Tucker Valley Elementary Middle School

Tucker Valley Elementary
Middle School
Student – Parent
Welcome to the 2013 - 2014 school year! We are excited for a
wonderful and educational year for all our students at Tucker
Valley Elementary Middle School. Our staff has been working
hard to prepare for the new school year and is dedicated to
meeting the needs of all our students at Tucker Valley. This year
we will be continuing to emphasize the writing process while
exploring the new Core Standards being adopted by the state
of West Virginia.
Parent involvement is a very important part of your child’s
educational process. We encourage you to get involved! Take
the time to work with your child at home and show them that
education is important to you. There are many opportunities for
you to volunteer and get involved with our school.
Tucker Valley’s website for the 2013-14 school year has a direct
login to Engrade where parents and students can check grades
as well as keep up with important school information. Please
use the site to keep updated on the events and activities
happening at Tucker Valley. www.tuckervalleyschool.com
This handbook is designed to give parents and students an
overview of school policies and procedures. It is based on West
Virginia State Code, West Virginia Department of Education
Policies, and Tucker County Board of Education Policies. School
policies are also included. Individuals should refer to these
sources for additional information. Any questions concerning
the contents of the handbook should be directed to the school
We are looking forward to a wonderful and productive year at
Tucker Valley. We are excited to take on the challenges and
celebrate the accomplishments our students will achieve.
Welcome back!
Tucker Valley Elementary Middle School
Administrative Staff
Asst. Principal
Teresa Brusak
Teacher Name
Ronda Adkins
School Counselor
Jim Ambrose
Physical Education
Teresa Betler
Reading/Language Arts
Darren Burnside
Social Studies
Michael Consla
Kellie Crosten
Title I
110 A
Kathy Dibacco
County School Nurse
Christina Dotson
Kimberly Falls
Second Grade
Michele Felton
Reading/Language Arts
Kellie Flynn
First Grade
Karen Gilligan
Cindy Goughnour
Fourth Grade
Crystal Hardy
Tracy Harlan
Title 1
Susan Heckler
Second Grade
Jeff Helmick
Special Education
Vickie Herron
First Grade
Pamela Hoskins
Angie Humphrey
Reading/Language Arts
Carolyn Jones
Social Studies/Science
Bob Jones
Social Studies/Science
Sara Kovach
Third Grade
Amber Kyle
Dale Lansberry
Heather Lantz
Rob Markely
Special Education
Rob Masten
Jan Michael
Kim McCrum
Title I
Amy Moore
Technology Integration Specialist
Debbie Moore
First Grade
Michelle Mullenax
Third Grade
Angie Nestor
Fourth Grade
Eileen Poling
Special Education Gifted
Louise Skonier
Special Education
Lib. Office
Tech Office
Lisa Smith
Special Education
Sherri Smith
Donna Stout
Second Grade
Kelly Underwood
Reading/Language Arts
Christina Ward
Fourth Grade
Melinda Waybright
Jay Wilfong
Support Staff
Evelyn Cassidy
Jane Leard
Mike Cassidy
Sandy Kresge
Sharon Lambert
Peggy Evans
Sharon Eye
Robbie Bennett
Carolyn Gray – HC
Ruby Miller
Kindergarten Aides
Trina Carr
Commonia Channels
Margaret Harper
Special Ed Aides
Donna Bolinger
Carol Pennington
Preschool Aides
Teresa Evans
Barb Miller
Renee Nestor
Bonnie White
Table of Contents 2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR
Appearance & Attire ..................................................................................................... 13
Athletic Eligibility ............................................................................................................. 15
Attendance .................................................................................................................... 10
Bell Schedules ................................................................................................................... 6
Calendar .......................................................................................................................... 7
Emergency/Fire Drills ...................................................................................................... 13
Food Service ................................................................................................................... 14
Grade Scale ................................................................................................................... 15
Honor Roll......................................................................................................................... 19
Inclement Weather ........................................................................................................ 16
Insurance ......................................................................................................................... 17
Lockers ............................................................................................................................. 17
Make-Up Work ................................................................................................................ 17
Mission of TVEMS ............................................................................................................... 5
Parent Conferences ...................................................................................................... 18
Photo/video Media Release ........................................................................................ 28
Prohibited Articles .......................................................................................................... 19
Staff .................................................................................................................................... 2
Student Code of Conduct............................................................................................ 20
Student Directory Information ...................................................................................... 13
Visitors ............................................................................................................................... 24
Welcome ........................................................................................................................... 1
“Tucker Valley
Where It’s All About Kids”
1) To increase student achievement for all students.
2) To encourage positive and productive parent
3) To demonstrate pride and respect.
4) To provide necessary instruction to enable all
students to use available technology.
5) To implement Title I programmatic requirements.
