Greatest Success - Wesley Chapel UMC

Greatest Success
Our culture measures greatness with success. An Olympian
wins a gold medal and is considered great. A singer has a
number one hit and is considered great. An athlete breaks a
record, or wins a championship, and is considered great. A
business executive becomes a millionaire and is considered
great. There is nothing wrong with this kind of success, but
God’s plan for you may or may not include success according
to today’s culture. God does not measure success through
number one hits, gold medals, or the accumulation of
wealth. The life of Jesus is the standard of measurement of
success for Christians. Do we love like Jesus; forgive like
Jesus; serve like Jesus, and think like Jesus? The greatest
success in history was when Jesus defeated sin by dying on
the cross. Then he defeated death itself when he rose on the
third day. Just as God’s love is measured by the sacrifice of
Jesus, our success is measured by how much we serve from a
deep love for God and people. When we hear the words, “Well
done, good and faithful servant,” we will know we have
achieved success, for we shall take our place with Jesus in
Heaven for all eternity. As we achieve greatness through
service, we are to give all the glory to God for the great things
God is doing through us. This month we will be focusing on
serving God, serving disciples in the church, and serving the
community to make disciples. You are most like Jesus when
you serve with a heart of love. Ask God where God is calling
you to serve so that people might see our good works and
glorify God. –Pastor Tony Alsottt
In This Issue
Greatest Success
Intentional Faith
Serving People
Thank You
Calendar of Events
Wesley Wednesday
Wesley Wednesdays resume on Wednesday, August 10. The meal will be Chicken
Broccoli Casserole. The meal is listed each week in the Sunday bulletin. Serving begins at 5:30
pm. Life Groups begin at 6:30 pm.
New Life Groups
Effective Parenting in a Defective World by Chip Ingram is a 9-week study centering around
God’s plan for effectively raising your children. Skott and Crystal Stroud are the facilitators.
The cost is $14.00 and the class begins Wednesday, August 10 at 6:30 pm.
Dare to be Uncommon by Tony Dungy. This is an 8-week men’s study. Find a path to true
significance with Tony Dungy as he reveals his secrets to achieving uncommon success in this
high-impact, character-building challenge. The facilitator is Bill Sabala. The cost is $9.00 and
the class begins Wednesday, August 10 at 6:30 pm.
Seamless by Angie Smith is a 7-week women’s study. In seven weeks, seamless covers the
people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of
Scripture. Participants in this study will gain an overarching understanding of the
fundamental layout and meaning of the Bible. Rhonda Alstott and Marcia Latimer are the
facilitators. The cost is $13.00 and the class begins Wednesday, August 10 at 6:30 pm.
A Walk with Jesus is a beginner’s study. If you are new to studying the Bible, this class is for
you. The class begins Wednesday, August 10 at 6:30 pm and will meet for 14 weeks. Debbie
Smith is the facilitator and there is no cost.
Be Ready by Warren Wiersbe is a study on Thessalonians. In Paul’s letter to the
Thessalonians, he reveals that the promise of Christ’s return is more than a doctrine of our
faith. It is a remarkable truth that can shape how we live, how we connect, and how we
view ministry. Ron Van Tyle is the facilitator and there is no cost. The class begins August 10
at 6:30 pm.
Armor of God by Pricilla Shirer is 7-week study for women. All day, every day, an invisible war
rages around you - unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted,
devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you. If you are tired of
being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you. Becky Perkins is
the facilitator. The cost is $13.00 and the class begins Friday, August 12 at 9:00 am.
Financial Peace University is a 9-week class on money taught by America’s most trusted
financial guru, Dave Ramsey. Dave will walk you through the basics of budgeting, dumping
debt, planning for the future, and much more. Dustin Ogden is the facilitator. The cost is
$100.00 and will begin Wednesday, September 10 at 6:30 pm.
Connect Class is a 4-week class where Pastor Tony will cover some of the basics of faith and
allow you to discover where your passions line up with opportunities here at Wesley Chapel.
The class begins Wednesday, September 7 at 6:30 pm and there is no cost.
Precept Class: Philippians is a 9-week class. In this study you will discover true, deep-down
joy in your life that the world cannot take away. Marcia Latimer and Rhonda Alstott will
facilitate this study. The cost is $21.00. The study begins Thursday, September 8 at 9:00 am.
Books will handed out on Thursday, September 1 at 9:00 am.
Sign up for any of these Life Groups at the connect table in the lobby on Sunday, August 7 or at
Page 2
Intentional Faith Development cont. . .
Teacher Appreciation
On Saturday, August 20, there will be a
Teacher Appreciation and Celebration for
teachers of youth and adults hosted by
the Adult Education team. This event will
be in the Celebration Room 212 at 11:30
am. A delicious lunch will be provided.
We hope all Sunday school and Bible
teachers will attend. Please RSVP to by
August 13 to [email protected].
Spiritual Gifts
The Intentional Faith Development team
is happy to let you know that you are able
to take the Spiritual Gifts Inventory
online from the convenience of your own
computer. Go to, then click on “Spiritual Gifts
Discovery” and follow the directions.
Your result will be kept in a data base for
future use. There will be a section for you
to click on to read about each
spiritual gift and see where you might be
suited to serve in the life of the church
and the community. For those who
would like to attend a spiritual gifts
class, we will have a class next year.
Child Protection Guidelines
There will be opportunities for you to
take the Child Protection Guidelines
Training in 2017. Anyone who serves
with children, youth or those at risk, are
required to take the training once a
year. Training dates for 2017:
Wednesday, January 4, 2017 at 6:30 pm
Sunday, April 30 at 12:15 pm
Wednesday, August 2 at 6:30 pm
Sunday, November 2 at 12:15 pm
You may sign up for any of these sessions
online. Go to and there will be an icon to
click on for Child Protection Guidelines
on the children’s page. There will be a
section to click on if you are in need of
childcare for this event. If you have any
questions please contact Becky Perkins
at [email protected] or at
Marriage Tip
Take time out to compliment your spouse. It means
a lot to know you noticed.
Johns Island Mission Trip
There is a planning meeting for the Johns Island
Mission Trip on Wednesday, August 17 at 6:30 pm at
Pfrimmers Chapel UMC, 505 Pfrimmers Chapel Rd
NE, Corydon. Bring a dish and a friend. The 2016 trip
is September 24-30.
Dare to Care Food Pantry
August is our month to fill the food pantry at Hope
Southern Indiana. Paper bags with the printed list
are available on Sunday mornings in the lobby. The
deadline to return the bags is Sunday, August 28.
The Great Romance
Join us on Friday, August 19 at 6:30 pm for an
evening of Christian rock music, while helping stock
the pantry for Hope Southern Indiana. The Great
Romance will be providing their brand of great
music and all you have to do is provide a sack of
non-perishable food items for admission.
Wesley Moms
Moms with children age two through 5th grade are
invited to join us for a picnic at the Wesley Chapel
playground on Saturday, August 20 from 10:00noon. Lunch will be provided. This is a rain or shine
event. For information contact Victoria Campbell at
[email protected].
Serving is an important part of the discipleship
process. When we serve, we become more like
Jesus Christ. To encourage serving, Wesley Chapel
has designated Saturday, August 27 from 8:00 am2:00 pm as SERVE DAY. Everyone is encouraged to
participate in a SERVE DAY project.
Projects include: Silver Heights Camp; Salvation
Army; Cards for Shut-ins; Jacob’s Well; Choices for
Women; Exit 0; The Mustard Seed; Salvation Army
Kits; Hope Southern Indiana, and a Children’s
Service Project.
Childcare is available for children in grade 4 and
younger. Lunch will be provided for the children. We
will wear the same shirts that we wore in 2015.
There will be some shirts available for purchase on
the day of the event. The cost is $10.00.
To learn more about the available projects and sign
up visit the table in the lobby on August 7 and 14.
Page 3
Thank You
Wesley Chapel Family,
Thank you for the cards and prayers for my recent surgery. I know that because so many of you
were praying for me, that’s what got me through it.
Clara May Pinaire
Wesley Chapel,
Thank you for the many blessings your church offered my family during my mother’s passing. The
prayer blanket was laid upon her during her final moments.
