Momentum - mass x velocity p = mv (kg.m/s) Impulse (J)

Ch 9
Thursday, November 18, 2010
9:26 AM
Momentum - mass x velocity
p = mv (kg.m/s)
Impulse (J) - change in momentum
2 eqns: J = mv or J = p = pf - pi
J = Ft
p.233 1-5
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Chapter 10.1 - Work and Energy
Work (W): W = Fd: The constant force exerted on an
object in the direction of motion times its
displacement. Unit is the Joule (J)
Energy - The ability to do work. Unit is the Joule (J):
the same as work.
W = KE: The work-energy theorem
Two types of energy -
Kinetic (KE): KE = 1/2*mv 2 : Object in motion
Potential (PE): PE = mgh: Object with position,
usually height.
Power (P): Work done over a period of time (in
seconds). AKA the rate of work. Unit is the watt
P = W/t
Physics Page 5
P = W/t
Conservation of Energy: Energy of a system is
conserved. This is the equation:
PEi + KEi = PEf + KEf
Physics Page 6
Physics Page 7