Tucker Valley Vision
In partnership with parents, community members, all
other school employees, the Tucker County Board of
Education and our students, Tucker Valley Elementary
Middle School will provide an education that has value
and meaning, where all students will learn and
achievement is stressed and rewarded. All students will
develop skills that will enable them to make responsible
choices and become productive members of our
6-8 Grade Schedule
1st period and homeroom
Breakfast after 1st
2 period
3rd Period
4th Period
5th Period
6 period
7th period
8th period
Bus Room
5th Grade Schedule
1st period
Breakfast after 1st
2nd period
3rd Period
4th Period
6th period
7th period
8th period
Bus Room
Elementary Schedules
Elementary sets their own classroom schedules based on their daily
Homeroom/Start of the day
Elementary Breakfast after 1st
Lunch 3rd and 4th
Lunch Kindergarten
Lunch 1st and 2nd
Lunch 5th
Lunch Middle School
Walkers Dismissal/Bus Room
Tucker County School Calendar
August 19
August 22
September 2
October 24
October 28
November 1
November 11
November 25-29
December 20
December 23-31
January 1
January 15
January 20
January 24
February 17
March 7
March 14
March 25
March 24
March 31
April 2
April 7
April 18
April 21-25
April 28
May 5
May 13
June 10
June 11
June 13
First Day for Staff
First Day for Students
Holiday, Labor Day – No School
End of First Grading Period
ISE-Instructional Support and Enhancement*
Report Cards Issued
Holiday, Veterans Day – No School
Holiday, Thanksgiving Break – No School
ISE-Instructional Support and Enhancement*
Holiday, Christmas Break – No School
Holiday, New Year Holiday – No School
End of Second Grading Period
Holiday, Martin Luther King Day – No School
Report Cards Issued
ISE- Instructional Support and Enhancement*
OSE Day – No School **
OSE Day – No School **
End of Third Grading Period
OS Day – No School **
OS Day – No School **
Report Cards Issued
ISE-Instructional Support and Enhancement
CE – No School
Spring Break – No School
ISE Day – No School **
OSE Day – No School **
E – Election Day No School**
Last Day for Students
ISE-Instructional Support and Enhancement*
Prep for Closing School-Last Day for Teachers
*ISE days—No buses will run
**These days may be used as make up snow days
Visit www.tuckercountyschools.com for current calendar or visit your school site for school
School Mascot – Wildcat
School Colors – Red, Black, Silver
School Song
Hail, Tucker Valley Wildcats
Hail, We Are Mighty Wildcats,
Hail, Hail, To Victory
When Put to the Test
Hail, Tucker Valley Wildcats
Hail, We Are Mighty Wildcats,
Hail, Hail, To Victory
The Leaders and the Best
Students will stand during the fight song to show school spirit.
Tucker Valley Elementary Middle School has launched an exciting, new program
called Schoolstore.com. Schoolstore.com is an online shopping mall with over 200
participating merchants including stores such as Cabela’s, Sears, Target, Wal-Mart,
Toys R us, East Bay, Family Book Store and more. When Tucker Valley family, friends
and community members make everyday purchases online, the school earns
It is simple, anytime a supporter purchases something through a participating
merchant (after easily logging in through the schoolstore.com website to make
purchases), TVEMS automatically receives a percentage of the purchase price. The
program is simple and just takes a few easy clicks.
A tremendous advantage of this program is that it doesn’t require buying anything
that people don’t already normally buy. It’s just one little extra stop at the
schoolstore.com site. You still get every discount from the participating store like you
would if you went to them directly but by clicking on schoolstore.com first our school
gets cash. We are not asking for you to buy anything or donate anything from the
store but we are asking that you take the extra time to click through schoolstore.com
on your way to do your online shopping.
The link to schoolstore.com is www.schoolstore.com. You will need to put in our
school, Tucker Valley, in the box when prompted for school name.
School Hours
Tucker Valley School will start classes at 8:05 and end at 3:15. Please make sure your
child is at school and ready to start the day on time each day. It is imperative for
students to be present to receive a good education.
General School Information
Alcoholic Beverages/Drugs
Students shall not use, be under the influence, possess, or sell alcoholic beverages or
other materials banned by policy or law while on school grounds or at any school
related activity.
Assignment Books
Assignment books are provided for each student in grades K-2 at the beginning of
the school year. These are to be used to record class activities and assigned work
and to serve as a communication tool between the teachers, students and parents.
Assignment books should be checked daily/regularly by parents. If an assignment
book is lost or damaged beyond use there are usually a few extras in the office that
may be purchased for $5.00.
Assignment folders are being provided to each student in grades 3-8 at the
beginning of the school year. There is a slot on the back of the folder for a weekly
assignment sheet. Students are responsible for recording class activities and assigned
work on this assignment sheet. Please use this tool as a discussion point with your
child about daily assignments and as a communication tool between yourself and
your child’s teacher. If an assignment folder is lost or damaged beyond use there are
usually a few extras in the office that may be purchased for $1.00.
Assemblies that have educational value are periodically scheduled throughout the
school year. Students are expected to be courteous and respectful of all presenters
and failure to do so may result in a suspension from all such presentations and/or other
disciplinary action. Parents are requested to model performance behavior at all
Tucker Valley presentations.
Sixth, seventh and eighth grade students at Tucker Valley have the opportunity to
participate in boys football, cheerleading, girls and boys basketball, girls softball and
boys and girls track. Coaches will meet with interested students at the appropriate
times. Remember, students must hold a 2.0 grade point average (C average) to
eligible to participate.
All athletes must pass a physical examination prior to participating on athletic teams.
Costs involved for the physicals are the responsibility of the parents or guardians of
each athlete.
Athletic Events/Social Events
It is unacceptable to participate in any of the following actions while attending an
athletic event or social event at Tucker Valley.
Making noises, disrespectful remarks and refusal to remove hat during the
National Anthem.
Doing anything deemed derogatory toward the opposing team, coaches,
players, cheerleaders, and/or fans.
Participating in any fashion of intimidating gestures or cheers designed to
be unsportsmanlike in nature.
Participating in cheers using vulgarity or bringing unwanted attraction to
the school or team.
Unsportsmanlike gestures or chants focused on the officials.
Chanting opposing player’s names in repetition.
Use of signs must be approved by administration or athletic director.
Using profane language.
Ensuring that students attend school is necessary for meaningful instruction to
occur. Given the proven positive results of regular school attendance upon student
performance and growth, parents, with the support of the school, should insure the
daily school attendance of their children.
