ON THE GREATEST PRIME FACTORS OF n2 + 1 PING XI Abstract. We study the work of Deshouillers-Iwaniec on the greatest prime factors of quadratic polynomials: There are infinitely many n, such that P + (n2 + 1) > n1.202 . The proof started from the Chebyshev-Hooley method, and succeeded by combining linear sieve and the estimate for sums of Kloosterman sums from theory of automorphic forms. This note is prepared for the 2016 Analytic Number Theory Seminar in Academia Sinica, Beijing. 1. Introduction It is widely believed that any fixed irreducible polynomial, which has no fixed prime factors, can capture infinitely many prime values. The linear case is known due to the classical theorem of Dirichlet on the equidistributions of primes in arithmetic progressions. However, the current machinery seems far from successful to solve the quadratic case, which was (at least) originally conjectured by Gauß. Before focusing our attention to the case of quadratic polynomials, we would like to mention that there are certain generalizations of the above conjecture, saying Schinzel’s hypothesis H, Bateman-Horn conjecture and so on. In this note, we are interested in the prime values of the special polynomial n2 + 1, which is irreducible in R (a fortiori in Z) and has no fixed prime factors. Most of the following statements and arguments, with certain modifications, also apply to other general irreducible quadratic polynomials. Let us state the conjecture explicitly in the case of n2 + 1. Conjecture 1. There are infinitely many n, such that n2 + 1 takes prime values. More precisely, we have X (1) Λ(n2 + 1) = SX (1 + o(1)) n6X as X → +∞, where Λ denotes the von Mangoldt function and Y ρ(p) – 1 S= 1– p–1 p with %(p) = #{a (mod p) : a2 + 1 ≡ 0 (mod p)}. The above quantitative form was first predicted by Hardy and Littlewood using their circle method. There are at least two ways as approximations to Conjecture 1. Problem 1. Denote by P + (n) the greatest prime factor of n. Find the value of ϑ as large as possible, such that there exist infinitely many n with P + (n2 + 1) > nϑ . (2) Date: October 21, 2016. 1 2 PING XI Problem 2. Denote by Pr a positive integer with at most r distinct prime factors. Find the value of r as small as possible, such that there exist infinitely many n with n2 + 1 = Pr . (3) Regarding Problem 2, Iwaniec [Iw] proved that one may take r = 2, from which we conclude trivially that ϑ = 1 works in Problem 1. Theorem 1 (Deshoulliers-Iwaniec). For ϑ = 1.202, (1) is solvable for infinitely many n. Hooley [Ho1] is the first who was able to go beyond ϑ = 1 in Problem 1, for which one can take ϑ = 1.1. In fact, the exponent ϑ = 1 follows trivially from Poisson summation, and Hooley was able to control the resultant exponential sums successfully by appealing to the theory of quadratic forms, based on which he arrived at the certain