Boletin para el fin de semana del 2 de abril del 2017.

01 Saturday/Sábado:
5:00 p.m. English
April 2nd, 2017 / Fifth Sunday of Lent
Special Intention for Gerald Dietrich
01 Saturday/Sábado:
7:00 p.m. Español
† Domingo Palacios
† Gloria Flores de Lazo, † Roberto Courtade † Edgardo Castillo † Maria Jacobo
† Evelio Jimenez † Francisco Rodriguez (Ivania & Mario Rodriguez)
† Francisca Arevalo † Manuel Menjivar (Maria Hilda Ulloa)
Jeremiah/Jeremias 11.18-20; Ps/Sal 7.1-2,8bc-9,10-11; John/Juan 7.40-53
02 Sunday/Domingo:
9:30 a.m. English
Mass offered for the Parish Community
02 Sunday/Domingo:
11:30 a.m. Español Misa ofrecida por la Comunidad Parroquial
Ezekiel / Ezequiel 37.12-14; Ps. /Sal. 130.1-2,3-4,5-6,7b-8 Romans/ Romanos 8.8-11;
John/Juan 11.1-45.
03 Monday/Lunes:
Daniel 13.1-9,15-17,19-30,33-64++; Ps./Sal. 23.1-3a,3b-4,5-6; John/Juan 8.1-11.
04 Tuesday/Martes:
8:30 a.m. English
04 Tuesday/Martes:
7:00 p.m. Español
Numbers/Numeros 21.4-9; Ps/Sal 102.1-2,15-17,18-20; John/Juan 8.21-30.
05 Wendesday/Miercoles: 8:30 English Mass
Daniel 3.13-20,24,49-50,91-95++; Daniel 3.52,53,54,55,56; John/Juan 8.31-42.
06 Thursday/Jueves:
Good Leaders Good Shepherd Program
Genesis 17.3-9; Ps/Sal 105.4-5,6-7,8-9; John/Juan 8.51-59.
07 Friday/Viernes:
7:30 a.m. English
First Friday—Adoration
07 Friday/Viernes:
8:30 a.m. English
07 Friday/Viernes:
6:30 p.m. Bilingual
Stations of the Cross / Víacrucis
07 Friday/Viernes:
7:00 p.m. Español
† Peter Lawrence
Jeremiah/Jeremias 20.7,10-13++; Ps/Sal 18.1-2ab,2c-3,4-6; John/Juan 10.31-42.
08 Saturday/Sábado:
5:00 p.m. English
Special Intenion for Isabella Turner
(Ray Turner Sr Family)
08 Saturday/Sábado:
7:00 p.m. Español
Ezekiel/Ezequiel 37.21-28; Jeremiah/Jeremias 31.10,11-12ab,13; John/Juan 11.45-57.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
times during Lent:
Friday: 4:30 p.m.— 6:30 p.m.
Saturday: 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Office Hours:
Tuesday to Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Horario para el Sacramento de la
Reconciliación durante la Cuaresma:
Viernes: 4:30 p.m.—6:30 p.m.
Sábados: 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Horario de Oficina:
Martes a Viernes
8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
2 de abril del 2017 / V Domingo de Cuaresma
What Would Happen if
You Were Immortal?
We could say that science, and medicine
in particular, is one great struggle for life.
In the end, medicine seeks to counter
death. But can we find a medicine that will
guarantee us immortality? The question of
today's Gospel is precisely this. It is easy
to imagine what would happen if the
biological life of man lasted for ever; we
would find ourselves in an ageing world, a
world that would no longer leave room for
the young, for the renewal of life. We can
therefore understand that this cannot be
the type of immortality to which we aspire;
we desire to drink from the very source of
life to enjoy life without end, it is precisely
at this point that the Lord intervenes. He
speaks to us in the Gospel, saying: "I am
the resurrection and the life; he who
believes in me, though he die, yet shall he
live, and whoever lives and believes in me
shall never die". "I am the Resurrection":
to drink from the source of life is to enter
into communion with this infinite love
which is the source of life. In encountering
Christ, we enter into contact, indeed, into
communion with life itself and we have
already crossed the threshold of death
because, beyond biological life, we are in
touch with true life.
Que pasaría si fueras inmortal?
Podríamos decir que toda la ciencia es una
gran lucha por la vida; lo es, sobre todo, la
medicina. En definitiva, la medicina es un
esfuerzo por oponerse a la muerte, es
búsqueda de inmortalidad. Pero, ¿podemos
encontrar una medicina que nos asegure la
inmortalidad? Esta es precisamente la
cuestión del evangelio de hoy. Es fácil
imaginar lo que sucedería si la vida biológica
del hombre no tuviera fin, si fuera inmortal:
nos encontraríamos en un mundo envejecido,
en un mundo que no dejaría espacio a los
jóvenes, un mundo en el que no se renovaría
la vida. Así comprendemos que este no puede
ser el tipo de inmortalidad al que aspiramos.
Nosotros deseamos beber en la fuente de la
vida para gozar de una vida sin fin,
precisamente en este punto interviene el
Señor y nos habla en el evangelio diciendo:
"Yo soy la resurrección y la vida. El que cree
en mí, aunque muera, vivirá; y todo el que vive
y cree en mí, no morirá jamás" (Jn 11, 25-26).
"Yo soy la resurrección": beber en la fuente de
la vida es entrar en comunión con el amor
infinito que es la fuente de la vida. Al encontrar
a Cristo, entramos en contacto, más aún, en
comunión con la vida misma y ya hemos
cruzado el umbral de la muerte, porque
estamos en contacto, más allá de la vida
biológica, con la vida verdadera.