Compulsory school attendance covers a student from the time they enter school
until they graduate. Students 18 years of age or older shall be held responsible for
their own school attendance. Students are required to bring a written excuse to
school from their parents following an absence. Excuses must be turned in to the
school office within five school days of the absence. A written parent note for
student illness may not exceed three consecutive or five total absences per
semester. All out-of-school suspensions are unexcused absences. All absences
unexcused and excused are subject to the Make-up Work policy (listed below) in this
handbook. After students go beyond the maximum amount of absences permitted
in a semester they will be referred to the county truancy officer. Seven unexcused
partial day absences per semester will be referred to the county truancy officer.
The following are considered excused absences:
Illness or injury as verified by a doctor.
Medical or dental appointment.
Illness of student as verified by a parent, not to exceed five days per semester.
Calamity, such as fire, flood, or family emergency, as approved by the
E) Death in the family (mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent, aunt, uncle,
brother-in-law, sister-in-law, siblings children, a student’s child, or any person
living in the house).
F) Educational leave as pre-approved by school administration, with strict
guidelines of all paper work deadlines.
G) School approved activities.
H) Legal obligations.
Failure of the school bus to run.
J) Religious holiday.
*All school sponsored activities are not considered as an absence.
Partial Day Absences
Ensuring that students attend school is necessary for meaningful instruction to occur.
Given the proven positive results of regular school attendance upon student
performance and growth, parents should insure the daily school attendance of their
children. Your child needs to be in school during the entire instructional day on a
regular basis. Students arriving to school late or leaving early without acceptable
reasons will be addressed as a truancy problem by the school.
Bartering is defined as trading, exchanging, swapping, buying or selling, etc.
Students are not allowed to be involved in any form of bartering while on school
grounds or during any school related event.
Cheating is a violation of school rules and policies. A student is not to cheat, assist
others in cheating, plagiarize class assignments, or copying and pasting information
from the Internet without proper citation. Parents will be notified. The offense
warrants discipline actions to be made by the teacher and administrator(s).
Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement: Users will not plagiarize works that they find
on the Internet. Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting
them as if they were original to the user. Plagiarism will be dealt with by school
administrators and teachers. Plagiarism is a form of cheating and will be dealt with as
such. Students are expected to be honest and truthful.
Classroom Conduct
The classroom is the most important area in the school concerning learning. Any
behavior that disrupts the learning process is totally prohibited. Examples of
unacceptable classroom conduct are unauthorized talking, being out of your seat
without permission, disrespectfully addressing a teacher, making any type of noise
that would cause a disturbance, and the unauthorized use of any electronic device
such as but not limited to a cell phone or iPod. (Policy 2030)
Classroom Parties
Classroom parties will be scheduled throughout the year for special occasions or
holidays. The nutrition guidelines set forth by the State Board of Education must be
followed. The following policy, 4320, can be found at
All students at Tucker Valley are taught using the West Virginia Next Generation
Common Core Standards appropriate for the grade level to which the student is
assigned. There is a strong emphasis on reading and math with social studies,
science, the arts and physical education playing significant roles in each student’s
educational development. Student progress is assessed via tri-annual benchmark
exams and at the end of the school year with the WESTEST (grades 3-8). Results are
sent home when they become available.
The West Virginia Next Generation Standards can be viewed by going online.
Directory Information
Tucker County Schools will maintain records as directory information. This information
may be released at the discretion of the school without parental or student
permission. Some examples of the use of directory information include, but are not
limited to: publication of honor roll, school yearbooks, and programs for athletic
events, honors and/or awards, publicity pictures, video, school websites. As parents
you have the right to prevent the release of any of this information. If you agree to
have this information on your child included in the directory information, you need
do nothing. If you do not wish your child’s directory information to be released, you
must submit to the school a signed, written statement (on a separate sheet of paper)
within ten (10) days of the beginning of the school year.
If the school receives no written statement, the agreement for the child to be
included in the directory information will be assumed.
Flowers, balloons, etc. can be disruptive to the educational process. Deliveries will
be kept in the office until the end of the day.
Dress Code
Students have the privilege of selecting their own style of dress unless it disrupts the
educational process or endangers the health or safety of any person. Clothing
which exposes (by design, fabric or pattern) any portion of the body trunk from the
lower neck to mid-thigh is inappropriate for school. Skirts and shorts are to be
appropriate in length and shirts should not reveal tummies or cleavage. Additionally,
please consider the tightness of all items. Undergarments are to be completely
covered at all times. No bra straps are to be showing. Items advertising sex, drugs,
alcohol, or tobacco products are not permitted in school or at school functions.
Students may be asked to change clothes or add a cover-up if their clothing is
determined inappropriate. It will be at the discretion of the administration and staff
to determine what clothing is inappropriate based on expectations listed above.
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
In the event that an emergency situation occurs which requires Tucker Valley students
to be evacuated, they will be accompanied by their teachers to local churches until
they are dismissed or able to return to the school building. Identified evacuation
locations are:
Baptist Church
Catholic Church
If students are to be sent home parents will be notified by the same means as any
other unscheduled early dismissal.
Field Trips
Many Tucker Valley teachers choose to plan field trips during the school year. They
are not required to do so, and it is only at their discretion. Field trips are to be an
extension and enrichment activity related to a lesson on any of the West Virginia
Content Standards. Each child who participates in the field trip must have a signed
permission slip.
Students must follow the same rules and expectations that apply to the typical
school day. If a student chooses to break a school rule, the same consequences will
apply upon return. Remember, students are representatives of Tucker Valley School
when they are on a field trip.
