss, N. Meyer, T. Worley and H. Shi. "Trade
and Marketing Analysis of PNW Agriculture," $37,600, IMPACT Center, WSU, 1994.
32. Devadoss, Stephen and Thomas I. Wahl. "An Economic Analysis of the Effects of Trade
Reforms on the U.S. Sugar Market," $68,019, USDA, NRI, 1994.
33. Wahl, Thomas. "The Economic Effects of NAFTA on the PNW Wheat Industry,"
$20,000, IMPACT Center, WSU, 1993.
34. Hayes, Dermot and Thomas I. Wahl. "Competitiveness of U.S. Beef, Pork and Poultry
Industries with those of Eastern Europe and the EC," $90,000, USDA, NRI, 1992.
35. Wahl, Thomas. "Forecasting Japanese Food Demand," $12,942, IMPACT Center, WSU,
1. Anfinson, Carl, Thomas Wahl, James Seale, and Junfei Bai, “Factors Influencing
Adolescent BMI in Urban China.”
2. Liu, Haiyan, Thomas Wahl, James Seale, Junfei Bai. “The Influence of Food Dining
Location On Body Mass Index In Urban China.”
3. Anfinson, Carl, Thomas Wahl, James Seale, and Junfei Bai, “School Meals In Urban
China: Students' Consumption And Parents' Perception”
4. Teng, Zhijing, James Seale Jr., Junfei Bai, Thomas I Wahl. “Employer Subsidized Meals
and FAFH Consumption in Urban China”
1. Min, Shi, Junfei Bai, James Seale, Jr., and Thomas Wahl. “Demographics, Societal Aging,
and Meat Consumption in China.” Journal of Integrative Agriculture, forthcoming.
2. Liu, Haiyan, Thomas I. Wahl, James L. Seale, Jr., and Junfei Bai. “Household
Composition, Income, and Food-Away-from-Home Consumption in Urban China.” Food
Policy 51 (2015): 97-103.
3. Seale, James Jr., Junfei Bai, Thomas Wahl, and Bryan Lohmar. 2012. "Household Engel
Curve Analysis for Food, Beijing, China." China Agricultural Economics Review.
4. Zhang, Caiping , Junfei Bai, and Thomas I. Wahl, 2012, “Consumers’ Willingness To Pay
For Traceable Pork, Milk, And Cooking Oil In Nanjing, China.” Food Control 27
Thomas I. Wahl
5. Bai, Junfei, C. Zhang, T. Wahl. F. Qiao., 2011 "Disaggregating Household Expenditures
On Food Away From Home In Beijing By Type Of Food Facility And Type Of Meal",
China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 4(1):18–35
6. Bai, J., T.I. Wahl, B.T. Lohmar, and J. Huang. 2010. “Food Away from Home in Beijing:
Effects of Wealth, Time and "Free" Meals" China Economic Review, 21(3):432-441.
7. Markosyan, A., J.J. McCluskey, and T.I. Wahl. 2010. “Consumer Response to Information
about a Functional Food Product: Apples Enriched with Antioxidants,” Canadian Journal
of Agricultural Economics, 57(3):325–341.
8. Devadoss, S., P. Sreedharan, and T. Wahl. 2009. “Effects of Trade Barriers on U.S. and
World Apple Markets,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 57(1):55-73.
9. Bai, J., T.I. Wahl, and J.J. McCluskey, 2008. “Factors Affecting Fluid Milk Consumption
in China.” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 52:133-147.
10. Bai, J., T.I. Wahl, and J.J. McCluskey, 2008. “Consumer Choice of Retail Food Store
Formats in Qingdao, China,” Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing
20(2): 89-109.
11. Zhao, Z., Wahl, T.I., and Marsh, T.L. 2007. Economic Effects of Mitigating Apple
Maggot Spread. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics,
12. Flaming, Stephen, T.L. Marsh and T. Wahl. 2006. “Farm Level Price Formation for Fresh
Sweet Cherries.” Journal of Food Distribution Research,
13. Curtis, K.R., McCluskey, J.J., & Wahl, T.I.. 2006. Consumer Acceptance of Western
Convenience Foods in China. China Economic Review. 18(1):1-14.
14. Zhao, Zishun, Thomas Wahl and Thomas L. Marsh. “Invasive Species management:
Food-and-Mouth Disease in the U.S. Beef Industry.” Agricultural and Resource
Economics Review 35/1 (April 2006) 98-115.
15. McCluskey, Jill J., Thomas Wahl, Quan Li and Philip R. Wandschneider, “U.S. Grass-ed
Beef: Marketing Health Benefits.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 36(2005): 1-8.
16. McCluskey, Jill J., Kristine M. Grimsrud, Hiromi Ouchi, and Thomas I. Wahl, 2005.
“After the BSE Discoveries: Japanese Consumers’ Food Safety Perceptions and
Willingness to Pay for Tested Beef.” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource
Economics 49(2): 197-209.
17. Choi, Ji-Hyeon, Baik Byung-Kee, Thomas I. Wahl. “Competitiveness Of Major Wheat
Exporting Countries In The Korean Market.” Journal of Rural Development
18. Curtis, K.R., McCluskey, J.J., & Wahl, T.I., 2004. “Consumer Acceptance of Genetically
Modified Food Products in the Developing World.” AgBioForum 7(1&2): 69-74.
19. Chouinard, H., R. Huffaker, T. Heckelei and T. Wahl, 2004. “The Marriage between
Humanitarian Assistance and Agricultural Interests in U.S. Overseas Aid Programs:
Reconcilable Differences?” The Journal of Humanitarian Assistance, June.
Thomas I. Wahl
20. Devadoss, Stephen and Thomas Wahl, “Welfare Impacts of Indian Apple Trade Policies.”
Applied Economics,2004, 36, 1289-1294.
21. Ouchi, Hiromi, Jill J. McCluskey, and Thomas I. Wahl (2004). “Implications of the
Consumer Response to Emerging Technologies and Diseases for International Trade: The
Case of Japan,” Western Economic Forum, 3(1): 11-16.
22. Grimsrud, Kristine M., Jill J. McCluskey, Maria L. Loureiro and Thomas I. Wahl (2004).
“Consumer Attitudes Toward Genetically Modified Food in Norway.” Journal of
Agricultural Economics, 55(1): 75-90.
23. Li, Quan, Jill J. McCluskey, and Thomas I. Wahl. "Effects of Information on Consumers’
Willingness to Pay for GM-Corn-Fed Beef." J. of Agric. & Food Ind. Org: (2004) Vol. 2:
No. 2, Article 9.
24. Gilbert, John and Thomas Wahl. “Labor Market Distortions and China’s WTO Accession
Package: An Applied General Equilibrium Assessment.” Journal of Comparative
Economics. 31(2003):774-794.
25. Li, Quan, Kynda R. Curtis, Jill J. McCluskey, and Thomas I. Wahl. “Consumer Attitudes
Toward Genetically Modified Foods In Beijing, China.” AgBioForum.
26. Curtis, Kynda R., Jill J. McCluskey, and Thomas I. Wahl. “Is China the Market for GM
Potato Products?” AgBioForum. 5(4)(2003):175-178.
27. McCluskey, Jill J., Hiromi Ouchi, Kristine M. Grimsrud, and Thomas I. Wahl. "Consumer
Response to Genetically Modified Food Products in Japan," Agric. Res. Econ. Rev.
28. Felloni, Fabrizio, John Gilbert, Thomas Wahl and Philip Wandschneider. "Trade Policy,
Biotechnology, and Grain Self-Sufficiency in China." Agr. Econ. 28:3(May
29. He, Xiurong and Thomas I. Wahl. “China’s Agricultural Trade: 1980 to 2000.” China’s
Rural Economy, (In Chinese) 6(2002):9-14.
30. Gilbert, John and Thomas Wahl. "Foreign Capital, Processing Incentives and Urban
Unemployment." J. Econ. Integration. 17(2), June 2002; 262-272.
31. Gilbert, John and Thomas Wahl. "Applied General Equilibrium Assessments of Trade
Liberalization in China." The World Economy. 25(5):697-731 (2002).
32. He, Xiurong, Thomas I. Wahl and Chen Yong Fu. “Political Economy Analysis of the
China-Japan Farm Products Dispute.” Baokan FuYin ZiLiao. 2002 (In Chinese)
33. Gilbert, John, Robert Scollay, and Thomas Wahl. "Agricultural Trade Reform and Labor
Adjustment in APEC." Int. Trade J. 15 (2): 157-185 (2001).
34. Gilbert, John and Thomas Wahl. "Export Restrictions, Urban Unemployment and the
Location of Processing Activities." Econ. Letters 71 (2001):105-110.
Thomas I. Wahl
35. Han, Tong, Thomas I. Wahl, and Ron C. Mittelhammer. "The Effect of Self-Sufficiency on
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption of China’s Rural Households." Rev. Agric. Econ. 23
36. Gilbert, John, Robert Scollay, and Thomas I. Wahl. "The APEC Food System:
Implications for Agricultural and Rural Development Policy." Developing Economies 38
(3):308-29 (2000).
37. Busboom, J. R., T. I. Wahl, and G. D. Snowder. "Economics of Callipyge Lamb
Production." J. Anim. Sci. 77 (Suppl 2) J. Dairy Sci. 82 (Suppl 2): 243-248 (1999).
38. Han, Tong and Thomas I. Wahl. "China’s Rural Household Demand for Fruit and
Vegetables." J. Agr. & Appl. Econ. 30 (July 1998): 141-150.
39. Erikson, G., T. Wahl, H. Shi, and R. Jussaume. "Product Characteristics Affecting
Consumers' Fresh Beef Cut Purchasing Decisions in the United States, Japan and
Australia." J. Food Distrib. Res. 29 (3):16-25 (1998).
40. Hennessy, David A. and Thomas I. Wahl. "Discount Schedules and Grower Incentives in
Grain Marketing." Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 79 (1997): 888-901.
41. Comeau, Allison, Ron C. Mittelhammer, and Thomas I. Wahl. "Assessing the
Effectiveness of MPP and TEA Advertising and Promotion Efforts in the Japanese
Market for Meats." J. Food Distrib. Res. 28 (2): 27-35 (1997).
42. Hennessy, David A. and Thomas I. Wahl. "The Effects of Decision Making on Futures
Price Volatility." Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 78 (1996): 591-603.
43. Heckelei, Thomas, Ron C. Mittelhammer, Thomas, I. Wahl. "Evaluation of Equality
and Inequality Restrictions for a Meat Demand System: Robust Bayesian Bootstrap
Approach." J. Amer. Statis. Assoc. Annual Meetings issue (1996).
44. Mittelhammer, Ron C., Hongqi Shi, and Thomas I. Wahl. "Accounting for Aggregation
Bias in Empirical Demand Systems: The Case of Almost Ideal Demand Systems." J.
Agr. and Resour. Econ. 21 (1996): 247-262.
45. Devadoss, Stephen, Jurgen Kropf, and Thomas Wahl. "Trade Creation and Diversion
Effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement of the U.S. Sugar Imports from
Mexico." J. Agr. and Resour. Econ. 20(1996): 215-230.
46. Shi, Hongqi, Ron C. Mittelhammer, and Thomas I. Wahl. "Aggregate Food Demand
Analysis for a Transitional Economy: An Application to Chinese Household
Expenditure Data." J. Food Distrib. Res. 26 (2): 20-27 (1995).
47. Wahl, Thomas I. and Kenneth Casavant. "Evaluating Student Evaluations: A
Preliminary Look at a Commonly Used Tool." NACTA Journal 39 (2): 29-31 (1995).
48. Wahl, Thomas I., Hongqi Shi, and Ron C. Mittelhammer. "A Hedonic Price Analysis of
the Quality Characteristics of Japanese Wagyu Beef." Agribusiness 11 (1995): 35-44.
49. Wahl, Thomas I. and A. Desmond O'Rourke. "The Economics of Sprout Damage in
Wheat." Agribusiness 10 (1994): 27-41.
Thomas I. Wahl
50. Wahl, Thomas I., Dermot J. Hayes, and S. R. Johnson. "Impacts of Liberalizing the
Japanese Pork Market." J. Agr. and Resour. Econ. 17 (1992): 121-137.
51. Hayes, Dermot J., Thomas I. Wahl, and S. R. Johnson. "A Proposal for the Reduction of
Domestic Price Variability During the Phase-In Period of Trade Liberalization." Agr.
Econ. 7 (1992): 55-64.
52. Wahl, Thomas I., Dermot J. Hayes, and Gary W. Williams. "Dynamic Adjustment in
the Japanese Livestock Industry under Beef Import Liberalization." Amer. J. Agr. Econ.
73 (1991):118-132.
53. Hayes, Dermot J., Thomas I. Wahl, and Gary W. Williams. "Testing Restrictions on A
Model of Japanese Meat Demand." Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 72 (1990): 556-566.
54. Wahl, Thomas I. and Dermot J. Hayes. "Demand System Estimation with Upward
Sloping Supply," Canadian J. Agr. Econ. 38 (1990): 107-122.
55. Wahl, Thomas I., Gary W. Williams, and Dermot J. Hayes. "The 1988 Japanese Beef
Market Access Agreement: An Econometric Forecast Simulation Analysis."
Agribusiness 5 (1989): 347-360.
1. Wahl, Thomas I. Review of Japan’s Beef Industry. Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 81(1999): 229.
1. McCluskey, Jill J., Kristine M Grimsrud and Thomas I. Wahl, 2006. “Comparisons of
Consumer Responses to Genetically Modified Foods in Asia, North America and
Europe,” in The Economics of Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnologies, Richard E.
Just, Julian Alston, and David Zilberman, editors, New York, NY: Springer/Kluwer
Academic Publishers.
2. McCluskey, J.J., Kristine M. Grimsrud, and Thomas I. Wahl, 2004. "Comparing the
Consumer Responses toward Genetically Modified Foods in Japan and Norway," in
Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified Foods, V. Santaniello and R.E.
Evenson, eds., CABI Publishing, Wallingford, U.K., pp. 111-116.
3. Wahl, Thomas I. and Tong Han. "China’s Rural Household Purchasing Decisions for
High-Valued Food Products: Implications for the U.S. Food Industry," Published in
Agricultural Trade and Policy in China: Issues, Analysis and Implications, Edited by
Scott D. Rozelle and Daniel A. Sumner, Ashgate Press, 2003.
4. John Gilbert and Thomas Wahl. "Agricultural Liberalization Beyond Uruguay: US
Options and Interests" in Global Agricultural Trade in the New Millenium, Edited by P.
Lynn Kennedy and Won Koo, Food Products Press, 2002.
5. Zhao, Fengqin, Thomas Wahl and Holly Wang "Trade Liberalization under China's
WTO Accession: Implications for China's Market in the New Century" in WTO and the
Challenges China Faces in the New Century. Edited by James Wen, The Peoples
University Press, Beijing, China, August 2002.
Thomas I. Wahl
6. Gilbert, John, R. Scollay, and T. Wahl. "APEC and Agriculture: Integrating
Liberalization and Capacity-Building Policies" in Globalization and Agricultural Trade
Policy. Edited by Hans J. Michelmann, James Rude, Jack Stabler, and Gary Storey.
Lynne Rienner Publishers, May 2001.
7. Wahl, Thomas I. and A. Desmond O'Rourke. "The Economics of Sprout Damage" in
Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Cereals 1992. Edited by M.K. Walker-Simmons, American
Association of Cereal Chemists, 1993.
8. Buse, R. A., David Eastwood, and Thomas I. Wahl. "Data Sources for Estimating U.S.
Food Demand: Types and Features" in Agricultural Economics in the US and Japan:
Tradition and Conflict. Edited by Luther Tweeten, Westview Press, 1993.
9. Wahl, Thomas I., Dermot J. Hayes, and Andrew Schmitz. "The Japanese Beef Policy
Political Preference Function" in Agriculture and Trade in the Pacific: Toward the 21st
Century. Edited by B. Coyle, D. Hayes, and H. Yamauchi, Westview Press, 1992.
10. Hayes, Dermot J., John R. Green, and Thomas I. Wahl. "Meat Marketing In Japan:
Economic Considerations" in Meat Marketing In Japan. Edited by Dermot J. Hayes,
Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center, Iowa State University,
1. Wahl, Tom, J. Seale Jr. J. Bai, H. Liu. "Food expenditures in Chengdu". USDA/FAS
GAIN No.CH1215, Chengdu, ATO, October 31, 2012.
2. McCluskey, Jill, Junfei Bai, Hainan Wang, James Seale Jr. Thomas I. Wahl “The
Westernization of Chinese Breakfast” USDA/FAS GAIN Report, 1/20/2012.
3. Bai, Junfei, James Seale, Bryan Lohmar, Thomas Wahl. “Meat Demand In Urban
Chinese Households” USDA/FAS GAIN Report, 1/6/2012.
1. Wahl, Thomas I., and James Hansen. “China’s Evolving Agricultural Economy:
Biotechnology, Food Markets and Policy Liberalization, Proceedings of the 2006
annual meeting of WERA-101, IMPACT Center, Washington State University,
Pullman, 2006.
Wahl, Thomas I., and Kynda Curtis. China's Agri-Food Value Chain: Opportunities
and Challenges, Proceedings of the 2005 annual meeting of WERA-101, IMPACT
Center, Washington State University, Pullman, 2005.
3. Wahl, Thomas I., and Brenda Sternquist. China’s Agricultural Sector: Markets, Myths
and Mavens. Proceedings of the 2004 annual meeting of WCC-101, IMPACT Center,
Washington State University, Pullman, 2004.
