Unit 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe? Topic(s): Unwanted Touch and

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Updated September 2015
Unit 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Topic(s): Unwanted Touch and Sexual Abuse and Sexuality and the Law
Lesson 8: Stop it! Run! Tell!
Lesson Duration: 30 mins
Big Idea: Safety
Key Questions
Key Understanding
What is safety?
What are rights?
What are responsibilities?
Safety is a right and a responsibility.
CCE Learning Outcome(s):
LO 2: Act with integrity and make responsible decisions that uphold moral principles.
LO 4: Be resilient and have the ability to turn challenges into opportunities
SE Competencies:
• Seeking and providing help:
• seek help for concerns related to sexuality and/or
when sexually abused
• Problem identification and situation analysis:
• effectively address issues or concerns regarding
sexuality, with the knowledge and skills acquired
Related Lesson Objectives:
• recognise and seek appropriate sources of help when
threatened by sexual abuse (FTGP, Primary 1 and 4)
• differentiate between acceptable and unacceptable touch
(FTGP, Primary 1 and 4)
Knowledge, Skills & Values/ Attitudes
Pupils will know:
1. sexual abuse can happen once or go on for years
2. sexual abusers can potentially be any person. In many cases, the abusers are people whom the victims know and trust. They
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Updated September 2015
Unit 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Topic(s): Unwanted Touch and Sexual Abuse and Sexuality and the Law
Lesson 8: Stop it! Run! Tell!
may even be relatives, people in positions of authority and people whom they have close contact with
both boys and girls are susceptible to sexual abuse
most sexual abuse cases do not involve force but involve some form of manipulation. Force and violence are sometimes used to
threaten the child into obedience. Sometimes, the abuser may use threats of harm, rejection or abandonment, or tricks or
they should resist, and seek help from a trusted adult if they feel ‘uncomfortable’ about someone touching them, even when they
are uncertain about it
persons below16 years old are protected under the Children and Young Persons Act (CYPA) from abuse. This Act provides the
basis for protection and intervention by the relevant authorities if a child (below the age of 14 years) or young person (from 14
years to below 16 years of age) is found to be abuse or neglected
children may not report cases of sexual abuse because they have been threatened to keep quiet or they are frightened, guilty,
ashamed, confused, etc
Pupils will be able to:
1. identify signs of danger and respond appropriately
2. protect themselves by resisting, removing themselves from harm and seeking help from a trusted adult
Values / Attitudes
Pupils will be able to:
1. appreciate that everyone is special, has the right to be treated with respect, and therefore has the right to seek help and be taken
2. recognise that sexual abuse should not be kept secret and the importance to exercise responsibility in reporting possible cases of
3. be confident enough to tell their parents, teachers, school counsellor or a trusted adult about anything that makes them
(for internal circulation only)
Updated September 2015
Unit 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Topic(s): Unwanted Touch and Sexual Abuse and Sexuality and the Law
Lesson 8: Stop it! Run! Tell!
4. appreciate that personal responsibility includes being aware of their surroundings to ensure their safety
5. appreciate that there should be no shame, guilt or fear of being blamed for reporting possible cases of sexual abuse
Pedagogies / Strategies Employed:
• Game
• Case Study
• Class/small group discussion
Materials Required for Lesson Delivery:
The Ground Rules Poster
PowerPoint slides
Scenario Cards 1 - 3
Activity sheet ‘My Reflection’
Activity sheet ‘My Personal Checklist’
‘My Curious Mind’ Envelope
(for internal circulation only)
Updated September 2015
Unit 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Topic(s): Unwanted Touch and Sexual Abuse and Sexuality and the Law
Lesson 8: Stop it! Run! Tell!
Unit 3 : How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Lesson 8: Stop it! Run! Tell!
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
protect themselves by resisting, removing themselves from harm and seeking help from a trusted adult.
know their responsibilities in minimising the risk of sexual harm.
a. Use PowerPoint (slide 2) to remind pupils of the ground rules and ensure that the
Ground Rules poster is put up in a distinct part of the classroom.
b. Remind pupils that they explored the Big Idea of Safety in the previous lesson. They
what sexual abuse is
their safety is important
they are special and deserve to be treated with respect
they should speak up and seek help when they do not feel safe.
c. Ask pupils how they would know if they are in a situation where they do not feel safe.
E.g. When a stranger stands very close to you, or when he/she approaches and talks
Points to Note /
(for internal circulation only)
Updated September 2015
Unit 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Topic(s): Unwanted Touch and Sexual Abuse and Sexuality and the Law
Lesson 8: Stop it! Run! Tell!
to you.
d. Use PowerPoint (slide 3) and inform pupils that they will learn what to do when they
sense that they are in a situation where they are unsafe:
i. When I show you one finger, you are to raise up your right hand and shout “Stop it!”
ii. When I show you two fingers, you are to run very quickly on the spot.
iii. When I show you three fingers, you are to turn to a partner and shout “Help Me!”