Fighting includes any act of exerting physical force that may cause injury or abuse to
persons. Violence includes any act of exerting physical force that may cause
damage to property or person. It is prohibited for students to fight, threaten, or
provoke violence by gestures or works or to inflict or cause violence in any manner
while under school authority.
Students who are involved in a physical confrontation of any kind – before, during, or
after school on school property, or at any school function away from the school will
be given in-school suspension for the first offense. Parents will be notified. Additional
infractions of this nature will result in more serious consequences.
Fire Drills
Fire Drills are held periodically during the year to practice evacuating the building in
the case of emergency, in accordance with the School Laws of West Virginia. When
the alarm sounds, students should accompany their teacher to their designated
areas quickly and in an orderly fashion. Teachers will take roll to assure all students
are accounted for and return to the classroom in an orderly fashion when directed.
Purposely pulling a fire alarm is a federal offense and will be dealt with accordingly
under the Safe Schools Policy.
Food Service
Lunch and breakfast are served each day in the school cafeteria. This year we will be
implementing a state initiative called “Breakfast After First Period.” Students will have
the opportunity to eat breakfast from 7:45 am-8:00 am or have breakfast after first
period. Students may only eat one breakfast a day. Menus are sent home at the
beginning of the month and posted on our website. Meals are billed on monthly basis
from the Office of Nutrition at the County Board Office. If there is a question about
your bill, please contact the Board Office immediately at 304-478-2771, to discuss your
Applications for free and reduced price meals are mailed home or may be obtained
by contacting the Office of Nutrition. It is also available to fill out online. To qualify for
reduced priced meals you must complete the application every year. Students will
be considered full price status until a new application is filed and processed.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy, this
Institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint alleging discrimination, write USDA, Director,
Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or
call, toll free, (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or
have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay at (800) 8778339 or *800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and
Any fundraising done on the behalf of Tucker Valley Elementary Middle School or any
group that is associated with the school system, must be approved by the school and
county administration and adhere all fundraising rules and guidelines.
No student shall participate in or entice other students to participate in any form of
gambling while under the jurisdiction of the school.
Grades and Extracurricular Activities
Students who wish to participate in extracurricular activities must maintain a 2.0
average / C for the semester. The West Virginia Secondary Schools Athletic
Commission rules allow students to improve their grade during a nine-weeks grading
Grade Scale
TVEMS staff members use the grading scale adopted by the West Virginia Board of
Education. The grading scale for non-weighted grades is as follows:
Quality Points
93 - 100
85 - 92
75 – 84
65 – 74
0 – 64
Not enough evidence
to give a grade
Students are encouraged to visit with the school counselor for personal guidance
and for information on grades, study help and testing programs. Our school
counselor is available to discuss any home, school, or social concerns.
Inclement Weather
At times weather conditions or unforeseen events mandate a change in the regular
school schedule.
Tucker County will again be using School Messenger to
automatically contact parents via phone, email or text. Please make sure that your
contact information is current with the office. Radio and television announcements
will be broadcast on the following stations regarding school changes.
WVAQ FM Radio (102)
WFBY FM Radio (106.5)
WDNE AM Radio (1240)
WKMM FM Radio (96.7)
WFSP AM Radio (1560)
WFSP FM Radio (107.7)
WKHJ FM Radio (104.5)
SBRB (The Bear) (101.3)
WV Public Radio
WBOY TV Channel 12
WDTV TV Channel 5
Please be sure that your child knows what to do and where to go every day when
school is dismissed. This is especially important if you suspect that weather conditions
might cause a change in the regular schedule and you may not be home when
school is dismissed.
Students are expected to complete all assignments in a timely fashion. Incomplete
assignments may receive an “I.” A grade of “I” will be converted to a grade that
reflects student mastery as determined on a case-by-case basis.
In-School Suspension
Students who receive in-school suspension may be placed at the alternative school at
the Tucker County Board Office to serve their suspension. Students may be given a
writing assignment that must be completed before returning to school from their
suspension. Students with in-school suspension are responsible for all the classroom
work missed.
Accident insurance is available from a company independent of the school if parents
wish to have additional coverage for their students. Students participating in
interscholastic sports are required to have insurance of some type. Insurance forms
are distributed to parents at the beginning of the year.
Hall lockers are provided to students in grades 5-8. Many elementary classrooms
have lockers or cubbies in the classroom. These lockers are the property of the
school and state law permits school officials to inspect a locker at any time.
If students choose to put a lock on their lockers they are required to share the
combination or extra key with the teacher who made the locker assignment.
Students should not share their combination or key with others or permit anyone
other than their locker partner to use their lockers.
Lost and Found
“Lost and Found” items are sent to the office or to the lost and found box located
near the cafeteria. Students who have lost items may check for them in those
locations. Periodically, announcements are made to remind students to check for
their lost items. After three days of reminders the items in the lost and found are
donated to a charitable organization in our community or put in the Tucker Valley
Spring Yard Sale.
Make Up Work
Students who miss school for any reason are responsible for any missed work.
Students need to arrange with their teacher to obtain missed work and due dates for
the assignments. If an absence is scheduled in advance, please notify the teacher
of the scheduled absence and plan to complete the missed work when the student
returns to school. It is the student’s responsibility to contact teachers and make
arrangements to make up missed work. Remember, students with one or more I’s will
not be promoted to the next grade.
Music and Theatre Classes
Music and Theatre classes may have both curricular and performance components.
This means that students are expected, indeed required, to play or sing in concerts,
and take part in the productions of plays as well as do the necessary classroom work.
