Joining Compound Sentences—Upper Elementary

Joining Compound Sentences—Upper Elementary
Compound sentences help us to add variety to our writing. By joining simple sentences with a conjunction, we are able
to vary our sentences and make our writing more interesting.
Example: Bill went to the store. Jeff went to the park.
Bill went to the store, but Jeff went to the park.
Combine each set of sentences using a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet).
1. Jenna will be late to class. She had to stop at the store to get notebook paper.
2. I would really like to come to your birthday party. I have to help my Dad clean out the barn.
3. There is a wasps’ nest under the slide. We should not play on the slide today.
4. Mom does not allow us to stay up past 9:00. She doesn’t let us eat right before bed.
5. I have been invited to Pat’s house this weekend. I might go to my grandparents’ house this weekend.
6. We are having bananas for lunch. We could choose an apple instead.
7. I tried to get my homework done tonight. My little brother kept interrupting me.
8. Our team has practiced very hard for this game. I think we have a good chance of winning.
Answers--Joining Compound Sentences—Upper Elementary
Compound sentences help us to add variety to our writing. By joining simple sentences with a conjunction, we are able
to vary our sentences and make our writing more interesting.
Example: Bill went to the store. Jeff went to the park.
Bill went to the store, but Jeff went to the park.
There is more than one way that the sentences could be correctly combined.
Combine each set of sentences using a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet).
1. Jenna will be late to class. She had to stop at the store to get notebook paper.
Jenna will be late to class, for she had to stop at the store to get notebook paper.
2. I would really like to come to your birthday party. I have to help my Dad clean out the barn.
I would really like to come to your birthday party, but I have to help my Dad clean out
the barn.
3. There is a wasps’ nest under the slide. We should not play on the slide today.
There is a wasps’ nest under the slide, so we should not play on the slide today.
4. Mom does not allow us to stay up past 9:00. She doesn’t let us eat right before bed.
Mom does not allow us to stay up past 9:00, nor does she let us eat right before bed.
5. I have been invited to Pat’s house this weekend. I might go to my grandparents’ house this weekend.
I have been invited to Pat’s house this weekend, or I might go to my grandparent’s
6. We are having bananas for lunch. We could choose an apple instead.
We are having bananas for lunch, or we could choose an apple instead.
7. I tried to get my homework done tonight. My little brother kept interrupting me.
I tried to get my homework done tonight, but my little brother kept interrupting me.
8. Our team has practiced very hard for this game. I think we have a good chance of winning.
Our team has practiced very hard for this game, and I think we have a good chance
of winning.