Summer Term - community school

July 2016
Summer Term
Dear Parent/Carer,
As I write this introduction to our Summer Term Community Newsletter, all of
the last minute preparations are taking place for our Curriculum Enrichment
Week and Work Experience Week. Months of planning go into these activities
with everyone doing their best to ensure our students in years 7, 8, 9, 10 and
12 have an enjoyable and fulfilling learning experience. Particular thanks go
to Mr Roger Reynolds and Mrs Tracy Boulton for their overall coordination
of these events – there will be a full report and photos included in our
September interim newsletter.
In addition to our actual enrichment week, there have been many more
excellent extra-curricular activities and events taking place at
over the past term and I do hope you will enjoy reading more about them in
this edition of Community News. Particular highlights for me were the 6th
Form May Ball and the Year 11 Prom, both ‘rites of passage’ for our young
people and always hugely enjoyable occasions. It is very rewarding too
when we receive such positive feedback from the Duke of Cornwall Hotel
and Boringdon Golf and Country Club about the exemplary behaviour of our
students – this reflects so well on you as parents and carers as well as on the
ethos and values of
either retiring or leaving us for pastures new. There is a full feature on this
in our newsletter which I hope you will enjoy reading. I would like to wish
all colleagues leaving every happiness in the future and thank them for the
outstanding contributions they have made to the life of the school during
their time with us.
I hope you will all be able to enjoy some quality family time together over the
summer holidays. We will be in school over results’ days – which are Thursday
18th August for A Level and Thursday 25th August for GCSE – and I am
certain there will be a great deal to celebrate for years 10, 11, 12 and 13.
With all good wishes,
Mrs I Bryce
In Memory of Charlie Pitcher – student at 2009 – 2016
Sports Day and Theme Day were also very special occasions this year, with
the weather being specially ordered for both days’ activities! We are indebted
to Mr Hawkins, Head of PE, and his team for arranging such a memorable
Olympic themed sporting event, and I would also like to mention in this
newsletter Mrs Gue who has done such a brilliant job organising our Theme
Days whilst Mrs Feldwick has been on maternity leave.
I have lost count now of the number of times members of our school and
local community have said things like, ‘Well, this is your last Prom, last Sports
Day, last Enrichment Week, last end of year assembly’! It is a very strange
feeling indeed after fourteen years but I am delighted that my successor, Ms
Kate Littledyke, has been appointed now and I know she will do all that she
can to uphold our unswerving commitment to providing the best possible
learning and enrichment opportunities for all students. I will be here as
headteacher until Christmas so there is another whole term to go, with lots
of exciting things to look forward to, including our production of ‘Billy Elliot’
which will see us as one of the first schools in the country performing this
West End show.
Inevitably, as we come to the end of this school year, we find ourselves
having to say goodbye to some of our teaching and support staff who are
2 community school
Our thoughts remain with the family and friends of Year 13 student, Charlie
Pitcher. Charlie attended Bishop Cornish Primary School and
for his secondary education. The photos of Charlie show him attending our
May Ball and the 6th Form Leavers’ Breakfast with his tutors Mrs Blackmore
and Mrs Oates.
Charlie was a courteous, bright and determined young man with a very
promising future ahead of him. He had secured excellent AS results and
was a particularly gifted mathematician. He was also an extremely popular
student with a large circle of friends; he will be very sorely missed.
A Book of Condolence and photos of Charlie will be given to his family at the
end of this term. community school
Mr. Hawthorne wins Silver Teaching
had won a Silver Teaching Award, making him eligible for
the National Finals due to take place in October, as well as a
prestigious visit to the House of Commons later this month.’s reputation for providing the highest quality teaching and
learning opportunities for its students was further strengthened this term
as teacher of Maths, Mr Alan Hawthorne, was named the National Teaching
Awards’ Regional Winner for the Outstanding Use of Technology in Education.
Nominated by the students through their School Council, Mr Alan
Hawthorne received a visit from two National Teaching Award judges
at the end of April. Mr. Hawthorne had been put forward for the 2016
Pearson Teaching Awards by the student council, who then worked with
Deputy Headteacher, Mr. Buckley, on writing the official nomination.
The Pearson Teaching Awards are an annual celebration of
exceptional teachers and teaching. Founded in 1999 by Lord
Puttnam, they recognize the life-changing impact of an inspirational
teacher on the lives of the young people they teach.
Alan will now join fellow Silver Award winners at the UK final of the
Teaching Awards to be held at a glittering celebration at London’s Guildhall
on 23rd October, where 10 Silver Award winners will receive a Gold Plato
Award. Chair of Governors, Kate Waghorn, and the Saltash Observer’s
Martin Lister were also in attendance for the awards presentation. Headteacher Mrs Bryce said:
The judges, Tony Gray and Bob Twells, spent three hours at the
school observing Alan teach a Year 13 A Level Maths lesson, and
also met with the school’s senior leadership team, members
of the Maths department and other colleagues, students from
across a range of year groups and parent representatives.
‘This is a remarkable achievement, not just for Alan and the Maths
department, but also for the school, as it is the second time in two
years that has had a Regional National Teaching Awards
winner in the Outstanding Use of Technology Award category.
A very special ‘surprise’ assembly event was held on the morning
of Friday 17th June, the official ‘Thank a Teacher Day’. After a
discussion about the then upcoming EU referendum chaired by Mr.
Killeya, Mayor of Saltash, Mrs Hilary Frank, was invited to say a few
words about democracy, before handing over to Mrs Bryce.
Mrs Bryce announced to the school community that Mr Hawthorne
“Alan is a truly inspirational teacher. The A Level lesson that the
judges observed was deemed to be outstanding for the way in which
technology was used ‘seamlessly’ to both engage the students and
ensure maximum progress was made. Alan is a truly worthy winner
and we all wish him well with the national final in the Autumn.” community school community school
SPORTS DAY’s annual Sports Day had an Olympic feel to it this year, as is only
appropriate during an Olympic year.
As is tradition, Mr Romain acted as MC for the
day, whilst Mr Henderson played a diverse
range of songs in his role as DJ.
Sports Day 2016 was a tremendous event, and featured students from
Years 7 to 9 competing in a range of track and field sports. All tutor groups
represented an Olympic country for the day, and the traditional Olympic
parade of nations took place before the competition began.
Students had been competing for their
tutor group and country during PE lessons
throughout the year, with boys playing rugby
and football, and the girls football and netball.
The countries chosen were China, Great Britain, Greece, the United States,
Australia, Spain, Brazil and South Korea.
Points were allocated based on performances during this inter tutor
competition, and were added to the Sports Day results to determine the final
There were also events for Year 10 to participate in, as tutor groups competed
against one another in a number of sports, including a World Cup Mixed
football tournament on the All Weather Pitch.