Students who do not participate in the performance, cannot complete the course
requirements and cannot receive a high quality grade.
Nurse, Medication and New Law about Shots
The school nurse’s office exists for emergency situations and for students to be
checked if feeling ill while at school. Parents are encouraged to administer any
necessary medications (prescription or non-prescription) at home if at all possible. If
a student must take medication while at school, the medication has to be brought
to school in the original container with an order from the prescribing medical
provider. Medications brought in anything other than the original bottle, without an
order, will not be given. Students are not permitted to have any type of medication
with them while at school. Any questions regarding medications should be directed
to the school nurse.
ALL 7th graders beginning in August, 2012, are required to have Tdap and Meningitis
vaccines for school admission. This is a state law – not a suggestion. The school must
have proof that the immunizations were given BEFORE they can start school.
Parent Conferences
Parents may request at any time to schedule a meeting with their child’s teacher.
You may call the office to prearrange this meeting. We request that parents arrange
the meeting in advance so instructional time is not interrupted. During instructional
time parents are not permitted access to the classroom unless it is pre-arranged. All
visitors must check in with the secretaries upon arrival at the school.
Parent Involvement
At Tucker Valley we are committed to open and clear communication. All parents
are given the opportunity to participate in their child’s education and are strongly
encouraged to do so. Below are listed a few of the opportunities for parents to be
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Assignment book/Assignment folder communication
Newsletters and web site
Parent Volunteer Program
Participation in classroom activities
Parent Workshops
Parent Surveys
Family Activities
Committee Memberships
Pornographic or Obscene Materials
Students are not to have in their possession any material or publication which is
considered obscene or disruptive to the educational process. This includes print
material as well as any material located on any type of electronic device.
Principal’s List/Honor Roll
Students with a 3.75 average and no D’s, F’s, or I’s qualify for the Principal’s List. Students
who earn a 3.5 average with no D’s or F’s qualify for Honor Roll. Principal’s List and Honor
Roll will be determined at each grading period throughout the year.
Prohibited Items
In order to maintain an orderly environment, students may not possess the following
items at school:
Drugs, alcohol, narcotics, cigarettes, inhalants, lighters, matches, tobacco
products or look-a-likes
Pictures or posters of questionable nature
Explosive devices, including firecrackers, fireballs, cherry bombs, stink bombs,
Weapons, look-a-like weapons, guns, knives, screwdrivers and/or other items
designed or easily used to cause physical harm
Toys (without teacher permission)
Medication or pills that are not administered or approved through the school
Report Cards
Report cards are issued every nine weeks with mid-term reports sent approximately
mid-way through the nine weeks grading period. Report cards will be sent home in
early November, mid-January, and mid-April. The last report card is sent home with
students at the end of school. If your child does not receive their report card, you may
call the school to arrange to pick it up at your earliest convenience.
Kindergarten through fourth grade is changing the format used for grading. Your child
will receive both a skills-based evaluation as well as a final grade. Having this skillsbased evaluation will allow parents and guardians specific insight into the skills and
knowledge sets that the state has determined children need on that grade level to
be successful and which particular areas where their child needs additional help or
practice. Specials (i.e. physical education, music, library, and art) will continue to be
graded as it was in the past with an “S” for satisfactory progress or a “U” for
unsatisfactory progress.
Students who fail to attend school for an entire day or whom fail to attend class are
considered to be skipping. An absence or late arrival to school is excused with a
note from a parent or legal guardian in accordance with the Tucker County
Attendance Policy.
All students are required to report directly to their scheduled classroom
teacher. Altering the official schedule in any way is prohibited without prior
documentation and permission from the teacher of record.
Student Code of Conduct Expectations and Consequences
Level 1
Minor misconduct that disrupts the orderly conduct of the educational process in the
classroom or in other locations in the school or on school property or on a school bus
or at a school sponsored activity.
Level I Offenses Including But Not Limited To:
1. Cafeteria misconduct (throwing food, etc.)
2. Classroom tardiness
3. Inappropriate boy/girl contact
4. Classroom or school disruptions
5. Non-destructive writing on walls or school property (punishment will include
removal of writing)
6. Bus misconduct (in addition to bus operators imposed discipline)
7. Failure to bring provided materials to class or do homework
8. Disrespect (for example, talking back, inappropriate comments)
9. Misconduct that is detrimental to TVEMS and falls within the definition of
Level 1 infractions
Level I Disciplinary Actions:
Immediate appropriate intervention will be taken by the teacher. Warnings may be
issued. Should the teacher’s actions fail to correct the student's behavior, the student
will be referred to the office for the following disciplinary action:
 First Offense- - Discussion with Teacher
 Second Offense - - Call to Parent
 Third Offense -- Meeting with Principal
 Fourth Offense- - Educational Enhancement (E.E.)
 Fifth Offense -- Educational Enhancement (E.E.) 5-Days
 Sixth Offense -- ISS (In-School Suspension) – 1 day
 Seventh Offense -- ISS (In-School Suspension) – 3-5 Days
 Eighth Offense -- Level 2
 All ISS and OSS will have assignment requirements that must be completed
in order to be released or return to school.
* Students who are assigned to ISS may be sent to the alternative school to serve
their in-school suspension.
Level II
Major misconduct of a single instance which involves a flagrant disrespect for school
rules or property or the rights of others or continued and frequent minor misconduct
referenced in Level 1 at school or on a bus or at a school sponsored activity.