Points to Note /
This question
helps pupils to
identify possible
situations where
they sense their
safety may be
e. Check that pupils have understood the instructions and use PowerPoint (slide 3) to
explain the actions to be taken when in an unsafe situation:
Action 1: Stop the person from continuing the abuse - This could be done by
shouting in a loud voice to attract attention so as to get help. Stopping the abuse
could also be done by seeking help from a trusted adult if pupils are frightened of
confronting the abuser.
ii. Action 2: Remove themselves quickly from harm - This could be done by
running away very quickly from harm or danger.
This activity
introduces three
simple concrete
steps pupils can
take to resist and
themselves from
harm, and to seek
help from a trusted
iii. Action 3: Seek help from a trusted adult - Sexual abuse should not be kept a
secret. It is important that pupils do not keep possible cases of abuse to themselves.
It is important that they inform their parents, teachers, counsellors or trusted
adults of a n y pe rson s o r sit u at io n s that make them f e e l uncomfortable.
Pupils’ responses
(for internal circulation only)
Updated September 2015
Unit 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Topic(s): Unwanted Touch and Sexual Abuse and Sexuality and the Law
Lesson 8: Stop it! Run! Tell!
There should be no shame, guilt or fear of being blamed for reporting possible
cases of sexual abuse.
f. Use PowerPoint (slide 4-5) to help pupils apply the skills they have learnt.
g. Invite some pupils to share their responses and their reasons.
h. Highlight that the variation in pupils’ responses stems from
i. their sensing of whether the situation is unsafe and
ii. the reasons for choice of actions
Points to Note /
to each situation
can vary. It is
important for them
to know the reason
for their action(s)
when they are in
an unsafe
Pupils can draw
learning from their
friends’ response.
Activity: Stop It! Run! Tell!
(for internal circulation only)
Updated September 2015
Unit 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Topic(s): Unwanted Touch and Sexual Abuse and Sexuality and the Law
Lesson 8: Stop it! Run! Tell!
a. Divide the class into groups of 3-5.
b. Inform pupils that they will discuss the following two scenarios,
i. ‘A Friend from Italy’,
ii. ‘A Visit from Uncle’
iii. ‘An Encounter with a Stranger’ (optional scenario)
c. Assign one scenario to each group and distribute the respective Scenario Cards. For the
scenarios, ask pupils to discuss the following in groups:
i. Identify if this is a possible case of sexual abuse. Explain why.
ii. What should the pupil do?
d. Inform pupils that they have 5 -10 minutes to discuss and they will be asked to present
their responses.
e. Use PowerPoint (slides 9-21) to show the respective scenarios. Invite groups to
share their responses. Ask the other groups who were also assigned to related
scenarios to add to the sharing.
f. Check that pupils have developed an understanding of how to sense if a sexual
abuse has occurred and if they have appropriately applied the three actions of ‘Stop it!’
Points to Note /
This activity
allows pupils to
apply what they
have learnt on
what sexual
abuse is as well
as the three
actions ‘Stop It!’,
‘Run!’ and ‘Help
(for internal circulation only)
Updated September 2015
Unit 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Topic(s): Unwanted Touch and Sexual Abuse and Sexuality and the Law
Lesson 8: Stop it! Run! Tell!
Points to Note /
‘Run!’ and ‘Help Me!’
g. Use PowerPoint (slide 10) for suggested responses for Scenario 1:
i. It is not clear if it was a case of sexual abuse. It might be part of the exchange
student’s culture to hug when greeting. Therefore, he may not have intended to
touch Sue Ann inappropriately.
ii. As Sue Ann was not certain that it was a case of sexual abuse, she should not
accuse the Italian exchange student of doing so and hence, there was no need to
shout or run away. However, if Sue Ann feels uncomfortable, she could keep a
physical distance from the mentioned student, talk to her teacher immediately and
seek guidance.
h. Use PowerPoint (slide 16) for suggested responses for Scenario 2:
i. It was a case of sexual abuse as the uncle, a family friend stroked Eddie’s thigh and
attempted to hug him.
ii. Eddie could have shouted for help because there could be someone along the
corridor of the HDB flats who might hear his cries for help. He could also tell the
uncle to stop it, push the uncle’s hand away and run to a place where there are
people around to seek help. If Eddie is uncomfortable and felt embarrassed to talk to
his parents, he should try talking to the teacher or the school counsellor, or any
trusted adult whom he thinks will be able to protect and help him. Eddie’s teachers
and/or school counselor would speak to his parents on his behalf because this was
Teacher should
advise pupils that
if they are unsure
of certain touch,
they should tell
their parents,
teachers, school
counsellor or a
trusted adult
This is to manage
possible hyper
vigilance amongst
Teacher to
highlight to pupils
that the school
(for internal circulation only)
Updated September 2015
Unit 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Topic(s): Unwanted Touch and Sexual Abuse and Sexuality and the Law
Lesson 8: Stop it! Run! Tell!
a likely case of sexual abuse.