A number of individual awards were also handed out to students who had
excelled during Sports Day, and the top tutor group from each year was also
Dawn Couch and her catering team cooked up a Brazilian BBQ on the field,
whilst Miss Noble ran a yummy healthy eating stall which included Rio-style
fruit kebabs and other options. This year a number of Year 10 GCSE Catering
students got involved during Theme Day to help prepare all the snacks for
Sports Day, visiting Tamar Fruiterers for an educational trip. The Healthy
Snack stand made a profit of £200.68, which will be donated to Cancer
Students were encouraged to have their faces painted with the colours and
flags of their nation, and to learn as much about their countries as possible
before Sports Day.
Australia Spain
Coming into Sports Day it was extremely close, with Greece leading in 1st on
86 points, with Spain just trailing on 80 points.
Mr Hawkins, Head of PE at, praised all students and staff for
helping to make the day such an outstanding success: “On behalf of the PE
department I would like to thank everyone who played a role in the success of
Olympic Sports Day 2016. It was a brilliant all round effort.
Our ambitious plans for the day were only successfully executed because
we have an amazing team of teaching and support staff that are always ‘up
for it’ and really embraced the day! I am sure this reflected on the students’
performances who themselves were outstanding in their efforts and
achievements when competing and supporting their team mates. A fantastic
day to remember.”
Below are the individual and overall standings. Congratulations to all involved
for their part in a great day.
Rankings Country
9TN community school
Great Britain
Year group Boy
Year 7
Henry Curtis
Year 8
Year 9
and Troy
Nick Hicks
Katie Flanagan
and Maisie
Sophie Williams
Jade Parker community school
Year 7 & 8 Athletics Championships
The sun was shining in Par as students from Year 7 and 8 competed in the
Cornwall Schools Athletics Championships. 26 schools from all over Cornwall
took part in the day long event on Tuesday 7th June. now has two county champions, following Archie Fleming’s
victory in the Year 8 Boys 100m, and Lois Lusher’s triumph in the Year 7 javelin.
Archie ran the 100m in 12.7 seconds, whilst Lois threw a best of 17.36m.
Other stand out performances include Henry Curtis in Year 7, 2nd in the
County in 100m and Javelin, Maisie Godfrey in Year 7, 3rd in the county in
1500m and Harry Richardson in Year 8, 2nd in the county for shot put.
We are extremely proud of all of our athletes. student David Wilks takes
Congratulations go to
Year 13 student David Wilks, after
becoming a British Champion in
Karate. David took Gold in the World
Karate Union’s British Championships
in Birmingham on the 30th April.
David has been training in Karate for
the last 10 years with the Bujinkai
Karate Squad, who train each week
at the Life Centre as well as in
Saltash. David is currently a 2nd Dan
Black Belt, having gained 12 belts during his time in the sport. community school
Sports report
Sport at is
thriving on all fronts.
2015/2016 has seen
another step up for our
students as they continue
to progress not just locally
but nationally too.
Starting with football,
where our reputation as
a school that competes
to a high level with a
strong ethos of fair play
continues. Our U16 girls are once again County Champions after a hard
fought battle against Richard Lander School. The girls came out 3-1 winners
on this occasion, following up their county championship at U14 level. These
girls have represented the school amazingly for the last 5 years and we wish
them all the very best as they continue with their football careers outside of
school. Strong links are developing with Callington Ladies FC, with 5 of our
current students making the step into the women’s game with them.
The year 7 boys have had an outstanding debut season. They beat Looe,
Liskeard, Callington and Wadebridge on their way to becoming East
Cornwall Champions, scoring 20 and conceding just 4 on the way. Richard
Lander evened things up by beating them in the County Final with the
game finishing 4-2 after extra time. They have shown great dedication,
commitment and team work and a defeat in the county final will only spur
them on to go and compete for it again next year. It has been a tremendous
team effort and they were led fantastically by Captain Kieran O’Melia whose
goals have been so important.
The year 7 girls have had a great season too, and although they did not have
a county cup competition to compete in, they were not only undefeated but
they actually won all 8 of their fixtures. It is exciting to think what these teams
can be capable of in their next 5 years at
The summer term brings
athletics season and
it has already been an
encouraging start. We
recently took 46 competitors
to Brickfields for a super
8 athletics event and we
could have probably taken
another 46 on top of that
such is the enthusiasm of
the students. Boys’ teams
from year 7 and 10 have
qualified to represent East
Cornwall at the Cornwall
School games in July.
A special mention must go to the year 7 girls’ team. They have not yet
done athletics in lessons but massive numbers are attending athletics club.
They performed exceptionally well but unfortunately just missed out on
qualification. Our ever present sports leaders were on hand to help run the
event and, as always, did a fantastic job.
David Wilks in year 13 is a national karate champion! Amazing achievement.
Please let us know about your achievements and send all nominations to
[email protected].
There have been plenty of extra opportunities for our ‘high performing most
able’ PE students this year. Our successful year 7 boys and girls football teams
were treated to a training session from Plymouth Argyle coach Micky and
player Carl McHugh. Our year 8 students have been working on a ‘Sky sports
living for sport’ project with Olympic Athlete Heather Fell and students in
years 9, 10 and 12 were taken to visit the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
Report by Mr. Budd
We have huge numbers of girls taking part in netball clubs with teaching
staff and coaches from Plymouth and district netball league. We have also
had coaches lead lessons and clubs from Plymouth Argyle Hockey, Saltash
Amateur Boxing club and St Mellion Golf and Country club coming. We have
real community links and this is providing fantastic opportunities for our
students. The development of our new climbing wall is further helping to
enhance the range of activities that we can offer.
10 community school community school
Cornwall Schools Athletics
Following on from our
Year 7 and 8s great
performances in the
Cornwall Schools
Athletics Championships
in Par at the start of June, had more
impressive results at the
recent Cornwall School
Games on 1 July.
As a team, our Year 10 boys finished 3rd overall, claiming the bronze medal.
As none of these boys are athletes in their own right and they were up
against boys who were boasting about their season bests on the start line,
this is an exceptional achievement.
There were a few notable individual results too:
• Ethan Cox- 1st in the 100m hurdles claiming gold.
• Seth Maunder- 2nd in the 100m hurdles claiming silver.
• Henry Curtis- 2nd in the 100m sprint and 3rd in the javelin claiming silver
and bronze.
Henry has been a double medallist at
consecutive county events. A day after
the Championships, Henry competed
in a triathlon!
A special mention to our Sports
Leaders. This event was held in
Redruth and hosted entirely by our
sports leaders. This is measure of their
respect and trust in the county. community school
Year 11s’ football team emerged
triumphant over their Sixth
Form counterparts in an 8
goal classic on 21 April,
confirming their dominance.
Man of the match Jamie Casson
(centre back turned striker)
hit two wonder goals as part
of the Year 11 goal haul.
Our Year 7 and 10 Boys
teams qualified for
this event, and were
competing against the
winners from the west of
the county, including some of the private schools in the region.
Year 11 triumph over Sixth Form
Sixth Form worked hard and fought back with sterling performances
from elder statesmen Elliot Dymond and an opportunist goal from Shaun
Cleary; however, this was not enough to influence the final result.
The game was played in a great atmosphere with real quality at times, a
fitting end as many of these boys played in school colours for the last time.
