June 10, 2009

~ ~Our
Schools~ ~
June, 2008
La Porte High School Announces 2009 Top Students
Dr. Judith DeMuth
Kory Buresh
has earned the
distinction of
for the La Porte
High School
Class of 2009.
He is the son
of Daniel and
Nanette Buresh.
Kory would like to attend either the
University of Rochester or Creighton
University where he plans to major in
chemistry and pre-med.
La Porte High
School is proud
to announce that
Mike Tuholski
has been named
for the 2009
graduating class.
Mike is the son
of Dale and
Teresa Tuholski.
He plans to attend Indiana University
where he will study medicine or medical
Kory is a member of the La Porte High
School Mixed Chorale, has been a math
tutor, likes hanging out with his friends
and family, watching movies, and
enjoys sports.
Mike has been involved in 4-H, St. Joseph
Catholic Church, Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, and has been a youth leader for
Kesling FCA.
In This Issue…
Retirees...................... 2-3
Dr. DeMuth - Athena
Award Recipient ............ 4
Kingsbury RTI
Presentation .................. 5
Unity Awards and LP Ed.
Foundation Grants ..... 6-7
Surviving as a New
Teacher ...................... 8-9
Evening of Stars.......... 10
2009-2010 Textbook
Rental Fees..................11
His awards and activities include: FCA
President, National Honor Society Vice
President, PSI Peer Teen Leader, Senior
Class Treasurer, Student Council,
Baseball, Soccer Team Captain, Indiana
Soccer Coaches Association Top Team
Player Award, Indiana Soccer Coaches
Association All-Academic Award,
participated in the South Bend Tribune
Sports Fest for soccer, and participated
in the First Annual Indiana East/West
All-Star Game for soccer.
His awards and activities include:
Marching Band, Jazz Band, Pep Band,
National Honor Society President,
Homecoming King Second Runner-up,
4-H Pleasant Farmers President, FCA,
Farmhand and Equipment Operator
for Tuholski Farms, Indiana University
Excellence Scholarship Winner, Indiana
University Valedictorian Scholarship
Winner, Hoosier Scholar, Centier
Bank Scholarship Winner, Tri Kappa
Scholarship Winner, and People to
People Student Ambassador to New
Zealand and Australia.
Contact Information..... 12
Mission Statement for LaPorte Community School Corporation
The LaPorte Community Schools will be recognized among Indiana’s highest achieving corporations by
ensuring that all students reach their maximum academic potential, working in partnership with parents and the
community to become productive and responsible citizens who are successful in a competitive global world.
Page 2
Our Schools
Congratulations to the following
LaPorte Community School Corporation retirees!
Jeanette Arndt,
teacher at
Crichfield, began
her career in 1984.
She has also
taught first and
fifth-grade students. She has
provided 29 years of service to
the students of La Porte.
Dorothy Baker,
Title I Reading
teacher at Lincoln,
began her career in
1991. She taught
both reading and
kindergarten at Riley
before transferring to Lincoln to
teach reading in 2004. She will
complete 18 years of service.
Deborah Baldoni,
teacher at
Hailmann, joined
the staff at La Porte
Community School
Corporation in
1988. She taught both first and
second-grade students during
her teaching career. She will
complete 21 years of service.
Linda Barnes,
bus assistant,
joined the La Porte
Community School
Corporation staff
in 2001. She
has provided 7.5
years of service to the special
education students of the
La Porte Community
Bill Beavin,
employee at the
Support Services
Center, began his
career in 1988.
He served our
corporation as a night custodian
at La Porte High School and
a custodian at Riley prior to
transferring to the Maintenance
Department, where he will
complete 21 years of service.
Paul Day, third-shift
custodian at La
Porte High School,
joined the La Porte
Community School
Corporation in
1987. He served
as the food-service delivery
driver for seven years before
transferring to his current
custodial position at La Porte
High School. He will complete
21.5 years of service.