Level II Offenses Including but not limited to:
1. Continuation of unmodified Level 1 misconduct
2. Failure to attend detention
3. Truancy/Skipping school or skipping class
Falsifying passes and excuses (forgery and/or fraud)
Indecent acts
Making a false report, verbally or in writing, against student(s) or school
Profane language, obscene gestures or indecent acts towards a school
employee or a fellow student.
Wearing of inappropriate clothing (punishment will include immediate
correction) (see Student dress code section)
Leaving building/grounds without permission of administration
Inappropriate use of water, shaving cream, squirt guns, perfume bottles,
Academic Cheating / Plagiarism or Misconduct: (unauthorized access to
or tampering with educational materials, cheating on tests or assignments)
Technology Abuse: a student will not illegally access or alter any school
documents or electronic data.
Stealing/entering another person’s locker
Insubordination or open defiance of a teacher or staff member or any
school personnel at school or school activities
Inciting any action that causes substantial disruption of the educational
process or denies students free access to any phase of the curricular or
extra-curricular procedures
Publication that would substantially disrupt or interfere with school
Throwing snowballs, spit-wads, etc. or improper use of rubber bands
Any other misconduct that is detrimental to the Tucker County Schools and
falls within Level 2 standardized discipline
Possession of tobacco or paraphernalia on school property during the
school days and all extra-curricular activities. (Also contact law
All school rules and regulations apply to all students of TVEMS while at
school or on the bus traveling to and from school or at a school sponsored
Level II Disciplinary Actions
Level II offenses should be referred to the office for disposition.
 First Offense - - Educational Enhancement – (E.E.)
 Second Offense - - Educational Enhancement (E.E.) 5 Days
 Third Offense - - In-school Suspension (1 – 3 day.)
 Fourth Offense - - In-School Suspension (3 –5 days)
 Fifth Offense -- Out of School Suspension (1-5 days)
 Additional Offences -- Advance to level 3 Action
 All ISS and OSS may have a writing assignment requirement that must be
completed in order to be released or return to school.
* Students who are assigned to ISS may be sent to the alternative school to serve
their in-school suspension.
Level III & IV
Major misconduct, which is a violation of the law set forth under the Safe School Act
of 1995 at school or on a bus or at a school, sponsored activity
Level III & IV Offenses Including but Not Limited To:
1. Participation in a fight—verbal/written comments will be considered the
same as the first punch.
2. Destruction or defacing school property at school or on bus or en-route to
and from school
3. Injuring or threatening to injure another student or staff member
4. Teasing, arguing, horseplay, name calling which may lead to a physical
5. Hazing (Initiations)
6. Harassment or extortion of student or staff
7. Assault or battery of student or staff (Level IV)
8. Possession, use, distribution of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco (this includes
prescription and over-the-counter medication)
9. Verbal assault
10. Possession or use of any item (or imitation or look-alike weapon) that could
be used as a weapon (Level IV)
11. Abuse of driving privilege (hazardous driving, unauthorized departure,
Intentional or reckless operation of a motor vehicle on the grounds of any
educational facility, parking lot, or school-sponsored activity, etc.)
12. Continued violation of school rules
13. Tampering with fire alarms or fire extinguishers
Level III Disciplinary Actions
Level III offenses shall be referred to the office for disposition. The administrator will
investigate the alleged misconduct, confer with staff, notify parents and conduct an
informal hearing conference regarding the offense. Disciplinary actions will range
from full expulsion for 1 year to suspension of 3-10 days depending upon the severity
of the offense involved (see Safe School Law). Other actions may involve restitution
for damaged property, community or school service, attendance at approved clinic
or counseling regarding alcohol, drugs, or tobacco use as per school board policy,
and referral to the Justice department.
Teacher Requests
Many factors are taken into account when deciding the placement of students in
classrooms. For this reason, it is at the discretion of the administration where students
are placed. We understand that at times there are circumstances that might
warrant a certain placement. In these cases you may submit a request in writing
before spring break. There is no guarantee of any placement in any classroom.
Technology/Acceptable Use Policy
The use of electronic resources is supported providing that abuse does not occur.
Access is a privilege that will be denied if electronic resources are used
inappropriately. Students must have a signed Internet Acceptable Use Policy on file
for the current school year to make full use of the technology available to them.
(See County Policy 2030)
Textbooks are issued to each student for each class. Students are responsible for the
books issued to them and may be required to pay for books that are lost or
damaged beyond normal wear and tear. Students will not be issued new books
before settling any lost or damaged book charges.
Telephones/Cell Phones
Possession of a cellular telephone or other electronic device by a student is a
privilege, not a right, and this privilege may be forfeited by any student who fails to
abide by the terms of this policy, or otherwise engages in misuse of this privilege.
Telephones at Tucker Valley are business phones and must be available for school
use. If students must use the phone to call home, their teacher will send them to the
office with a note. If it is necessary for you to contact your child during the school
day, please call the office and leave a message so that we may minimize the
disruption to the classrooms.
Cell phones and other electronic devices may be used for educational purposes
inside of the classroom and only when supervised by a teacher. This means that they
are not to be used in the hallway. Students may not use cell phones for personal use
during the school day; this includes taking pictures, video or recordings. Students
violating this rule will have their phone confiscated and given to the principal. The
principal will return the phone at the end of the day on the first violation and call for
a parent to pick up the phone if it occurs again. Students may not access the
wireless network through phone or any other mobile device.
Please be advised that Tucker Valley will not be responsible for any lost or damaged
Title I School
Being a Title I school means that because a high percentage of our students receive
free and reduced priced meals, we receive funding from the federal government
that helps cover the cost of teachers and paraprofessionals as well as some support
programs and materials for our students. It also means that we are mandated to
provide you with specific information.