Match report by Mr. Hawkins.
Staff defeat leaving Year 13s
A team of staff challenged this year’s departing Year 13s to a
farewell football match, with staff claiming victory with a dramatic 5-4 win.
Maths teacher, Gareth Jones, delivered a man of the match
performance, scoring two goals and making two goal line clearances
in the dying minutes to ensure staff held on to their win.
The Leavers took a two goal advantage despite an evenly contested opening
period, before Staff scored five unreturned goals to take a dominant lead
into the last 20 minutes.
Leavers fought back to reduce the deficit to one goal with ten minutes to go,
leading to a nervy finale as Leavers bombarded the Staff box. The
game looked certain to go to extra time as a header looped over Staff
goalkeeper, Mr. Pomfret, only for Mr. Jones to dramatically volley away.
The game was also used to raise money for World Challenge, with
all those playing required to make a donation to the fundraising. community school
Gifted and Talented PE students
A number of students at were commended earlier this term for
their abilities in PE. Gifted and Talented awards were handed out to recognise
students’ excellence in individual sports, and to those who excel in all subject
areas of the PE curriculum. Mrs Bryce was on hand to present the awards and
praised the students for their hard work.
After handing out the awards, Teacher of P.E, Mr. Budd, said:
“As you will have seen from the other sports reports, the current year 7 are a
very strong sporting cohort. Throughout this year we have been identifying
students to join the ‘High Performing and Most Able’ register for PE.
High performers are students who demonstrate a talent, ability or skill, which
falls outside of what is being currently assessed in their subjects while the
most able students are those achieving the highest levels in the subject.
With many students identified and others to follow, we began distributing
the badges awarded to these students so they can be recognised for their
sporting ability.
Being on the high performance and most able register brings enrichment
opportunities as we support their development in sport. The current year
8 has been working with Olympic Athlete, Heather Fell, while the high
performers in years 9 and 10 had the opportunity to visit the Queen Elizabeth
Olympic Park in London.
Students can be added at any time so we encourage parents to let us know of
all endeavours out of school hours. We hope the students identified will wear
their badges with pride and act as role models for PE and sport.”
Most able in subject
Bethany Brown
Holly Congo
Haydn O’Neil
Cameron Parker
Kieran O’Melia
Jenson Bryan
Maisie Godfrey
Lewis Dixon
Evie Kyffin
Ben Goulty
Abbie Shapland
Daisy Winstanley
Tom Hollyman
Georgia Mann
Oliver Sidey
Imogen Beer
Finlay Bunt
Luke Jones
Amber Oliver
Leighton Poolman
Alfie Libby
Ronnie Young
Seth Maunder
Henry Curtis
Individual sport awards
Lois Lusher
Georgina Treacy
Rosie Deacon
Katie Flanagan
Charlie Dance
Jack Hawke
School gathers for big Euro 2016 clash
There was a great atmosphere at last month for the big Home
Nations clash between England and Wales, as students were allowed to
watch the match in the Main Hall.
The Euro 2016 group match, played in Lens on 16 June, was the one England
fixture to be played during school hours, at 14.00. Students who returned
the form included with May’s
Interim Newsletter were
allowed to enjoy the game,
which saw England dramatically
come from behind to win 2-1.
Members of the World
Challenge Team hosted a bake
sale in the main hall during
the match, and Miss Sayer
and Miss Tremellat organised
flag face painting for those in
14 community school community school
A trip to the Eden Project
On Wednesday 18th May, twenty-six Year 10 GCSE Product Design students
visited the Eden Project in Cornwall. The trip was led by Miss Bartlett with
Miss Tolchard in assistance. Two mini buses were used, one
driven by newly trained driver and DT Technician, Mr MacDonald, who also
photographed nature, materials, structure and pattern, an extra resource that
students could access on their return to school. Using our school mini buses
saved £7.00 per student compared to booking a coach and gave the whole
trip a family outing feel!
The main purpose of the trip was to gather Primary Research. This research
is a necessary element of students’ Controlled Assessment e-folders and
impacts on the design and making of their final product. Each student was
issued with an A5 prompt sheet on which to work and that was scanned for
them to use in their folder during the first lesson back.
Students are designing and making a lighting product which must ‘consider
implications of a wide range of issues including social, moral, environmental
and sustainability…’ This will be the third year that we have used this task
after we introduced the idea in 2014 following a training course in Essex. It
continues to evolve, enabling students to access even higher grades.
We have been specific about the materials and the client this year and
students are to use LEDs, a USB cable, mainly FSC wood and their client will
be a Home Worker attending organised social/ business networking events in
the evening at the Eden Project.
A very successful day and thank you for allowing us the opportunity to
DT Department
16 community school student named top
Year 12 student Michael Spencer was recently awarded with an Ogden Trust
award due to his fantastic progress, hard work and achievements in A-Level
Physics. He is a promising student who is extremely keen to continue his
studies in Physics at University after completing his A-levels.
On Monday 20th June he attended a prestigious awards evening hosted by
the University of Exeter where he was presented with his Ogden Schools’
Physicist of the Year Award by Dr Alison Rivett from the Ogden Trust and
Peter Vukusic, Professor of Biophotonics at the University of Exeter.
The award is given to a small number of talented physics students from
across the south west region and is intended to inspire and encourage the
study of physics, particularly through the Ogden scholarship scheme.
Mrs Cooper, Head of Physics at, who nominated Mike for the
award said:
“Mike has always been an enthusiastic student, ready to debate many
aspects of physics and is quick to grasp the many abstract concepts and
nuances of physics. As well as having an innate talent for physics he is
cheerful, keen and hard-working and I very pleased that this award will open
up opportunities for Mike in his further studies in Physics.” community school
Duke of Edinburgh Awards
Ten Tors no problem for
Previous Silver teams:
This last term saw our first
ever100% success from a Silver
team. All members of the team
completed all the sections of
the Award and have now been
presented with their certificates.
Previous Bronze teams:
24/26 of last year’s Bronze team
have now successfully signed off
all sections of the Award and been
presented with their certificates.
The final 2 are still being chased,
letters have gone home.
Silver teams this year:
This year’s Silver team have had their pre-expedition training, followed by a
full practice expedition, where they stayed near Minions. They took part in
their assessed walk on the weekend of 24th – 26th June. We have had really
good numbers this year with 2 teams, 12 students in total.
Bronze teams this year:
The Bronze group this year have also got
good numbers, with a total of 21 students.
They have recently taken part in a successful
practice walk, which they all completed. The
weather was really beautiful for them as they
walked around the Whitsand Bay area. Their
assessed expedition will be in October.
Miss Higgs, Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator
A huge congratulations to the two teams of students who
successfully completed the Ten Tors Challenge at the start of May. Both
teams were made of six students, and completed the 35 mile route.
Unfortunately, team B member Seb Frost left the group on Saturday night
due to a leg injury, with Seb himself deciding to withdraw rather than slow
the group down.
Seb left the group at the Postbridge Safety Checkpoint, around 15 miles into
the challenge.