4. Wahl, Thomas I., and Cathy Durham. Agribusiness & Food Marketing in China.
Proceedings of the 2003 annual meeting of WCC-101, IMPACT Center, Washington
State University, Pullman, 2003.
Thomas I. Wahl
5. Wahl, Thomas I., Brian Lohmar and Brad Gilmour. Changes in China’s Agricultural
Sector: Trade, Market, and Policy Reform. Proceedings of the 2002 annual meeting of
WCC-101, IMPACT Center, Washington State University, Pullman, 2002.
6. Wahl, Thomas I. and Dan Sumner. Agricultural Trade with China in the New Economic
and Policy Environment. Proceedings of the April 2001 meeting of WCC-101,
IMPACT Center, Washington State University, Pullman, June 2001.
7. Wahl, Thomas I. and Frank Fuller. Chinese Agriculture and the WTO. Proceedings of
the December 1999 meeting of WCC-101, IMPACT Center, Washington State
University, Pullman, December 1999.
8. Wahl, Thomas I. and Colin Carter. China’s Role in World Food Markets. Proceedings
of the February 1999 meeting of WCC-101, IMPACT Center, Washington State
University, Pullman, August 1999.
9. Wahl, Thomas I. and Scott Rozelle. Food Markets in China: New Looks and Deeper
Understandings. Proceedings of January 1998 meeting of WCC-101, IMPACT Center,
Washington State University, Pullman, August 1998.
10. Wahl, Thomas I. The China Market: Data and Information Systems. IMPACT Center,
Washington State University, Pullman, August 1995.
11. Wahl, Thomas I. and A. Desmond O'Rourke. China As a Market and Competitor.
IMPACT Center, Washington State University, Pullman, March 1995.
1. Teng, Zhijing, James Seale Jr., Junfei Bai, Thomas I Wahl. “Employer Subsidized
Meals and FAFH Consumption in Urban China.” Paper presented at Southern
Agricultural Economics Association in its series 2015 Annual Meeting, January
31-February 3, 2015, Atlanta, Georgia
2. Anfinson, Carl, Thomas Wahl, James Seale, and Junfei Bai, “Factors Influencing
Adolescent BMI in Urban China.” Presented at Agricultural & Applied Economics
Association’s 2014 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 27-29, 2014..
3. Wu, Xiaotian, Thomas Wahl, James Seale, and Junfei Bai, " Chinese Urban Alcoholic
Consumption - Regional Differences" Paper presented at 2014 CAER-IFPRI Annual
International Conference, “Resource Constraints and Sustainable Food Systems in
China” October 18-19, 2014, Ynagling, P.R. China
4. Wu, Xiaotian, Thomas Wahl, James Seale, and Junfei Bai, " Chinese Urban Alcoholic
Consumption - Regional Differences" Paper presented at the International Agricultural
Trade Research Consortium (IATRC) Annual Meeting, December 7-9, 2014, San
Diego, CA
5. Liu, Haiyan, Thomas Wahl, James Seale, Junfei Bai. “The Influence of Food Dining
Location On Body Mass Index In Urban China.” Paper presented at the International
Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC) Annual Meeting, December 15-17,
2013, Clearwater Beach, Florida
Thomas I. Wahl
6. Liu, Haiyan, Thomas Wahl, James Seale, Junfei Bai. “Household Composition,
Income, and Food Away from Home Consumption in Urban China.” Paper presented at
the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium (IATRC) Annual Meeting,
December 15-17, 2013, Clearwater Beach, Florida
7. Liu, Haiyan, Thomas Wahl, James Seale, Junfei Bai. “The Influence of Food Dining
Location On Body Mass Index In Urban China.” Paper presented at Agricultural &
Applied Economics Association’s 2013 AAEA & CAES Joint Annual Meeting,
Washington, DC, August 4-6, 2013.
8. Bai, Junfei, T. Wahl, J. Seale Jr., B. Lohmar, "Meat Demand Analysis in Urban China:
To Include Meat Away from Home?" Paper presented at Agricultural & Applied
Economics Association’s 2013 AAEA & CAES Joint Annual Meeting, Washington,
DC, August 4-6, 2013.
9. Bai, Junfei, T. Wahl, J. Seale Jr., B. Lohmar, "Meat Demand Analysis in Urban China:
To Include Meat Away from Home?" Paper presented at 2012 CAER-IFPRI Annual
International Conference, “Transforming China’s Agricultural and Rural Sector:
Challenges and Solutions.” October 18-19, 2012, Beijing, P.R. China
10. Bai, Junfei, T. Wahl, J. Seale Jr. B. Lohmar, “Meat Demand in Urban China: The Role
of Increasing but Missing Dining Out Consumption.” Presented at the Conference:
Emerging Issues in Global Animal Product Trade. ERS, September 27-28, 2012,
Washington DC.
11. Liu, Haiyan, Thomas I. Wahl, Junfei Bai, James Seale Jr. “Understanding Food Away
from Home Expenditures in Urban China.” Presented at the Agricultural and Applied
Economics Association annual meeting, August 12–14, 2012, Seattle WA.
12. Bai, Junfei, T. Wahl, J. Seale Jr. B. Lohmar, "Meat Demand Analysis in Urban China:
To Include or Not to Include Meat Away from Home?" Paper presented at ICAE
triennial meeting, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, August 18-24, 2012.
13. Bai, Junfei, C. Zhang, J. Jiang "The Role of Certificate Issuer on Consumers'
Willingness-to-pay for Milk Traceability in China." Paper presented at ICAE triennial
meeting, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, August 18-24, 2012.
14. Anfinson, Carl, Thomas I. Wahl, James Seale Jr, Junfei Bai. “School Meals in Urban
China: Students' Consumption and Parents' Perceptions” Paper presented at ICAE
triennial meeting, Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, August 18-24, 2012.
15. Anfinson, Carl, Thomas Wahl, James Seale, Junfei Bai. “Factors Influencing
Adolescant Body Mass Index (BMI) in Urban China.” Presented at the Agricultural and
Applied Economics Association annual meeting, July 23-26, 2011, Pittsburg. PA.
16. Shang, Xia, Thomas Wahl, James Seale, Jr, Junfei Bai. “Alcohol and Beverage
Consumption in Nanjing, China: Effects of Venue and Who Pays.” Presented at the
Agricultural and Applied Economics Association annual meeting, July 23-26, 2011,
Pittsburg. PA.
Thomas I. Wahl
17. Wahl, Thomas I, Junfei Bai, James Seale, Bryan Lohmar. “Chinese Consumer
Perceptions of the Determinants of Food Safety.” Presented at 2011 CAER-IFPRI
Annual International Conference, October22-23, 2011, Chengdu, China
18. Shang, Xia, Thomas I. Wahl, Junfei Bai, and James Seale. “Assessing The Value Of
Intrinsic And Extrinsic Attributes: A Hedonic Analysis Of Meat Price In Beijing,
China” Presented at the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium
(IATRC) annual meeting, December 12-15, 2010 Berkeley, California.
19. Koo, Won and Thomas I. Wahl. “Inter-dependency between Industrial and Agricultural
Sectors in Chinese Economic Development.” Presented at the 2010 CAER-IFPRI
Annual Conference, Oct. 16-17, 2010, Beijing, China.
20. Shang, Xia, Thomas I. Wahl, Faysal Fahs, and Junfei Bai. “Estimating the Effect of
Food Safety on Meat Consumption in Beijing, China Using a SML Approach”
Presented at the 2010 CAER-IFPRI Annual Conference, Oct. 16-17, 2010, Beijing,
21. Bai, Junfei, Caiping Zhang, and Thomas I. Wahl. “Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for
Traceable Pork, Milk, and Edible Oil in Nanjing, China.” Presented at the Agricultural
and Applied Economics Association annual meeting, July 25-27, 2010, Denver,
22. Bai, Junfei, Thomas I. Wahl, Bryan T. Lohmar, and Jikun Huang. “The Role of Hosted
Meals and Primary Food Preparer’s Time in Expenditures on Food-Away-from-Home
in China.” Presented at the AAEA annual meeting, July 27-29, 2008, Orlando, Florida.
23. Bai, Junfei, Thomas I. Wahl, and Philip Wandschneider Valuing Attributes of Fluid
Milk Using Choice-based Conjoint Experimental Design.” Presented at the AEA,
WAEA, CAES Joint Annual Meeting, July 29- August 1, 2007, Portland, Oregon.
24. Bai, Junfei, and Thomas I. Wahl. “Consumption of Milk Products in Urban China.”
Presented at the AAEA, WAEA, CAES Joint Annual Meeting, July 29- August 1, 2007,
Portland, Oregon.