Most TVEMS students are transported by school bus. The bus schedule is published in
The Parsons Advocate shortly before the start of the school each year. Specific
information about bus numbers and routes may be obtained by contacting the
county transportation director or the bus garage. Riding the school bus is a privilege
and students are required to follow the rules in order to maintain that privilege.
PLEASE NOTE: Students must have permission to ride a bus other than their own and a
not signed by a school administrator must be given to the transporting bus driver.
These slips are filled out in the office. Students need to give bus notes to their teacher
in the morning to be sent to the office in order to receive their bus note in the
Students who walk to school or those transported by private vehicle may be
dropped off at the front entrance in the morning and picked up at the gym door
entrance in the afternoon. No student should arrive before 7:45 A.M.
Verbal Abuse and Vulgarity
Respect for adults and/or students are expected. Students shall not use profanity or
abusive language or gestures (including any offensive or derogatory references
based on a person’s disability, race, national origin, sex, age, ancestry, or marital
status) that is insulting, disrespectful, threatening, or offensive to any individual.
Parents are always welcome and encouraged to visit Tucker Valley. If you wish to
have a conference with a member of the Tucker Valley staff, please call to make an
appointment. Scheduling in advance helps to prevent disruptions in the classroom.
For the safety of the students and staff, all doors will be locked after the beginning of
school. Visitors will be required to use the front entrance which will now be accessed
by ringing in and requesting admission to the building. All visitors are required to sign
in at the office when entering the building. This is a necessary precaution to help us
ensure the safety of our children. Students may not bring student visitors to school
without prior permission from the school administrators.
To protect instructional time for the students, all visitors (including parents) must have
permission from the office, obtain a visitors pass, and permission from the teacher to
proceed to the classroom during school hours.
Parents and students are invited to visit the Tucker Valley website which is now linked
directly to a new program we have adopted called Engrade. There you will able to
find important information about our school including a calendar of events, important
news items, lunch menus, sports schedules, information from teachers, and photos.
Engrade is also the program where parents and students can track grade information.
If you need login information please contact your child’s homeroom teacher or the
school office.
You Have the Right To Know
Parents of our students will receive regular information from Tucker Valley that includes
information about our academic programs, parent programs and workshops,
newsletters, etc. You will also receive information about the status of our school
including our school report card, the status of our instructional staff, and our AYP
status. We will make every attempt to not only give you information but also to
answer any questions you might have concerning the education of your child. We
believe it is not only your right to ask questions but also your responsibility as parent
and stakeholder in our school. Your questions and concerns are seen as a valuable
resource in providing us information and direction to help us accomplish our goals.
Highly Qualified Teachers
The Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires school districts that receive
federal Title I funding to notify parents of their right to know the professional
qualifications of the classroom teachers who instruct their child. According to the law,
a “highly qualified” teacher is one who:
Has obtained a bachelor’s degree or higher;
Has obtained full West Virginia State Certification;
Has demonstrated competency in the core academic subject area(s)
that he/she teaches.
As a recipient of these funds, Tucker Valley will provide you with this information in a
timely manner if you request it. Specifically, you have the right to request the following
information about each of your child’s classroom teachers.
Whether the teacher meets the state qualifications and licensing criteria for
the grades and subjects he or she teaches.
Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or provisional status
because of special circumstances.
The teacher’s college major, whether the teacher has any advanced
degrees, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree.
Whether paraprofessionals provide services to your child and, if so, their
Tucker County schools is committed to proving quality instruction for all students and
does so by employing the most qualified individuals to teach and support each
student in the classroom. If you would like to receive any of the information listed
above for your child’s teacher, please contact an administrator at Tucker Valley –
Citizens Complaint Procedure
A grievance process is in place for parents and students in the event they feel there
has been a violation of state law, policy or access to the right to an equal education.
Forms may be obtained from a building administrator.
Asbestos Management Plan
In October 1986 the United States Congress enacted the Asbestos Hazard Emergency
Response Act. Under this law, each elementary and secondary school is required to
inspect the friable and non-friable asbestos and develop asbestos plans to address
the finding of these inspections. Our program for meeting this requirement is
described in our Asbestos Management Plan. Tucker Valley Elementary Middle School
contains no asbestos materials. You may review the plan at the county board of
education office. Questions should be directed to the county maintenance director
at 304-478-2771.
Pesticide Application Notification
Tucker County Schools adhere to an Integrated Pest Management Plan in
accordance with Title 61, Series 12J rule of the West Virginia Department of
Agriculture. Pests are controlled primarily through preventive measures. When
pesticides are required the least hazardous materials will be used.
Pesticides are classified as Level I (non-chemical, preventive), Level 2 (least
hazardous, low toxicity, nonvolatile baits or dust), Level 3 (EPA caution, limited volatility
liquids), and Level 4 (EPS warning or danger, broadcast and space treatments,
spraying and fogging) depending upon the degree of hazard associated with their
PLEASE NOTE: Level 3 or 4 pesticides WILL NOT be applied when students are present.
As a parent/guardian you have the right to be notified 24 hours in advance if and
when Level 3 or 4 pesticides are to be applied. To receive such notification, please
request the notification form from Tucker Valley or from the maintenance director at
the Tucker County Board of Education.
Pesticide Application Notification
Tucker County School adheres to an Integrated Pest Management Plan in
accordance with Title 61 Series 12J rules of the West Virginia Department of
Agriculture. Pest is controlled primarily through preventive measures. When
pesticides are required the least hazardous material will be used. Pesticides are
classified as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 depending upon the degree of
hazard associated with their application.