The two teams were as follows: Team A – James Randall, Charlie Potts, Zak Newell, George
Seymour, Megan Seymour and Ethan Cox. Team B – Danny Snook, William Oatey, Jack Pritchard, Seb Frost,
Michael Larkin and Harry Pascoe.
Mrs Bryce congratulated the teams and praised the work of staff members
Graham Drewery, Gareth Jones and Kirsty Newberry, who trained and
prepared the students for the challenge.
The challenge was the culmination of seven months of training, as the
students started to prepare last October.
Once again, well done to all involved, both staff and students, on a
successful Ten Tors Challenge.
18 community school community school
Dartmoor Science Trips
On 10th June Year 7 went on an educational school trip to Dartmoor National
Park. We arrived at Burrator reservoir around 10am and made our way
through the woods with our science teachers who told us about the natural
environments we were in. We even got to eat some wood sorrel and it was
We then walked up to Drake’s Leat and across a bog, which we were careful
to make sure we didn’t fall in! Here we talked about the plant Sundew and
how it gets its nutrients from insects. After getting across the bog without
losing our shoes we walked up Leather Tor, then had a break at the top to
take in the amazing view. We then had to navigate our way back down on the
other side and into the deep dark wood.
From here we followed the Leat again, looking for Brown trout, all the way to
an ancient village where we had lunch. After lunch we made our way back to
the coaches, stopping on the way to see how many students we could fit in a
small, very dark cave.
At each site we stopped at, our science teachers told us about the plant and
animal life, including aspects of the history and geography of the area.
Everyone had a great day out.
written by Mia Sandy 7HS
Primary International Travellers Day
Bienvenue, biueos dios, wilcommen,
ni how! Welcome to
Primary Languages Day.
proved to be a door to the world
in April, as 60 excited Year 4 and
5 students joined the Languages
Department and Year 8 Language
Leaders on a global journey.
Keen young linguists from all seven
of’s partner primaries
visited the school, and were greeted
with a continental breakfast of warm
croissants and pain au chocolat. New
friendships were made as students
from the different primaries mixed
into three groups for the day –
aeroplanes, back-packers and cruise
liners! Year 8 Language Leaders
had designed and planned the
day, showing their ingenuity and
independence. Primary students
enjoyed innovative and fun ways
of learning new languages ranging
from “word skittles,” global fashion
puppet-making, chopsticks master
class, origami, and an interactive
iPad Dutch “Kahoot” quiz!
The mysteries of France were
explored with mask-making, and the
beauty of Chinese letters practised
in China. The students travelled to
Italy, China, the Netherlands, France
and Japan all in one day!
Melanie Carr, one of’s
international co-ordinators, praised
the Year 8 Language Leaders. “The
Language Leaders have put together
all the activities that the primary
students have enjoyed today.
Language Leaders delivered the
activities and ran the workshops
20 community school
themselves. and have been an
absolute credit to both themselves
and Well done
Language Leaders!” she said.
Head of Languages, Ben Rowe, was
blown away with the success of
the day. “It has been fantastic to
welcome such enthusiastic young
linguists into school today. By
the end of the day all our young
visitors had experienced many
different aspects of new languages
and cultures – no-one left without
learning some new words in new
languages,” he added.
After lunch parents and carers of the
Year 4 and 5 students were invited
into school to see exactly what
their children had been up to on
their intrepid journey. Language
Leaders took on their leadership
roles as they took the Show-andShare style assembly. Proud parents
and carers were treated to glittery
word collages, fabulous origami
talking dogs, and demonstrations
of counting skills. Our international
travellers had had a fantastic day
and left keen to explore further! community school
Year 6s get a taste for
Moving to secondary school can be a
daunting experience for any child. But how
much more daunting must it be to step up
to a secondary school that you have not
been to visit very much before?
Our Out of Catchment Taster Day enables
students who have not been involved
in the many Saltash primary school
events held on site to come along and
get to know their new school a bit better. This year was no exception! The
intrepid Year 6s became the CSI Squad for the day (“Coming to
Investigation Squad”, of course!) and really got to grips with us.
New students went around the school interviewing staff, and not even
Deputy Head Teachers escaped un-quizzed. The CSI Squad asked about
uniform, school trips and homework as well as about important things like
the length of lunch time and favourite baguette fillings!
Thanks go to the Year 7 School Ambassadors who guided their new schoolmates around. The Ambassadors were a credit to, as they ably
demonstrated how well students get to know school site once they have
joined us, and, in chatting with the prospective students, showed how proud
they are of their school.
A highlight for many was the taste-testing challenge in the canteen. The
canteen team set an exciting array of food in front of the CSI-ers to taste
their way through. Who knew! School Dinners that don’t involve stodgy
custard and chips! Instead there were curries, tomato pasta sauce and tangy
baguette fillings. Sweet snacks were just as enticing – flapjacks, muffins and
other sweet treats. Even Mr Taylor, Head of Year 7 and Transition couldn’t
Maths and Art Primary Day
This half term’s primary
Maths Workshop saw a
combination of Maths and Art.
In a break from tradition, the
workshops took the whole
day, with Landulph and Brunel
attending one week, and
Burraton, Sir Robert Geffery’s,
Bishop Cornish and St
Stephens attending the next.
The workshops started with
the pupils looking at functions
and how the input and output
differ. They then plotted the
input and output on Cartesian
axes (x and y) and we discussed the differences. Pushing the ideas further, we
joined the input and output on a circle with 36 and then 72 points to create
some stunning Mathematical patterns, commonly known as curve stitching.
Some of the photos show the spectacular results the pupils from our
primaries achieved. They were given the freedom to play and design their
own creations using the Mathematics and functions discovered earlier in the
Students from each school were able to take some of their designs back to
their primary, whilst some will be displayed here in the Maths department at
Mrs Benzie and Miss Crook, KS3 Maths Coordinators
The day ended with a reflective thinking exercise – what are we still nervous
about and what are we excited about now we know what to expect? Highest
on the list was excitement about making new friends - what our wholeschool community here at is all
about. We look forward to welcoming our
CSI Squad back to when the
whole of next year’s Year 7 come for their
Taster Days in June and hope they are all
looking forward to September and our new
start as much as we are.
Mrs Metters, Assistant Head of Year 7
22 community school community school
Students advise at primary
information evening was brilliantly represented at our partner primary schools’ Year 4
and 5 information evenings by a number of Year 7 students in March.
Students were there to talk to parents and pupils at the schools about their
experiences at
Mrs Bryce thanked the students for “the very important part they played in
helping our primary partner school families make an informed choice about
secondary education.”
Gillian Cross visit
Gillian Cross, renowned author of the famous Demon Headmaster series,
recently visited community school to work with students.
Gillian led workshops with two different
groups on 27 May, with students from
Years 7, 8 and 9 taking part.
Gillian was invited to the school by
library manager Matt Coot, who selected
students who had shown a particular
interest in reading and creative writing
to take part in the event.
Students were asked to help Gillian
create a story focusing on a “Demon
Headmistress”, who controlled children
at school, as the title character of her
famous books did.