25. Wieck, Christine and Thomas I. Wahl “Imports in the Washington State Economy:
Importance and Regional Effects of Import Liberalization.” Presented at the AAEA,
WAEA, CAES Joint Annual Meeting, July 29- August 1, 2007, Portland, Oregon.
26. Markosyan, Armenak , Thomas I. Wahl, and Jill McCluskey. “Functional Foods in the
Marketplace: Willingness to Pay for Apples Enriched with Antioxidants” Presented at
the AAEA, WAEA, CAES Joint Annual Meeting, July 29- August 1, 2007, Portland,
27. Markosyan, Armenak, Thomas Wahl, and Thomas Marsh. “Specialty Crop Producers’
Preferences toward International Trade Policies.” Presented at the AAEA, WAEA,
CAES Joint Annual Meeting, July 29- August 1, 2007, Portland, Oregon.
28. Nogueira, Lia, Hayley Chouinard, Thomas Marsh, Thomas I. Wahl and Christine
Wieck. “The Effects of Reducing Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Barriers to Trade on
the Washington State Apple Industry.” Presented at the AAEA annual meeting, July
23-26, 2006. Long Beach, California.
Thomas I. Wahl
29. Zhao Zishun, Thomas I. Wahl, and Thomas Marsh. “Modeling the Effects of Mitigating
Apple Maggot Spread into the Apple Production Region of Washington State.”
Presented at the AAEA annual meeting, July 23-26, 2006. Long Beach, California.
30. Bai, Junfei, Thomas Wahl and Jill McCluskey. “Consumer’s Choice of Food Retail
Store Formats in Qingdao, China.” Presented at the AAEA annual meeting, July 23-26,
2006. Long Beach, California.
31. Wieck, C., Bettina Rudloff, and Thomas I. Wahl. “The Bioterrorism Act of the USA
and International Food Trade: Evaluating WTO Conformity and Effects of Bilateral
Imports,” (abstract: Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 30:3, 2005)
32. Zhao, Zishun, Thomas Wahl, and Thomas Marsh. “Modeling the Impacts of Alternative
Invasive Species Management Policies on Livestock Production with an
Implementation of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in the U.S. Beef Cattle Industry.”
Presented at 2005 NAREA Workshop on Invasive Species, June 14-15, 2005
Annapolis, Maryland.
33. Zhao, Zishun, Thomas Wahl, and Thomas Marsh. “The Government’s Role in
Stabilizing Beef Supply when BSE Strikes”, Presented at World Trade Organization
Impacts on U.S. Farm Policy 2005 Conference June 1-3, 2005 New Orleans, Louisiana.
34. Zhao, Zishun, Thomas Wahl, and Thomas Marsh. “Modeling the Impacts of Alternative
Invasive Species Management Policies on Perennial Fruit Production and
Consumption.” Presented at the 2005 Pacific Northwest Regional Economic
Conference, May 19-20, 2005 Bellingham, Washington.
35. Curtis, K.R., J.J. McCluskey, and T.I. Wahl. “Westernization in China: A Case Study in
Processed Potatoes,” Selected paper presented at the 2003 American Agricultural
Economics Association meetings, Montreal, July 27 – 30, 2003. (abstract: see
36. Li, Q., J.J. McCluskey, T.I. Wahl. “Marketing Opportunities for Grass-Fed Beef”
selected paper presented at the 2003 Western Agricultural Economics Association
meetings, Denver, CO, July 11-15. (abstract: Journal of Agricultural & Resource
Economics 28(2) 2003)
37. Curtis, K.R., J.J. McCluskey, and T.I. Wahl. “Contract Efficiency in the Processed
Potato Industry,” selected paper presented at the 2003 Western Agricultural Economics
Association meetings, Denver, CO, July 11-15. (abstract: Journal of Agricultural &
Resource Economics 28(2) 2003)
38. Li, Quan, T.I. Wahl, and J.J. McCluskey. “Segmenting Chinese Consumer Attitudes
Towards GM Food.” selected paper presented at the 2003 Western Agricultural
Economics Association meetings, Denver, CO, July 11-15. (abstract: Journal of
Agricultural & Resource Economics 28(2) 2003)
39. Li, Quan, T.I. Wahl, and J.J. McCluskey. “Segmenting Chinese Consumer Attitudes
Towards GM Food.” Selected paper presented at WCC-101: Assessing China as a
Market and a Competitor, Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, April 17-18, 2003.
Thomas I. Wahl
40. Curtis, K.R., J.J. McCluskey, and T.I. Wahl. “Westernization in China: A Case Study in
Processed Potatoes.” Selected paper presented at WCC-101: Assessing China as a
Market and a Competitor, Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, April 17-18, 2003.
41. Curtis, K.R., T.I. Wahl, and J.J. McCluskey. “Consumer Acceptance of Genetically
Modified Food Products in the Developing World,” selected paper presented at the
Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society meetings in Sydney,
Australia, January 2003.
42. K. Grimsrud, J.J. McCluskey, and T.I. Wahl. "Comparison of Consumer Responses to
Genetically Modified Foods in Europe and Asia," selected paper presented at the
ICABR 6th International Conference on Biotechnology, Science and Modern
Agriculture, Ravello, Italy, 2002.
43. K. Grimsrud, M.L. Loureiro, J.J. McCluskey and T.I. Wahl. "Consumer Response to
Genetically Modified Food Products in Norway," selected paper presented at the 2002
American Agricultural Economics Association meetings, Long Beach, CA. (abstract:
44. McCluskey, J.J., K. Grimsrud, H. Ouchi, and T.I. Wahl. "Consumer Response to
Genetically Modified Food Products in Japan," selected paper presented at the Second
World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Monterey, California,
June 24-27, 2002.
45. McCluskey, Jill and Thomas I. Wahl, "Backward Integration by Seed "Companies and
Gene Owner Control Issues in Biotechnology" Selected paper presented at the
International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research (ICABR)
conference, "Biotechnology, Science and Modern Agriculture: a New Industry at the
Dawn of the Century," Ravello, Italy, June 2001.
46. Gilbert, John, Robert Scollay and Thomas Wahl. "Agricultural Reform in APEC:
Estimating the Effect on Welfare and Rural-Urban Income Divergence." Selected paper
presented at the Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting,
Vancouver, BC, July 2000. Abstract: J. Agric. Resour. Econ. 25(2):717 (2000).
47. Han, Tong, Thomas I. Wahl, and Ronald C. Mittelhammer. "Modeling Household
Consumption with Non-Negativity Constraints: A Three-Stage Simulation Estimation
Approach." Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics
Association Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN, August 1999. Abstract: Amer. J. Agr.
Econ., 81(1999): 1301.
48. Han, Tong and Thomas I. Wahl. "China's Rural Household Purchasing Decisions for
High-Valued Food Products." Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural
Economics Association Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN, August 1999. Abstract: Amer.
J. Agr. Econ. 81(1999): 1290.
49. Schmitz, Troy, Thomas I. Wahl, and Won Koo. "The Impact of the Export
Enhancement Program on International Feed and Malting Barley Markets." Selected
paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting,
Salt Lake City, UT, August 1998. Abstract: Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 80(1998):1177.
Thomas I. Wahl
50. Han, Tong, Thomas I. Wahl, and Ronald C. Mittelhammer. "The Effect of
Self-Sufficiency on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption of China’s Rural Households."
Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual
Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, August 1998. Abstract: Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 80(1998):
51. Schmitz, Troy and Thomas I. Wahl. "A System-Wide Approach for Analyzing Wheat
Import Allocation Decisions." Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural
Economics Association Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, August 1998. Abstract:
Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 80(1998):1190.
52. Comeau, A., R.C. Mittelhammer, and T. I Wahl. "Assessing the Effectiveness of MPP
Meat Advertising and Promotion Efforts in the Japanese Market." Selected paper
presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting,
Toronto, Ontario, July 1997. Abstract: Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 79(1997): 1711.
53. Guan, Xiaomei, Thomas I. Wahl, Ron C. Mittelhammer. "Food Consumption in Urban
Coastal China: A Cross Sectional Analysis." Selected paper presented at the American
Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, July 1997.
Abstract: Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 79(1997):1719.
54. Bridges, Deborah, Hongqi Shi, Thomas I. Wahl. "Evaluating Wheat Acreage Response
by Class: Implications for U.S. Wheat Policy." Selected paper presented at the
American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX,
July1996. Abstract: Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 78(1996):1408.
55. Shi, Hongqi, Thomas I. Wahl, and Ron C. Mittelhammer. "Utilizing Income
Distribution Information in Demand Predictions: Implications for Applied Demand
Studies." Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics
Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, July 1996. Abstract: Amer. J. Agr.
Econ. 78(1996): 1396.
56. Hsiao, WenCheng W., Ron C. Mittelhammer, Thomas I. Wahl, and Cheng-Wei Chen.
"A Mixed Meat Demand System of Taiwan: Implications for U.S. Beef Exports."
Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual
Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, August 1995. Abstract: Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 77 (1996): 1368.
