Broadway Blast - Broadway Presbyterian Church

September 11, 2014
Vol. I, Issue 32
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the Way
with Broadway
“I am the WAY the truth and the life.” (Jn. 14:6)
Put back together...
ZECHAR. It is one of the most significant and frequently used Hebrew verbs in the Old
Testament. It means to remember. At the Passover meal when Jesus instituted the Last Supper, he
also likely used this similar (Aramaic) word to implore his disciples to remember Him. Remembering
is so important because we are prone to forget. The past is done and we get focused on the now
and on the future. We forget what God has done when we wonder what God is doing. But God’s
lesson is that remembering is crucial. Remembering helps instruct and enhance the present and the
future. Without remembering, we tend to make the same mistakes over and over.
As this nation enters a troubling new phase in the Middle East, and on this the 13th anniversary
of the 9/11 attacks, it is important to pause and remember. I took some time today to remember
those we lost that day, to pray for their families who still grieve, and to especially remember those
who, in their moment of absolute despair, chose to jump from the towers. I
Sunday Worship
remember Jonathan Briley (The Falling Man) and those who poignantly held
hands before they jumped. I thank God that those precious souls had
September 14
another’s hand to grasp as they faced such terror.
In English, remember means literally to put body parts back together, or to
9 a.m. & 11 a.m.
stitch back together the various members of the body. The word membrane
comes from the same root. Today, and always, let us put back together our
“Pleasant, Bitter,
memories of 9/11 so that we do not forget the suffering of that day and the
threats to freedom that remain. Let us also put back together our memories of
Pastor Rob Hughes
what God has done in our lives so that we can be joyful, even today, and
encouraged by what God can do in the future.
Ruth 1:8-9, 14-16
————————————————(click link above to
I was right to feel “stoked” in worship last Sunday. First service was
read this passage)
extraordinary with Noah, Debbie, Sarah and the band leading the music. It
was the largest 9am crowd since 2007, and for good reason. It was a special
morning! Make sure to stay ALL IN and keep the momentum going. (And if you can attend both
services, please do. Recall Green Eggs and Ham. You may be surprised how much you like it.)
Second service was also very special! Mark and Katie played a superb piece, the choir’s two
numbers were wonderful, and our guest viola player added a very nice touch.
BE ALL IN—in worship, in service, in everyday life. Onward!
See you Sunday!
Pastor Rob
Broadway Blast is a weekly publication of Broadway Presbyterian Church
209 West Broadway Blvd., Sedalia, MO 65301 - www.ExploreTheWay.ORG
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Special Thanks to Our Musicians!
Last Sunday (for those who couldn’t make it), our
Summerset on Broadway, An Afternoon Musicale, was
great, and well attended! We extend heartfelt thanks to
each of our musicians, for director Deborah Mitchell, to
the women who provided the reception, and to everyone
who enthusiastically attended.
To the Church Triumphant—In Memoriam:
Mary Jane Allison (Mrs. Ben) Mahoney
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Our newly launched YOUTH GROUP, sometimes known as The Edge, with Jeremy and
Becky Brownfield, is up and running! Three meetings in: first a BBQ party and scavenger hunt,
then ice buckets and the armor of God, and then a screening of “God’s Not Dead”! So great to
be in conversation with so many super teens along with Chris Robinson, Kathy Hiatt, and
Chris Hughes and Pastor Rob. Help us spread the word. All teens are welcome!
Jeremy gets ice bucketed
Skyler in an epic and artistic miss
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Wednesday Night Dinners
Come join us for conversation and good food—
we circle for prayer promptly at 5:30 p.m. in
Fellowship Hall. The meal, including a salad bar
that rivals any found in the area, is an affordable
price (donation). Your reservation by Tuesday
noon lets us know how many to prepare for.
Invite a friend or two to join you.
Meals on Wheels
will be delivered by Broadway volunteers
Monday through Friday, September 22-26.
Please let Judy Dalton know this week
you will help!
W.O.W. (Women of the Word)
All women are invited to join this enthusiastic group of
seekers! Fall study continues on Thursdays, 6:30-8:00, at
the Wiley's. The 12-week Women of Faith study guide, His
Healing Hands: Finding God in Broken Places is being
used. No experience necessary! For additional information,
call Betsy Wiley.