Gillian later tweeted how impressed she
was with the students and their efforts.
She said: “I enjoyed working with the students. There were some great
monster Headmistress stories!”
Local bookshop The Bookshelf was invited to sell copies of Gillian’s books in
the library at lunch time, and the author was on hand to sign and talk about
the books with the eager customers (both students and staff!).
Mr. Coot was delighted at how
successful the event was.
He said:
“The event was superb! Gillian used
our current situation of Mrs Bryce
retiring to inspire the students
into creating their own ideas of a
Monster Headteacher taking over
the school. It was a fantastic event
enjoyed by the students and a few
members of staff, who grew up
loving Gillian’s books.”
24 community school community school
26 community school community school
A Level Art Exhibition
Peter Turner
Emma Taylor
Yazmin Leverton
Emily O’Reilly
Jess Brown
Molly Stubbs
Amy Pollard
28 community school community school
Sporting Achievement of the month
April’s winner is George Thompson from 9BA
George has been at Exeter Chiefs since he was 12
years old. Last month he was moved up to the
silver/gold training group due to his hard work
and performance. He now hopes to make the
Academy squad. We wish you all the best
George. Well done!
May’s winner is Morgan Boyd from 10AF
Morgan has been diving at Plymouth Life Centre
for some years now. He competes regularly and
last month finished 4th in the country in his age
category in the 1m springboard competition. He
shows amazing dedication to his sport, training
before and after school. Well done Morgan!
June’s winner is David Wilks from 13MA
David has recently become a British Champion
taking Gold in the World Karate Union’s British
Championships. David has been training in
Karate for the last 10 years with the Bujinkai
Karate Squad. David is currently a 2nd Dan
Black Belt, having gained 12 belts during his
time in the sport. Well done David!
July’s winner is Lois Lusher from 7HS
Lois was crowned County Champion at Javelin
in last month’s County games, particularly
impressive with this being a new discipline for
her. Lois has been excelling in sport this year,
in particular netball. Lois has just progressed
through her recent trials. Well done Lois!
30 community school
Players required for
Saltash United Juniors Under 13s
Season 2016-2017
DJM league team
Qualified coaches
Weekly training and Saturday morning matches
Friendly and supportive environment
Don’t need to be the next Ronaldo but be sporty, enjoy a kick
around and want to be part of a team.
Contact Andy Martin on 07977513429
Students encouraged to vote in EU referendum
Sixth Formers at
community school were encouraged
to register and use their vote in the
EU referendum which took place on
23 June.
Students contributed to a
wide-ranging debate between
representatives of both the ‘Remain’
and ‘Leave’ camps, as part of the Year
13 General Studies programme.
David Chalmers, Northern Devon
Campaign Co-ordinator for
StrongerIN argued that Britain
was more globally influential as a
member of the EU.
UKIP County Chairman David Lucas
spoke in favour of the UK leaving
the EU, emphasising the importance
of the UK taking controls of its own
laws, and the cost of EU membership.
Questions from the audience
covered a wide range of issues
including defence, trade, human
rights, the impact on Cornwall and
students, and the EU’s long term
After the speakers had concluded
their arguments Head of Sixth
Form Adam Killeya encouraged all
students to register and use their
vote, regardless of their decision.
Mr Killeya said: “We had a high
quality and very civilised debate
with both speakers doing a strong
job of making their case.
strongly believes that part of our job
is to prepare students for their future
as citizens and this referendum,
whatever the result, will have a
massive impact on that.” community school
Theme Day 2
At Bristol
by’s roving reporters
During the Spring Term Theme Day, Year
Seven went on a trip to At Bristol. The
students explored the museum and all
the interactive educational games. We
were given wristbands to scan different
games, which we could use afterwards
when we access the website to see the
fun things we did. The games included:
illusions, filming, water works and a
photo booth. These interactive games
taught us how things worked and gave
us lots of puzzles to exercise our brains.
The Modern Foreign Languages
department decided to give the
students an insight into different
cultures and languages. They studied
Turkish, Chinese, Spanish and Maori, which is known as the Hakka. While
observing the students, we found out that they were enjoying learning about
the languages. In Miss Tremellat’s classroom they were discussing about
Spanish culture and where Spain was in Europe.
In Miss Yvinec’s room they were learning how to count in Turkish and doing
different activities to win a chocolate bar at the end of it, a yummy treat for
a good class! The Hakka was being taught by Mr Rowe, and although some
students didn’t seem to know what the Hakka was, they were having a lot of
fun! Mrs Kramer was teaching students Chinese. They were interacting with
each other and learning the Chinese symbols for different words, including
how to draw them.
Health and Wellbeing
The Year 13s were in the catering room with Miss Noble and Miss Wadsworth
being taught how to make tasty grill pizzas and a delicious salad.
Additionally, the Year 13s had meditation and yoga sessions and were taught
how to relax. Another group of the year group learned more about sex
education with Livewire owner and youth worker Andy Rance.
32 community school
Art (Sports Day)
Students who were
unable to attend trips
(due to various reasons)
were given the task to
create artwork for the
upcoming Sports Day.
They painted every
country’s Olympic
mascot, which looked
like a lot of fun. Some
students were painting
Olympic rings and
some were making
them out of willow
wood. The students
looked like they were having an enjoyable time. The teachers supervising
the activity said that they felt pride for helping the students create things for
Sports Day.
Hats through History
For most of the day, the Year 8s made their hats based on what they
were studying (Ancient Rome, Ancient Egyptian, Vikings, Medieval, and
Renaissance). To make their hats, each group needed some background
information on the different topics. At the end of the day, they presented
their hats in a parade in the main hall.
Study Skills
Year 11 were focused on learning different methods of study and revision.
This is to aid their up-coming exams. For a break during the day, the year 11s
were treated to a bouncy castle so they could unwind and chill with their
friends before going back to their study skills lessons.
Theme day 2 was a
great success. The
students had positive
feedback for the day
and as we went around
we saw all the children
enjoy themselves.
One of the students
exclaimed, “The day
was awesome!” community school
Curriculum Enrichment Week
At time of printing, students are currently mid-way through an exciting
and fulfilling Curriculum Enrichment Week, participating in a wide range of
activities at a number of different locations.
A more detailed report of the week will be given in future Newsletters, but
the details we have heard back from students and staff so far have been
really positive.
A group of students are enjoying all Butlins Minehead has to offer, whilst
others have chosen an adrenaline-themed week, with a visit to the
Adrenaline Quarry and surfing and go-karting trips on the agenda.
Further afield, students are enjoying their trip to Disneyland Paris, having
arrived safely on Monday. They’re spending three days exploring the
Disneyland Park and studios under the guidance of Mr. Wieprecht.
There are also activities taking place closer to home, at itself.
Plymouth Argyle coaches have been visiting the school to lead training
sessions for students, whilst Mr. Coot has organised a CSI Forensics activity,
where students must get to the bottom of a murder mystery.