57. Shi, Hongqi, Ron C. Mittelhammer, and Thomas I. Wahl. "The Effects of Seasonality
and Demographics on Fresh Fruit Consumption Behavior in Japan: Implications for the
U.S. Apple Industry." Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural
Economics Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, August, 1995. Abstract:
Amer. J. Agr. Econ., 77, (1995): 1377.
58. Wahl, Thomas I. and Hongqi Shi. "Consumption and Marketing Patterns for Specialty
Crops in China." Invited paper presented at the organized symposium AMarketing and
Pricing Policies in China’s Food Economy@ at the American Agricultural Economics
Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, August 1995. Abstract: Amer. J. Agr.
Econ. 77 (1996): 1357.
Thomas I. Wahl
59. Mittelhammer, Ron C., Hongqi Shi, and Thomas I. Wahl. "Accounting for Aggregation
Bias in Empirical Demand Systems: The Case of Almost Ideal Demand Systems."
Selected paper presented at the joint American Agricultural Economics Association and
Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meetings, San Diego, California,
August 1994. Abstract: Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 76(1994):1256.
60. Wahl, Thomas I., Wei Luo, and Ron C. Mittelhammer. "The Effects of Quality on
Japanese Wheat Import Price." Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural
Economics Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, August 1993. Abstract:
Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 75(1993):1317.
61. Wahl, Thomas, Ronald Mittelhammer, and Dermot Hayes. "To Invert or Not To Invert:
The Case of Direct and Inverse AIDS Meat Demand Systems." Selected paper
presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting,
Baltimore, Maryland, August 1992. Abstract: Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 74(1992):1299.
62. Wahl, Thomas I. and Dermot J. Hayes. "Japanese Beef Liberalization: A Retrospective
Analysis." Presented to the annual meeting of the International Agricultural Trade
Research Consortium (IATRC), St. Petersburg, FL, December 1992.
63. Buse, R.A., David Eastwood and Thomas I. Wahl. "Data Sources for Estimating U.S.
Food Demand: Types and Features." Presented at the International Association of
Agricultural Economists Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, August 1991.
64. Wahl, Thomas I. "Changes in China's Meat Consumption Patterns: Implications for
International Grain Trade: Comment." Presented at the International Association of
Agricultural Economists Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, August 1991.
65. Wahl, Thomas I. "Marketing Strategies of Government-Supported Agencies: Success
Stories of the IMPACT Center." Presented at the International Association of
Agricultural Economists Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, August 1991.
66. Wahl, Thomas I., Dermot J. Hayes, and S. R. Johnson. "Liberalization of Japanese Pork
Import Policies." Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics
Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 1990. Abstract:
Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 72(1990):1371-1372.
67. Wahl, Thomas I. and Dermot J. Hayes. "A Dynamic, Globally Flexible Model Of U.S.
Meat Demand." Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics
Association Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, August 1989. Abstract: Amer. J.
Agr. Econ. 71(1989):1360.
68. Wahl, Thomas I. and Dermot J. Hayes. "Demand System Estimation with Upward
Sloping Supply." Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics
Association Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, August 1989. Abstract: Amer. J.
Agr. Econ. 71(1989):1360.
69. Williams, Gary W., Thomas I. Wahl, and Dermot J. Hayes. "Japanese Beef Import
Policy: Implications of a Reduction in the Producer Subsidy Equivalent." Selected
paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting,
Knoxville, Tennessee, August 1988. Abstract: Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 70(1988):1206.
Thomas I. Wahl
70. Hayes, Dermot J., Thomas I. Wahl, and Gary W. Williams. "Testing Restrictions on A
Model of Japanese Meat Demand." Selected paper presented at the American
Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee, August
1988. Abstract: Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 70(1988):1202-1203.
1. McCluskey, J.J., Kristine M. Grimsrud, Kynda R. Curtis, Quan Li, and Thomas I. Wahl,
“Consumer Attitudes and Willingness to Pay for Genetically Modified Foods: A
Cross-Country Comparison,” In proceedings of National Agricultural Biotechnology
Council 15, Seattle. WA, 2003.
2. Gilbert, John and Thomas Wahl. "Assessing China's Potential Role in Asia's New
Regionalism." In Agricultural Trade with China. Edited by Thomas Wahl and Dan
Sumner, IMPACT Center, Washington State University, Pullman, June 2001.
3. Felloni, Fabrizio, John Gilbert and Thomas Wahl. "Biotechnology, Trade and Self
Sufficiency: Implications for China." In proceedings of the International Symposium on
WTO New Round Agricultural Negotiation, Taipei, Taiwan, December, 2000.
4. Felloni, Fabrizio, John Gilbert, Thomas Wahl, Jim Zuiches. "Biotechnology, Trade and
Self Sufficiency in China." In proceedings of 4th International Conference on the
"Economics of Agricultural Biotechnology" Ravello (Italy), August, 2000.
5. Felloni, Fabrizio, Thomas I. Wahl, and Philip Wandschneider. "Evidence of the Effect
of Infrastructure on Agricultural Production and Productivity: Implications for China. "
In Chinese Agriculture and the WTO. Edited by Thomas I. Wahl and Frank Fuller,
IMPACT Center, Washington State University, Pullman, December 1999.
6. Gilbert, John and Thomas Wahl. "Agricultural Reform in China: Impacts on Welfare
and Rural-Urban Incomes" in Chinese Agriculture and the WTO. Edited by Thomas I.
Wahl and Frank Fuller, IMPACT Center, Washington State University, Pullman,
December 1999.
7. Han, Tong and Thomas I. Wahl. "China’s Rural Household Purchasing Decisions for
High-Valued Food Products: Implications for the U.S. Food Industry." In China’s Role
in World Food Markets. Edited by Thomas I. Wahl and Colin Carter, IMPACT Center,
Washington State University, Pullman, August 1999.
8. Wahl, Thomas I. and Medhi KrongKaew. "Food System Technologies and Technology
Transfer." Discussion papers of the APEC Food and Agriculture Strategy Conference,
Manilla, Philippines, March 1999.
9. Tong, Han and Thomas I. Wahl. "China’s Rural Household Demand For Fruits and
Vegetables." In Food Markets in China: New Looks and Deeper Understandings.
Edited by Thomas I. Wahl and Scott Rozelle, IMPACT Center, Washington State
University, Pullman, August 1998.
10. Fairchild, Gary F., Timothy G. Taylor, and Thomas I. Wahl. "Policy Harmonization,
Compatibility, and Convergence Issues in North American Horticulture." In
Thomas I. Wahl
proceedings of the Third Agricultural and Food Policy Systems Information Workshop,
October 1997.
11. Heckelei, Thomas, Ron C. Mittelhammer, Thomas, I. Wahl. "Japanese Beef Demand."
In proceedings of the European Agricultural Economics Association Meetings, Fall
12. Hennessy, David A. and Thomas I. Wahl. "The Effect of Planting on the Volatility of
Grain Futures Prices." In proceedings of the NCR-134 Conference on applied
Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management, Chicago,
Illinois, April 1995.
13. Shi, Hongqi and Thomas I. Wahl. "The Chinese Apple Market." In China as a Market
and Competitor. Edited by Thomas I. Wahl and A. Desmond O’Rourke, IMPACT
Center, Washington State University, Pullman, March 1995.
14. Wahl, Thomas, I., Ron C. Mittelhammer, and Hongqi Shi. "Accounting for
Aggregation Bias in Empirical Demand Models: The Case of Almost Ideal Demand
Systems." In proceedings of the NCR-134 Conference on applied Commodity Price
Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management, Chicago, Illinois, April 1994.
15. Shi, Hongqi, Ron C. Mittelhammer, and Thomas I. Wahl. "Choosing the 'Optimal' Set
of Instrumental Variables: Implications for Forecasting Efficiency and Tests of
Structural Change." In proceedings of the NCR-134 Conference on Applied
Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting and Market Risk Management, Chicago,
Ilinois, April 1994.
16. Mittelhammer, Ron C. and Thomas I. Wahl. "On Aggregation in the Not-So-Ideal
Inverse and Direct Demand Systems." Papers of the 1993 Annual Meeting of the
Western Agricultural Economics Association, Edmonton, Alberta.
17. Schaeffer, Cathy J. and Thomas I. Wahl. "The Economic Feasibility of Segregating
Wheat in the Pacific Northwest: Implications for Wheat Exports." Papers of the 1993
Annual Meeting of the Western Agricultural Economics Association, Edmonton,
18. Wahl, Thomas I., Hongqi Shi, and Ron C. Mittelhammer. "A Hedonic Price Analysis of
the Quality Characteristics of Japanese Wagyu Beef." Papers of the 1993 Annual
Meeting of the Western Agricultural Economics Association, Edmonton, Alberta.