averages of Kloosterman sums. In his times, Hooley can only use Weil’s bound for individual Kloosterman sums. Thanks to their systematic study on spectral theory of automorphic forms, Deshouillers and Iwaniec [DI2] were able to control cancellations among Kloosterman sums, which lead to Theorem 1 amongst other things. In the sequel, we put η = 10–2016 . Given a positive integer q, define X %(h, q) = e ha a (mod q) a2 +1≡0 (mod q) q for each h ∈ Z and write %(0, q) = %(q). 2. Chebyshev-Hooley method Let g be a non-negative smooth function with compact support in [1, 2]. The Fourier transform of g is defined by Z bg (λ) = g(x)e(–λx)dx. R From integration by parts, we derive that bg (λ) (1 + |λ|)–A (4) holds for any fixed A > 0 with an implied constant depending on A. The proof of Theorem 1 starts from the asymptotic evaluation of the weighted sum X n (5) H(X ) = g log(n2 + 1). X n>1 On one hand, we have H(X ) = 2 log X (1 + o(1)) X n g = 2bg (0)X log X (1 + o(1)). X n>1 On the other hand, by virtue of the identity log m = X l|m Λ(l), ON THE GREATEST PRIME FACTORS OF n2 + 1 3 we obtain H(X ) = X Λ(l) X g n n2 +1≡0 (mod l) l X . The sum over l is in fact restricted to l X 2 due to the support of g. We now split the sum over l to three segments and define n X X H1 (X ) = Λ(l) g , X l6X 1–η n2 +1≡0 (mod l) n X X H2 (X ) = Λ(l) g , X n2 +1≡0 (mod l) X 1–η <l6X ϑ n X X H3 (X ) = Λ(l) g , X 2 ϑ n +1≡0 (mod l) l>X so that H(X ) = H1 (X ) + H2 (X ) + H3 (X ). Here ϑ > 1 – η is a constant to be chosen later. Note that n X X H3 (X ) = log p g + O(X 1–ϑ+ε ). X 2 ϑ n +1≡0 (mod p) p>X Thus, Theorem 1 follows if one can prove H(X ) > H1 (X ) + H2 (X ) with ϑ = 1.202. The tasks now turn to evaluate/estimate H1 (X ) and H2 (X ) from above. We will prove the following two propositions. Proposition 1. For X large enough, we have H1 (X ) = (1 – η)bg (0)X log X (1 + o(1)). Proposition 2. For X large enough, we have Z ϑ H2 (X ) 6 2bg (0) 1–η θdθ X log X (1 + o(1)). 1 – 12 θ – 7η With the help of Mathematica 9, one may check that Z ϑ θdθ 2>1–η+2 1 1–η 1 – 2 θ – 7η with ϑ = 1.202. This proves Theorem 1. 3. Proof of Proposition 1 Lemma 1 (Poisson summation formula). Let q be a positive number. Suppose that F , Fb ∈ L1 (R) and have bounded variations. For a ∈ Z, we have X 1 X b h ha F (n) = F e . q q q n≡a (mod q) h∈Z 4 PING XI From Poisson summation formula, we obtain n X X g = X 2 X g n a (mod l) n≡a (mod l) a2 +1≡0 (mod l) n +1≡0 (mod l) (6) = X X X hX bg %(h, l). l l h∈Z From (4), we find hX |h|X –A bg 1+ (1 + |h|X η )–A l l for l 6 X 1–η and any A > 0. Taking A = 3/η and noting that %(h, l) l ε , we have n X 1 X g = bg (0) + O , X l lX 2 2 n +1≡0 (mod l) from which we conclude H1 (X ) = bg (0)X X Λ(l) + O(1) = (1 – η)bg (0)X log X (1 + o(1)) l 1–η l6X as claimed. 