Brenda Clemons daughter of Ada Hanna Tate
Wesley Chapel,
Thanks so much for remembering us during this loss. The plant is beautiful. My mom loved plants.
Thanks to Pastor Tony for coming to the service and your love and support.
The family of Ingrid Baylor
Wesley Chapel,
What an incredible job you all did collecting shoes to save lives with safe water. Your service makes
a difference in the world and people’s lives. WaterStep is proud to partner with you in this
mission. We thank you for your service.
WaterStep Shoe Department
Wesley Chapel, We deeply appreciate your expression of sympathy. We are grateful for friends like
you at this time of sorrow.
The Engleman Family
Back to School Bash
All Revive youth are invited to attend the Back to School Bash on Saturday, August 6 from
6:00-9:30 pm at the home of Bill and Donna Shireman, 6405 Quailwood Drive, Floyds Knobs. There
will be swimming, eating, and a movie.
Parents Night Out
Parents of our Revive youth are invited to meet the new Youth Director, Dennis Shireman on
Saturday, August 20 from 6:00 -9:30 pm at Wesley Chapel. Food and a movie are provided. Bring a
lawn chair and/or blanket. We will have a brief meeting to discuss issues and events for the coming
school year. You will receive a calendar of events for the year. For more information email Dennis at
[email protected].
Puppet Show
The Wesley Chapel Puppets will be performing a blacklight puppet show on Saturday, August 20 at
2:00 pm at Covenant Community Church, 727 Rolling Creek Drive, New Albany.
Page 4
Sunday Morning Services
Covenant Christian Church
Serve Day
Directory Photos
Teacher Appreciation
Wesley Moms
Parents’ Night Out
Puppet Show at
Titus Group to Jacobs
Directory Photos
Back to School Bash
Ladies’ Life Group
Ladies’ Life Group
Directory Photos
Great Romance/Food
Ladies’ Life Group
Directory Photos
Young Adult Study
Directory Photos
Young Adult Study
Young Adult Study
Directory Photos
Young Adult Study
Staff Meeting
Wesley Wednesday
Worship Rehearsal
Chapel Rehearsal
Staff Meeting
Wesley Wednesday
Worship Rehearsal
Chapel Rehearsal
Staff Meeting
Wesley Wednesday
Worship Rehearsal
Chapel Rehearsal
Staff Meeting
Wesley Wednesday
Worship Rehearsal
Chapel Rehearsal
Staff Meeting
Worship Rehearsal
Chapel Rehearsal
Servant Leader Bd
Mary Martha Circle
Woman to Woman
Alcoholics Anonymous
Adult Ed Team
Woman to Woman
Alcoholics Anonymous
Rebekah Circle
Woman to Woman
Alcoholics Anonymous
Woman to Woman
Alcoholics Anonymous
Woman to Woman
Alcoholics Anonymous
Servant Leader Mtg
Knight Small Group
Newsletter Deadline
BSF Leaders’ Meeting
Knight Small Group
8:30 am; 9:45 am; 11:00 am
Sunday School
8:30am; 9:45 am; 11:00 am
Connect Sign-Ups
10 Great Dates
Serve Day Sign-Ups
Children’s Outreach Team
Children’s Ed Team
Serve Day Sign-Ups
Work Day sign-ups
Brown- Highway 150 Campus
Black– Off site
Page 5
Wesley Connector
A publication of
2100 Highway 150
Floyds Knobs, IN 47119
Welcome to Wesley Chapel
Wesley Chapel UMC
2100 Hwy 150, Floyds Knobs
Office: 812.944.2570 ~ Fax: 812.944.2851
Tony Alstott ~ Lead Pastor
extension 27 email: [email protected]
Rob Killebrew ~ Director of Passionate Worship
extension 24 email: [email protected]
Becky Perkins ~ Director of Intentional Faith Development
extension 30 email: [email protected]
Dennis Shireman ~ Director of Youth & Young Adults
extension 29 email: [email protected]
Gina Wampler ~ Secretary
extension 21 email: [email protected]
Melissa DeLuca ~ Receptionist
extension 22 email: [email protected]
Wayne Perkins ~ Maintenance/Building Security
email: [email protected]
Kevin Berry ~ Custodian
email: : [email protected]