19. Wahl, Thomas, Ronald Mittelhammer, and Dermot Hayes. "Is Japanese Meat Demand
A Direct Or Inverse AIDS Demand System?" Papers of the 1992 Annual Meeting of the
Western Agricultural Economics Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
20. Wahl, Thomas, Ronald Mittelhammer, and Dermot Hayes. "To Invert or Not To Invert:
The Case of Direct and Inverse AIDS Meat Demand Systems." In proceedings of the
NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market
Risk Management, Chicago, Illinois, April 1992.
21. Wahl, Thomas I., Vicki A. McCracken, and David A. Reed. "Forecasting Japanese
Meat Demand Using A Two-Stage Consumer Demand System." In proceedings of the
Thomas I. Wahl
NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market
Risk Management, Chicago, Illinois, April 1991.
22. Wahl, Thomas I. and Dermot J. Hayes. "Analyzing The Seasonality of U.S. Meat
Demand Using Disaggregated Weekly Data." In proceedings of the NCR-134
Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk
Management, Chicago, Illinois, April 1990.
23. Hayes, Dermot J. and Thomas I. Wahl. "Predicting Changes in the Degree of Producer
Responsiveness to Policy Shocks." In proceedings of the NCR-134 Conference on
Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management,
Chicago, Illinois, April 1989.
24. Wahl, Thomas I., Dermot J. Hayes, and Gary W. Williams. "Forecasting Changes in the
Structure Of the Japanese Meat Industry Under Alternative Beef Import Liberalization
Scenarios." In proceedings of the NCR-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price
Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management, St. Louis, Missouri, April 1988.
25. Wahl, Thomas I., Dermot J. Hayes, and Gary W. Williams. "Japanese Beef Policy and
the GATT Negotiations: An Analysis of Reducing Assistance to Beef Producers." In
Proceedings of the Second Workshop of the Livestock and Grains Study Program of the
Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference, edited by A. N. Rae and R. W. M. Johnson,
Agricultural Policy Proceedings No. 11, Centre for Agricultural Policy Studies, Massey
University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, October 1988.
26. Wahl, Thomas I. and Gary W. Williams. "The Impact of Japanese Beef Import Quota
Concessions: A Forecast Simulation Analysis." In proceedings of the NCR-134
Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk
Management, Chicago, Illinois, April 1987.
1. McCluskey, Jill J., Thomas I. Wahl, Quan Li and Philip R. Wandschneider. U.S. Grass
Fed Beef: Marketing Health Benefits. IMPACT Technical Working Paper,
TWP-2006-115, Washington State University, Pullman, January 2006.
2. McCluskey, Jill J., Kristine Grimsrud, Hiromi Ouchi and Thomas I. Wahl. BSE in
Japan: Consumer’s Perceptions and Willingness to Pay for Tested Beef.” IMPACT
Technical Working Paper, TWP-2004-111, Washington State University, Pullman,
December 2004.
3. Felloni, Fabrizio, Thomas Wahl, Philip Wandschneider, John Gilbert. “Infrastructure
and Agricultural Production: Cross-country Evidence and Implications for China.”
IMPACT Technical Working Paper, TWP-2001-103, Washington State University,
Pullman, December 2001.
4. Hasan, Maher, Ron C. Mittelhammer, and Thomas I. Wahl. “Simulated Maximum
Likelihood Estimation of A Consumer Demand System Under Binding Non-Negativity
Constraints: An Application To Chinese Household Food Expenditure Data.” IMPACT
Thomas I. Wahl
Technical Working Paper, TWP-2001-102, Washington State University, Pullman,
December 2001.
5. McCluskey, Jill J., Hiromi Ouchi, Kristine M. Grimsrud, and Thomas I. Wahl.
"Consumer Response to Genetically Modified Food Products in Japan" IMPACT
Technical Working Paper, TWP-2001-101, Washington State University, Pullman,
December 2001.
6. Wahl, Thomas, I. "Forecasting the Price of Northwest Fresh Sweet Cherries in the year
2001." Report to the NW Cherry Growers Association. April 2001
7. Wahl, Thomas I. and Robert Harder. "Biotechnology: Roadmap to the Future."
Common Ground,, April 2000.
8. Gilbert, John, Robert Scollay and Thomas I. Wahl. "The APEC Food System: Effects of
Liberalization and Ecotech Measures." APEC Study Center for Food Systems,
Washington State University, Pullman, February 2000.
9. Scollay, Robert, John Gilbert, and Thomas Wahl. "Distributional Implications of the
APEC Food System Proposal." Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the New
Zealand Treasury. Wellington, New Zealand, August 1999.
10. Wahl, Thomas I. and Glade Erickson. "The Value Chain for Poultry." Pacific Basin
Economic Council (PBEC), Working Committee on Food Products, March 1999.
11. Fairchild, Gary F., Timothy G. Taylor, and Thomas I. Wahl. "Policy Harmonization,
Compatibility, and Convergence Issues in North American Horticulture." University of
Florida, International Working Paper Series, No. IW97-7, June 1997.
12. Comeau, Allison, Ron C. Mittelhammer, and Thomas I. Wahl. "Assessing the
Effectiveness of MPP Meat Advertising and Promotion in the Japanese Market,"
National Institute for Commodity Promotion, Research, and Evaluation 96-10, R.B.
96-20, December 1996.
13. Shi, Hongqi and Thomas I. Wahl. "Recent Developments in the Chinese Fruit Industry
and Fruit Market: Implications for the US Fruit Industry." IMPACT Center, No. 83,
14. Shi, Hongqi and Thomas I. Wahl. "The Economics of Capturing Segregation Premiums
with On-Farm Storage." IMPACT Center, No. 88, 1996.
15. Wahl, Thomas I. and Hongqi Shi. "Global Trade Studies." Presented at the annual
IMPACT meeting and published on the IMPACT Center home page, 1996.
16. Wahl, Thomas I. "Export Enhancement Program (EEP) and Export Subsidies." in 1995
Farm Bill Issues Important to Washington. Departments of Agricultural Economics,
Animal Science, and Food Science and Human Nutrition, WSU, April 1995.
17. O'Rourke, A. Desmond and Thomas I. Wahl. "GATT." IMPACT Newsletter, January
18. Bridges, Deborah and Thomas I. Wahl. "The Canadian Wheat Industry and
Government Policies." IMPACT Information Series #60, 1993.
Thomas I. Wahl
19. Schaeffer, Cathy J. and Thomas I. Wahl. "The North American Free Trade Agreement:
Effects on Washington Agriculture." IMPACT Information Series #67, 1993.
20. O'Rourke, A.D. and Thomas I. Wahl. "Assistance to Romanian Agriculture and
Agribusiness in Transition to a Market Economy." Report by the WSU IMPACT
Center Investigative Team, March 1992.
21. Barron, James, Kenneth Casavant, Richard Daugherty, Thomas Wahl, and Douglas
Young. "Agriculture and The Rural Economy in Washington." Department of
Agricultural Economics, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition,
Washington State University, Pullman, August 1991.
22. Hayes, Dermot J., Thomas I. Wahl, and S. R. Johnson. "The Transmission of Price
Variability under Tariffication." Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa
State University, GATT Research Paper 90-GATT7, July 1991.
23. Wahl, Thomas I., Dermot J. Hayes, and S. R. Johnson. "Liberalization of Japanese Pork
Import Policies." Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State
University, GATT Research Paper 90-GATT5, July 1991.
1. Wahl, Thomas I. “China’s Growing Demand for Apples.: Good Fruit Grower,
pp36-37, February 2007.
2. Wahl, Thomas I. “Biotechnology and Trade.” Good Fruit Grower, pp 30-31,
November 2006.
3. Wahl, Thomas I. “The Economics of Apples in China.” Good Fruit Grower, September
4. Wahl, Thomas I. “Is China the Low-Cost Producer?” Good Fruit Grower, p 39, July
5. Wahl, Thomas I. “India and Apples.” Good Fruit Grower, pp 46-47, May, 2006.
6. Wahl, Thomas I. “Food, Super Centers, and China.” Good Fruit Grower, p 61, March,
7. Wahl, Thomas I. “China as a Horticultural Competitor.” Good Fruit Grower, pp 28-29,
January 2006.
8. Wahl, Thomas I. “Are China’s Food Exports Safe?” Good Fruit Grower, pp 38-39,
November, 2005
9. Wahl, Thomas I. “Does the Value of China’s Yuan Matter?” Good Fruit Grower, p 27,
September, 2005.
10. Wahl, Thomas I. “China’s Changing Agricultural Policies.” Good Fruit Grower, pp
32-22, July 2005.
11. Wahl, Thomas I. “Central and South America.” Good Fruit Grower, pp 11-12, May 1,
Thomas I. Wahl
12. Wahl, Thomas I. “Trade with China and the U.S. Dollar.” Good Fruit Grower, pp
47-48, March 2005.
13. Wahl, Thomas I. “How Competitive are we with China?” Good Fruit Grower, p 24,
January 2005.