Ronald Dilks,
custodian at
Boston Middle
School, began
his career in
1984. He served
as a custodian at
Kesling Middle School, Stillwell,
and Riley prior to transferring to
Boston Middle School, where
he will complete 25.5 years of
Dr. James Eppert,
English teacher
at La Porte High
School, began
his career with La
Porte in 1971. He
also served as the
Hi-Times and Honor Society
Sponsor for many years. He has
taught many students during his
38 years of service.
Katherine Galey,
math teacher at La
Porte High School,
the La Porte
Community School
Corporation staff in
1979. She taught
math and reading for 16 1/2
years at Boston Middle School
before transferring to La Porte
High School in 1996. She will
complete 30 years of service.
Shirley Johnson,
bus driver, began
her career in
1977. She served
as a classroom
assistant at Door
Village Elementary
School for two years. She
began transporting La Porte
Community School Corporation
students in 1978. She will
complete 31 years of service
this year.
Donna Masterson,
teacher at Crichfield,
joined the La Porte
Community School
Corporation staff in
1977. She taught
sixth-grade students at Door
Village Elementary School
and served as a fourth, fifth,
sixth, and half-time class size
reduction teacher at Riley. She
will complete 31 years of service.
Terry Miller,
geometry and world
history teacher
at La Porte High
School, began
his career in 1975
as a math teacher at Boston
Middle School. He transferred
to La Porte High School in1984
to teach Math Foundations and
began teaching social studies in
1990. He will complete 34 years
of service.
Our Schools
Page 3
Stephen Morton,
bus driver, joined
the La Porte
Corporation staff
in 1984. He
served as a bus mechanic
for several summers, helping
to prepare our buses for the
upcoming school year. He
will complete 25 years of
service behind the wheel this
school year.
Kenneth Moryl,
social studies/
psychology teacher
at La Porte High
School, began his
career in 1967.
He has taught world history,
US history, government, and
psychology at La Porte High
School. He will complete 42
years of service.
Sharon Reuer, bus
driver, began her
career behind the
wheel in 1978. She
will complete 30
years of service
safely transporting the
students of La Porte.
Trudi Roule,
French and
German teacher
at La Porte High
School, began
her career
in 1967 as a
German teacher at La Porte
High School. She returned
to teach German in 1985
and later added French to
her teaching schedule. She
will complete 28.5 years of
service this year.
Ruth Ann Russell,
secretary to the
business manager
at the Educational
Services Center,
began her career
with La Porte
Community School Corporation
in 1982. She will complete
26.5 years of service.
Dick Spitzmesser,
science teacher
at La Porte High
School, began
his career in
1991. He taught
science at Boston
Middle School for nine years
before he transferred to the
science department at La Porte
High School in 2000. He will
complete 18 years of service.
Roxana Wiley,
teacher at
began her
career in 1985.
She served
the students of La Porte as
the Corporation Enrichment
Coordinator for five years.
She transferred to a teaching
position in 1994 and has
taught second, third, and
fourth-grade students. She
will complete 24 years of
Sandra Winter,
employee at
Kesling Middle
School, began her
career in 1998.
She worked in the
food-service department at La
Porte High School for one year
before transferring to Kesling
Middle School in 1999. She will
complete 10.5 years of service
this year.
Best wishes for a happy and
healthy retirement!
Page 4
Our Schools
Dr. DeMuth 2009 Athena Recipient
The Greater La Porte Chamber of Commerce, National City Bank, and La Porte County
Convention and Visitors Bureau sponsored this year’s La Porte Athena Award, now in its 21st
consecutive year. The award is given to an exceptional individual who has achieved excellence
in his/her business or profession, has served the community in a meaningful way, and has
assisted woman in reaching their full potential. The award winner is honored with a poured bronze
sculpture that symbolizes the strength, courage, and wisdom of the recipient.
The winner was selected by the sponsors of the Greater La Porte Chamber of Commerce as well
as a group of Chamber of Commerce executives throughout the state.
