AIM Robbins.2017.April20 - Grant Memorial Baptist Church

April 20, 2017
This report will unique in that it is more of a reflection on 'DRESSING UP'
Early this morning the Lord brought to my mind and my soul the focus on the believer and relationships
in the Church. I have always sensed the danger to consider these directives too narrowly. Certainly they
apply to the local church without question. However the wider application to the universal body or church
of Christ is equally paramount.
For example, the condensed book of Colossians was my constant focus as I have had the privilege of
teaching and preaching these 8 weeks. Paul describes ruthlessly 'stripping of the old evil nature and all its
wicked deeds' in 3:9. The result of this divesting of the old nature is magnificently portrayed. "In this new
life, it doesn't matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized,
slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us"(3:10).
Now the 'DRESSING UP' appears, a brilliant guide to all of us as His People, His Church Worldwide.
"Since God chose you to be the holy people whom he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience"(11). "And the most important piece of
clothing you must wear is love. Love is what binds us all together in perfect harmony"(14).
I have been away from Marilyn for 58 days now. I have taken 6 international flights and 17 domestic
flights in Canada (1) Indonesia (4), the Philippines (6) and India (6). There are 3 more flights
beginning Friday at 2:00 am from Delhi to Seoul to Vancouver to Winnipeg. As the Apostle Paul would
ask at times: "Am I a fool?" Then he would reply: "Yes, I am a fool for Christ's sake!"
Do know why I am so delighted to be a 'fool for Christ's sake'? I have been walking beside spiritual, holy
indigenous leaders and missionaries for all these days. Do you know what their response is? They are so
thrilled that AIM and you, our precious support and stewardship team, have sent us! They love our vision
so much many clamour to join our staff. The Presidents of the Bible Colleges and Seminaries urge us to
return for a week each year. When the word gets out there is a cacophony of requests that speak up
immediately. Those who attend the Leadership Seminars line up to invite us to their areas for similar
conferences soon, immediately, if possible.
As I was praying this morning, I sensed I should ask all of you to 'put on a heart of compassion' and 'the
most important piece of clothing, love' each day. Let's get "DRESSED UP" every day for indigenous
missions, in particular.
Why am I writing with persistence and urgency? I have just been in the state of Jammu and Kashmir,
India. The North Kashmir is practically 100% Muslim. The South Jammu is predominately Hindu. The
Northeast is 100% Tibetan Buddhist. El Kaida and other terrorists groups are a volatile factor from
Afghanistan. The already massive military presence of 700,000 Indian troops continues to grow year by
year as the battles with Pakistan rage. The state population has even grown to 12 million in spite of the
war. There is small comfort in that at least employment for young people is available in the military.
Last Easter Weekend I visited front line, foot soldiers for Christ in the central city of Udhampur and the
surrounding rural and small towns. Here are prayer points:
1. Pastor Santosh and Shimona Thomas have served as pastor of Union Church in Udhampur for 31
years. He also heads up Kashmir Evangelical Fellowship which is divided into 3 regions. North
East is led by Santosh's sister, Grace Johnson, and her husband, Rev. Johnson George. P.M.
Thomas, his father nearing the age of 88, leads North Central out of Uttar Pradesh. Most of
Santosh’s missionary force is composed of 125 missionaries in J & K and 180 in the Punjab. The
rest spread out over Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, West Bengal, Nepal, border of Bhutan, Uttar
Pradesh, and Himachal Pradesh. Their hearts' cry is for more missionaries. Santosh is urging AIM
to take on the support of more missionaries. He wants to come back to Canada repeatedly to
continue spreading mission vision.
2. Andrew and Christina Thomas are assuming leadership as Youth and Worship Pastor and
Director of Drama. Both their children are being moulded by God for leadership. They are
children of vision. Andrew would be excellent in speaking to youth pastors and youth groups
when he comes to Canada.
3. Ravi and Hemlata Kumar and their children Anna Grade 11 and Isaac Grade 7 have been serving
since 1994 as Administrator with KEF. Last year the mission was approved for charitable status
for another 5 years. It was a very intense time of scrutiny over a period of 8 months. A total of 4
are working in the department. Hemlata was with Ravi in the school office and is now leading the
women's group as full time Director.