Some activities have a curriculum focus, with many students taking part
in courses at Duchy College. Courses offered include Childcare and Early
Years, Engineering and Plant Construction and Animals, Agriculture and
Countryside. There are also students participating in a Hair and Beauty
course at Cornwall College.
Work experience students are also having a very positive week with some
Year 10s & 12s assisting staff in the delivery of Curriculum Enrichment Week
Grateful thanks as always are expressed to all
the teaching staff involved in the organisation
of all Curriculum Enrichment Week activities and
34 community school
Updates from The Zone
All Y9, Y10 and Y11 Zone students completed
Entry Level Functional English, Maths and
ICT Controlled Assessments this year. Good
progress was made by all students and the
great majority achieved or exceeded their end
of year target levels.
The Zone’s main focus this year has been
‘What makes us British?’ and has included a
continually widening and deepening variety
of reflection, consideration and study of
local, national and international events,
remembrance and religious celebrations and
significant festivals. We have enjoyed the
inclusive relationship that exists between the
Zone and the RE department enabling joint
access to venues and visitors, with a greater range planned for next year.
Thanks go to Saltash Rotary Club for the generous funds that covered a very
special Y11 leavers’ lunch at Windy Ridge, Trerulefoot. Windy Ridge opened
the venue especially for us. There was much fun, laughter and memories.
Currently, the focus of the Zone is to support Oscar’s fund raising for
Birmingham Children’s Hospital on Big Bandage Day (Friday 8th July). Oscar
will not mind me saying that he had major heart surgery at BCH in January
‘16, returning to school after Easter. Oscar is no longer regularly going blue
nor is he needing the wheelchair when leaving the Zone or out and about in
the community.
Oscar and Ryan Coulson, who also receives support from BCH for his ongoing
needs, are asking as many people as possible to take part or offer support
to this fundraiser so he can improve the experience of other children when
they go for life changing/lifesaving
operations there. Oscar has been
working so hard to promote Big
Bandage Day that BCH have named
him a big bandage charity champion,
but he still needs to raise the money!
(Cash donations can go to the finance
office.) Further information can be
found here -
uk/?q=bigbandage community school
35 Sixth Fomer wins
You’re Hired! competition students awarded at May
Year 12 student Kieran
Marley has been named
the ‘Most Employable 17
year old in Plymouth’ after
winning the city’s ‘You’re
Hired!’ competition.
Kieran had already been
named ‘Best Future
Design Engineer’, going
on to claim the award for
‘Most Employable’.
students have entered
the competition and
finished as category
winners in the past, 2016
marks the first year that
the school has had a
winner claim the top prize and be named the most employable in the area. student Jack Phelan was awarded at the May Fair as the Young
Citizen of the Year for Saltash, for his inspirational work highlighting areas of
safety concerns in the local community.
Kieran worked with a group of students from other schools, making a
physical product (vibrating insoles for navigating for Blind & Visually
Impaired People) and a non-physical product (a website), and participate in
a ‘purchasing challenge’.
Jack, who is in Year 9, is currently trying to raise £3,000 to install a public
access iPAD SP1 Defibrillator in Saltash, to be located outside the fire station.
So far Jack has raised £968, part of which came from a Christmas raffle that
Jack and other students arranged at
Kieran then had to present in front of a large audience in a lecture theatre
and take a grilling from a Dragons’ Den style panel.
Jack is a Fire Cadet at Saltash with Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service and uses
his Twitter account to raise awareness and campaign for community safety.
After accepting his award, Kieran said:
The May Fair’s opening event also saw the Mayor’s Best Performance Cup for
2015-16 be awarded to the amazing cast and crew of’s ‘Annie’.
Mollie WIllis (Year 8) and Molly Banks (Year 10) received the cup on behalf of
the school.
“It was great to work with lots of new people, which helped to improve my
problem solving skills, my ability to speak in front of a large audience of
strangers, and to think on my feet. I’m really pleased to have won and I am
hoping to follow a career in Medicine!”
Huge congratulations to Kieran on this great news.
36 community school
Saltash Mayor, Bill Phillips, was on hand to honour Jack at the opening event
in Longstone Park. was also present at the May Fair, with a stall outside Bradleys on
Fore Street. community school
Gables Farm visits
efforts in February
for Gables Farm
Dogs and Cats
home, on 27th
April the school
was visited by
Gables Farm staff
member, Carrie,
and rescue dog
Cheese, to receive
the cheque worth
Students Isabelle
Knight-Foster and Faith Rogers were present to hand over the cheque,
having organised and helped with the fundraising effort.
On Friday 12th February, the school held a non-uniform day and a cake sale
and also asked for donations towards a collection of items to support the
care that Gables gives to its ‘rescued’ animals. Items donated included pet
food, treats, bedding and washing powder to help make the lives of the
abandoned or unwanted pets more comfortable and enjoyable.
Carrie expressed the gratitude of Gables and told students how much good
their fundraising efforts would do.
Cheese was very relaxed throughout the visit, and was happy to pose for
photos with a number of students and staff.
38 community school
Anti-bullying singer-songwriter visits received a visit on 27
April from former Britain’s Got
Talent contestant and singersongwriter, Lottee Brown, who
sang for students from Years 8 to
11. Lottee and her mum travel the
country, visiting schools and talking
about the impact bullying can have
on young people.
Lottee, who is just 15 and raises money for charity, sang her own song,
‘Stronger’, and reduced members of the watching assembly to tears. Lottee
and her mum hailed the work done by anti-bullying charity Bullying UK, and
Lottee later tweeted that was the best school she has visited on
the tour!
Charities update
Shelter Box
Macmillan Cancer Care
Breast Cancer Care
Children In Need
Water Aid
Cancer Research
Text Santa
Donation to Saltash town defibrillator
The Laura Crane Youth Cancer Trust
The Kambeng Trust
William In Uganda
Tanya Courage Trust
NSPCC Numbers Day
Gables Cats and Dogs Home
Sport Relief
Ocean City Powerchair Football
Haematology Ward at Derriford Hospital "Birch Day Case"
Help For Heroes
World Haemophilia Day
Amount Paid
We continue to instil our
core values of Respect,
Compassion, Honesty,
Fairness, Responsibility
and Perseverance within
our school community.
Students nominate charities
close to their hearts to raise
monies by way of a variety
of fundraising methods,
including non-uniform
days and bake sales. This
year alone we have raised
in excess of £6,000, shared
between 22 different
charities. Thank you for your
continued support, it really
does make a difference! community school
Year 11s’ ‘official’ last day
Year 11s’ ‘official’ last day is a rite of passage anticipated with a range of
emotions by students and staff alike at community school. The
12th May marked the end of Year 11s’ time at the school (apart from exams
and an extensive revision programme!) and students were sent off in a way
they would remember for years to come.
The last day for Year 11s at isn’t like an ordinary leavers’ day. All
members of Year 11 come in fancy dress, and instead of the usual sadness
that accompanies a last day, there is a party atmosphere.
With outfits ranging from zombies and superheroes to Donald Trump and
cheerleaders, students in fancy dress were treated to a buffet lunch in the
gym, with students choosing the accompanying music.