The recipient for the 2009 Athena Award is Dr. Judith DeMuth, Superintendent for the La Porte
Community School Corporation. In accepting the award, Dr. DeMuth thanked the parents and
the staff of La Porte Community Schools. “One of the most important things I can do is be a
cheerleader,” she said. “We have a great staff, students, and parents.”
Dr. DeMuth, who was nominated by Dr. Dennis Shawver and Mr. Jim Dermody of the La
Porte Community School Corporation, has amassed a career of leadership and advancement
for the students, colleagues, and communities with whom she has been associated. She has
implemented numerous projects to provide opportunities for those she serves. Recent examples
include: a community based strategic planning process which produced the plan “Pathway to the
Future” for La Porte Schools; Project B.E.L.L., an executive leadership program for aspiring young
leaders; Project Lead the Way, a progressive engineering program; Freshmen Academy, and an
employee recognition program entitled, “An Evening of Stars.”
Dr. DeMuth also reaches into her local community and has experience by serving on boards
and councils such as the La Porte Hospital Foundation, La Porte Mayor’s Advisory Council,
and Chamber of Commerce in Bloomington, Ellettsville, and La Porte. She is a member of the
La Porte Rotary Club and has served on the Bloomington Parole Board as well as many other
professional organizations.
Mr. Mike Seitz, La Porte Chamber
President; Mrs. Jane Daily, La Porte
County Convention and Visitors Bureau
Community Relations Director; Dr. Judith
DeMuth, La Porte Community School
Corporation Superintendent; and Mr.
Jeff Smith, La Porte County Region of
National City Bank President
Our Schools
Page 5
Kingsbury Team Presents
at the RTI Academy in Indianapolis
At the beginning of the 2005-2006 school year, Kingsbury Elementary was fortunate enough to receive
a grant from the Division of Exceptional Learners, part of the Indiana Department of Education, to pilot a
program which was the basis of what is now known as RTI (Response To Intervention). Over the past four
years, Kingsbury has benefited immensely from the generous grant. Through the grant a licensed teacher
with two assistants were hired enabling extra staff to work with children in grades K-2 to help improve
literacy skills and to help students become stronger readers. Through this intervention work, in addition
to the ninety minutes of core reading instruction by the classroom teacher, student achievement has
Kingsbury’s dedicated work through the grant led to outstanding student success. Enough so that it
opened up the door of opportunity for the team from Kingsbury to present to an audience of close to 200
educators at the RTI Academy on May 12th of this year. The presentation was entitled “Piecing Together
the RTI Puzzle, ” and the team consisted of Laura Fritzen (original literacy coordinator and now first grade
teacher), Pam Upp (fifth grade teacher), Jessica Young Brust (EPICC Project Coordinator), and Greg Hunt
(Kingsbury Principal). The presentation showcased Kingsbury’s K-2 literacy program over the past four
years which included the conception of the program, the challenges throughout the program, and the
outstanding achievements throughout students’ school years.
As a result of the K-2 literacy program, Kingsbury has seen many achievements: 1) a decline in the
number of students being referred for special education testing; 2) high achievement levels on DIBELS
(Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) testing; and 3) the first group that went through the
program as kindergartners in 2005 scored a 95% on the ISTEP+ Reading/Language Arts on their third
grade test.
Schools from across the state have contacted Kingsbury Elementary looking for suggestions on
implementing a RTI system within their school. The PowerPoint presentation is available on Kingsbury’s
website so the public may view what great things are happening in La Porte schools.
Kingsbury Elementary School RTI
Academy Presenters: Mrs. Pam Upp,
fifth grade teacher; Mrs. Jessica Young
Brust, EPICC Project Coordinator; Mrs.
Laura Fritzen, first grade teacher, and
Mr. Greg Hunt, Principal
Page 6
Our Schools
Unity Foundation Announces Award Winners
The Unity Foundation of La Porte County is proud to announce the winners of their award
program for educators in the La Porte Community School Corporation.