4. Sonny and Karuna at Ramban - The 115 believers are gathering after 14 years of head to head
contest with the 100% Muslim community. These soldiers of the cross are crafted by Christ with
great potential of growth. Prayer points include:
a. Their number one request is for land and a church building. No one has been willing to
provide or sell the land.
b. Please pray for children's education Daughter Aradhra grade 10 at 16 years and Son
Anugraha grade 5 at 11 years. They go to a school in same town but very costly. Their
education takes half their salary.
c. Some families back slid because of persecution. Praise the Lord the number of believers is
growing, including the surrounding villages. Some children have also dropped out because
they are not allowed to come. However, new children are coming into the children's club.
d. All their relatives are back in the Punjab, therefore they cannot be there for special
occasions. Once a year they go back for holidays. Dave and Jane Quark took excellent
footwear for their difficult climate for these missionaries 9 years ago that lasted and lasted
but finally wore out. I had just enough rupees to enable them to replace these cherished
items. They were so happy. This ministry is growing in spite of relentless opposition from
these Islamic towns. Last year they faced a lot of persecution. Many false accusations were
filed. KEF leadership went there and the charges were dropped. I tell you it is a war for the
souls of men and women.
5. James and Suman Masih at Batote and their 2 children: Anand in class 10 at age 14 and Ashish in
class 11 at the age of 15. After serving 14 years the 45 believers gathered are also in need land
and a church building. Once a building is erected it gives incredible stability and impetus to the
local Body of Christ. '1) Property and building are still needed. 2) Sons: Ashish and Anand for
good studies and health. 3) Greatest challenge can be where a healing takes place and the new
believers want to backslide. This saddens our hearts a lot. 4) When trials and tribulations come
my wife and I need prayer that we would stand steadfast in our ministry.'
6. Pastor and Mrs. Charan Dass and his wife Gitta. They have 3 children: Yashpal 1st Year
University at age of 20, Nisha 12th grade at age of 18, Vinod 10th grade at age of 16. He is one of
the 6 Associate Pastors in Udhampur, having served 16 years. His support needs to be raised. Day
and night he is on his feet and his toes. He may get to bed at 1:00 am and rise at6:00 am. When I
got to the mission compound at 5:00 am yesterday, Charan and Gitta were just leaving for their
daily hour long walk. Prayer requests are: 1) Praise him for the growth of the churches, especially
among the unreached Hindus including the remote areas. My main goal is planting churches more
in unreached areas. 2) Our children can all make good relations with Jesus. 3) Construction of
home nearing completion. Pastor Dass comes from a high caste Hindu home where he was
expelled for choosing to follow Christ. Charan and Gitta had no doubts. He had been healed of a
horrible condition that had hindered him for 2 full years. Since his radical break with Hinduism,
16 families among his relatives have followed Christ. He is working tirelessly, planting churches
in the rugged towns and villages where they are all Hindus. If you could meet him and travel with
him as I did, you would want to have his same 'heart of compassion.'
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Every year, while on a mission trip, I rediscover why AIM is
expanding rapidly. Love binds us together. You should have seen the hugs from Sonny and Karuna. Not
only did we leave a blessing to replace their worn out shoes. We also had a meal in their home. Sonny
gave me an interim back rub until I get back to Marilyn. We took an intern missionary couple and their
two sons to work with them for 10 days. Andrew Thomas drove and left the imprint of his obvious 'heart
of compassion.' Pastor Dass brought his patience and gentleness which emerges beautifully wherever he
goes. I can't wait to show you the pictures we took. The neighbours will be especially receptive to the
Gospel because 'a Canadian all the way from Canada came to their house'. We have been there for the
fourth time, no less!
Let's look sharp, all 'DRESSED UP' at the throne of grace, spilling over into the sharing of our
relationships and our resources, for a state wide awakening in J & K and the Punjab among Muslims,
Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and military. Call your Hindu and Punjabi friends over for a visit. They
respond especially to hospitality and prayer for the particular crisis they are facing.
Do you and I actually consider the barbaric, uncivilized and slaves? Do our tax forms at the end of each
year reflect a 'heart of compassion'? Does our inheritance to our children in our wills indicate any mention
of the outcastes and untouchables of India? Is our priority cruises or southerly winter climes?
I will not spend millions on advertising. You are our advertising!
We quoted Paul earlier, "Christ is all that matters."
David Robbins