Each student received an autograph book to record good luck wishes, and
many spent the day getting friends and teachers to sign.
After lunch, a farewell assembly was held, with awards handed out by each
of the year’s tutors and a number of musical performances.
Shannon Paris, Aeryn Sedgwick, and the duos of Hollie Kiely and Catherine
Williams and Lucy Kevern and Tiegan Aire, performed in front of their peers,
bringing many to tears. All of the performers were surrounded by friends
after they had finished, and there were a number of standing ovations.
Following the performances, Mrs Bryce commended the class of 2016,
praising all they had accomplished at the school and wishing them the best
for the summer and their futures beyond it.
Although a day of farewells, the year group will be coming together again
for their prom which will be held at Boringdon Park Golf Club on the 1st July,
and many will also be returning to study for A Levels in the 6th Form with
Induction Days taking place at the end of June.
40 community school community school
Year 11 Prom
Students from the Class of 2016 at community school certainly
dressed ‘a million dollars’ for the occasion of their end of Year 11 Prom which
was held at Boringdon Golf and Country Club on Friday 1st July. The Prom
was one of the biggest the school has hosted, with 215 out of the 230 strong
year group attending the memorable and enjoyable event.
A huge variety of transport was selected by the students to make their grand
entrance and enjoy their red carpet moment, from open top buses, vintage
cars, motorbikes and rickshaws to state of the art Rolls Royces and Ferraris.
Nothing, however, could top the jaw dropping moment that a helicopter flew
over and landed on the 27th Green!
The helicopter arrival had been organised by Tony Manning of Castle Air,
Liskeard, as a very special treat for student, Charlotte Barriball, and two of her
friends. Charlotte was diagnosed with cancer just after her fifteenth birthday
and she is now in the maintenance stage of her two year treatment.
Despite undergoing major treatment for the lymphoblastic lymphoma
cancer she has battled with, Charlotte still managed to undertake most of her
GCSE examinations this summer, so if anyone deserved to arrive in style for
their Prom, it was her!
After the excitement of the arrivals, the students sat down to a delicious two
course meal in the beautifully decorated venue before it was time for some
official Prom photos and a chance to dance the night away.
Mrs Bryce, said, ‘This was a truly wonderful Prom and it was lovely to receive
such positive feedback from the staff at Boringdon about our students’
impeccable behaviour - the young people were a credit to the school and
their families. Special thanks go to Mrs Sloggett, Mrs Snowdon and Mrs
Welsh, three of our amazing support staff, without whom the Prom would
not happen.’
Head of Year, Mr Dave Stokes, added: ‘I am very proud of all our students in
Year 11. They have worked hard and deserved a special evening. We wish
them all good luck with future plans.’
42 community school community school
Year 10 RE Visit to the Ashoka
Buddhist Centre
New Head
Team 2016/17
Congratulations to:
Head students
Bronwen Hall
Rosie Thompson
Deputy head students
Rachel Price
Gabby Adams
Rachel Price, Gabby Adams, Rosie Thompson, Bronwen Hall
We would like to thank Paul Gerry, Georgina Curtis, Hannah Paul and Ellen
Hambly for their time and support this year as current head students and
look forward to working with the new team next year.
World Challenge update
A big thanks to Waitrose
Saltash for their help
with the fundraising that
will allow our students
to participate in this
amazing expedition. The
World Challenge team
were delighted to accept
a cheque of £381 from
Waitrose, donated through
the Community Matters
scheme. Most of the team
are pictured here accepting
the cheque.
The team raised £110 by selling cakes during the England v Wales game in
the main hall in June. They also held a quiz at The Ploughboy pub at the
end of June, which raised over £1000! The quiz was accompanied by an
auction, a raffle, a buffet and live music, and a good time was had by all in
44 community school
After spending Friday 1st July
in the lecture theatre with a
lizard, two large snails, three
cockroaches and a bird-eating
spider, Miss Sayer was rather
relieved to be heading to a
Buddhist Centre with year 10
after school! The bugs had been
the theme of the latest year 5
Induction Day and proved a
more than suitable contrast.
As part of their GCSE Religious Studies programme, our students learn about
the beliefs and teachings of both Buddhism and Christianity. Having recently
forged links with the Ashoka Centre in Plymouth, the RE department offered
our current year 10 classes the opportunity to visit a Buddhist place for
worship as well as the chance to meet with a practising member of the faith.
Mrs Gomer, Teacher in Charge of the Trematon Zone (ARB) joined us, along
with Year 10 student Megan Slocombe. This year, lessons in the Trematon
Zone have had British Values/’What Makes us British?’ focus and therefore this
trip acted as a perfect accompaniment.
Arriving in good time, we were warmly met by the centre’s host Ian
Kavanagh. We were asked to remove our shoes before heading into the
meditation room where upon we sat and listened to Ian explain the
importance for Buddhists of stopping in their daily routine to sit still and
empty out all thoughts. Several students commented that after a week of
mock GCSE exams, this was a welcome message!
Ian explained the items on the shrine and was happy to answer some of
the thoughtful questions posed by our students, including whether or not
all Buddhists must be vegetarian (in short, no. The Buddha advised that we
avoid harming living beings, but that in certain countries/regions, meat is a
necessity to survive).
After our talk, we visited the World Peace Café (adjacent to the shrine room
and open to the public) and purchased postcards, books and tasty treats at
the gift shop.
Special thanks go to Mrs Gomer for driving the school mini bus and
to our students for their brilliant behaviour and for representing community school so well. community school
Happy Birthday, Your Majesty!
With the Union
Jack flying proudly
outside the school,
students and staff at did their
bit to help celebrate
Queen Elizabeth II’s
90th birthday.
patriotic cakes and
biscuits were on
sale at breaktime
in the canteen and
the Trematon Zone
students organised
their own special birthday party for the afternoon of Thursday April 21st.
In addition, students are being encouraged to participate in the Radio Times’
competition to design a birthday card for our monarch as the winning design
will be appearing on the front page of a future edition of the magazine.
Students can download further details from the App store.’s sciencetastic Bake Off
The Great Science Bake Off
was held on Friday 24th
June to raise money for
Cancer Research. Many
amazing science themed
cakes were entered into
the competition which
were judged at break
time, including periodic
table inspired cup-cakes
and an awesome science
experiment cake.
It was a very difficult
decision to decide on a winner! In the end, third place went to Libby Oakes
in 7RB with her brilliant Solar System cake. Second place was taken by Lucy
Rice, also in 7RB, with her DNA bake.
First place went to Amy Kowalski in 7SM for her NASA rocket cake. Well done
to everyone who entered and also to my tutor group for helping to sell the
cakes at lunchtime. In total, £65.52 was raised for Cancer Research.
Over the year, 7SM have also been doing other fundraising activities for
Cancer Research including sponsored silences, kayaking and running.
Miss Smedley, Teacher of Science
SAVE THIS DATE’s whole school production
Tuesday 29th November to Friday 2nd
December 2016
Tickets on sale next term
46 community school community school
London Calling
Homework club logo
Recently, held a competition to design the official Homework
Club logo. Three designs were particularly good, and elements of each were
used by Mrs Moss to create the Homework Club logo.
