A symbol of our unity, strength and courage, the oblique of Axu

Yohannes Gebresellasie
From The Ethiopian Millennium National Secretariat
THE OBELISK OF AXUM which is found in Ethiopia’s cradle of civilization is
Ethiopia’s National Treasure, A symbol of our unity, strength and courage that possesses
remarkable significance. The Obelisk of Axum is one of the most sacred artifacts in
Ethiopian history. The Obelisk that dates back to the 4th century is twenty four meters
high. This precious and outstanding example of African stonemason art of its time was
looted from the holy city of Axum on the personal orders of Italian fascist dictator Benito
Mussolini in 1935. This pioneer mark of our history is now on its virtuous place and what
an honor it is for all Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia to see it here back home. After
sixty eight years and tortuous and strenuous but prudent and cautious diplomacy on the
part of the Ethiopian Government and the Ethiopian People, the Obelisk that epitomizes
our culture, dignity and civilization is finally back to the place it belongs and to its
original home-Axum: the foundation of Ethiopian civilization.
On November 18, 2004, the two governments (Ethiopian and Italian) signed an
agreement for the return of the Aksum obelisk, in keeping with the 1972 Convention
concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. The World
Heritage Convention commits States Parties, to “give their help in the identification,
protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage.” The
Aksum archaeological site was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1980. In virtue of
the Convention, both States Parties requested UNESCO’s cooperation in returning the
obelisk to its original site. As a result, UNESCO agreed to take care of the reinstallation
of the Obelisk and the development of the site and, the Italian government to fund the
“This highly symbolic gesture, born of a common agreement between Italy and Ethiopia
is to be welcomed by the entire international community,” said UNESCO DirectorGeneral Koïchiro Matsuura. “This is a historic moment. After 68 years in exile, the
Aksum obelisk returns to the heart of ancient Ethiopia, to the Tigrai region. It will once
again be erected in the former kingdom, which the Persian philosopher Mani called the
‘world’s third kingdom’ and whose relics were among the first to be inscribed on the
World Heritage List.”
The return of our Obelisk also marked a momentous epoch on the Ethio-Italian bilateral
diplomacy and finalized and fulfilled the sixty-eight years dream on the part of
Ethiopians to see their mark of civilization back where it belongs-back on its righteous
place-Axum. No government, no country, no organization none from within or abroad
have made such a remarkable achievement that the Ethiopian people and indeed the
current Ethiopian government accomplished. Thus, the people and the government of
Ethiopia deserve congratulations on their landmark achievement.
This landmark achievement becomes more profound because it happened during the
occasion of the new Ethiopian Millennium. The pride and honor achieved from the return
of the Obelisk does not simply signify that of the Ethiopian people alone but indeed the
whole continent of Africa. Therefore, the African Union (AU) that represents the
continent of Africa should also be proud of its contribution and its effort in that regard.
Such type of decision on the part of the AU definitely adds to its credibility and the
confidence Africans encompass on the union.
Further, the return of the Obelisk will enhance the moral of all Ethiopians from within
and the Diaspora and will motivate them to uphold and sustain the same will,
commitment and strength they showed on the issue of the Obelisk to fight against poverty
and bad image and change that negative image for the better once and for all in the new
Ethiopian Millennium.
In our era of globalization, it is important that developing nations like ours focus
primarily on development and democratization for a shared prosperity. It is equally
important therefore, that Africa in general and countries of the Horn Region in particular
concentrate on issues that will benefit the livelihood of their people. As there is no
development without peace and stability, the Horn Countries must therefore make peace
and stability their number one priority in order to achieve the much needed development
endeavor. Because disputes, conflicts and wars caused among others by patrilineal
imposition and domination simply lead to destruction both in human as well as material
terms and because they are adventures that are uncivilized and issues of the past, they
should be replaced by one of conciliation, consensus and dialogue because civilized
dialogue is the name of the game in the 21st century. Therefore, dialogue remains to be
the only civilized solution to disputes, conflicts, wars and uncivilized adventures of any
The symbolic diplomacy exerted between the Ethiopian and Italian governments on the
return of Axum Obelisk is an excellent example of “sageness” and prudence. A lesson
can be drawn from that. It teaches us that a solution that can have a rewarding
contentment can be reached through dialogue and tolerance. The achievement gained
from the return of the Obelisk also demonstrates that the Ethiopian people are tolerant,
united and unwavering in their commitment to succeed and this has been manifested
during the New Ethiopian Millennium celebration. Ethiopians from within and the
Diaspora have demonstrated such a unique character of unity and strength time and time
again in good and in bad times and this phenomenon has been confirmed and reinforced
during this unique Ethiopian Millennium festival.