14. Wahl, Thomas I. "China Looms Large." American Fruit Grower, September/October
2002, pp 26-26.
15. Wahl, Thomas I. "Computers." Wheat Life, 40(11):63-4, December 1997.
16. Tozer, Peter and Thomas I. Wahl. "Australian Grain Growers Look Forward to
Properous Times." Wheat Life, 39(6):18, 1996.
17. Wahl, Thomas I. "The Effects of NAFTA on the U.S. Wheat Industry." Wheat Life,
38(4):31, April 1995.
18. Tozer, Peter and Thomas I. Wahl. "The Medium and Long Term Future of Australian
Grain Production." Wheat Life, 37(8):21-23, 1994.
19. Tozer, Peter and Thomas I. Wahl. "An Australian Wheat Perspective." Wheat Life,
37(3):49-50, 1994.
20. Wahl, Thomas I. "The Uruguay Round of GATT: Implications for PNW Wheat
Producers." Wheat Life, 37(6):1, 14-16, 1994.
21. Wahl, Thomas I. and Dermot J. Hayes. "Japanese Beef Liberalization: A Retrospective
Analysis." U.S. Meat Export Analysis and Trade News, Vol. 1, No. 1 (April 1993):711.
22. Wahl, Thomas I. and A. Desmond O'Rourke. "The Economics of Sprout Damage."
Wheat Life, 35(10):27-31, 1992.
23. Wahl, Thomas I. and A. Desmond O'Rourke. "International Trade," in 1992 PNW
Agricultural Situation and Outlook published in the Farmer-Stockman.
24. Wahl, Thomas I. "International Trade," in 1991 PNW Agricultural Situation and
Outlook published in the Farmer-Stockman.
DISSERTATION: “Modeling Dynamic Adjustment in Japanese Livestock Markets Under
Trade Liberalization.” Iowa State University, 1989.
1. “Household Composition and Food Away From Home Expenditures in Urban China.“
Invited presentation. College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural
University, Beijing, March 18, 2014.
2. “Chinese Consumer Perceptions Of The Determinants Of Food Safety.” Invited
presentation. Shanghai University, March 26, 2012.
3. “Urban Food Consumption: What We Know About China.” Invited presentation.
USDA/FAS. Wuhan, China, September 9, 2011.
Thomas I. Wahl
4. “Chinese Food Consumption.” Invited presentation. College of Economics and
Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing, March 8, 2011.
5. “Consumer Response to GM Food in India.” Economic Consideration of Biosafety and
Biotechnology Regulations in India: A Policy Dialogue sponsored by the International
Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the South Asia Biosafety Program (SABP),
New Delhi, India, August 2006.
6. “Estimating Consumer Preferences for Country-of-Origin Labeling: A U.S.-Canadian
Comparison.” Invited paper presented at the Food and Agricultural Marketing Policy
(FAMPS) Track Session of the 2003 American Agricultural Economics Association
meetings, Montreal, July 27 – 30, 2003.
7. “Opportunities and Challenges in the Global Agricultural Marketplace” College of
Food Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China. December
8. “Opportunities and Challenges in the Global Agricultural Marketplace.” International
Conference on Industrial Innovation and Transformation. Chaoyang University,
Taichung, Taiwan, August 2002.
9. “Consumer Attitudes toward Genetically Modified food in Norway and Japan.”
Presented at the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research
(ICABR) conference, "Agricultural Biotechnologies: New Avenues for Production,
Consumption and Technology Transfer," Ravello, Italy, July 2002.
10. “Agriculture and Free Trade: Implications for the PNW.” Invited presentation.
Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, April 2002.
11. "International Perspectives: Discussion." Invited paper, Executive Seminar on
Agricultural Issues, "The WTO and International Perspectives." Sacramento CA.
December 2001.
12. "Globalization: Embrace It or Fear It?" Presented at Foley Institute Policy Forum,
Washington State University, October 2001.
13. "International Marketing of Alternative Crops." 2001 Ag Days Symposium "Unlocking
Nature's Potential: Alternative Crops and Uses." University of Idaho, October 2001.
14. “China-US Apple Trade: Opportunity or Disaster?” Invited paper, American Society of
Horticultural Science, Sacramento CA, July 2001.
15. “Backward Integration by Seed Companies and Gene Owner Control Issues in
Biotechnology” Presented at the International Consortium on Agricultural
Biotechnology Research (ICABR) conference, "Biotechnology, Science and Modern
Agriculture: a New Industry at the Dawn of the Century," Ravello, Italy, June 2001.
16. "Mad Cow Disease: Implications for World Food Trade." Invited seminar, College of
Economics and Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, May
17. "Mad Cow Disease: Implications for World Food Trade." Invited paper, APEC Study
Centers Consortium Meeting, Tianjin, China, May 2001.
Thomas I. Wahl
18. "APEC and Agriculture: Integrating Liberalization and Capacity-Building Policies."
Invited paper, "Globalization and New Agricultural Trade Rules for the 21st Century"
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, February 2000.
19. "China's Rural Household Purchasing Decisions for High-Valued Food Products:
Implications for the U.S. Food Industry." Presented at the International Agricultural
Trade Consortium (IATRC) conference "China's Agricultural Trade and Policy: Issues,
Analysis, and Global Consequences," San Francisco, CA, June 1999.
20. "Dissemination of Technology in an APEC Food System." Presented at the 1999 APEC
Study Center Conference, Auckland, NZ, May 1999.
21. "Food Marketing in China." Invited seminar, School of Agribusiness, Arizona State
University, December 1998.
22. “An APEC Open Efficient Food System? Implications for Agricultural Policy.”
Presented at the 1998 APEC Study Center Conference, Bangi, Malaysia, August 1998.
23. "China as a Market and Competitor." Invited seminar, Economics faculty, University of
Auckland. August 1998.
24. "Rural Household Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in China." Invited paper, presented
at the annual meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Meeting,
25. "Will China Starve the World?" Invited seminar, University of New England,
Armidale, January 1997.
26. “APEC Agricultural Trade Liberalization.” Invited presentation. “Unsolved Issues of
APEC and Their Solutions.” The 4th Conference on Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation, Seoul, Korea, 1996.
27. "Modeling Global Trade." Invited seminar, College of Economics and Trade, South
China Agricultural University, Guanzhou, China, May 1994.
28. "Modeling Global Trade." Invited seminar, College of Economics and Trade, Shandong
Agricultural University, Shandong, China, May 1994.
29. "Modeling Global Trade." Invited seminar, College of Economics and Management,
Beijing Agricultural University, Beijing, China, May 1994.
30. "Uruguay Round of GATT: Implications for U.S. Agriculture." Invited seminar,
Central Washington Agricultural Marketing Short Course. Ellensburg, WA, November
31. "Agricultural Marketing in the U.S." Invited seminar, Department of Animal Science,
Nihon University. Japan, May 1992.
1. “Education in North Dakota”, Invited presentation at EB-5 Investment: A Road to U.S.
Residency, University of Shanghai for Science & Technology, March 24, 2012.
Thomas I. Wahl
2. “China As A Market and Competitor: Implications for ND Agriculture.” Farm and
Ranch Business Management Education Program Annual Meeting and Banquet,
Rugby, ND, April 2011.
3. “China As A Market and Competitor: Implications for ND Agriculture.” Marketing
Club Facilitators Conference, Carrington, ND, October 2010.
4. “U.S – China Agricultural Trade: Opportunities for Pickled Products.” Pickle Packers
International Association, Las Vegas, NV, 10/25/07.
5. “The Economics of Tree Fruit in China," Washington Horticultural Association Annual
Meeting, Yakima, WA, 12/07/06
6. “Economics of Apples in China,” U.S. Apple Association’s 2006 Apple Crop Outlook
and Marketing Conference, Chicago, IL, 8/18/2006.
7. “China Economic Overview,” Tree Top Board of Directors Meeting, Issaquah, WA,
8. “Impacts of Trade Agreements on the Washington State Economy.” Presented to the
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Trade Policy, Ellensburg, WA, 9/4/05.
9. “China and the Cherry Trade.” Presented at the Cherry Institute, Yakima, WA, 2/6/05.
10. “China’s Economic Future.” Presented to the U.S.- China Economic and Security
Review Commission, Seattle, WA, 1/12/05
11. “Country of Origin Labeling and US-Canada Trade." Presented at the Trade Disputes
Conference, Gainesville, Florida. 3/21/03.
12. "US-China Agricultural Trade: Opportunities and Challenges." Presented at the China
Conference, Bell Harbor, Seattle. 3/19/03.
13. "Washington Agriculture: Can We Compete in the Global Marketplace?" Presented to
the 2003 Washington Bankers Association Agricultural Conference, Chelan, WA.
14. "International Trade and Pending Bioterrorism Regulations." Presented at to the
Agribusiness and World Markets Committee, Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC),
Seoul, South Korea, 8-23-2003.