Congratulations to Ben Summerfield, Amber Olver and Declan Ashton who
had their designs used and a big thank you to all who entered!
We liked this font and
thought it would be great
for our logo as it is bold
and clear, well done Ben!
Despite’s geographical distance from London, opportunities
for students and staff to visit the nation’s capital are frequent. Recent
enrichment activities have included all of Year 10 undertaking a Theme Day
journey in March either to the Tate Modern and Tate Britain or to the Natural
History and Science museums in Kensington.
We liked the way the words Homework Club formed
a border, keeping everything
together inside — well done Amber!
We especially liked the
drawing of the table and
chairs in the homework club
as this represents what the
homework club is about—
students sitting together,
having fun but learning at
the same time—perfect!
Well done Declan!
During the month of April Head of PE, Mr Rob Hawkins, and teacher of PE,
Mr Dan Budd also travelled to London with a group of forty five gifted and
talented students from across years 10 to 12. The purpose of their visit was
to see first-hand the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Blessed with good
weather, the students spent the day exploring the Velodrome, Copper Box
arena, stadium and Aquatic centre. Led by London’s Blue Badge Guides,
the highlight of the tour was a trip to the top of the ArcelorMittal Orbit, the
largest sculpture in the UK with a height of 115 metres.
Speaking after the visit, Mr Budd, said: “As well as an enrichment opportunity
for some of our most able students, this trip will benefit the studies of our
GCSE and AS Level students. I’m sure for everyone involved it will have
been a day to remember – the views from the top of the Orbit really were
Mr Budd returned to London at the end of April to run in the Marathon, the
ninth time he has competed in such an event. Mr Budd was raising money
for the Brain Tumour charity through his involvement in the event.
48 community school
Using our favourite bits of the
logos above, Mrs Moss came up
with this logo
The middle represents the table
and chairs in the homework club
and the different colours show
that everyone is welcome and
treated as an individual.
We hope you like it... community school
Staff Leavers
Mrs Wadsworth
When I came to for my interview in 2002, the first
thing that struck me, as I drove into the lane from Wearde
Road, was that amazing view across the river to Plymouth.
Why wouldn’t anyone want to teach here, I thought.
I haven’t been disappointed. I have had the pleasure of
working with some amazing young people who I have,
hopefully, helped with their careers pathways & their resilience
to deal with all that life throws at them.
It’s sad that my final half term has been touched by illness but I have had 14 great
years here and 32 years in teaching. I can’t complain. Retirement beckons, as does
Australia, New Zealand & Hawaii. I can’t wait.
Miss Dunkey isn’t the kind of school one leaves easily, let alone
twice. I have had the most immense journey here and take
with me brilliant memories that will probably make me weep a
little when I start at my new school and discover that nobody
talks about pasties in assembles, or Hi-5s in the corridor. I’d like
to thank all the staff and students who have been the smiling
faces in my days over the past six years for the fun, support,
wit, banter and time we have shared. Good luck to my beautiful tutor group as
you enter your final year: you’ve made me so proud. I’m leaving to start a new
chapter, but in the words of A.A.Milne: “How lucky I am to have something that
makes saying goodbye so hard.”
Take care of each other x Miss Dunkey.
Miss Alders
Somehow, I managed to make a two month temping job
last for five years. I got my foot in the door down in DT and
ended up in IT Support. There was even a little bit of Music
and Drama support along the way too.
The last five years have been an incredible journey and
have prepared me well for university next year.
Thank you to everyone for all the help and inspiration you have given me
throughout my time here.
I hope my next five years are just as successful!
See you around x
50 community school
Mr Magnusson
Thank you all so much for all the fond memories!
A massive thank you must go out to all the teachers, students
and support staff here at Community School. I have
had an incredible six years at this school. I can honestly say that I
never thought I would leave
However the opportunity to work in Gran Canaria and to be closer to my family
has sadly drawn me away from this wonderful school. I will never forget this
place and the fabulous people in it. I wish you all the very best for the future!
Thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to be a part of
and the amazing science department.
I will miss you ALL very much and I will hopefully see you all again in the future
Mr Johnson
It has been an amazing experience working a
Community School. My time at the school has been nothing
short of magic. I wish all my students the best, and good luck
for the future. I know they will be fantastic in their endeavours.
I’d also like to thank all the staff members at Saltash, for their
support and kind words, they have truly shaped my experience at the school.
As they say “To one’s past let us not forget, to one’s future have no regrets!” x
Mr Stirrup
Thank you all so much for welcoming me into your school.
I’ve had an amazing year here moving from a secondary
school on the North Coast, where I taught for six years, to on the South Coast. The sun shines just as much,
the views are just as stunning and the pupils are just as
incredible. Cornwall is a really special place and you are lucky
to live here, or travel here from Devon every day.
My overriding memories of will be the enthusiasm you all threw
into Sports Day, the creativity you demonstrated on World Book Day and my
super, amazing S.T.O.R.Y group. You have filled me with countless memories
and given me countless moments to smile.
Thank you for having me.
We also wish goodbye to:
Mr. Reith, Head of ICT
Miss Smedley, Science teacher
Miss Morgan, Teaching Assistant
Mrs Moorhouse, Supply Teacher
Miss Marment, Teaching Assistant community school
Important Dates
Wednesday 20th July 2016
Wednesday 7th September 2016
Last day of Summer Term
(Early closure at 12.30pm)
Year 7 and 6th Form only return to school
Thursday 8th September 2016
All students return to school
Monday 12th September 2016
Year 12 Parents’ Information Evening
Wednesday 5th and Thurs 6th October 2016
Year 5/6 Open Evening
(Early closure at 1.20pm on Wed 5th Oct)
Tuesday 11th October 2016
Theme Day 1
Thursday 13th October 2016
Year 7 Bring Your Grown Up To School
Thursday 20th October 2016
Monday 24th - Friday 28th October 2016
Monday 31st October 2016
Thursday 3rd November 2016
Wednesday 9th November 2016
Wednesday 16th November 2016
Thursday 17th November 2016
Wednesday 23rd November 2016
Year 7 and 12 Parents’ Surgery
Autumn Half Term Holiday
Autumn Term, second half commences
Year 10 Parents’ Information Evening
6th Form Open Evening
Progress Tracker Parents’ Information Evening
Year 11 Presentation Evening
Year 12 and 13 Parents’ Surgery
Tues 29th Nov - Fri 2nd Dec2016
Whole school production - Billy Elliot
Wednesday 7th December 2016
Year 11 Parents’ Surgery
Thursday 15th December 2016
6th Form Presentation Evening
Friday 16th December 2016
Year 7 Carol Concert
Friday 16th December 2016
Last day of Autumn Term
(Early closure at 1.20pm) community school
Wearde Road,
PL12 4AY
Tel: 01752 843715
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Twitter: @praisesaltash
Facebook: Multi Academy Regional Trust
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