Ex Corde Foundation Grant: Our Church
was awarded a grant of $5,500 from the Ex
Corde Foundation of the Diocese of
Hamilton to be used for the installation a
drinking fountain/bottle filling station in
the parish hall. The parish is very grateful
for the generosity of the Ex Corde
Foundation. The installation of the drinking
fountain/bottle filling station is to comply
with the request from Bishop Crosby to be
mindful of the environment and avoid the
use of plastic water bottles in the church.
On the First Friday, April 4 ,
Eucharistic Adoration will start at
7:30 a.m. followed by Mass in English
at 8:30 a.m.
Donación de la Fundación Ex-Corde:
Nuestra Parroquia recibió una donación de
$5,500 de la Fundación Ex Corde de la
Diócesis de Hamilton para ser utilizada en la
instalación de fuente de agua para botellas
de agua en el salón parroquial. La parroquia
expresa su agradecimiento a la Fundación
Ex-Corde por su generosidad. La instalación
de esta fuente de agua es cumplir con la
solicitud del obispo Crosby de cuidar el
medio ambiente y evitar el uso de botellas
de agua plásticas en la iglesia.
El próximo jueves es primer jueves del
mes y están todos invitados a la hora
apostólica a las 7:00 p.m.. Y el viernes 4
de abril, Primer Viernes del mes, después
de la Misa tendremos Adoración al
Santísimo y la oración de sanación.
Discover your unique pattern of fertility and infertility: Take the guesswork
out of preventing pregnancy or achieving pregnancy by learning how to identify your
natural signals of fertility and infertility. Natural Family Planning (NFP) helps couple
become aware of their own fertility and helps them to understand how the body’s
natural processes can be used to plan children. Join us on Saturday, April 22 nd from 9:30
am – 12:30pm at the Chancery Office at 700 King St. West in Hamilton and learn more
about what is effective and what is not when it comes to NFP. Learn more about the
scientific data that supports NFP as a viable method of family planning, how it can help
you with irregular cycles and also help you to achieve pregnancy when that time comes.
This session is meant to inform you about NFP and is not a teaching of a specific
method, although information on where to get couple-to-couple instruction will be
provided. Rose Heron, our presenter, is the Program Director for the Natural Family
Planning Association in Toronto. No charge to attend; couples, individuals, parents and
adolescent daughters are all welcome.
Please let us know if you are coming at 905-528-7988 ext. 2249, or register on line
Prayer: As part of our
Lenten journey, St John’s faith
community has the opportunity to come
together for Evening Prayer with
Ex po s it io n a n d B e n e dic t io n o n
Wednesday April 5th, 7:00 p.m. and
Wednesday April 12th, 7:00 p.m. “Do
this in remembrance of me.”
Luke 22:19.
Oración de Vísperas: Como
Cuaresmal, la comunidad de St
John te invita a la Oración de
Vísperas con la exposicion del
Santisimo el miércoles, 5 y 12 de
abril a las 7:00 p.m. “Hagan esto
en memoria mía”. Lucas 22:19.
Stations of the Cross / Víacrucis:
Fridays/Viernes during Lent/Cuaresma at 6:30 p.m.
Bilingual - 2 Stations in English then 2 in Spanish.
Solidarity Sunday!: Thank you for
your generosity! Each donation is
used to help our sisters and brothers
all over the world — from Paraguay to
Syria, to Indonesia and beyond! We
conclude this Share Lent with the
words of Pope Francis, offered on the
occasion of the Jubilee of Mercy:
“Mercy is the force that reawakens us
to new life and instils in us the
courage to look to the future with
hope.” Thank you for helping us
create a future filled with hope! Did
you know that in 1992, Rigoberta
Menchú, a friend of Development and
Peace – Caritas Canada, received the
Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of
her work defending the rights of
Indigenous peoples? To learn more
about this inspiring woman, visit
Domingo de Solidaridad!: Gracias por
su generosidad! Cada donación se utiliza
para ayudar a nuestros hermanos en
todo el mundo - desde Paraguay a Siria, a
Indonesia y más allá! Concluimos esta
Campaña de Cuaresma con las palabras
del Papa Francisco, ofrecidas en el
Jubileo de Misericordia: "La misericordia
es la fuerza que nos reaviva a la nueva
vida e infunde en nosotros el coraje de
mirar hacia el futuro con esperanza".
Gracias por ayudarnos a crear un futuro
lleno de esperanza! ¿Sabías que en 1992
Rigoberta Menchú, una amiga de
Desarrollo y Paz - Cáritas Canadá, recibió
el Premio Nobel de la Paz en
reconocimiento a su trabajo en defensa
de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas?
Para obtener más información acerca de
esta mujer inspiradora,
Grandparents Workshop:
The Holy Rosary chapter of the Catholic Grandparents
Association invites all present and future grandparents to join them for an informative
presentation by Teresa Hartnett, Director of Family Ministry for the Diocese of Hamilton,
titled: Grandparenting Treasures: Sharing your Faith with Love! This session will provide
practical tips for providing moments to share faith with your children and grandchildren,
while respecting your boundaries as a grandparent. Join us on Tuesday, April 11 th, 2017
from 1 – 3 PM at Holy Rosary Catholic Church, 175 Emma St., Guelph in the "Our Lady of
the Rosary” Community Room. All are welcome to attend and bring a friend!
There will be no 8:30 a.m. English Mass on Thursday, April 6.
Father Francisco will be away at the Good Leaders Good Shepherds Program.
Pray for all Refugees: With all the uncertainty going on in the world today and thinking
about the safety of refugees, now more than ever we need to pray for all those who seek safe
refuge. Please feel free to join the prayer group every Monday at 7:00 p.m. in the church to
pray for all refugees.
Weekly expenses / gastos semanales:
Last week’s collection / donación de la semana pasada: