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Excel Basic Formulae and Functions – Online
Demonstration Handout
Excel’s strength is in its ability to handle mathematical calculations. The following are
the basic math operators.
Excel can be used like a calculator. For example, inputting =10+35 would return an
answer of 45 in the cell.
Try the following:
Entering Formulae
A formula has to start with an equal sign.
In cell D1 and enter:
and the cell should display the numeral 4
In cell D3, enter:
= 3*4/6
and the answer 2 will appear.
is the multiplication symbol.
is the division symbol.
Order of Operations
Excel follows the basic “Order of Operations” . From left to right, it calculates as
1 Parentheses (Brackets)
2 Exponents
3 Multiplication and Division in the order they appear
4 Addition and subtraction in the order they appear
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Enter the following formulae and understand the reason for the answers given below.
The cell in the worksheet area will show the answer to the formula. The formula bar will
show the formula as it was keyed in. This is useful, but does not use the full power of
Excel. For example, what if the first number was supposed to be 100, not 10, and the
answer to this formula was also used in another formula, and so on… It may take a long
time to fix all the formulas and if you missed one…
One of Excel’s most useful features is its ability to produce “What-if” projections which
update spreadsheets without having to redo the formulas. This is achieved by using
Cell References
When creating mathematical formulas, it is recommended that you use cell addresses
instead of numbers whenever possible. This is referred to as cell referencing.
Remember to start the formula with an = sign, in the cell that is to contain the answer.
Select a blank worksheet and name it Sales. Enter the data as shown in the screen
capture above.
To calculate the Net Profit, you could enter =200000 – 125000 in cell B3 and the
number 75000 would result.
However, if the expenses figure was revised to $120000, then you would have to change
the value in B2 to 120000 and then change the number 125000 in the formula in B3 to
120000. This is time consuming and inefficient.
Instead, we use cell references.
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To create the formula for a net profit in cell B3, the formula would be as follows:
There are many ways to actually input the formula using just the keyboard or the
keyboard and mouse.
♦ Type =B1-B2
Type =
Cursor up to B1
Type –
Cursor up to B2
Keyboard and Mouse
♦ Type =
♦ Click on B1
♦ Type –
♦ Click on B2
♦ Click on the Edit Formula button in the Formula bar (see screen capture
♦ Drag the Edit Formula window out of the way if required.
♦ Click on B1
♦ Type –
♦ Click on B2
♦ In the Edit Formula window, click OK.
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The Edit Formula window is very useful because it shows the answer to the formula as
you create your formula.
You can enter the same formula into a range of cells by selecting the range first, typing
the formula, and then pressing CTRL+ENTER.
Here is another example of the use of cell references.
Pay Calculations – Activity
Select a blank worksheet (click on the worksheet tab). If there are no empty worksheets,
select Insert ? Worksheet. Rename the worksheet pay
Calculate the amount of pay for employees, given the number of hours worked and the
rate of pay per hour ($9.30 per hour). Use the data below. Note the formatting for the
Pay Rate – the trailing zeros are omitted when you enter these. Don’t be concerned since
you will learn how to format cells later.
If the range selected is too much or not enough, hold the SHIFT key and cursor to expand
or decrease the range.
After completing a function, the range remains highlighted which enables you to
complete another function on the same range. The range remains highlighted until you
click or cursor to another cell.
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It is possible to select non-contiguous cells (cells which are not adjacent to each other) by
holding the CTRL- key while dragging over the separate ranges.
Excel has a number of built-in functions available which analyze data and simplify
formulas. Some of the categories available are mathematical, statistical, and financial
All functions start with a function name followed by a list of a parameters enclosed
within brackets i.e. =FUNCTION(parameters). It is possible to type a function or
choose one through the function wizard.
One of the most common calculations is to add a column or row or numbers. Instead of
listing the cell references with +’s between, eg. =A1+A2+A3, the SUM function enables
you to reference a large range of cells to simplify the task.
The parameters which can be used with a SUM function include ranges (eg. A10:A20),
single cells, and formulas.
Quick Sum
Excel will do a quick sum of selected cells in the status bar. This summation is
temporary and allows you to check the sum of a range quickly. Drag over a range of
numbers and then check the status bar.
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The SUM function can be typed into a cell manually. In many situations, the Autosum
button can be used.
The autosum searches for cells immediately adjacent to the location of the cell pointer
and selects the cells containing numbers. Press Enter when finished. There are a few
basic rules followed.
• The autosum searches up before it searches to the left.
• After finding a cell containing a number, the selection stops at the next blank cell
encountered. See the example below.
• Cells will be selected up to another sum function.
If the range selected is not the range you want, it is possible to manually drag or type the
range needed. When the autosum icon is clicked, the sum function is placed into the cell
and within the function, the selected range is highlighted in black. If you drag over the
cells needed or type in the range, the range specified will change. Press Enter when
Examples of acceptable parameters:
Single cells
A1, G2000, CZ100
10*20, FB103/2
If your hand is already on the mouse and you wish to “Enter”, click on the confirm icon
in the formula bar (green check mark).
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Other Functions
Other functions which are used similar to the SUM are AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, and
COUNT. These functions will:
Average(parameters) find the average
find the highest value from a range
find the lowest value from a range
Count(parameters) count the number of cells containing values (numbers and
Average, Max, Min, Count Functions
These functions allow you to calculate
the average, maximum and minimum
values in a range of numbers as well as
provide a count of the number of items
in the range.
Select a new worksheet. If there are no
empty worksheets, select Insert ?
Name the worksheet marks.
Enter the data as shown on the right.
1 My Marks for Semester Two
3 Algebra
4 Stats
5 Calculus
6 Comp Sc
7 Sociology
8 Film 20
10 Average Mark
11 Highest Mark
12 Lowest mark
13 Number of Courses =Count(B3:B8)
You should get the following answers.
Average Mark
Highest Mark
Lowest mark
Number of Courses
Change some of the marks and see how the functions display the new values.
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Status Bar Functions
Within the status bar, it is possible to specify a function other than SUM. Point at the
position within the status bar that displays the quick sum and do a Right Mouse Click. A
shortcut menu will appear as displayed in the screen capture below. Choose the function
you wish to display.
ISS Diocese of London
MS Excel Formulae and Functions - Online Course