Ms. Judith Wright, Riley and Lincoln Elementary School music teacher, is
the recipient of the Wolf Art Teacher Advancement Grant for her program
entitled “Joy of Singing: Elementary Reading Session/School Choral
Workshop/Choreography Workshop” which will be funded in the amount of
Ms. Kristi Watkins, Handley and Kingsford Heights Elementary School music
teacher, is the recipient of the Wolf Art Teacher Advancement Grant for
her program entitled “Joy of Singing: Elementary Reading Session/School
Choral Workshop/Choreography Workshop” which will be funded in the
amount of $500.
Ms. Susan Oestreich, Kesling Middle School art teacher, is the recipient of
the Wolf Art Teacher Advancement Grant for her program entitled “Art
Barn” which will be funded in the amount of $1,000.
Mr. Mark Wilson, Kesling Middle School 7th grade geography teacher, was
awarded the Miller Teacher Advancement Grant for his program entitled
“Rocky Mountain National Park Orienteering” which will be funded in the
amount of $1,000.
These awards have been made possible by Drs. David and
Lovera Miller, in honor of their parents Bob and Marjorie
Miller & Bill and Kitty Wolf, to create a permanent way to
encourage teacher excellence and innovation.
Our Schools
Page 7
La Porte Education Development Foundation
Awards 2009 Teacher Grants
Lynne Wahlstrom, Crichfield Elementary fourth-grade teacher, for
her project entitled “Mobi Mobile Interactive Whiteboard” which will
be funded in the amount of $500.
Barb Hooper, Kesling Middle School health teacher, for her project
entitled “Speed Stacking” which will be funded in the amount of
La Porte High School business teachers for their project entitled
“Digitool: IGB Smartpens” which will be funded in the amount of
Leigh Barnes, Coordinator, and all
Elementary School Counselors for
their project entitled “Grief Response
Resource Center” which will be funded
in the amount of $200.
Christine Rosenbaum, La Porte High
School freshman English teacher,
for her project entitled “The Wheel of
English” which will be funded in the
amount of $250.
Sara Sightes, Kingsford Heights
kindergarten teacher, for her project
entitled “Fun with Fluency: Feeding the
Minds of Emergent Readers” which will
be funded in the amount of $500.
Bonnie DeWolf, Boston Middle School eighth-grade US history teacher, for her project entitled
“The Importance of Understanding Money and Economics” which will be funded in the amount of
Kristen Doty, Sara Rathbun, and Barb Cannon, Riley Elementary School teachers, for their
project entitled “Touchmath – Response to Intervention” which will be funded in the amount of
Page 8
Our Schools
Surviving as a New Teacher
Excitement reigns! Not only is the an cipa on of the first day a big deal for
students, but it is also a day of high expecta ons for teachers star ng their
first assignment in La Porte Schools. What to wear, what to say, where to go—
all ques ons that both students and new teachers alike are bouncing around
in their heads.
In the La Porte Community School Corpora on, there is a program in place to
help teachers new to our schools start and con nue the year with success.
It all begins in August, with our new teacher orienta on. Day long ac vi es
are planned to help new teachers be prepared for their first encounter with
students. An all day mee ng is scheduled by the personnel office the week
before school starts. The day begins with a con nental breakfast and an
introduc on to the en re administra ve team. There is a special
session with the personnel office in which Mr. Dermody, Assistant
Superintendent, explains all the procedures that teachers are
required to comply with throughout the school year. This includes
informa on regarding the appraisal program, safe schools,
mentors, health services, a technology overview and a Special
Educa on overview. “Your First Week/The Key to a Successful
Year” is presented by a commi ee of teachers. The commi ee
this year consisted of Greg Fruth, La Porte High School, Kim
Glenn, Kingsbury Elementary School, Bill Hart, Kesling Middle
School, Stephanie Hoke, La Porte High School, Linda Kendall, Riley Elementary School, Jen Sass, Boston
Middle School, Tearsa Schable, Kingsbury Elementary School, Mike Spagna, Boston Middle School, Pam Upp,
Kingsbury Elementary School, Claudia Williams, Kesling Middle School, and Pa y Steele, Coordinator of
Instruc onal Programs and Assessment. This commi ee works to plan topics that would be advantageous to
new teachers and arranges inservices throughout the year.
New teachers are also invited to a welcome lunch with the
Chamber of Commerce and provided with me to meet at
their respec ve buildings with their new principals.
Throughout the school year there
are ample opportuni es for new
teachers to gather new informa on
and learn new strategies to help
them in their educa onal se ngs.
Beginning with the all day staff inservice that is held in October for all teachers in the
district, a series of workshops are available for our new teachers. Teachers are invited
to a end mini sessions presented by our own LPCSC teachers in the morning and
then a end an a ernoon session with a focus on their content area or their grade
Our Schools
Page 9
In January, new teachers were invited to a workshop presented
by Pam Upp and Kim Glenn. The topic was “Teaching is NOT a
Spectator Sport.” Informa on was presented regarding Bloom’s
Taxonomy and specific strategies for directly involving students in
their learning.
February brought to the new teachers a session on Classroom
Management by Bill Hart. Mr. Hart reminded teachers of
quick and successful ways to keep order in the classroom while
s ll showing respect for both the students and learning. He
demonstrated many ways to interact in a posi ve manner with
students, while s ll guiding them to the goal.
“Graphic Organizers to the Rescue” was presented at the
beginning of April by Stephanie Hoke. Teachers were taught
various methods to help students be
responsible for their learning. Teachers
le this session with several handson ac vi es. “I used the informa on
the very next day with my students. It
worked out wonderfully,” said Lyne e
Capusan, new teacher at Crichfield.
Another tes monial from Melissa Pfeifer, a new teacher at Boston Middle School,
“I wanted to thank you for the mee ngs we had throughout the year. All were
very helpful-especially the last one as I have used many of the graphic organizers
already in my class!”
The new teacher inservice schedule concluded with Survivor Camp! This
workshop is en tled, “Going from Surviving to Thriving”. The presenta ons
were organized by the en re commi ee. The a ernoon began with an
Immunity Challenge that asked
the new teachers to find common
ground with each other. Survivor
ps for comple ng the year were
presented, followed by a video clip
of good to great teachers (using
comments from our own LPCSC
students). The session closed with
Tribal Council. All of these ac vi es
were designed to help the new teachers keep learning ac ve
un l the end of the year. The a ernoon culminated with a
catered dinner from Mancino’s. As with each a ernoon session,
refreshments were provided by the La Porte Federa on of
Teachers, President Claudia Williams.
Page 10
Our Schools
2009 Evening of Stars
Congratulations to all of our retirees and honorees that were recognized at our fifth annual Evening
of Stars held at Heston Hills Banquet & Conference Center on May 21, 2009.
2008-2009 Retirees
Front Row: Roxy Wiley, Jeanette Arndt, Donna Masterson, Terry Miller, and Trudi Roule
Back Row: Linda Barnes, Sharon Reuer, Deborah Baldoni, Dick Spitzmesser, Shirley Johnson,
Paul Day, Ron Dilks, and Jim Eppert
Not Pictured: Dorothy Baker, Bill Beavin, Katherine Galey, Steve Morton, Ken Moryl, Ruth Ann Russell,
and Sandra Winter
2008-2009 Special Recognition Award Winners
Left to Right: Pam Upp – Master of Arts in Educational Administration from Ball State University
Rande Thorpe – Indiana Association of School Business Officials Chief Business Officer
Mike Spagna – Master of Science in K-12 Administration from Indiana University Northwest
Donna Nielsen – National Education Association Board of Directors at Large
Amy Kosior – Master of Arts in Educational Administration from Bethel College
Sue Beres representing her husband Tim Beres – National Federation of High Schools Indiana Coach of the Year
Dr. Judith DeMuth, Superintendent
Adam Schoff, President, Board of School Trustees
Our Schools
Page 11
2009-2010 Textbook Rental
Kindergarten - $91.00
First Grade - $148.00
Second Grade - $145.00
Third Grade - $145.00
Fourth Grade - $128.00
Fifth Grade - $133.00
Sixth Grade - $129.00
Seventh Grade - $136.00
Eighth Grade - $143.00
Book rental and fees at
La Porte High School are
based on each individual
student’s selection of
2009-2010 Open House Schedule
Crichfield: August 27th, 5:30pm-7:00pm
Hailmann: August 25th, 6:00pm-7:00pm
Handley: August 19th, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Indian Trail: August 26th, 6:00pm-7:00pm
Kingsbury: August 24th, 5:00pm-6:45pm
Kingsford Heights: August 20th, 6:00pm-7:30pm
Lincoln: August 27th, 6:30pm-7:30pm
Riley: August 20th, 4:40pm-7:00pm
Boston: August 18th, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Kesling: August 18th, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Special Education Preschool:
August 17th, 4:00pm-6:00pm
Employment Opportunities
La Porte Community School Corporation is always looking for talented people to work in various
jobs that keep our schools running. Job openings are posted on the corporation website at www.
