Summer Term - Knollmead Primary School

Knollmead Primary School
Curriculum Overview Year 1 – Summer Term
History, Art
and DT
Summer 1
Summer 2
The Scented Garden
Towers, Tunnels and Turrets
Visit a garden centre or florist’s shop to look at and ask
questions about different plants and flowers.
The children will create a detailed observational drawing
of scented flowers
A-Use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and
share ideas, experiences and imagination.
The children will find out about plants and flowers that
grow in a contrasting location such as the Brazilian
G- Understand geographical similarities and differences
through studying the human and physical geography of a
small area of the UK and a small area in a contrasting
non-European country.
The children will design and create a giant leaves and
flower heads of the rainforest
A-Use a range of materials creatively to design and make
The children will create floral collages using appropriate
A-Learn about the work of a range of artists, craft
makers and designers, describing the differences and
similarities between different practices and disciplines.
Create castle role play in hall for children to explore and
role play in. Take part in different activities to do with
the life of a castle over the course of a morning.
The children will sort images of castles from the oldest
to the newest
H -Learn about events beyond living memory that are
significant nationally or globally.
The children design, build and evaluate a model castle
using construction and recycled material
DT – Select from and use a wide range of materials,
including construction materials, textiles and ingredients,
according to their characteristics.
DT - Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of
everyday materials, including wood, metal and plastic.
Take a walk around the local community to locate any high
points, including towers, chimneys and other tall
structures. Make a simple sketch map or plan about what
they have seen and where they have seen it.
G - Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study
the geography of their school and its grounds and the key
human and physical features of its surrounding
Create outdoor tunnels using natural materials
The children will draw simple maps and plans of a walk
round the school grounds
G – Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study
the geography of the school and its ground.
The children will create scented playdough
DT- Select from and use a wide range of materials and
components according to their characteristics.
Design and create maps and plans for a fantasy garden
DT- Design purposeful, functional, appealing products for
themselves and others based on design criteria.
DT – Build structures, exploring how they can be made
stronger, stiffer and more stable.
Construct a bridge and think of ways to improve it
DT – Build structures, exploring how they can be made
stronger, stiffer and more stable.
Name and locate the world’s continents and oceans on a
world map or globe
G – Use world maps, atlases and globes to identify the UK
and its countries, as well as the countries, continents and
oceans of the world.
Examine and describe world famous tunnels
G – Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key
human features.
Describe and compare bridges in the local area
G – Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key
human features.
The children will imagine they have visited a famous
structure from around the world and are writing a
postcard home
G – Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key
human features.
Research and discuss the significant individual Isambard
Kingdom Brunel and his structures
H – Learn about the lives of significant individuals in the
past who have contributed to national and international
Create a presentation about what they have learnt and
their fantasy gardens to show parents.
 Write a recount about the trip to the garden
Invite parents in for a morning to make a biscuit bridge
with the children using different types of biscuit.
 Recount of the castle role play morning
 Rapunzel reported speech and narrative
punctuation and
“Did you know” fact file about plants and flowers.
Favourite flower non-chronological report.
Writing instructions to plant bulbs/seeds
Beanstalk adventure narrative
Writing plant information booklet
Book Focus- Anthony Browne’s “The Tunnel”
Writing a letter of complaint
Creating a castle poster
 Pronouns
Exclamation marks
 And to join clauses
Full stops
 Suffixes
Capital Letters
 Prefixes
Question Marks
 Alphabetical Order
Number: Four Operations
Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards,
 Count in multiples of twos, fives and tens.
beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number.
 Solve one step problems involving multiplication and
 Count, read and write numbers from 1-100 in
division, by calculating the answer using concrete
numerals and words.
objects, pictorial representations and arrays with
 Identify and represent numbers using objects and
the support of the teacher.
pictorial representations including the number line, Measurement: Money
and use the language of: equal to, more than, less
 Recognise and know the value of different
than, most, least.
denominations of coins and notes.
 Given a number, identify one more and one less.
 Solve one step problems that involve addition and
Number: Four Operations
subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial
 Represent and use number bonds and related
representations, and missing number problems.
subtraction facts within 20.
Measurement: Weight and Volume
 Add and subtract one digit and two digit numbers
 Compare, describe and solve practical problems for
to 20, including 0.
mass/weight [for example, heavy/light, heavier
 Read, write and interpret mathematical statements
than, lighter than]; capacity and volume [for
involving addition (+) subtraction (-) and equals (=)
example, full/empty, more than, less than, half,
half full, quarter]
 Measure and begin to record mass/weight, capacity
and volume.
Solve one step problems that involve addition and
subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial
representations, and missing number problems.
Plant Detectives
 Identify, name and describe some familiar garden
plants in the local environment.
 Identify, name, describe and compare a variety of
familiar wild plants in the local environment.
 Describe similarities and differences between
 Make observations of roots on different kinds of
 Identify different trees in the local area and
compare them.
 Talk about passwords and why they need to be
kept private
Music and sound
 Use ICT to listen to and talk about sounds; create
simple sound sequences; record and playback voice
on different devices
Multimedia and word processing
 Combine text, images and possibly other features
to create a printable document.
Digital Video
 Use a digital camera and iPad to record images of
plants and flowers in the garden.
Handling data
The apprentice gardener
 Make observations of seeds by observing closely
using simple equipment.
 Find out and describe how plants need water, light
and a suitable temperature to grow and stay
 Observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow
into mature plants. Perform simple tests and
record data.
 Describe the different stages of germination.
 Identify what plants need for healthy growth.
 Discuss whether plants need water, soil and light
to grow.
 Discuss e-safety in terms of the school acceptable
use policy.
 Take virtual tours of castles online to look at key
Digital Video
 Use a digital camera and iPad to record images of
retelling the story of Rapunzel.
Multimedia and word processing
 Combine text and images to create a castle fact
 Draw a castle using suitable drawing software and
label the different features.
Collect information about children’s favourite
flowers and plants. Use a pictogram to represent
the information and answer simple questions about
A special place in our community & harvest/creation
Multi-skills – Participate in team games, developing simple
tactics for attacking and defending
Islam, Ramadan and Eid