4. Proof of Proposition 2 4.1. Initial transformation. From the definition of Λ, we have H2 (X ) = H2∗ (X ) + O(X η+ε ) with H2∗ (X ) = X log p X n2 +1≡0 (mod p) X 1–η <p6X ϑ g n X . Before applying Poisson summation to the n-sum, we would like to transform the sum over primes to sum over integers by appealing to the linear sieve of Rosser-Iwaniec. For the sake of later analysis, we would like to attach a smooth weight to the sum over p. The following lemma is a kind of smooth partition of unity, which works well in our situation (see [Fo, Lemme 2] for instance). Lemma 2. For every ∆ > 1, there exists a sequence (W`,∆ )`>0 of smooth functions with support included in [∆`–1 , ∆`+1 ], such that X W`,∆ (t) = 1 `>0 for all t > 1, and (ν) W`,∆ (t) ν for all t > 1 and ν > 0. ∆ ν t(∆ – 1) ON THE GREATEST PRIME FACTORS OF n2 + 1 5 In what follows, we take ∆ = 1 + (log X )–B for some large parameter B > 0. By virtue of lemma 2, we may write X X H2∗ (X ) = X W`,∆ (p) log p g n n2 +1≡0 (mod p) `>0 X 1–η <p6X ϑ X . Define Ψ(W ) = X X W (p) log p p g n n2 +1≡0 (mod p) X , so that X H2∗ (X ) = Ψ(W ) + O(X (log X )–B/2 ), W where the summation is over all smooth functions W of the shape W`,∆ with 1–η ϑ log X + 1 < ` 6 log X – 1. 1+∆ 1+∆ The following arguments apply to an individual Ψ(W ) given a smooth function W with support in [L, L(1 + ∆)2 ], where X 1–η L X ϑ . We now introduce the sieve method. Let λ = (λd ) be an linear upper bound sieve of level D, so that n X X X Ψ(W ) 6 λd W (l) log l g . X 2 l≡0 (mod d) d6D n +1≡0 (mod l) From (6), it follows that Ψ(W ) 6 X X l≡0 (mod d) d6D Put H = LX X λd W (l) log l X hX bg %(h, l). l l h∈Z –1+η+ε . Hence X Ψ(W ) 6 X λd d6D X l≡0 (mod d) W (l) log l l X 06|h|6H hX bg %(h, l) + O(1). l Define Ψ1 (W ) = bg (0)X X λd d6D X l≡0 (mod d) W (l) log l %(l), l and Ψ2 (W ) = X X d6D λd X l≡0 (mod d) W (l) log l X hX bg %(h, l), l l 16h6H so that Ψ(W ) 6 Ψ1 (W ) + Ψ2 (W ) + Ψ2 (W ) + O(1). 6 PING XI 4.2. Estimate for Ψ2 (W ). Here comes the most novel part of the proof. Let us recall one classical result of Gauß on the representation of numbers by binary quadratic forms. We refer to Disquisitiones Arithmeticae of or Smith’s report [Sm] for a very clear description of this theory in a form suitable for our purpose. Lemma 3. Let l > 1. If a2 + 1 ≡ 0 (mod l) (7) is solvable for a (mod l), then l can be represented properly as a sum of two squares l = r 2 + s2 , (8) (r, s) = 1, r > 0, s > 0. There is a one to one correspondence between the incongruent solutions a (mod l) to (7) and the solutions (r, s) to (8) given by a s s = – 2 2 . l r r(r + s ) By virtue of Lemma 3, we obtain %(h, l) = X ε Hs X X hs hs X X hs e – 2 2 = e +O , r r(r + s ) r r(r 2 + s2 ) 2 2 2 2 r +s =l r,s>0,(r,s)=1 r +s =l r,s>0,(r,s)=1 from which we get Ψ2 (W ) = X XX d6D h6H XX λd 2 Φ(r 2 + s2 , h)e 2 r +s ≡0 (mod d) r,s>0 (r,s)=1 hs r + O(LX –1+2η+ε ), where W (n) log n hX bg . n n Note that (r, d) = 1. Applying Poisson