Level 1 -----------Non-chemical
Level 2------------Least hazardous (low toxicity, non-volatility baits or dust)
Level 3------------EPA caution (limited volatility liquids)
Level 4------------EPA warning or danger (broadcast and space
treatments spraying and fogging)
As a parent or guardian you have the right to be notified if and when Level 3 or Level
4 pesticides are to be applied. To receive such notification please complete the
Information requested below and returns this form to the principal.
Please Note: Level 3 and 4 pesticides will not be applied when students are present
To: _______________________________ Date________________________
(Name of Principal)
(Name of School)
Please notify me at least 24 hour prior to the application of Level 3 or Level 4
pesticides at this facility
From: _________________________________________________
(Name of Parent or Guardian)
Address _____________________________________________
Telephone number: ______________________
Media Release
Photographs/Video Release to Media (newspaper, television stations), for
ccommunity display or on the school website:
If there is a security or personal safety problem with a picture of your child being
released to the media or for display in the community or on the school website,
please notify the school on a separate sheet of paper as follows:
My child is NOT to have a picture or video of her/him released to any outside sources
for her/his security.
Student Name ______________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________________
All Tucker County Policies can be found on Tucker County’s website
For a quick reference guide on most used policies:
POLICY NUMBER: 2008 Parent & Volunteer Program
POLICY NUMBER: 2010 Assuring Quality Education
POLICY NUMBER: 2011 Assessment Policy
POLICY NUMBER: 2029 Educational Program Development
POLICY NUMBER: 2016 Homework Policy
POLICY NUMBER: 2017 Testing Code of Ethics
POLICY NUMBER: 2018 Tobacco Control Policy
POLICY NUMBER: 2019 Substance Abuse
POLICY NUMBER: 2020 Field Trip
POLICY NUMBER: 2021 Racial, Sexual, Religious, Ethnic Harassment and
POLICY NUMBER: 2022 Private Instruction in Home or Other Approved Placement
POLICY NUMBER: 2023 Drug and Alcohol Testing
POLICY NUMBER: 2025 Alternative Education Policy
POLICY NUMBER: 2026 Criteria for Credit by Testing Out of Courses Grades 9-12
POLICY NUMBER: 2029 Work-Based Learning
POLICY NUMBER: 2030 Technology Acceptable Use Policy
POLICY NUMBER: 4000 Communicable Disease Control
POLICY NUMBER: 4001 Communicable Disease Control Regulations
POLICY NUMBER: 4002 County Attendance Policy
POLICY NUMBER: 4006 Collection, Maintenance and Disclosure of Student
POLICY NUMBER: 4009 Bomb Threat Policy
POLICY NUMBER: 4011 Standards for School Nutrition
POLICY NUMBER: 4012 Rehabilitation Act, Section 504
POLICY NUMBER: 4013 Student and Staff Wellness Policy
POLICY NUMBER: 4014 Parking Policy for Students at Tucker County High
POLICY NUMBER: 4031 Bullying, Harassment and Intimidation Policy
POLICY NUMBER: 4032 Student Code of Conduct
POLICY NUMBER: 7005 Visitors in Schools
Any Citizen’s Complaints may be filed directly with the building administrator who
shall direct investigations per Board policy:
The Tucker County Board of Education Office
Title IX Coordinator
501 Chestnut Street
Parsons, WV 26287
Phone: 304-478-2771
A complete copy of the WV Board of Education Policy 2421 may be obtained from the Tucker County Board of
Education by calling 304- 478-2771, or on the county website: www.tuckercountyschools.com.
STUDENT NAME _______________________________________________________________________
STUDENT NUMBER _____________________________________________________________________
DATE OF ABSENCE _____________________________________________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE ____________________________
STUDENT NAME _______________________________________________________________________
STUDENT NUMBER _____________________________________________________________________
DATE OF ABSENCE _____________________________________________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE ___________________________
STUDENT NAME _______________________________________________________________________
STUDENT NUMBER _____________________________________________________________________
DATE OF ABSENCE _____________________________________________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE ___________________________
STUDENT NAME _______________________________________________________________________
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DATE OF ABSENCE _____________________________________________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE ___________________________
STUDENT NAME _______________________________________________________________________
STUDENT NUMBER _____________________________________________________________________
DATE OF ABSENCE _____________________________________________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE ___________________________
STUDENT NAME _______________________________________________________________________
STUDENT NUMBER _____________________________________________________________________
DATE OF ABSENCE _____________________________________________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE ____________________________
STUDENT NAME _______________________________________________________________________
STUDENT NUMBER _____________________________________________________________________
DATE OF ABSENCE _____________________________________________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE ___________________________
STUDENT NAME _______________________________________________________________________
STUDENT NUMBER _____________________________________________________________________
DATE OF ABSENCE _____________________________________________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE ___________________________
STUDENT NAME _______________________________________________________________________
STUDENT NUMBER _____________________________________________________________________
DATE OF ABSENCE _____________________________________________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE ___________________________
STUDENT NAME _______________________________________________________________________
STUDENT NUMBER _____________________________________________________________________
DATE OF ABSENCE _____________________________________________________________________
PARENT SIGNATURE _______________________________ DATE ___________________________
Please indicate you have received a Tucker Valley
Elementary Middle School Parent Handbook and that
you have read and reviewed its contents. Please fill out
this form below and turn it to your child’s homeroom
Student-Parent Handbook
Acknowledgement Form
Student Name
Homeroom Teacher
Student Signature
Parent//Guardian Signature
Tucker Valley Elementary Middle School
81 Tucker Valley School Road
Hambleton, WV 26269
304-478-4888 – Fax