Use PowerPoint (slide 22) for suggested responses for Scenario 3 (optional):
i. It was a case of sexual abuse as Hendri encountered someone who
indecently exposed himself.
ii. Hendri co u ld h a ve sh o u t e d for help. He should run away to seek help. He
must tell someone about what happened to keep him safe. If he was worried that
his parents would be angry with him, he could communicate his experience with
his parents through writing a letter o r drawing about it. Hendri could also talk to
his teacher, the school counsellor, or any trusted adult whom he thinks will be able
to protect and help him.
Use PowerPoint (slide 28) to debrief the activity:
i. It may not always be easy to identify cases of sexual abuse.
ii. Pupils who have experienced sexual abuse are usually emotional and do not
know whether to ask the person to stop, run away or seek help. These feelings
are normal.
iii. Even when unsure, one can and should seek help. There are different ways pupil
can tell a trusted adult their problems or issues that are bothering them. One can
talk, write a letter or even draw about what happened.
iv. Sexual abuse must not be kept secret.
Points to Note /
will work closely
with parents to
ensure their
(for internal circulation only)
Updated September 2015
Unit 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Topic(s): Unwanted Touch and Sexual Abuse and Sexuality and the Law
Lesson 8: Stop it! Run! Tell!
5 mins
a. Use PowerPoint (slide 29) to highlight the key understanding regarding the Big Idea of
Safety using the following questions:
Key Questions:
i. “What is Safety?”
ii. “What is your responsibility?”
iii. “What are your rights?’
Suggested responses
• You are special.
• You have the right to be treated with respect.
• You have the right to seek help and be taken seriously.
k. Use PowerPoint (slides 31-33) to conclude the lesson:
i. Protect themselves by recognising potentially dangerous situations and
avoiding them, for example, walking in a dark alley.
ii. Avoid participating in activities where the risk of sexual harm is high,
even if it means being unpopular with friends, for example, staying
overnight at a chalet when there are no adults around.
Points to Note /
(for internal circulation only)
Updated September 2015
Unit 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Topic(s): Unwanted Touch and Sexual Abuse and Sexuality and the Law
Lesson 8: Stop it! Run! Tell!
Dress appropriately to avoid sending the wrong signals.
Be mindful of receiving gifts and/or favours from strangers and even
e. Invite pupils to use the Activity sheet ‘My Personal Checklist’ to check their own learning.
f. Invite pupils with further questions to place their questions in the ‘My Curious Mind’
Pupils to
(a) share about how they can protect themselves or remove themselves from harm;
(b) ask parents to share tips or other ways of keeping themselves safe from harm.
Points to Note /
the lesson, read
through each
reflection carefully
to pick up signs of
distress and take
the necessary
follow up actions.
(for internal circulation only)
Updated September 2015
Unit 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Topic(s): Unwanted Touch and Sexual Abuse and Sexuality and the Law
Lesson 8: Stop it! Run! Tell!
My Personal Checklist
UNIT 3: How Do I Keep Myself Safe?
Tick the box that best describes your level of understanding for each of the
I Need a Little
More Help…
I Am Getting
I Got It!
I know what
sexual abuse
I am uncertain
about what sexual
abuse is. I need to
ask my teacher for
help to know what
sexual abuse is.
I know what
sexual abuse is
and am able to
share my
knowledge with
I will be able to
identify if sexual
abuse has or has
not occurred and
help others if
I am able to
keep myself
safe from
sexual abuse.
I am uncertain of
how to keep myself
safe from sexual
abuse. I need to ask
my teacher for help
to know how to
keep myself safe.
I am able to
describe some
ways to keep
myself safe from
sexual abuse but I
am not confident of
applying them. I
need to talk to my
teacher to about
what I am not
confident about.
I know my rights
and responsibilities
in keeping myself
safe from sexual
abuse and will be
able to help others
to keep safe from
sexual abuse as
I will seek help I am uncertain of
who to seek help
if harmed.
from if I face
difficulties. I need to
approach my
teacher to share
this with him/ her.
I know who to
seek help from if
harmed but I am
uncertain if the
person will be
willing to help me.
I need to approach
my teacher to
share this with
I know who to seek
help from if harmed
and am confident
that the person will
be willing to help