15. "Comparative Advantage and Global Markets: Implications for the PNW Food
Industry." Presented to the Northwest Food Processors Executive Business Conference,
Coeur d'Alene, ID. 5/3/03.
16. "A Cross-Country Comparison of Consumer Preferences for GM Food and COOL."
Presented at to the Agribusinees and World Markets Committee, Pacific Basin
Economic Council (PBEC), Seoul, South Korea, 8-23-2003.
17. "Competing In Global Markets: Implications for the Washington Raspberry Industry."
Presented at the Raspberry Growers Convention, Lynden, WA, December 2002.
18. "Creating A Market For New Wheat." Presented at the Washington Association Of
Wheat Growers annual convention. Spokane, December 2002.
Thomas I. Wahl
19. "US-China Agricultural Trade and Consumer Preferences." Presented at the Pacific
Northwest Vegetable Association Annual Convention and Trade Show, Pasco WA,
November 2002.
20. "Competing in Global Markets: A PNW Economic Perspective." Presentation to the
Pacific Northwest Waterways Association (PNWA). November 2002.
21. "Competing in Global Agricultural Markets." Invited presentation to the Joint Meeting
of the Legislative Committee on Economic Development Senate Agriculture and
International Trade Committee. Wenatchee, September 2002.
22. “Food Systems Technologies and Trade.” Invited presentation. Pacific Basin Economic
Council, Kula Lumpur, May 2002.
23. “Pacific Rim Outlook: Implications for PNW Agriculture.” Invited presentation,
Northwest Alfalfa Cube and Export Conference, Pasco, WA, January 2002.
24. “Pacific Rim Outlook: Implications for PNW Grain.” Invited presentation, Cereal
Industry Seminar, Walla Walla, WA, January 2002.
25. “Agriculture and Free Trade: Implications for the PNW.” Invited presentation, North
Willamette Hort Society, Portland, OR, January 2002.
26. “China and the WTO: Implications for PNW Agriculture.” Invited presentation, Pacific
Northwest Farm Forum. Spokane, WA, January 2002.
27. "China and the WTO: Implications for the PNW." Invited presentation, Washington Ag
& Forestry Education Foundation, Seattle, WA, December 2001.
28. "China and the WTO: Implications for Grain Trade." Presented at Whitman County
Growers Co-op Annual Meeting. December 2001.
29. "Food and Free Trade." Washington State China Relations Council members forum,
Columbia Tower Club. (co-sponsored by the World Affairs Council, National Center
for APEC, Trade Development Alliance, and Washington Council on International
Trade.) November 2001
30. "Agriculture and Free Trade: Implications for the PNW." Presented at the PNW
Vegetable Association Annual Convention and Trade Show, Pasco, WA. November
31. "China and the WTO: Implications for Grain Trade." presented at Whitman County
Wheat Growers meeting, October 2001.
32. “Mad Cows and FMD: Implications for World Food Trade.” Invited presentation,
Washington Ag & Forestry Education Foundation, Pullman, WA, April 2001.
33. "Mad Cows and FMD: Implications for World Food Trade." Invited presentation,
Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC) Food Committee, Tokyo, Japan, April 2001.
34. "Biotechnology, Trade and Self Sufficiency: Implications for China." Invited paper,
International Symposium on WTO New Round Agricultural Negotiations, Taipei,
Taiwan, December 2000.
Thomas I. Wahl
35. "China and the WTO." Invited presentation, Columbia County Grain Growers, Dayton,
WA, December 2000.
36. "China's Agriculture and the WTO." Invited presentation, Washington State Crop
Improvement Association Convention, Moscow, ID, November 2000.
37. "International Marketing and the Future of Agriculture." Invited presentation, Annual
Convention of the Washington Sheep Growers Association, Mount Vernon, WA,
November 2000.
38. "International Marketing’s Role in the Future of Agriculture." Invited presentation,
Washington Ag & Forestry Education Foundation, Richland, WA, September 2000.
39. "Trade Opportunities With China" presented at Walla Walla Cooperative Extension
meeting. Walla Walla, WA, July 2000
40. "Challenges for PNW Agriculture." Invited presentation, 43rd Annual meeting of the
PNW Chapter - NSAC Accountants for Grain Cooperatives. April 2000.
41. "The Value Chain for Poultry." Invited paper, 32nd International General Meeting of the
Pacific Basin Economic Council(PBEC) "The Challenges of the Next Century for the
Pacific Basin", Hong Kong, May 1999.
42. "Food System Technologies and APEC Economies." Invited seminar, presented to
Richard Boucher, US Ambassador to APEC, Seattle, May 1999.
43. "Food System Technologies and Technology Transfer." Invited paper, APEC Food and
Agriculture Strategy Conference, Manilla, Philippines, March 1999.
44. "The Value Chain for Poultry." Invited paper, PBEC/ABAC Strategy Conference on the
APEC Food System, Manila, March 1999.
45. "What the Trade Agreements Mean for the Pacific Northwest." Invited presentation to
Agricultural Outlook 1994, Pullman, WA.
46. "Uruguay Round of GATT: Implications for U.S. Agriculture." Invited presentation to
Central Washington Agricultural Marketing Shortcourse, Ellensburg, WA, February
47. "NAFTA: Implications for PNW Agriculture." Invited presentation to the Irrigated
Agriculture Forum, Prosser, WA, November 1993.
48. "Effect of the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement on Trade in Cereal Grains." Presented
to the Joint Technical Conference of the Association of Operative Millers and the
American Association of Cereal Chemists, September 1991.
1. National Agri-Marketing (NAMA), (AgEc 450,451) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
2. Research Methodology, (AgEc 701) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
3. Export Management, (AgEc 499/696), 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Thomas I. Wahl
4. Agricultural Marketing (AgEc 244) 2014
5. International Marketing of Food and Fiber (AgEc 453), 1991, 1992, 1993, 1999, 2001,
2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
6. Agricultural Marketing (AgEc 550), 1994, 1995, 1996.
7. EDP Teaching Methods for International Marketing (AgEc 521), 1999
8. Advanced Econometric Applications to Agriculture, (AgEc 521) 5-week module, 1992
Thomas I. Wahl
Committee Chair:
Shoji Suzuki, Ag Economics, 1992
Cathy Erdman, Ag Economics, 1992
Wei Lou, Ag Economics, 1993
Shoji Shinkai, Ag Economics, 1995
Holly Lui, Ag Economics, 1996
Patty Record, Agribusiness, 1996
Xiao Mei Guan, Ag Economics, 1998
Maria Loureiro, Ag Economics, 1998
Fabrizio Felloni, Ag Economics, 2000
Cory Pickelsimer, Ag Economics, 2002
Stephanie Swannack, Ag Economics, 2004
Ricardo Diaz, Agribusiness, 2005
Armenak Markosyan, Ag Economics, 2005
Soon-Il Choi, Economics, 2005
Vugar Ahmadov, 2006
Divye Kumar, Ag Economics, 2006
Mehmet Mus, Economics, 2006
Xia Shang, Agribusiness, 2011
Carl Anfinson, Agribusiness, 2012
HaiYan Liu, 2013
ChangMin Kim, 2013
Xiaotian Wu, 2014
Debbie Bridges, Ag Economics, 1994
Lan Yu, Ph.D. Ag Economics, 1998
Xiao Mei Guan, Ag Economics, 2000
Fengqin Zhao, Ag Economics, 2001
Kynda Curtis, (co-Chair), Economics, 2003
Li Quan, Ag Economics, 2004
Prasanna Sreedharan, (co-Chair)
Economics, 2005
Zishun Zhao, Economics, 2006
Junfei Bai, Economics, 2006
Vugar Ahmadov, Economics, 2007
Committee Member
Kathy Blank, Ag Economics, 1993
Glen Squires, Ag Economics, 1993
Charlotte Jensen (Idaho), 1995
Lynn Alderson, Ag Economics, 1996
JunWon Lee, Ag Economics, 1996
Allison Comeau, Agribusiness, 1997
Hiromi Ouchi, Ag Economics. 2002
Wayne Stigge, Ag Economics, 2002
Stephen Flaming, Economics, 2005
Quinton Pike, Ag Economics, 2005
Stephanie Mennach, Agribusiness, 2005
Matthew Moore, Agribusiness, 2005
Lillie McComb, Applied Economics, 2005
Wendy Hsiao, Ag Economics, 1994
Thomas Heckelei, Ag Economics, 1995
Eric Weiner, Ag Economics, 1996
Glade Erickson, Ag Economics, 1999
Xiaojun Ho, Ag Economics, 2001
Rafic Fahs, Ag Economics, 2001
Maher Hasan, Economics, 2001
Terence Farrell, Interdisciplinary, 2005
Alok Anand, Economics, 2005
Lia Noguiera, Economics,2008
Armenak Markosyan, Economics,2009