summation to the s-sum, we get hs ha X X X Φ(r 2 + s2 , h)e = e Φ(r 2 + s2 , h) r r 2 2 Φ(n, h) = a (mod rd) r 2 +a2 ≡0 (mod d) (a,r)=1 r +s ≡0 (mod d) (r,s)=1 = 1 Xb Φ(k; r, h, d) rd k∈Z s≡a (mod rd) X a (mod rd) a2 +r 2 ≡0 (mod d) (a,r)=1 e ha r + ka , rd where Z ky Φ(r 2 + y2 , h)e – dy. rd R From Chinese Remainder Theorem, the exponential sum mod rd can be expressed as b r, h, d) = Φ(k; S(hd, k; r)%(k, d), where S(h, k; r) is the usual Kloosterman sum. Thus, X X λd X 1 X b r, h, d)S(hd, k; r)%(k, d) + O(LX –1+2η+ε ), Ψ2 (W ) = X Φ(k; d r d6D h6H r>1 k∈Z ON THE GREATEST PRIME FACTORS OF n2 + 1 7 From integration by parts, we have √ –A b r, h, d) √1 1 + |k| L Φ(k; rd L for any A > 0. The contribution from k = 0 is thus X 1+ε X X X X λd X 1 (h, r) b r, h)S(hd, 0; r)%(d) X√ Φ(0; d r L h6H √ r d6D h6H r>1 r L √ η+ε LX . Hence Ψ2 (W ) = Ψ∗2 (W ) + O(LX –1+3η + √ LX 3η ). where Ψ∗2 (W ) = X X X X X λd %(k, d)Φ(k; b r, h, d)S(hd, k; r) rd d6D h6H r>1 k6=0 . We would like to prove that 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 Ψ∗2 (W ) X ε (DX 2 + 2 η + D 2 X 2 +2η + D 2 L 4 X 2 +3η ). (9) By dyadic device and smooth partition of unity, it suffices to consider X X X X X r λd %(k, d)Φ(k; b r, h, d)S(hd, k; r) ξ , R rd d∼D h∼H r>1 k6=0 √ where R L and ξ is a smooth function with compact support in [1, 2]. Put K = DRL–1/2 X η , then for h ∼ H, d ∼ D, r ∼ R and |k| > K , we find √ 1 K L –10/η b r, h, d) √ 1 + Φ(k; X –10 , RD L from which we can truncate the sum over k to 0 < |k| 6 K , and thus consider Ψ(D, H, K , R) = X X X X X r λd %(k, d)Φ(k; b r, h, d)S(hd, k; r) ξ . R rd d∼D h∼H k∼K r>1 If we follow the approach of Hooley, it suffices to apply Weil’s bound to S(hd, k; r) for each fixed h, d, k, r, and then sum over each variable trivially. Thanks to the work of Deshouillers and Iwaniec, we may control the bias among Kloosterman sums, for which we appeal to the following estimate of quartilinear sums (see [DI1, Theorem 10]). Lemma 4. Let C, M, N , S, Q be positive numbers and let g(c, m, n, l) be a function of C ∞ class with compact support in [C, 2C] × (0, +∞)3 such that ∂ ν1 +ν2 +ν3 +ν4 g(c, m, n, s) c–ν1 m–ν2 n–ν3 s–ν4 Q ∂cν1 ∂mν2 ∂nν3 ∂sν4 for any νi > 0, 1 6 i 6 4, the implied constant in depends at most on ν1 , ν2 , ν3 , ν4 . For any coefficient (αn,l ), we have 8 PING XI X XX αn,s m∼M n∼N s∼S X 1 g(c, m, n, s)S(±ms, n; c) (CMNS)ε kαkM 2 Q · ∆(C, M, N , S), (c,s)=1 where kαk = XX n |αn,s |2 1/2 s and ∆(C, M, N , S) = √ r MNS + C p S(M + N + S) + C 3 1 MNS + C 2 (S(N + S)) 4 . + MN 2 C 2S Note that r Φ(k; b r, h, d) ∂ ν1 +ν2 +ν3 +ν4 1 √ ξ r –ν1 h–ν2 k–ν3 d –ν4 ν ν ν ν 1 2 3 4 ∂r ∂h ∂k ∂d R rd DR L for any νi > 0, 1 6 i 6 4. We now apply Lemma 4 with (c, m, n, s) → (r, h, k, d), (C, M, N , S) → (R, H, K , D), r Φ(k; b r, h, d) g(c, m, n, s) → ξ , R rd αn,s → λd %(k, d) 1 √ , Q = DR L getting √ p X 1+ε KD n√ √ Ψ(D, H, K , R) HKD + R D(H + K + D) DR L r o 3 1 HKD 2 +R + R 2 (D(K + D)) 4 2 R D + HK 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 X ε (DX 2 + 2 η + D 2 X 2 +2η + D 2 L 4 X 2 +3η ), from which we may conclude (9). Hence we obtain 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 Ψ2 (W ) X ε (DX 2 + 2 η + D 2 X 2 +2η + D 2 L 4 X 2 +3η ) + LX –1+3η + from which we find 2 Ψ2 (W ) X 1–η , provided that (10) 1 1 D 6 min{X 2 –2η , X 1–7η L– 2 }, in which case we have 2 Ψ(W ) 6 Ψ1 (W ) + O(X 1–η ). √ LX 3η , ON THE GREATEST PRIME FACTORS OF n2 + 1 9 4.3. Evaluation of Ψ1 (W ). The evaluation of Ψ1 (W ) is based on the asymptotic analysis of the congruence sum X W (l) log l Ψ1 (W , d) = %(l). l l≡0 (mod d) By Mellin inversion, we may write Z W (l) log l 1 = l 2πi T (s)l –s ds (σ) for σ > 1, where Z T (s) = W (ξ) R log ξ s–1 ξ dξ (|s| + 1)–2 Lσ–1 log X . ξ It then follows that Ψ1 (W , d) = (11) 1 2πi Z T (s)Kd (s)ds, (σ) where Kd (s) = X n≡0 (mod d) %(n) , <s > 1. ns For each fixed squarefree number d, we have 1 X %(nd) %(d) ζ(s)L(s, χ4 ) Y 1 –1 Kd (s) = s = 1 + , d ns ds ζ(2s) ps p|d n>1 where χ4 is the primitive character mod 4. Note that Kd (s) admits a meromorphic continuation to the right half plane <s > 1/2 with a simple pole at s = 1. Moving the integral line in (11) to <s = 1/2, we find Z 1 Ψ1 (W , d) = Res T (s)Kd (s) + T (s)Kd (s)ds s=1 2πi ( 12 ) Z 1 %(d) L(1, χ4 ) Y 1 –1 log ξ = 1+ W (ξ) dξ + O(τ (d)2 (dL)– 2 log X ), d ζ(2) p ξ R p|d from which we derive that X Ψ1 (W ) = bg (0)X λd Ψ1 (W , d) d6D = bg (0)X L(1, χ4 ) ζ(2) Z W (ξ) R 1 log ξ X %(d) Y 1 –1 dξ λd 1+ + O((D/L) 2 X 1+ε ) ξ d p d6D p|d subject to the constraints in (10). From the construction of λd in Rosser-Iwaniec sieve, we have 1 Y X %(d) Y 1 –1 %(p) 1 –1 λd 1+ = 2eγ 1 + O 1– 1+ d p log D p p p|d d6D p6D 1 Y ζ(2) 1 = 2eγ 1+O 1– , L(1, χ4 ) log D p p6D 10 PING XI from which and Mertens’ theorem, we obtain Z 1 X log ξ Ψ1 (W ) = 2bg (0) W (ξ) dξ(1 + o(1)) + O((D/L) 2 X 1+ε ). log D R ξ 4.4. Conclusion: Upper bound for H2 (X ). Collecting the above evaluations, we have Z 1 X log ξ Ψ(W ) 6 2bg (0) W (ξ) dξ(1 + o(1)) + O((D/L) 2 X 1+ε ) log D R ξ subject to the constraints in (10). For L X 1–η , we may take 1 D = X 1–7η L– 2 . Summing over W , it follows that Xϑ Z log t 1 dt(1 + o(1)) t log(X 1–7η t – 2 ) Z ϑ θdθ = 2bg (0)X log X (1 + o(1)). 1 1–η 1 – 2 θ – 7η H2 (X ) 6 2bg (0)X X 1–η 5. Related works Let ω(n) be a positive function that tends to infinity arbitrarily slowly. Let f + (n) > 0 be an admissible function such that P + (f (n)) lim inf > 0. n→+∞ n · f + (n) The following table presents the historical choices of f + for given irreducible polynomials f with deg(f ) > 2. f + (n) Authors Years 2 ω(n) Chebyshev/Markov 1895 2 0.1 Hooley 1967 Deshouillers-Iwaniec 1982 Hooley 1978 Heath-Brown 2001 Irving 2015 Dartyge 2015 Irreducible f n +1 n +1 n n2 + 1 3 n +2 3 n +2 n3 + 2 n4 – n2 + 1 n0.202 n 1 30 (conditionally) n 10–303 n10 n10 –52 –26531 deg(f ) = 4, Galois group ' Z/2Z × Z/2Z nδ , ∃δ > 0 de la Bretèche 2015 deg(f ) > 2 (log n)θ , ∀θ < 1 Nagell 1921 deg(f ) > 2 exp(c log2 n log3 n), ∃c > 0 Erdős 1952 Erdős & Schinzel 1952 Tenenbaum 1990 deg(f ) > 2 deg(f ) > 2 exp exp(c(log2 ) 2/3 ), ∃c > 0 0.6137 exp((log n) ) ON THE GREATEST PRIME FACTORS OF n2 + 1 11 In the case of n2 + 1, Dartyge [Da1] proved that there exist infinitely many n, whose prime factors are at least n1/12.2 , such that P + (n2 + 1) > n1+δ with certain δ > 0. In a recent joint work with J. Wu, we are able to reduce 12.2 to 11.2, which yields there exist infinitely many P11 such 2 1+δ that P + (P11 + 1) > P11 . On the other hand, we also proved that P + (p2 + 1) > p0.847 infinitely often. Appendix A. Construction of smooth functions We now construct explicitly a smooth function φ ∈ C ∞ (R), which is identically 1 in [1, 2] and vanishes in (–∞, 12 ] ∪ [ 52 , +∞). To do so, we first introduce an auxiliary function ( 1 e– x , x > 0, ξ(x) = 0, x 6 0. One can check ξ ∈ C ∞ (R). Put φ(x) = ξ((x – 12 )( 52 – x)) ξ((x – 1 5 2 )( 2 We may find φ ∈ C ∞ (R) and φ(x) = 1, φ(x) = 0, φ(x) ∈ [0, 1], – x)) + ξ((x – 1)(x – 2)) . x ∈ [1, 2], x ∈ (–∞, 12 ] ∪ [ 52 , +∞), otherwise. On the other hand, we can also construct another smooth function ψ defined in [0, 1], such that ψ(0) = 1, ψ(1) = 0, ψ (ν) (0+ ) = ψ (ν) (1– ) = 0 (ν = 1, 2, · · · ). This can be realized by taking ψ(x) = e · ξ(1 – x), x ∈ [0, 1]. The function ψ is useful in proving Lemma 2, for which we can take (d’après Fouvry [Fo]) t – ∆`–1 , ∆`–1 < t 6 ∆` , 1 – ψ ` – ∆`–1 ∆ t – ∆` W`,∆ (t) = ψ , ∆` 6 t < ∆`+1 , `+1 – ∆` ∆ 0, otherwise. References [dlB] [Da1] [Da2] [DI1] [DI2] [Er] [ES] R. de la Bretèche, Plus grand facteur premier de valeurs de polynômes aux entiers, Acta Arith. 169 (2015), 221–250 (with an appendix by R. de la Bretèche and J.-F. Mestre). C. Dartyge, Le plus grand facteur premier de n2 + 1 où n est presque premier, Acta Arith. 126 (1996), 199–226. C. Dartyge, Le problème de Tchébychev pour le douzième polynôme cyclotomique, Proc. London Math. Soc. 111 (2015), 1–62. J.-M. Deshouillers & H. Iwaniec, Kloosterman sums and Fourier coefficients of cusp forms, Invent. Math. 70 (1982/83), 171–188. J.-M. Deshouillers & H. Iwaniec, On the greatest prime factor of n2 + 1, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 32 (1982), 1–11. Q P. Erdős, On the greatest prime factor of xk=1 f (k), J. Q London Math. Soc. 27 (1952), 379–384. P. 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Tenenbaum, Sur une question d’Erdős et Schinzel, II, Invent. Math. 99, (1990) 215–224. Department of Mathematics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, P.R. China E-mail address: [email protected]
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