Now it is time to capitalize on the lessons learnt from the return of our Obelisk and from
the unifying momentum and the feel-good factor of the Ethiopian Millennium and exert
maximum effort to do away with poverty and to put our nation in line with those that are
developed and affluent countries. For that, we need to be committed, work hard and
change the behavior of our work habit for the better. Further, using the feel-good factor
created by the Ethiopian Millennium, Ethiopians must, hand in hand stand in unison to
change the negative image of and work hard to show and tell the world the real image of
this beautiful nation: a nation of thirteen months of sunshine, a home of the greatest
athletes of the planet, a nation of rich and diversified culture and civilization and most of
all, a nation of generous, peace loving and cultured people.
Now it is time that Ethiopians from within and abroad tell the world to come and visit
Ethiopia to see for themselves and not be influenced by the wrong and biased information
that are spread by those ill-informed people because experience tells us that when they
come once they definitely want to come back. Good example is the famous American
R&B singer, Beyoncé Knowles. This great singer staged performance at Bole
Millennium Hall in Addis Ababa as part of the new Ethiopian Millennium celebration.
There she said “This is a beautiful country. This is an overwhelming day; it just makes
me feel blessed that I am able to bless other people". Regarding the new Ethiopian
millennium Beyoncé said, “The millennium is exciting. It is very different. I don’t
understand how we have two different millenniums. But I know how it [was] in the year
2,000, it is very exciting. And I am happy to be a part of it.” Further, she said “I didn’t
know much about Ethiopia, now I have learned a lot.” She added “It is so much history
here. It gives you a great sense of life and value when you come here" she said "It is my
first time here and I have to say that it is so much more than I expected, it is such a
beautiful country. I love to come back here.” The prominent artist Beyoncé Knowles said
she would pay visit to Ethiopia, as she considers Ethiopia as her second home. “I feel like
as a second home. I traveled many places before but I have never been to a place with a
spirit like Ethiopia. I am very honored to have been in this beautiful place and I can’t wait
to come back here again,” she said. “I enjoyed myself…how wonderful Ethiopia is and I
definitely can’t wait to come back,” said Beyonce.
Many more have said the same thing before. Even the Great Nelson Mandela said the
following about our beautiful nation. "Ethiopia always has a special place in my
imagination and the prospect of visiting Ethiopia attracted me more strongly than a trip to
France, England, and America combined. I felt I would be visiting my own genesis,
unearthing the roots of what made me an African". Many more will say the same once
they see this wonderful country.
Now, it is time for all Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia to rejoice the new Ethiopian
Millennium and the return and placement of our Obelisk in its righteous place. While
enjoying the return of our national treasure, it is important that the government and the
public at large make a concerted effort to protect and preserve our national monuments
that have special value due to their historical architectural, artistic and cultural
importance. Further, government and the public at large must also undertake special
measure to restore these historic heritage structures because they are monuments of
national importance. Work of renovation and sprucing up of other monuments must also
be done. Same thing must also take place for other national heritage structures as well.
Ethiopia possesses rich and varied cultural heritage spreading over millennia of history
and is dotted with a number of historical monuments of great cultural and historical
importance and in this era of our new millennium, this generation has a national
responsibility to protect and preserve our national heritage so that the next generation can
be proud of their ancestors. The first and most important duty is therefore the
interpretation of history represented in their respective areas. It should be kept in mind
that the ultimate objective of the Service in its administration of historical areas is the
teaching of history to the public at large through the physical sites of its enactment. In
other words, the task is to breathe the breath of life into Ethiopian history and to recreate
for the average citizen something of the color, the pageantry, and the dignity of our
national past. Let us enjoy our national past now and for ever because our Obelisk is back
for good. What an ecstasy! What a triumph! And, what a classic Ethiopian Millennium!