robust artificial life

WEEK 13: Monday, November 10, 2014
CS491/591 Fall 2014
UNM Computer Science
Dave Ackley
[email protected]
1. Report in (All, 10 min): Who's late? Who's absent? How's life? Randomizers.
2. Status check (Dave, all, 10 min): Landing this plane. Complete papers in two weeks!
3. Content 1 (2 x random, Dave, 30 min): ”Section 2”: Wordsmithing the model
4. Content 2 (Taylor+Xinyu, Andres+Max, all, 25 min): Critical reading: A&L 1994
5. Content 3 (Trent, all, 15 min): Researcher Presentation
6. Break (All, 5 min): Kill the coffee traveler.
7. Content 4 (4 x random, 1 hour): Figure 1 Presentation
8. Report out: Action items for next week:
Critical reading and debate on:
● Fontana & Buss (1994), What would be conserved if “the tape were played
More wordsmithing and Figure 1s!
Presentations of 'GRAPH 1 & 2's
(0) Desire: Meaning of life; Frankenstein; UWTB
(1) Brainstorming: Wouldn't it be cool if
The arc of research
(2) Exploration: Spikes, RW observation, literature search
(3) Selection: (Commitment 1) Picking one area
(4) Computational Design: An orgy of abstraction and compromise
(5) Implementation: Model, compromise, statistics generation, visualization
(6) Testing: Bugs, staring at the screen
(7) Observation: Something unexpected happens
(8) Analysis: What happened?
(9) Failure 1: An implementation bug, return to (6) or (5), or quit
(10) Failure 2: A model bug, return to (4)-(1), or quit
(11) Result: (Success 1) An unintuitive coupling is been located
(12) Lay of the land: Collect data, run variants, literature search
(13) Failure 3: On closer inspection, return to (9)
(14) Failure 4 & 5: It wasn't unintuitive, return to (10) (*)
(15) Storyteller: (Commitment 2), framing the story, data
(16) Completion: (Success 2) Writing, showing, citing, submitting
(17) Failure 6: Reviewers hate it
(18) Presentation: (Success 3) Doing the talk/poster, flogging the idea
(19) Conclusion: Spontaneous human combustion
(20) Career: (Commitment 3) Go to (1)
Your Alife Paper
Follow ECAL 2105 guidelines!
Use LaTex! Eight pages max!
See instructions at
Wordsmithing the Model 1
Wordsmithing the Model 2
Critical Reading: A+L 1994
The rest of us
The Judgment:
Researcher Presentation
Trent on: Karl Sims