lpcsc.k12.in.us and remain posted until the position is filled.
Prospective employees should complete an online application located on the Career Opportunities
page. Resumes, transcripts, licenses, or reference materials may also be electronically attached
to the on-line application. Completed forms are retained in the system for one year. Anyone
interested in substituting should pick up an application packet at the Educational Services Center.
Interest in positions and online applications are provided to the Principal or Department Director
who screens the applications and resumes and conducts the interviews. Once a candidate is
selected, they are recommended to the Assistant Superintendent and a criminal background check
is run.
It is the policy of this school corporation that no person shall be excluded from participation
in the educational programs, activities, instructional opportunities, or facilities of the La Porte
Community School Corporation or denied the benefits of or otherwise subjected to unlawful
discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or handicapping
condition including limited English proficiency.
Fast Communications
We invite you to use the following contact information should you have any questions or concerns.
Dr. Judith A. DeMuth
[email protected]
Mrs. Paula Nichols
Director of Special Education
[email protected]
Mrs. Denise Sanders
Hailmann Elementary Principal
[email protected]
Dr. Dennis Shawver
Associate Superintendent
[email protected]
Mrs. Gloria Ballard
Director of Technology
[email protected]
Mrs. Dottie Davis
Handley Elementary Principal
[email protected]
Mr. Jim Dermody
Assistant Superintendent
[email protected]
Mr. Marc Cizewski
Director of Support Services
[email protected]
Mrs. Kim Rehlander
Indian Trail Elementary Principal
[email protected]
Mr. Rande Thorpe
Business Manager
[email protected]
Mrs. Shelley Ludlow
Director of Child Care
[email protected]
Mr. Greg Hunt
Kingsbury Elementary Principal
[email protected]
Ms. Patty Steele
Coord. of Inst. Prog. & Asmnt.
[email protected]
Mr. Greg Handel
LaPorte High School Principal
[email protected]
Mrs. Marcia Alexander
Kingsford Heights Elementary Principal
[email protected]
Mr. Rich Stalbrink
Director of Transportation
[email protected]
Mr. Dave Birkholz
Boston Middle School Principal
[email protected]
Mrs. Diane Szynal
Lincoln Elementary Principal
[email protected]
Mrs. Judy Keim
Director of Food Service
[email protected]
Mr. Bill Wilmsen
Kesling Middle School Principal
[email protected]
Mr. Steve Manering
Riley Elementary Principal
[email protected]
Mrs. Linda Wiltfong
Crichfield Elementary Principal
[email protected]
Board of
School Trustees
Mr. Adam Schoff, President
Mr. Mitch Feikes, Vice President
Ms. Rhonda Spence, Secretary
Ms. Carol Bigg, Member
Ms. Ketra Bolster, Member
Mr. Ron Gigliotti, Member
Ms. Mary McDermott, Member
LaPorte Community
School Corporation
1921 ‘A’ Street
LaPorte, IN 46350
Ph. (219) 362-7056
Supt. Fax (219) 324-9347
HR Fax (219) 362-4950
Official Website: