Comparing thematic features in English and Spanish: A functional

Comparing thematic features in English and Spanish:
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres
Submitted to
Departmento de Filología Inglesa I (Lengua y Lingüística Inglesas)
in fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master’s Degree:
“Lingüística Inglesa: Nuevas Aplicaciones y Comunicación Internacional”
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
(June 2009)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Julia Lavid López
A functional analysis of two paper genres
Table of Contents
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Keywords ...................................................................................................................................... 4 List of figures ................................................................................................................................. 5 List of tables .................................................................................................................................. 6 I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 7 1. 1. Background ....................................................................................................................... 7 1.2. Research questions ............................................................................................................ 8 1. 3. Organization of the thesis ................................................................................................. 8 2. Theoretical foundation ........................................................................................................... 10 2. 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 10 2. 2. Text types, register and genre ........................................................................................ 11 2.2.1 Text types ................................................................................................................... 11 2.2.2 Register ...................................................................................................................... 13 2.2.3 Genre ......................................................................................................................... 13 2. 3. Thematic organization of the clause .............................................................................. 15 3. Materials and Methods ........................................................................................................... 20 3.1. Materials .......................................................................................................................... 20 3.2. Methods ........................................................................................................................... 21 4. Results ..................................................................................................................................... 23 4.1 Experiential elements as Heads and PreHeads in English and Spanish ............................. 23 4.1.1 English Editorials and News articles ........................................................................... 23 4.1.2 Spanish Editorials and News articles .......................................................................... 29 4.1.3 Contrastive analysis of experiential roles as Thematic Heads ................................... 34 4.2 Textual and Interpersonal Themes ................................................................................... 41 4.2.1 Textual and Interpersonal Themes in the English texts ............................................. 41 Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two paper genres
4.2.2 Textual and interpersonal Themes in Spanish ........................................................... 44 4.2.3 Contrastive thematic interpersonal and textual choices in Editorials and News articles ................................................................................................................................. 46 4.3 Syntactic features .............................................................................................................. 49 4.3.1 Syntactic features in English Editorials and News articles ......................................... 49 4.3.2 Syntactic features in Spanish editorials and news articles ......................................... 53 4.3.3 Syntactic features of Thematic Heads and Pre-­‐Heads in English and Spanish ........... 56 5. Discussion and concluding remarks ........................................................................................ 58 6. References .............................................................................................................................. 62 Appendix
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two paper genres
This study is a contrastive description of the clausal thematic features which
characterize two newspaper genres -news articles and editorials- in English and Spanish
with the aim to determine whether the choices are due to language-specific or to genrespecific constraints. The sample used for the study consists of a comparable sample of
thirty two texts, sixteen in English and sixteen in Spanish, collected along a number of
external and internal criteria to ensure generic, registerial and text type comparability in
both languages. The contrastive analysis focuses on three main thematic features: (1)
the experiential elements selected as Thematic Heads, (2) the textual and interpersonal
thematic choices; (3) the syntactic features of the Thematic Heads and Pre-heads. The
results of the analysis indicate that, though there are some language-specific tendencies,
genre-specific constrains seem to be the determining factor in the selection and syntactic
realization of the thematic features of the two newspaper genres investigated in this
study. Keywords: newspaper genres, experiential roles, thematisation, textual theme,
interpersonal theme, thematic head, pre-head, thematic syntactic realizations, functional
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two paper genres
List of figures
Figure 1. Experiential roles in English Editorials and News Articles ........................................24
Figure 2. Experiential roles in Spanish Editorials and News articles.........................................30
Figure 3 Experiential roles in Spanish and English Editorials ...................................................35
Figure 4. Experiential roles in Spanish and English News articles ............................................35
Figure 5. Experiential roles in English and Spanish Editorials and News articles.....................41
Figure 6. Textual Themes in English and Spanish Editorials ....................................................46
Figure 7. Textual Themes in Spanish and English News articles ..............................................48
Figure 8. Syntactic features of Thematic Heads and PreHeads in English ............................ ...49
Figure 9. Syntactic features of Thematic Heads and Pre-heads in Spanish ..............................53
Figure 10. Syntactic features of Thematic Heads and Pre-heads in English and Spanish .........56
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
List of tables
Table 1. Participants and Process types in English Editorials and News articles .................... 24
Table 2. Participants and process types in Spanish Editorials and News articles .................... 30
Table 3 Textual themes in English Editorials and News articles ............................................. 41
Table 4. Textual Themes in Spanish editorials and news articles ............................................ 44
Table 5. Noun Phrases as Thematic Heads in English and Spanish ......................................... 57
Table 6. Np+App in Spanish and English Editorials and News articles .................................. 57
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
I. Introduction
1. 1. Background
The study of thematisation has been recognized as a fundamental phenomenon in the
construction of messages and texts by different linguistic schools, in spite of the lack of
consensus on the terminology used (see Lavid 2000a). Thematising a linguistic unit by
placing it in first-initial position in the clause, paragraph or text confers upon it a special
status as a signal of the organizational strategy which characterises different text types
(Lavid 2000b), and, therefore, plays a role as a variable in the distinction of registers,
text types and genres. One productive line of research has focused on the relationship
between thematic selection and registers and genres (see Ghadessy 1995), focusing
almost exclusively on English. There are also contrastive studies comparing
thematisation in English with other languages, such as Norwegian (Hasselgaard 2004),
or German (Ventola), but these have focused on one single text type, with the exception
of Lavid (2000c) who focused on thematic selection as a signal of specific chaining
strategies characterizing different text types in English, Spanish and German.
This study attempts to advance knowledge in this area by focusing on two newspaper
genres -news articles and editorials- in English and Spanish whose thematic features
have not been studied contrastively before as indicative of their generic
characterization.1 The study analyses the experiential roles that are selected as Thematic
Head and PreHead as well as the kinds of textual and interpersonal elements that may
occur as part of a multiple Theme. It also analyses the syntactic features which
characterise Thematic Heads and PreHeads.
See Lavid et al. (submitted) for an initial step in this direction. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two paper genres
It is thus primarily a study of the lexicogrammatical properties of Themes in the two
languages, not of Theme as part of a pattern of thematic progression. The analysis has
been carried out as an initial exploratory step in a more extensive investigation of the
thematic features of different newspaper genres in English and Spanish, as part of a
larger project where the author collaborates as pre-doctoral researcher.
1.2. Research questions
The research questions investigated in this thesis are the following:
1. What are the experiential elements selected as Thematic Head in news articles and
editorials in English and in Spanish? Are the differences in this selection languagespecific or genre-specific?
2. What are the textual and interpersonal Themes selected in news reports and in
editorials in both languages? Are there any language or genre-specific preferences?
3. What are the syntactic features which characterize Thematic Heads and PreHeads in
news reports and editorials in both languages? Are there any language or genre-specific
1. 3. Organization of the thesis
The thesis is organized as follows. Section 2 offers a general view of the theoretical
models and categories used in the current investigation. It includes references to the
systemic functional frame and the notions of text type, register and genre, along with an
overview of the model used for the contrastive analysis of the thematic features
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
investigated in this study. Section 3 presents the materials and methods used in the
analysis, including the sample selection criteria and the methodological steps for the
contrastive analysis. Section 4 presents the results of the analysis, divided into three
subparts corresponding to the research questions posed at the beginning of the study.
Section 5 discusses the results of the analysis and provides some concluding remarks. As an appendix, a CD-ROM is attached containing all the texts analyzed in terms of
their thematic features.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
2. Theoretical foundation
2. 1. Introduction
This section provides some theoretical background based on which this study has been
designed and conducted. Although the overall approach used in this study is functional,
I have not confined myself to one single theory, but I have used a number of theoretical
models to address the different phases of the proposed investigation. For the first phase
of the study –the establishment of the comparability status of the contrastive sample
selected for analysis- I have adopted a synthesized version of Halliday and Hassan
analytical framework (1989) that includes contextual and textual analyses, as will be
shown in section 3.1 below. For the second phase of the study –the investigation of the
contrastive thematic features in the proposed genres- I have used the model proposed in
Lavid et al. (in press), which extends and operationalises the original systemicfunctional notion of Theme, as applied to the English language (Halliday and
Matthiessen 2004, Matthiessen 1992), to provide a more accurate treatment of the
message structure of the clause in Spanish.
Given the variety of issues involved in this study, the following sections will briefly
overview the main theoretical categories and models used in the present study.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
2. 2. Text types, register and genre
2.2.1 Text types
Traditionally, text types refer to rhetorical categories, like narration, description,
exposition and argumentation. The identification of text types is deeply rooted in our
culture (Faigley and Meyer 1983), but the number and the labels of these rhetorical
categories vary according to the linguist’s orientation and preferences. For example,
Werlich (1976) analyses five text types (narration, description, exposition,
argumentation and instruction), Beaugrande and Dressler (1981) propose seven text
types (descriptive, narrative, argumentative, scientific, didactic, literary and poetic),
Adam (1992) analyses five text types (récit, description, argumentation, explication and
dialogue). Some scholars use the label “text types” to indicate instrumental or practical
genres, as opposed to literary genres (see Görlach 2004). Others use “text types” and
“genres” interchangeably, as synonyms (i. e. Stubbs 1996; Karlgren 2000). Finally,
others (e.g. Kilgarriff and Grefenstette 2003) use the term “text types” without any
further indication on how this label should be interpreted in the context in which they
use it.
Since the publication of Biber’s work on linguistic variation across speech and writing
(Biber 1988), the term “text types” has entered corpus linguistics. His work is by now a
classic of statistical corpus-based approach, and has influenced also European standards
for large language resources, such as the EAGLES guidelines on text typology
(EAGLES 1996).
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
Biber (1988) makes a distinction between genre – which later becomes register (Biber
1995: 9) – and text types. In his view, genre is influenced by cultural and external
criteria, whereas text types can be derived from the texts themselves, irrespective of
their genre. In other words, while external criteria follow distinctions and classifications
already available in the culture, Biber establishes a typology of texts based on internal
linguistic criteria only, which are interpreted with reference to external functions. Biber
(1988: 102–103) suggests the following textual dimensions:
1. Involved versus informational production
2. Narrative versus nonnarrative concerns
3. Explicit versus situation-dependent reference
4. Overt expression of persuasion
5. Abstract versus nonabstract style
According to these five variations Biber establishes eight text types, although
(…) texts do not divide sharply into distinct types – instead there is a continuous range of variation in linguistic form and use. The notion of text types developed here is based on frequent and therefore typical clustering of texts (…)
Biber (1989:16-17)
The eight types are “Intimate personal interaction”, “Informational interaction”,
“Scientific exposition”, “Learned exposition”, “Imaginative narrative”, “General
narrative exposition”, “Situated reportage” and “Involved persuasion”.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
2.2.2 Register
Halliday's approach takes into consideration the “context of situation” is “the total
environment in which a text unfolds” (Halliday and Hasan 1989:5), that is, who is
participating, what is taking place and what role language is playing. Thus, analysis of
context is broken down into field, tenor, and mode, which collectively constitute the
"register" of a text and makes possible for the speaker/writer to orient themself in the
context of situation (Halliday, 1985:12)
• The field of discourse: Refers to what is happening, to the nature of the social
action that is taking place.
• The tenor of discourse: Refers to who is taking part, to the nature of the
participants, their statuses and roles.
• The mode of discourse: the symbolic organization of the text (text type in
Biber’s words), the channel of communication, such as spoken/written,
communication/telephone/F2F, etc.
2.2.3 Genre
According to Swales genre
(…) comprises a class of communicative events, the members of which share some set of communicative purposes. Theses purposes are recognised by the expert members of the parent discourse community, and thereby constitute the rationale for the genre….in addition to purpose, exemplars of a genre exhibit various patterns of similarity in terms of structure, style, content and intended audience Swales (1990:58)
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
Following Swales definition we may find several categories under the label of
newspaper genre, this categorization is given by the Boston University:
• News articles generally follow an "inverted pyramid" structure for conveying
information about a current event, incident, or issue of public interest. The first
sentence of the article, or lead, gives the most important facts (who, what, when,
where), and the following paragraphs present, in descending order of
importance, the details of the event, incident, or issue (how, why). A news
article should strive to remain objective and should use neutral language while
presenting a diversity of opinions, voices, and perspectives of the event,
incident, or issue under discussion.
• Feature articles are less time-sensitive than news articles, and may describe
people, places, or events of general interest to the public. They also tend to be
longer than news articles. Feature articles often begin with a "hook" that is
meant to catch the reader's attention, and go on to describe interesting aspects of
the topic under consideration without necessarily following the "inverted
pyramid" structure.
• Columns give the opinion of the writer on a topic of his or her interest and may
range from stories about private or public individuals to statements of the
writer's position on an issue of public concern. The writer, or columnist, writes
these articles as a regular feature of his/her newspaper, and they appear in the
same place in every issue of the newspaper, usually filling one entire column of
text (hence the name).
• Editorials (or leading articles in the UK) are written for newspaper publication
and present the writer's opinion on an issue of current public interest.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
This study focuses on editorials and news articles following the definitions given above.
2. 3. Thematic organization of the clause
In this study I have adopted the model proposed by Lavid et al. (in press), which
extends and operationalises the original systemic-functional notion of Theme, as applied
to the English language (Halliday and Matthiessen 2004, Matthiessen 1992), to provide
a more accurate treatment of the message structure of the clause in Spanish.2 In this
model the message structure of the clause consists of two main functionally-distinct
zones or fields: the Thematic field and the Rhematic field. The Thematic field is a
complex functional zone in clause-initial position serving a variety of clausal and
discourse functions, and consists of two main components: the Inner Thematic field and
the Outer Thematic field.
The Inner Thematic field consists of elements selected from the experiential structure of
the clause, and can include two components:
(a) The Thematic Head
(b) The Pre-head
The Thematic Head is the nuclear part of the Inner Thematic Field with both discourse
and clausal functions. In Lavid et al (in press) the Thematic Head is defined as the first
element with a function in the experiential configuration of the clause which is more
central to the unfolding of the text by allowing the tracking of the discourse participants.
It is also the element most closely aligned with the spatial, temporal or metaphorical
location of the speaker/writer, from whose perspective or point of view the message is
Although the model has been developed for the characterization of the Spanish clause, it is sufficiently
general to account for English as well, so I have adopted it for the current contrastive study. The
examples used in this section have been adopted from the ones in Lavid et al (in press) or directly quoted
with permission from the authors.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
presented to the addressee (clausal function). Thus, in (1a) the Thematic Head is
‘Luisa’, while in (1b) it is ‘Juan’ (in all the examples below the Thematic Head is
Luisa recibió una carta de Pablo
‘Luisa received a letter from Pablo’
recibió una carta de Pablo
Thematic Head
Rhematic field
Juan envió una carta a María
‘Juan sent a letter to María’
envió una carta a María
Thematic Head
Rhematic field
In (1a) the scene is described from the Recipient's perspective, whereas in (1b) it is
presented from that of the Agent. In the former, the speaker aligns himself with the
Recipient, so to speak, while in the latter he sides with the Agent.3
In the Spanish clause, the Thematic Head may be explicit or implicit, depending on
factors such as the informational status of its referent, its definiteness, etc...An explicit
Thematic Head is encoded through independent lexical and grammatical forms, such as
Nominal Groups or nominal clauses. An implicit Thematic Head is encoded through
verbal prefixes or suffixes, depending on the function of the Head in the interpersonal
structure of the clause.
If the implicit Thematic Head functions as Subject, the realisation is a verbal suffix
indicating the person and number of the participant. If it functions as Complement, it is
For a more detailed account of the notion of ‘conceptual distance’ in the context of Natural Language
Generation, see Hovy and Lavid (2007).
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
realised through clitics. This is illustrated in (3) below, where the clitic ‘la’ refers to a
discourse participant previously mentioned in the text:
engañaron ... el sello y el sobre
the stamp and the envelope
‘She was deceived by the stamp and the envelope’
If the Thematic Head is explicit and functions as a Complement, the realization is
typically done through lexical means followed by a clitic copy, as in (4), where the
reference to the participant ‘la chica’ is made first through lexical means (‘a la chica’)
followed by a clitic copy ‘la’.
A la chica
llamaron Juana
To the girl,
‘They called the girl Juana’
The Pre-Head is the non-nuclear part of the Inner Thematic Field. This is typically
realised by Circumstantial elements which do not exhaust the thematic potential of the
clause, as illustrated in example (5) below. The Circumstantial elements can be encoded
as groups, but also as adverbial clauses, as illustrated by the first and the second
Circumstantial elements in example (5) below, from Lavid et al (in press):
Junto a estos convenios, y con el propósito de fomentar el intercambio
científico, la Fundación ha consolidado una amplísima red de relaciones dentro
y fuera de España que la convierten en una de las instituciones más dinámicas
del país.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
estos y con el propósito la
de fomentar el Fundación
Inner Thematic Field
relaciones dentro y fuera
convierten en una de
dinámicas del país.
Rhematic Field
Circumstantial elements in thematic position may perform a variety of functions,
depending on their semantic nature. Temporal or Location Circumstantials often
function as scene-setting frameworks (see Downing 1991).
The Pre-Head may also include other elements such as the ‘se’ marker (when
pronominal or passive), and the non-inflectional part of the verbal form whenever the
Subject is implicit, as shown in (6) below:
se halla ahora ante un proceso de expansión internacional
‘it is in a process of international expansion’
Thematic field
ahora ante un proceso de expansión
Rhematic field
The Outer Thematic field is configured by elements which surround and complete the
Inner Thematic field. The range of elements which can be selected for the Outer
Thematic field is varied, and may consist of the following types:
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
a) Textual themes: these are elements which are instrumental in the creation of the
logical connections in the text, such as linkers, binders, and other textual markers.
b) Interpersonal themes: these are elements which express the attitude and the
evaluation of the speaker with respect to his/her message, including those expressing
modality and polarity.
c) Absolute thematic constructions: these are constructions which are not integrated in
the main predication and usually appear separated by a pause, or a comma, from the
main clause.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Materials
The first phase of the study consisted in compilation of a bilingual English-Spanish
corpus which could be considered as comparable along a number of criteria. The criteria
used for text compilation were of two types:
1. External criteria: this included the decade of publication and the type of publication.
With respect to the former, the year of publication was 2008 and 2009. The editorials
were selected from the Project Syndicate (http://www.project-­‐ and El País
digital (, while the news articles were selected from two highcirculation
( and El País digital (
2. Internal criteria: this included categories of ‘genre’, the systemic-functional category
of ‘register’ and the notion of ‘text type’ (Biber 1988), as briefly described in section
2.2. above. The sample collection procedure was as follows:
1. In order to ensure the genre comparability of our bilingual sample, we used the
classification provided by the CPCS Writing Portfolio of different newspaper genres.4
According to this classification, a news article “should strive to remain objective and
should use neutral language while presenting a diversity of opinions, voices, and
perspectives of the event, incident, or issue under discussion”. An editorial, also known
as op-ed, “presents the writer’s opinion on an issue of current public interest.”
This classification is available from the College of Public and Community Service of the University of Massachusets Boston. Their web page can be consulted at: Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two paper genres
2. In order to ensure register comparability, a modest register analysis was carried out to
ensure the similarity of the English and the Spanish texts across the features of ‘field’,
‘tenor’ and ‘mode’. With respect to ‘field’, all the texts collected dealt with economic
matterns, each bilingual pair of texts sharing the same ‘topic’. The ‘tenor’ of the texts
involved similar participants with similar statuses and roles in the English and the
Spanish texts. In the case of editorials, the writer is, in most cases, a well-known
politician, journalist, or intellectual. The mode includes features like the channel of
communication which is written in both genres and monologic. In the case of news
articles it may include occasional dialogic interventions. It also includes the rhetorical
mode, or text type, according to the authors. The overall rhetorical mode is expository
in news articles, while it is usually persuasive or argumentative in editorials. As to the
textual dimensions according to which texts can be classified into types (Biber 1988),
news articles would be examples of informational production while editorials would be
examples of involved production.
The final contrastive sample collected consists of a total of 32 texts, distributed in two
groups: 16 news articles (8 English and 8 Spanish) and 16 editorials (8 English and 8
Spanish). The bilingual sample compiled is attached in a CD-ROM as an appendix at
the end of the study.
3.2. Methods
The unit of analysis used in this study is the complex clause. Therefore all clause
complexes occurring in the texts of the bilingual sample were numerated an inserted in
tables for the analysis of experiential roles, textual and interpersonal themes and
syntactic features of the Thematic Head and PreHead.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
The classification of the Theme (Outer theme, Inner theme) upon which the whole
analysis is carried out, is done according to the methodology proposed by Lavid et al (in
press) that classifies in the outer theme: textual and interpersonal elements and in the
inner theme: head and prehead.
For the analysis of the experiential roles selected as Thematic Head and PreHead, a
transitivity analysis considering the possible experiential roles (Material, mental,
relational, verbal and behavioural) and their associated participants (Actor, Affected,
Beneficiary/Recipient, Senser, Carrier, Sayer, Token and Existant) was carried out. In
the case of Spanish, where Processes can appear as Preheads, these were tabulated as
the choices within the possible experiential roles.
For the analysis of the textual and interpersonal Themes, all the elements in the Outer
thematic field were inspected and annotated as textual or interpersonal.
For the analysis of the syntactic features which characterize Thematic Heads and
PreHeads, all the possible realizations were inspected and annotated.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
4. Results
This section is divided into four different parts, each focused on the contrastive analysis
of the features of the two newspaper genres investigated in this study. Subsection 4.1.
presents the results of the contrastive analysis of the preferred experiential elements
selected as Thematic Heads and PreHeads in both genres. Subsection 4.2. presents the
results of contrastive analysis of the preferred textual and interpersonal thematic
elements; finally, subsection 4.3. focuses on the syntactic features which characterize
the Thematic Heads and PreHeads.
4.1 Experiential elements as Heads and PreHeads in English and Spanish
The analysis is divided into three different sections for the sake of clarity. The first one
is the related to the differences posed by editorials and news articles in English, the
second one explores the same features in Spanish, and, finally, the third is a contrastive
English-Spanish analysis.
4.1.1 English Editorials and News articles
This section presents the results of the analysis of the English editorials extracted from
The Project Syndicate and the English news articles from the Times online. Figure 1
below shows the selection of the experiential roles found in the analysis of Head and
Pre-heads of the thematic field in the texts.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
Figure 1. Experiential roles in English Editorials and News Articles
Table 1 displays the same data as presented in figure 1 but in percentages and adding
information about the process types where participants are involved.
Experiential Roles
Process type
Table 1. Participants and Process types in English Editorials and News articles
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
According to the definitions given in section 3, editorials present the writers opinion on
an issue, normally of current interest. On the other hand, news articles strive to remain
objective presenting a diversity of opinions, voices, and perspectives of the event,
incident, or issue under discussion. Both genres deal with current events, but seen under
different perspectives. Accordingly, and in spite of the different rhetorical purposes,
material processes are the most frequent types of experiential roles selected in both
genres, with no statistical differences between them.
Some examples of Actors in Editorial texts are presented below:
In The limits of energy innovation
(1) A century ago, the world used coal and a relatively small volume of oil at
the rate of 0.7 TW, but in 2008 established commercial energies – fossil fuels
and primary (water and nuclear) electricity – flow at the rate of nearly 15
TW. (line 10)
(2) Obviously, this scale limits the speed with which new prime movers can be
introduced to replace any significant share of the old devices. (line 12)
And in Micro Europe
(3) Emerging-market countries have increased their share of the world
economy, giving them a more important voice in international relations. (5)
(4) Indian, Middle Eastern, and other investors are buying up European
steel mills and carmakers 13
And some examples of Actors in News articles
In the text “Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the IMF, escapes dismissal over affair”
(5) Dominique Strauss-Kam, the French head of the International
Monetary Fund, escaped dismissal for a one-night stand with a
subordinate today, but was denounced by board members for a "serious
error of judgment." (1)
(6) But his reputation took a battering in the statement by the 1M F board,
which said the relationship "was regrettable and reflected a serious error of
judgment on the part of the managing director."
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
In “Dutch Government to inject €10bn of fresh captial into ING savings bank” (7) The Government will buy €10 billion of subordinated bonds in ING using a
€20 billion fund set aside for fighting the current crisis.
(8) The capital injection will boost ING’s core Tier 1 ratio, a measure of
financial strength, from 6.5 per cent to 8 per cent.
By contrast, the difference in the selection of Sayers is statistically significant in both
genres (p<0.05), with news articles presenting a much higher frequency than
editorials.This difference is clearly genre-specific, since news articles present a diversity
of opinions, voices, and perspectives of the event, incident, or issue under discussion.
The high number of quotations in this genre explains the high frequency of Sayers.
Examples (9) and (10) below illustrate this use
(9) Mr Bos said the deal was structured to ensure a state exit as soon as “this
financial hurricane” receded. (8)
Dutch Government to inject €10bn of fresh captial into
ING savings bank
(10) “This is a healthy company,” he said. “We wanted to be able to give it
extra buffers to withstand market conditions in these extraordinary
Dutch Government to inject €10bn of fresh captial into
ING savings bank
(11) Mr Tilmant said the bank had the trust of its customers and had not seen
a large outflow of funds. (11)
Dutch Government to inject €10bn of fresh captial into
ING savings bank
(12) The bank announced this morning that it will raise up to £2 billion pounds
from Qatar Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), an existing shareholder, and
its associated holdings. and £300 million from Challenger, an investment
vehicle of a member of Qatar’s royal family (2)
Barclays rejects government funding, secures £5.8bn
from Qatar and Abu Dhabi
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(13) When QIA took its first stake in Barclays in February, Mr Varley said:
“The participation of players such as these is one of the most positive
manifestations of globalisation. It’s highly positive that there are pools of
money that can be put to work in this way. That’s very different to the world
of five or ten years ago.” (17)
Barclays rejects government funding, secures £5.8bn
from Qatar and Abu Dhabi
Regarding the use of mental process, as table 1 and figure 1 shows, there are no
significant differences between news articles and editorials (6,90%, 8.85%
respectively). Although it might be expected the editorialists to use verbs of thought to
express their ideas, the data show that there is scarce use of these verbs in neither of the
In the editorial The Vanishing Bomb:
(14) We appreciate the proposals from the United Kingdom, France, and
Germany as well, while Russia also signaled recently in Geneva its
readiness to embark upon nuclear disarmament (18)
(15) We note with satisfaction that the new US administration has not turned a
deaf ear to responsible statesmen and scientists who are calling for the
abolition (16)
Also found in an editorial Micro-Europe
(16) Many citizens believe that European cooperation benefits only the
privileged, and that workers and pensioners face higher taxes because
cross-border integration has helped the rich find ways to avoid paying their
fair share on interest and capital gains. (20)
The News articles present similar examples:
In the text “Opec hawks want to cut oil production to keep up price”
(17) Opec hawks, such as Iran and Venezuela, want to shore up the price
by turning off the taps, but neither country can afford to cut output and
forgo revenues.6
And in G7 'preparing to drive down the yen'
(18) Members of the Group of Seven (G7) nations may be considering a
joint market intervention to prevent a further surge in the yen as the
Japanese currency’s sharp rise threatens the world’s second biggest
economy and other Asian economies. (1)
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The selection of Carriers and Tokens in relational processes is statistically significant in
editorials and news articles (p<0.05)
The almost double number of items that appear
in the editorials compared than those of the news articles maybe due to the nature of this
process, in particular the Carrier participant, which characterizes the entity in various
ways. This is highly coherent with the nature of the editorials, in which writers give
their opinion using relational structures which seem to provide a more objective account
of reality, as illustratedin (19)-(24) below:
In the editorial The Vanishing Bomb
(19) Today, the global picture is different. (6)
(20) This is especially urgent now, with the search for new energy sources and
a “renaissance” of nuclear power. (27)
In the text The Limits of Energy Innovation, also an editorial
(21) The environmental, strategic, and economic benefits – including
lower use of carbon-emitting fossil fuels, less reliance on politically
volatile oil-and-gas exporters, and the creation of millions of wellpaid jobs – are uncontroversial. (2)
(22) Economic globalization would have been impossible without the diesel
engines that power enormous crude and liquefied natural gas tankers, bulk
cargo vessels transporting iron ore and grain, and massive container ships:
some of them now have unit capacities close to 100 MW, but their basic
design was mastered within two decades of Diesel’s test of his final engine
prototype in 1897. (18)
In the news article “Opec hawks want to cut oil production to keep up price” the
following example is found.
(23) Together the cartel members have lost about a billion dollars of
revenue a day since crude price peaked in July.(3)
And in the news article “Microsoft results offer hope to tech sector”
(24) Wall Street is scared about how much the US recession will erode
American corporate profits over the next few years.(4)
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The number of appearances of existential processes is very low, as it can be seen on
table 1. There are only 6.90% of Existent participants in editorials and none in news
articles. Examples (25) to (28) illustrate their use in editorials.
(25) There is only one kind of primary energy (energy embodied in natural
resources) that was not known to the first high civilizations of the Middle East
and East Asia and by all of their pre-industrial successors: isotopes of the
heavy elements whose nuclear fission has been used since the late 1950’s to
generate heat that, in turn, produces steam for modern electricity turbogenerators. (4)
The Limits of Energy Innovation
(26) There is only one more prime mover to add to this sequence. (15)
The Limits of Energy Innovation
(27) There is also the risk that nuclear weapons may fall into the hands of nonstate actors, such as terrorist groups. (11)
The Vanishing Bomb
(28) There is also a real danger that this group may expand further to include
states where governments will not always be guided by rational
considerations. (12)
The Vanishing Bomb
To sum up, the most relevant differences found in the analysis of English news articles
and editorials lies in the selection of relational and verbal processes. Verbal processes
characterize news articles whereas relational processes predominate in editorials.
4.1.2 Spanish Editorials and News articles
This section focuses on the analysis of experiential roles in Spanish Editorials and News
articles. Figure 2 presents the chart of the experiential elements selected in Spanish
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Figure 2. Experiential roles in Spanish Editorials and News articles
More detailed data is presented in Table 2 below. Here the data are presented in
percentages and grouped around the process type where participants are involved.
Process type
Table 2. Participants and process types in Spanish Editorials and News articles
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As in the English texts, Actors in material processes are the most frequent type of
experiential element as Thematic Head in both genres Examples of this selection in the
Spanish texts are presented in (29)-(32) below:
(29) Porque, entretanto, Camps sigue sin presentar facturas que,
desmintiendo la documentación que figura en el sumario, acreditasen su
afirmación de que él se pagó los trajes que presuntamente le regaló el jefe
de la trama corrupta en Valencia.(5)
Sigue imputado
(30) Por otra, no encuentra indicios suficientes para acreditar la integración en
una trama al servicio de ETA o de formaciones ligadas a ella. (8)
Equilibrio de poderes
(31) El recorte se realizará con respecto a los niveles de oferta de los países
productores del mes de septiembre y se hará efectiva a partir del 1 de
El recorte de producción de la OPEP hunde el petróleo
(32) Los precios del crudo han caído más del 50% desde el récord de 147
dólares registrado en julio. (11)
El recorte de producción de la OPEP hunde el petróleo
Sayers in verbal processes follow the pattern found in English texts, though the
difference between news articles and editorials is not statistically significant. The
examples that follow correspond to the appearances of verbal processes in editorials:
(33) Rajoy ha apuntado a los "Torquemada del siglo XXI" como
causantes de los problemas de Camps con la justicia.(7)
Camps y Torquemada
(34) Las palabras del líder de la oposición descalifican gratuitamente
la actuación de los jueces y, en concreto, del instructor del caso en
el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Valencia (10)
Camps y Torquemada
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Sayers in News articles
(35) Pese a ello, los letrados recomiendan que se establezcan
mayores exigencias para su director gerente dada "su prominencia y
las consecuencias para la reputación" de la institución que
representa. (6)
Una noche sin consecuencias para Strauss-Kahn
(36) Los abogados de Morgan Lewis afirman que no hubo conductas
reprobables más allá del "error personal" que el propio StraussKahn, de 59 años, ha reconocido: no presionó a la mujer para
obtener sexo ni intervino en su decisión de cambiar de trabajo ni
favoreció una compensación mayor de la usual cuando abandonó el
FMI en agosto.(7)
Una noche sin consecuencias para Strauss-Kahn
The verbs used in the editorial examples (apuntan, descalifican) have a strong
connotative meaning, whereas the verbs in the news articles (recomiendan, afirman) are
more neutral in what has to do with the connotative weight.
As in the English texts, the selection of Sensers in mental processes is scarce in both
newspaper genres. Some examples of their use in editorials is given in (37) and (38)
below, whereas (39) and (40) illustrate their use in news articles:
(37) Los dirigentes populares habían pretendido confundir a la opinión pública
presentando la condición de imputado como un mero detalle procesal
derivado de la forma en que había instruido el caso el juez Garzón.(5)
Sigue imputado
(38) Por una parte, no se conforma con los indicios obvios de voluntad
defraudatoria de Batasuna, y constata que no existe en el auto confirmación
de que esa voluntad se haya materializado en la candidatura señalada.
Equilibrio de poderes
(39) El gobernante japonés desea estabilizar el mercado de valores y fortalecer
el sistema financiero nipón, afectado por la crisis crediticia global (12)
El G7 reafirma su interés en que el sistema financiero sea "fuerte y estable"
(40) El pasado 4 de octubre Holanda decidía así adquirir por 16.800 millones
de euros los activos de esta entidad en su territorio. (10)
Holanda inyectará 10.000 millones en el grupo ING
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Table 1 shows the distribution of relational processes in editorials and news articles.
There is a slight higher use of Carriers in editorials (22.94%) than in news articles
(19.09%). The proportion observed in English was higher, being the use of these
elements almost double in editorials than in news articles.
Here are some examples to illustrate this use:
In editorials:
(41) La falsa identificación de 30 de los 62 militares españoles
muertos en el accidente del avión Yak-42, el 26 de mayo de
2003, cuando se aprestaba a aterrizar en la base turca de
Trabzon, procedente de Afganistán, no fue error, sino un acto
intencionado, perpetrado a sabiendas (1)
Yak-42: justicia a medias
(42) En el caso del general Navarro, y a expensas de posibles
recursos, la pena de tres años supone su ingreso en prisión.(5)
Yak-42: justicia a medias
And some examples in news articles:
(43) El préstamo equivale al 800% de la cuota que Ucrania aporta al FMI.
El FMI anuncia ayudas financieras para Ucrania y Hungría
(44) Aquellos resultados fueron más bajos de lo que cabía
esperar debido al retraso en el lanzamiento de sus programas
Windows Vista y Office 2007 -que tuvo un coste para la
compañía de unos mil millones de dólares-, lo que hace que
las cuentas anunciadas hoy hayan sido muy bien acogida por los
inversores. (6)
Los resultados de Microsoft brillan gracias al Windows Vista
A characteristic feature of the Spanish texts is the selection of Processes as Thematic
PreHeads in both genres. In editorials the percentage of these items is of 15.60% and in
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news articles of 15.45%, as it can be seen in table 2 above. Examples (45) and (46) were
found in editorials, whereas (47) and (48) were found in news articles:
(45) Agrava la conducta de los acusados haciéndola merecedora de
penas de prisión: tres años para el principal acusado, el general de
Sanidad Vicente Navarro, y año y medio para el comandante y el
capitán médicos José Ramón Ramírez y Miguel Ángel Sanz. (4)
Yak-42: justicia a medias
(46) Es poco probable que el escándalo de los gastos de los diputados
británicos a costa del contribuyente afecte decisivamente a la
intención de voto de los ciudadanos, pero es seguro que ha asestado
un golpe formidable a la reputación de un Parlamento considerado
modélico en el exterior y honorable más allá de toda duda en el
Sonrojo enWestminster
New articles examples.
(47) Se trata de la primera operación de rescate que Holanda emprende
en solitario, ya que con anterioridad había acudido a rescatar el
Fortis, pero en una acción conjunta con Luxemburgo y Bélgica.(9)
(48) Tiene más de 75 millones de clientes en Europa, EEUU, Canadá,
Latinoamérica, Asia y Australia, de los que 1,7 millones habitan en
España, con depósitos de 13.800 millones de euros, informa
Holanda inyectará 10.000 millones en el grupo ING
4.1.3 Contrastive analysis of experiential roles as Thematic Heads
This subsection studies the behavior of the selection of the different participants in a
contrastive comparison between English and Spanish. Figure 3 below graphically
illustrates the distribution of experiential roles as Thematic Heads in English and
Spanish Editorials.
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Figure 3 Experiential roles in Spanish and English Editorials.
Figure 4 shows the distribution of experiential roles in English and Spanish News
Figure 4. Experiential roles in Spanish and English News articles
The selection of Actors as Thematic Heads is the most frequent choice in both
languages and genres, though slightly more frequent in English. The account of facts is
a characteristic of editorials and news articles, in spite of the different rhetorical
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purposes of both genres. Examples the use of material process in both languages and
genres is illustrated in (49)-(52) below:
(49) Emerging-market countries have increased their share of the world
economy, giving them a more important voice in international relations. (5)
Micro Europe
(50) El presidente de la Generalitat valenciana, Francisco Camps,
compareció ayer como imputado ante el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la
Comunidad Valenciana, del que salió, 45 minutos después, con la
confirmación de que sigue imputado.(1)
Sigue imputado
(51) Dominique Strauss-Kam, the French head of the International
Monetary Fund, escaped dismissal for a one-night stand with a
subordinate today, but was denounced by board members for a "serious
error of judgment." (1)
“Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the IMF, escapes dismissal over affair”
(52) El recorte se realizará con respecto a los niveles de oferta de los países
productores del mes de septiembre y se hará efectiva a partir del 1 de
El recorte de producción de la OPEP hunde el petróleo
Verbal processes (figures 3 and 4) show the most striking differences in use between
languages in comparison to the rest of the experiential roles. The tendencies, according
to the types of text, as analyzed in previous sections, is the same for both languages,
being in news articles the use of Sayers (24.78% English, 15.45% Spanish) higher than
in editorials (English 4.31% , Spanish 13.76%).
What is important to point out is the gap between the usage of verbal processes in
English and Spanish editorials that stands from 4.31% appearances in English to
13.76% in Spanish (P=0.01 which indicates a value P<0.05 thus a significant
difference). In English editorials there is an increase of Relational processes that seem
to ‘substitute’ the role of Sayers in the news articles. But in the case of Spanish
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editorials the use of verbal processes remains only a little lower than in news articles.
The slight difference in Sayers in Spanish editorials increases as in English, the use of
Carriers in Relational processes as well, but not as much as in English, because this
structure is not as frequently used in Spanish as in English. In Spanish the form that
tends to substitute that forms are the processes.
Mental processes are slightly used in both languages (English 6.90%, Spanish 6.42%)
due to the types of texts studied. As it has been previously pointed out it might be
expected to find a higher number of these items in editorials as an introducer for an
opinion but are substituted in English by relational processes and in Spanish by
Editorial examples:
(53) We appreciate the proposals from the United Kingdom, France, and
Germany as well, while Russia also signaled recently in Geneva its
readiness to embark upon nuclear disarmament (18)
The vanishing bomb
(54) Por una parte, no se conforma con los indicios obvios de voluntad
defraudatoria de Batasuna, y constata que no existe en el auto confirmación
de que esa voluntad se haya materializado en la candidatura señalada. (8)
Equilibrio de poderes
Examples in News articles:
(55) Opec hawks, such as Iran and Venezuela, want to shore up the price
by turning off the taps, but neither country can afford to cut output and
forgo revenues.( 6)
Opec hawks want to cut oil production to keep up price
(56) El pasado 4 de octubre Holanda decidía así adquirir por 16.800 millones
de euros los activos de esta entidad en su territorio. (10)
Holanda inyectará 10.000 millones en el grupo ING
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Relational processes (table 1) show a higher variation than the elements analyzed
before. Although the tendency of both languages is the same according to the type of
text (Carriers in editorials are more frequent than in news articles) the use of this item
in Spanish is less frequent than in English. Spanish editorials use 22.94% and English
editorials use 33.62%. Yet, though in both languages the tendency in news articles is to
use this participant less, in English news articles the number decreases more than in
Spanish, where in English 16.81% (17 points less than in Editorials) in Spanish 19.09%
(only 3 points less than in Editorials). The explanation for this is directly related to the
one given for the use of Sayers above. These relational processes in editorials are used
to give opinions about the topic treated and tend to substitute the use of mental
processes (cogntion verbs). This is a genre-specific difference. But there is also a
language-specific difference in the case of Spanish: the use of relational processes
implies, generally, a copulative syntactic construction that is less used in Spanish than
in English. That is why the Process gains importance in Spanish taking the place that
Carriers occupy in English.
In the editorials:
(57) This is especially urgent now, with the search for new energy sources and
a “renaissance” of nuclear power. (27)
The vanishing bomb
(58) La falsa identificación de 30 de los 62 militares españoles
muertos en el accidente del avión Yak-42, el 26 de mayo de
2003, cuando se aprestaba a aterrizar en la base turca de
Trabzon, procedente de Afganistán, no fue error, sino un acto
intencionado, perpetrado a sabiendas (1)
Yak-42: justicia a medias
And some examples of news articles:
(59) Wall Street is scared about how much the US recession will erode
American corporate profits over the next few years.(4)
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“Microsoft results offer hope to tech sector”
(60) El préstamo equivale al 800% de la cuota que Ucrania aporta
al FMI. (6)
El FMI anuncia ayudas financieras para Ucrania y Hungría
Looking at the examples posed in both languages we can observe that editorials use
relational processes as epistemic signals, while news articles use it as a plain account of
Existential processes are used only in English Editorials and presents a significant
difference in the chi-square test P=0.005242, the percentages is of 6.90% (table 1) and
there are no other appearances of this item. It might be due to the type of text in the case
of English, the existent could be used as in examples 25 to 28 where, rather than a mere
existential form, presents an opinion of the writer. It is similar to the use of relational
processes in editorials.
Process refer to the cases in which the pre-head of the thematic field is a verb. As it is
seen in figure 1 the use of these items predominate in Spanish with almost no
appearances of this feature in English, being in both cases a significant difference
(Editorials P=0.00061007, News articles P= 0.00023192. Both P<0.05 which indicates a
relevant difference) In Editorials the proportion of process is of 2.59% in English and
15.60% in Spanish. In English News articles is of 1.77% and in Spanish of 15.45%.
This process is relevant from a linguistic point of view not as much as from a genre
specific perspective, as it has been explained above.
To sum up, the differences found in the analysis of the experiential roles in Head and
Pre-head of the thematic field can be grouped under two different perspectives. The first
one is related to a genre based difference that depends on the type of text. And the
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second one is a language-specific difference that depends on the specific devices used
by a language to express a particular situation.
The genre-specific differences found are the following:
a) Editorials in both languages show a tendency to use a high number of Carriers and
Existents and a low number of Sensers (mental processes) as Thematic Heads.
b) News articles use a higher number of Sayers and a lower number of Carriers than
c) In both types of texts the use of Actors is predominant followed by Carriers and
The language-specific differences are the following:
a) The most relevant is the use of Procesess in Spanish (absent in English)
b) The possibility to selecte a Process rather than a Carrier in a relational process as
Thematic Head.
Figure 5 shows an overall view of all data analyzed related to participants.
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Figure 5. Experiential roles in English and Spanish Editorials and News articles
4.2 Textual and Interpersonal Themes
This section presents the results of the analysis of the elements selected as textual and
interpersonal themes in the two newspaper genres investigated in this study. We begin
with the results of the analysis of the English texts.
4.2.1 Textual and Interpersonal Themes in the English texts
Table 3 shows the percentages of textual themes in English editorials and news articles
English News
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As a result
In addition
In contrast
Table 3 Textual themes in English Editorials and
News articles
Textual themes take up a 20% of the total number of complex clauses analyzed in
English. In news articles textual themes take up only a 6%. In spite of the low
frequencies, the difference between editorials and news articles is statistically
significant (P<0.05).
Some examples in editorials are:
(61) First, the EU still spends far more of its resources subsidizing
declining sectors than preparing for the future. (21)
(62) Second, Europe has failed to introduce an independent European
Research Council to ensure that funding is allocated on the basis of
scientific merit. (23)
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(63) Third, European resources are fragmented, and this hampers
European competitiveness. (25)
The following examples are found in news articles:
(64) But Russian oil output is already falling because of weak
investment, as is Mexican production (16)
(65) In addtion, Qatar Holding will receive £66 million for having
helped arrange the capital raising. (8)
Opec hawks want to cut oil production to keep up price
(66) In contrast to Royal Bank of Scotland, HBOS and Lloyds TSB,
which will receive £37 billion from the Government to prop
up their balance sheets, Barclays recently announced that it
would raise additional funding on its own.(11)
Barclays rejects government funding, secures £5.8bn from Qatar and
Contrary to what might be expected the occurrences of interpersonal themes in
editorials are only two: of course and too often.
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4.2.2 Textual and interpersonal Themes in Spanish
Spanish News
No obstante
Por una parte
Por otra
Pese a ello
En cualquier caso
Por lo que respecta
De este modo
Con todo
Table 4. Textual Themes in Spanish editorials and news articles
Table 4 shows the selection of the textual Themes found in the Spanish texts. The
editorials represent a scarce 18% of the total data. News articles represent a 14% of the
total analyzed. There is no significant difference between the use of textual Themes in
Spanish editorials and news articles.
What is interesting is the distribution of the items in editorial, which is mainly
concentrated in Y and Pero (7.34% in each case), the rest being residual. In news
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articles the appearances are spread over the rest of the cases, almost in equal amounts of
0.9% to 2% occurrences.
As to the features of the textual Themes, it should be pointed out that the items y and
pero are less formal than the more complex and formal used in news articles: de este
modo, por lo que respecta, and that some items are completely absent in editorials,
while present in news articles: Examples of editorials in Spanish:
(67) Pero ambas propuestas perdieron fuerza en la tramitación
parlamentaria, y en el caso de la medida estrella para reanimar el
mercado automovilístico, se está desperdiciando por una gestión
desafortunada con las comunidades autónomas. (3)
Proyectos divergentes
(68) Y pocas cosas se toleran peor en una democracia que la
sensación de que hay unas reglas para los que mandan y otras
para los demás.(5)
Sonrojo enWestminster
News articles:
(69) Por lo que respecta al segundo trimestre fiscal (octubre a
diciembre), el beneficio neto de Microsoft ha ascendido a 4.707
millones de dólares, un 87 por ciento más que en el mismo período
del año anterior, en el que ganó 2.626 millones de dólares.(8)
Los resultados de Microsoft brillan gracias al Windows Vista
(70) Con todo, el frenazo es menor de lo que preveían los analistas, y
quizá por eso las Bolsas estadounidenses reaccionaron con subidas
La crisis financiera lleva a Estados Unidos al borde de la recession
As in English, there are only two interpersonal themes, one in the news articles (en
concreto) and the other in the editorials (quizás)
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4.2.3 Contrastive thematic interpersonal and textual choices in Editorials and
News articles
In this section it should be pointed out that a translated comparison must be observed.
The correlation between terms will be approximate in use and meaning, obtaining the
following figure for Editorials:
Figure 6. Textual Themes in English and Spanish Editorials
This interesting figure shows the distribution in the use of textual elements in editorials
in Spanish and English. Though there is no significant differences in the number of
elements used by each language (18.97% English, 18.95% Spanish), Figure 6 shows the
great difference in distribution among them. In both languages the use of the
adversative conjunct but – pero is the most frequent (3.45% English, 7.34% Spanish) in
relation to the rest of the textual items. But the occurrence of these textual Themes is
almost twice as frequent in Spanish than in English. The use of the connector y in
Spanish equals the number of appearances of pero (7.34%) while in English the use of
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and is only of 1.72%. In Spanish these two items (y and pero) carry the weight of the
textual items in the texts presenting a very low degree of variety and complexity. No
obstante a formal synonym of pero has also relative presence in the chart (1.83%). The
other two elements use in Spanish correspond to the English first and second as
information organizers, though in English they are more used than in Spanish (3.44%
English, Spanish 1.84%)
By contrast, English displays a wider variety of textual Themes: indeed (0.86%),
although (0.86%), then (0.86%), finally (0.86%), yet (2.59%), instead (1.72%) and
however (0.86%). It is important to point out the use of yet (2.59%) which indicates an
emphasis on the persistence of an action, something that may reveal certain subjectivity
on the part of the speaker.
Figure 7 shows the use of textual Themes in Spanish and in English news articles. The
percentage of textual elements found in English is of a 6.19% and in Spanish a 14.55%
which indicates that in English the use of textual elements is genre-specific but not in
Spanish. It also indicates that the differences in the use of textual Themes between
English and Spanish is language-specific.
As it can be seen in Figure 7, English uses 5 kinds of textual elements: but (1.77%),
although (0.88%), however(1.77%), in addition (0.88%), in contrast (0.88%). Spanish
keeps almost the same values that were present in editorials in total, but the distribution
of the elements varies: y(2.73%), pero(1.82%), con todo(0.91%), además(2.73%), pese
a (0.91%), de este modo (0.91%), no obstante(0.91%), and en cualquier caso (0.91%)
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Figure 7. Textual Themes in Spanish and English News articles
As it can be observed, the elements become more formal in Spanish news articles than
in editorials as well as more varied. In English the textual Themes tend to be reduced in
number when talking about news articles. It could be said that there is a different way of
behaving of each language for each genre.
The interpersonal Themes observed in English editorials were only two: of course and
too often, but there were no appearances in news articles. In Spanish the element quizás
was found in editorials and en concreto in news articles. The difference lies in the
epistemic value of these items, quizás more subjective, is found in editorials and en
concreto, more explicative, is found in news articles.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
4.3 Syntactic features
This section analyzes the syntactic features which realize the elements selected as
Thematic Heads in the two newspaper genres studied.
4.3.1 Syntactic features in English Editorials and News articles
Figure 8 below graphically illustrates the distribution of the different syntactic features
of the elements selected as Thematic Head and Pre-Head in the genres studied in
Figure 8. Syntactic features of Thematic Heads and PreHeads in English
The most frequent syntactic realisation used in both genres is NP (noun phrase)
(56.90% Editorials, 73.62% News articles).
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two paper genres
(71) The urgency can hardly be exaggerated: nuclear weapons may
come into the possession of states that might use them, as well as
of stateless terrorists –creating new threats of unimaginable
Editorial: The Vanishing Bomb
(72) The Saudis would not like to see the price falling below $60 per
barrel, a level at which most economists reckon the kingdom can
support its profligate princes, the social security bills and invest in
the oil industry.(8)
News article: Opec hawks want to cut oil production to keep up price
The nature of the texts requires the identification of the entity about which the
information or the opinion is going to be given, and the use of a NP clearly identifies in
a simple and clear way the discourse participant. In news articles NPs are followed by
appositions, which provide elaborative material on the main participant. The use of this
syntactic realization (Noun phrase + Apposition) is much higher in news articles than in
editorials. This can be explained by the clear need in news articles to identify and
provide extra information on the discourse participants, as shown in examples (73) and
(74) below:
(73) Dominique
International Monetary Fund, escaped dismissal for a one-night
stand with a subordinate today, but was denounced by board
members for a "serious error of judgment."(1)
(74) Shakour Shaalan, the fund's executive director, said 1M F
staff, and notably female staff, "are not at all happy" with Mr
Strauss-Kahn, whose amorous adventures in France have earned
him the epithet Ie grand seducteur.(3)
News article: Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the IMF, escapes
dismissal over affair
The form PP+Np (prepositional phrase+ noun phrase) is used 5.17% in editorials and
7.96% in news articles, which is quite evenly in both types of texts. Prepositional
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two paper genres
Groups preceding Noun Groups are used to provide a setting or time frame for a
particular event.
(75) In February, the QIA, a sovereign wealth fund set up to invest
profits from the world’s largest gas field, said it had $15 billion
(£9.27 billion) to spend on overseas financial institutions over the
next two years.
News article:Barclays rejects government funding, secures £5.8bn from
Qatar and Abu Dhabi
The second most frequently used syntactic form in editorials is Advb+np (Adverbial
phrase + noun phrase 7.76%), where the Adverb specifies a setting or a time. This
construction is not found in news articles, but it may be substituted by non-finites
formations as it will be seen below.
(76) Even today, there are few indications that steam turbines will not
continue to generate the bulk of our electricity in the decades ahead,
or that gas turbines will be replaced anytime soon. (20)
Editorial: The Limits of Energy Innovation
Clause+NP (finite clause+Noun Phrase) syntactic forms appear almost as frequently in
both genres. In news articles there are 5.31%occurrences and in editorials it appeared
4.31% times.
(77) In what one Macquarie economist described as “slow
torture” for Japan’s big exporters, the yen worked its way
towards a 13-year high against the US currency, and hit an all-time
high against the Australian dollar. (2)
(78) Although the Bank of Japan has remained tight-lipped on the
question of currency intervention, Shoichi Nakagawa, Japan's
Finance Minister, said today that he saw "excessive volatility" in
the yen's exchange rate and that he was he “watching with grea
interest.” (8)
News articles: G7 'preparing to drive down the yen'
This form makes the reader aware of a situation probably already known by him/her,
but helps remind some facts as an introduction to what is coming next. It is interesting
that the Non-finite forms, followed by a Noun Phrase in a case, appear only in news
articles and not in editorials. This is probably because there is a tendency to use these
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two paper genres
forms instead of the adverbial phrases + noun phrase used in Editorials. The following
examples show this use:
(79) Mounting alarm over the dwindling rent from oil sales
prompted Opec yesterday to bring forward an emergency meeting
scheduled for mid-November to next Friday.(2)
Opec hawks want to cut oil production to keep up price
(80) Unlike rescued UK banks, ING will be free to pay dividends while
it owes money to the Dutch Government. However, the bank said it
was scrapping its final dividend for 2008 and executive bonuses
because of the “exceptional circumstances”.(5)
Dutch Government to inject €10bn of fresh captial into ING savings bank
Other reason for the use of these forms in news articles may be due to its formality that
seems to be more needed in this type of texts than in editorials.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
4.3.2 Syntactic features in Spanish editorials and news articles
Figure 9 presents the constructions found in the Spanish texts. Data presented in the
figure shows the most relevant forms extracted from the texts, the rest of the forms
found are scarcely and scatter used.
Figure 9. Syntactic features of Thematic Heads and Pre-heads in Spanish
Noun phrases are widely used in both genres. There are 50.46% appearances in
editorials and 52.73% in news articles. The following examples of Noun phrases are
found in editorials:
(81) La Audiencia Nacional ni siquiera ha entrado a deliberar si se
trató de una mera imprudencia: todas las pruebas le han llevado a
considerar el hecho como un delito de falsedad en documento oficial
realizado de modo consciente y con conocimiento de causa, es decir,
con dolo. (1)
(82) El tribunal argumenta por qué: la falsa identificación de los 30
cadáveres responde "a una sola decisión delictiva, a una sola
voluntad criminal".(2)
(83) Las consecuencias son importantes. (5)
Yak-42: justicia a medias
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two paper genres
These examples are taken from news articles:
(84) Byhet había colaborado en la fallida campaña del ex ministro para
ser designado candidato socialista a la presidencia francesa en 2005
frente a Ségolène Royal. (9)
(85) La trinchera doméstica ya la había zanjado la esposa del ex ministro
francés, Anne Sinclair: "Fue cosa de una noche, nos queremos como el
primer día".(4)
Una noche sin consecuencias para Strauss-Kahn
(86) El recorte se realizará con respecto a los niveles de oferta de los
países productores del mes de septiembre y se hará efectiva a partir
del 1 de noviembre.(2)
El recorte de producción de la OPEP hunde el petróleo
In the next two most frequently used structures, there are big differences among the two
genres. In news articles there are 16.36% occurrences of PP+NP whereas in editorials
there are just 2.75% of these structures found. The difference is statistically significant
Let us take a look at these forms and see if there might be any difference according to
its use:
(87) Quizás para curarse en salud, el tribunal se cuida de delimitar el
objeto de su veredicto, negando que pueda extenderse "a valoraciones
ajenas al objeto procesal ni a la conducta de personas no acusadas y
sobre las que, en consecuencia, no se ha practicado prueba ni se ha
formado convicción alguna (9)
(88) En el caso del general Navarro, la pena de tres años supone su
ingreso en prisión. (5)
Editorials: Yak-42: justicia a medias
(89) Para la OPEP, los precios del petróleo han sufrido un "dramático
derrumbe sin precedente en velocidad y magnitud", por lo que se
encuentra "preocupada", ya que los niveles actuales podrían "poner
muchos proyectos en peligro de suspensión o retraso", lo que
generaría "cortes en el suministro".(4)
News article: El recorte de producción de la OPEP hunde el
(90) A partir de esta inyección de capital, el Estado aportará dos
consejeros a ING que tendrán derecho a veto en decisiones
"fundamentales" que se refieran a inversiones que afecten a más del
25% del capital propio de la empresa.(7)
News article: Holanda inyectará 10.000 millones en el grupo ING
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
Spanish news articles seem to have a preference for the use of this structure
(Prepositional Phrase+Noun Phrase) than editorials. The reason for this preference may
lie in the way that news are structured where events must be chronologically displayed.
The second disparity found in these two types of texts lies in the use of Noun
Phrase + Apposition. In news articles there are a 6.36% of occurrences of this form
while in editorials only 2.75%. Though in neither of the texts the use of this structure is
very high, the difference in its use between both is remarkable. The reason for this
disparity is probably due to the need for clear, precise and accurate data that news
articles pursue. Examples (91)-(94) illustrate this use:
(91) El presidente de la Generalitat valenciana, Francisco Camps,
compareció ayer como imputado ante el Tribunal Superior de Justicia
de la Comunidad Valenciana, del que salió, 45 minutos después, con la
confirmación de que sigue imputado. (1)
Editorial Sigue imputado
(92) La dirección nacional de los populares, con Mariano Rajoy a la
cabeza, ha decidido cerrar filas con el presidente de la Generalitat
valenciana (7)
Editorial Camps y Torquemada
(93) La aventura amorosa de Dominique Strauss-Kahn, director
gerente del Fondo Monetario Internacional, con una empleada
recibió carpetazo el sábado (madrugada del domingo en España) con
la sentencia absolutoria del comité ejecutivo de la institución
financiera (2)
News article Una noche sin consecuencias para Strauss-Kahn
(94) El barril de crudo de Mar del Norte, de referencia en Europa, ha
llegado a bajar hasta los 61,08 dólares a las 11.14, 4,84 dólares
menos que al cierre del jueves y la cifra más baja desde el 15 de
febrero de 2007, cuando cotizó a 61,07 dólares. (9)
News article El recorte de producción de la OPEP hunde el petróleo
This syntactic form clarifies the information adding more details that help in the
identification of the topic treated.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
4.3.3 Syntactic features of Thematic Heads and Pre-Heads in English and Spanish
This section will present a contrastive analysis of the syntactic forms used as Thematic
Heads and Pre-Heads in English and Spanish. Figure 10 below illustrates this
contrastive analysis:
Figure 10. Syntactic features of Thematic Heads and Pre-heads in English and Spanish
Looking at the figure above it is easy to see that this part is the most difficult one in
order to make a straightforward comparison due to the great linguistic particularities of
each language. As shown in Figure 10, in both languages and genres the most frequent
realization of Thematic heads and Pre-heads is the Noun Phrase (NP) with a great
difference with respect to the rest of the syntactic realizations.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
Noun Phrases
News articles
Table 5. Noun Phrases as Thematic Heads in English and Spanish
As shown in table 5 the difference in the use of NP as Thematic Heads is clearly genrespecific, with a higher frequency in news articles than in editorials in both languages.As
it was pointed out in the precedent sections, this form is used with the aim of
transmitting information easily.
Another genre-specific difference is the use of Np+App as realization of
Thematic Heads. This form is more used in news articles than in editorials, probably
with the aim of clarifying information. As shown in table 6 below the number of this
structure is used in English more than in Spanish (in both types of texts).
NP+ App
News articles
Table 6. Np+App in Spanish and English Editorials and News articles
Clause + NP structure is a linguistic difference of a pattern that is not found in Spanish,
only in English. It is used in a 4.31% in Editorials and 5.31% in News articles.
Looking at all forms found in the analysis it could be observed that the structures found
in English texts are concentrated in several types mainly: np, np+np, pp+np, np+app,
clauses and clauses+np ; whether in Spanish the variety is wider while less numerous,
with realizations such as vp, advb+vp, pp+vp and clause+vp, among others.
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A functional analysis of two paper genres
5. Discussion and concluding remarks
The present study has revealed a number of interesting issues with respect to the initial
research questions investigated in this study. With respect to the experiential elements
selected as Thematic Head in the two newspaper genres studied -news articles and
editorials- the results of the contrastive analysis has revealed that some of the choices
are genre-specific while others are language-specific. Thus, for example, the selection
of the Process element in the Spanish texts in both genres is clearly a language-specific
choice, typical of a pro-drop language such as Spanish where a lexical realization of the
Subject is not obligatory, which causes the thematisation of the Process as the first
experiential element in clause-initial position in the clause. By contrast, the selection of
experiential elements like Sayers in the case of news articles (as the preferred thematic
choice after Actors) is clearly a genre-specific choice which characterizes this genre
where quotations abound. Interestingly, both in editorials and in news articles, the most
frequent experiential role as Thematic Head is the Actor, but this choice is the result of
different genre-specific purposes. In news articles the frequency of Actors in material
processes reveals the aim of a mere account of fact whereas in editorials facts and
events are subjectively presented by the writer. Editorials present a higher frequency of
affected experiential roles than news articles, probably pointing to the use of the passive
voice that helps the writer to hide him/herself avoiding being ‘present’ when giving an
opinion. In news articles there is a complete absence of affected experiential roles.
An interesting tendency has been observed in the frequent use of relational processes,
with Carriers as Thematic Heads, in editorials, rather than the expected use of cognition
processes, whose frequency is very low. In my view, the use of Carriers in relational
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processes seems to be a strategy to give an impression of objective presentation of
information. Relational processes create a relationship of attribution or identification
without the ‘presence’ of a human being, a ‘thinker’, who pictures the idea in the text.
The high frequency of Carriers in editorials is, in my view, a genre-specific choice
which characterizes the presentation of opinions in this newspaper genre in both
languages. However, Carriers are less frequent in Spanish than in English. This is
probably due to a language-specific grammatical tendency, since in Spanish the type of
copulative syntactic construction required is less used than the corresponding one in
With respect to the textual Themes, both languages present a common genre-specific
tendency in their frequency of occurrence, with editorials clearly outnumbering news
articles. This is due to the different rhetorical purposes which characterize these two
genres: editorials are characterized by a persuasive/argumentative rhetorical purpose
where arguments are signaled through the use of textual elements; news articles are
characterized by an informative/expository rhetorical purpose and rely more on implicit
relations between textual segments. However, some language-specific were observed in
distribution of the different textual Themes: thus, the adversative conjunct but – pero
was the most frequent in relation to the rest of the textual elements. The use of the
connector y in Spanish equals the number of appearances of pero (7.34%) while in
English the use of and is only of 1.72%. In Spanish these two items (y and pero) carry
the weight of the textual items in the texts (table 3 and 4). Both y and pero present a
very low degree and complexity and given the fact that they are the most used in
Spanish this language shows a lack of variety in this aspect. On the contrary English
presents: indeed (0.86%), although (0.86%), then (0.86%), finally (0.86%), yet (2.59%),
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two paper genres
instead (1.72%) and however (0.86%) all of them with a similar presence in the texts,
which suggests the variety and complexity in the use of these elements in English.
In news articles the number of textual Themes decreases drastically in English and
slightly in Spanish, though the tendency is the same: Spanish does not behave as
English in this respect. From a linguistic point of view English has only a 6.19% of
textual Themes: but (1.77%), although (0.88), however (1.77%), in addition (0.88%), in
contrast (0.88%). These elements are formal and semantically neutral, and these are
characteristics shared by the Spanish textual elements. Spanish presents 14.55% of
textual Themes distributed as follows: y (2.73%), pero (1.82%), no obstante (0.91%),
pese a ello (0.91%), además (2.73%), así (1.82%), en cualquier caso (0.91%), por lo
que respecta (0.91%), de este modo (0.91%) and con todo (0.91%). Notice the use of y
and además as the most frequently used textual Themes.
Interpersonal elements are scarcely used and are not indicative of generic or languagespecific differences.
The selection of certain syntactic constructions realizing Thematic Heads and Pre-Heads
is determined both by genre-specific and by language-specific constraints. News articles
present a higher number of Noun phrases and Noun phrases + Appositions than
editorials in both languages. This is probably due to the need for clarity and easiness in
the exposition of the message in news articles. News articles seem to demand specific
syntactic forms in its construction while editorials seem to be less demanding and less
formal in what syntactic form is related. Editorials reveal a freer use of forms but
always trying to remain simple to be able to be quickly and easily understood by the
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As a conclusion to the study it can be said that, in general, though there are some
language-specific tendencies, genre-specific constraints seem to be the determining
factor in the selection and syntactic realization of the thematic features of the two
newspaper genres investigated in this study.
Further corpus-based studies will confirm the results obtained in this initial study. It is
my intention to continue along this research line, extending the range of genres analysed
and analyzing the thematic features which characterize them to derive a functional and
corpus-based contrastive specification with a view towards the creation of an annotation
scheme for linguistic and computational purposes.
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two paper genres
6. References
Biber, D. (1988).Variation across speech and writing. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
de Beaugrande, R., and Dressler W. U. . (1981) .Introduction to text linguistics.London:
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genres”, in M Ghadessy (ed), Thematic development in English texts. London:
Görlach, M. (2004). Text Types in the History of English. Germany: Mouton de Gruyter.
Halliday, M.A.K. (1985). An introduction to functional grammar. London: Arnold
Halliday, M. A. K., & Hasan, R. (1989). Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of
Language in a Social-semiotic Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Halliday, M. A. K. and Matthiessen, C. M. I. M. (2004). An Introduction to Functional
Grammar (3rd ed). London: Arnold.
Hasselgaard, H. (2004). ‘Thematic choice in English and Norwegian’, Functions of
Language 11: 2, 187-212.
Kalgren, J. (2000). Stylistic Experiments for Information Retrieval. Sweden: Stockholm
Kilgarriff, A. and Grefenstette G. (2003). Introduction to the Special Issue on Web as
Corpus. Computational Linguistics
Lavid, J. (2000a). ‘Linguistic and Computational Approaches to Information in
Discourse: Theme, Focus, Given and Other Dangerous Things’, Revista Canaria
de Estudios Ingleses, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de la Laguna,
pp. 355-369.
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Lavid, J. (2000b). ‘Contextual Constraints on Thematization in Written Discourse: an
Empirical Study’, in P. Bonzon, M. Cavalcanti and R. Nossum (eds), Formal
Aspects of Context . Dordrecht /Boston / London: Kluwer Academic Publishers,
pp. 37-47.
Lavid, J. (2000c). ‘Text types, Chaining Strategies and Theme in a Multilingual Corpus:
a Cross-Linguistic Comparison for Text Generation’, in J. Bregazzi, A. Downing,
D. López, and J. Neff (eds), Estudios de Filología Inglesa: Homenaje a Jack
White. Madrid: Editorial Complutense, pp. 107-121.
Lavid, J., Arús, J. and L. Moratón (submitted). “Comparison and translation: towards a
combined methodology for contrastive corpus studies” Selected papers on Corpus
Linguistics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Lavid, J., Arús, J., and J.R. Zamorano (in press). Systemic-Functional Grammar of
Spanish: A Contrastive Study with English. London: Continuum.
Matthiessen, C. M. I. M. (1992). ‘Interpreting the textual metafunction’, in M. Davies,
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Stubbs, M.(1996). Text and Corpus Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell.
Werlich, E. (1976). A Text Grammar of English. Heidelberg, Quelle & Meyer
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
Comparing thematic features in English and Spanish:
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
(June 2009)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Julia Lavid López
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
Analysis of experiential roles, textual and interpersonal themes and syntactic
features ............................................................................................................................ 4
1 Editorials ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 English ................................................................................................................ 4
The Bigger Issue in Sudan ..................................................................................... 4
The Vanishing Bomb ............................................................................................. 9
The Limits of Energy Innovation ........................................................................ 13
Micro-Europe ...................................................................................................... 17
Central Asia’s Waking Giant............................................................................... 23
The Case for Fiscal Stimulus ............................................................................... 28
The Global Economy’s Dialogue of the Deaf ..................................................... 32
The New IMF ...................................................................................................... 36
1.2 Spanish ............................................................................................................. 40
Yak-42: justicia a medias .................................................................................... 40
Sonrojo enWestminster ....................................................................................... 43
Sigue imputado .................................................................................................... 45
Proyectos divergentes .......................................................................................... 47
Medidas improvisadas ......................................................................................... 50
Equilibrio de poderes ........................................................................................... 53
Al contradecir al Gobierno, el Constitucional refuerza la legitimidad de la Ley de
Partidos ................................................................................................................ 53
El reto de Pyongyang........................................................................................... 55
Camps y Torquemada .......................................................................................... 57
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
2 News articles............................................................................................................... 59
2.1 English .............................................................................................................. 59
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the IMF, escapes dismissal over affair ......... 59
Opec hawks want to cut oil production to keep up price .................................... 61
Microsoft results offer hope to tech sector .......................................................... 63
Dutch Government to inject €10bn of fresh capital into ING savings bank ....... 65
G7 'preparing to drive down the yen'................................................................... 67
Ukraine agrees terms of $16.5bn rescue by IMF................................................. 70
Barclays rejects government funding, secures £5.8bn from Qatar and Abu Dhabi
............................................................................................................................. 71
US economy officially on brink of recession ...................................................... 74
2.2 Spanish ............................................................................................................. 76
Una noche sin consecuencias para Strauss-Kahn ................................................ 76
El recorte de producción de la OPEP hunde el petróleo. .................................... 79
Los resultados de Microsoft brillan gracias al Windows Vista .......................... 81
Holanda inyectará 10.000 millones en el grupo ING .......................................... 83
El G7 reafirma su interés en que el sistema financiero sea "fuerte y estable". ... 85
El FMI anuncia ayudas financieras para Ucrania y Hungría. ............................. 87
Barclays recibe 9.200 millones de fondos soberanos para evitar acudir al fondo
de Brown ............................................................................................................. 90
La crisis financiera lleva a Estados Unidos al borde de la recesión .................... 91
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
Analysis of experiential roles, textual and interpersonal themes and syntactic features
1 Editorials
1.1 English
The Bigger Issue in Sudan
Project Syndicate (http://www.project‐ extracted March 4, 2009) # Outer Theme Textual Inner theme Interpersonal PreHead Experiential roles Head 1 2 But 3 4 5 Text Syntactic Features TEL AVIV – The most Token immediate result (…)last month Clause The most immediate result of the arrest warrant issued for Sudanese President Omar Hassan al‐Bashir by the International Criminal Court last month was the expulsion of most aid agencies from the country. this global focus Actor on Sudan’s Darfur region, though justified NP+Non finite clause But this global focus on Sudan’s Darfur region, though justified, has overshadowed an even more vital issue: sustaining the quest for a broader peace in all of Sudan. What is most Token needed now Clause What is most needed now is to build an international consensus on a strategy to implement fully the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) for Sudan. The CPA NP The CPA ended Africa’s longest civil war, which had left behind over two million dead. That agreement Carrier not only NP+AdvbP That agreement not only contains benchmarks that should lead to self‐
determination for Sudan’s South; it also spells out a democratization process in Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
Actor A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
Sudan itself. 6 After all the oppressive Token nature of the regime in Khartoum AdvbP+NP After all, the oppressive nature of the regime in Khartoum is at the root of the many conflicts that have torn the country apart. 7 If the government in (…) in January 2011, a return to full‐ Carrier scale civil war, with calamitous consequences for the peoples of Sudan and the entire region Clause+Clause+PP If the government in Khartoum persists in undermining the reform process and derailing the referendum on self‐determination promised for the South in January 2011, a return to full‐scale civil war, with calamitous consequences for the peoples of Sudan and the entire region, is a real possibility. 8 The commitment Carrier of Sudan’s government to the CPA NP The commitment of Sudan’s government to the CPA has always been equivocal. 9 Indeed, since the civil the Sudan Actor war’s end in People’s 2005 Liberation Army (SPLA) in the South PP+NP+PP Indeed, since the civil war’s end in 2005, the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in the South has frequently had to confront militias that operate as government proxies. 10 Moreover Sudanese security Actor forces NP Moreover, Sudanese security forces continue to arm Arab tribes straddling the North‐South border with the aim of destabilizing the mostly Christian South. 11 The arrest warrant Actor for al‐Bashir NP The arrest warrant for al‐Bashir should not be allowed to spur further attempts by his government to sabotage the CPA and the fragile process leading to the 2011 referendum. 12 Nor should 3 p sing AdvbP+vp Nor should the international neglect that has for too long allowed the Darfur genocide to go unpunished recur when it comes to sustaining the quest for peace in Sudan. 13 The South’s drive Actor for independence NP The South’s drive for independence has gained momentum because of the North’s failure to make unity attractive through reform and elections, as stipulated by the CPA. Actor Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
14 A second factor Token pushing secession forward is Non finite clause A second factor pushing secession forward is the SPLA’s lack of commitment to the New Sudan ideology of its founder, John Garang, who had negotiated the CPA and died in a plane crash in 2005. 15 Garang Actor NP Garang fought for a united, secular, and democratic Sudan, a lofty dream that the Islamist regime in Khartoum admittedly has had no intention of implementing. 16 Self‐
Token determination for the South NP Self‐determination for the South has thus become the only practical way out of the country’s dilemma, and one fully consistent with the 2005 peace agreement. 17 Because the North Actor possesses the capacity, (…)disengagement by the international community NP Because the North possesses the capacity, but not the political will, to implement the CPA, and the South has the will but not the capacity, continued disengagement by the international community might doom the prospects for peace. 18 The Government Carrier of Southern Sudan NP The Government of Southern Sudan suffers from serious financial constraints, owing to unrealistic assumptions about its oil revenues. 19 As a result, its ability to Carrier maintain services – (…) peace agreement Non finite As a result, its ability to maintain services – and the military capacity to clause+Clause respond to any maneuver by the Khartoum government aimed against the peace agreement – is seriously compromised. 20 Only the United Carrier States NP Only the United States appears to be committed to creating the conditions needed to implement the CPA. 21 President George Actor W. Bush, who twice received Southern Sudanese president Salva Kiir at the White House, NP+App President George W. Bush, who twice received Southern Sudanese president Salva Kiir at the White House, approved a program in 2006 to transform the SPLA into a professional army. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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22 More recently leading American Actor congressmen AdvbP+NP More recently, leading American congressmen have been impressing on President Barack Obama the need for a muscular effort to implement the CPA. 23 Recommendations Sayer presented recently to the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, Non‐finite Recommendations presented recently to the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, suggested that security guarantees for Southern Sudan be given in order to deter a renewal of the civil war. 24 Financial assistance Carrier NP Financial assistance is of course vital, but the political commitment of the international community is just as important. 25 For example, although the Darfur United Nations Mission in Sudan is supposed to monitor implementation of the CPA Carrier Clause+NP For example, although the United Nations Mission in Sudan is supposed to monitor implementation of the CPA, Darfur has practically monopolized its attention. Token Clause Moreover, whatever monitoring is taking place is rarely followed by action. NP+NP The secession of a Southern Sudanese Christian state from a Muslim country, a major member of the Arab League, would have far‐reaching strategic implications. 26 Moreover whatever monitoring taking place is 27 The secession of a Carrier Southern Sudanese Christian state from a Muslim country, a major member of the Arab League, 28 China, a close ally Expereincer NP+App of the government in Khartoum Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
China, a close ally of the government in Khartoum, is now carefully weighing its oil interests and its strategic concerns in the South. 7
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29 A high‐powered Actor Russian delegation NP A high‐powered Russian delegation recently arrived in Juba, the South Sudanese capital, with the proclaimed aim of “playing a more active role on the African continent.” 30 And Japan, a major Actor consumer of Middle East oil NP+App And Japan, a major consumer of Middle East oil, has recently invited President Kiir to Tokyo. 31 Sadly missing in Carrier this diplomatic action Non finite clause Sadly missing in this diplomatic action is the European Union. 32 International law Carrier and the indictment of war criminals NP International law and the indictment of war criminals are important for a civilized world order, but they are no substitute for active financial and political engagement to support an internationally legitimate, and urgently needed, peace accord such as the CPA in Sudan. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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The Vanishing Bomb
Project Syndicate (http://www.project‐ extracted March 11, 2009) # Outer Theme
Textual Text Inner theme
onal Pre Head Experiential Role Head 1 2 3 4 5 6 Syntactic features Syntactic Features WARSAW – The agreement by the Actor American and Russian presidents to renew strategic arms reductions Clause The agreement by the American and Russian presidents to renew strategic arms reductions has revived hope for the global abolition of nuclear arms. The urgency NP The urgency can hardly be exaggerated: nuclear weapons may come into the possession of states that might use them, as well as of stateless terrorists –creating new threats of unimaginable proportion. A noble the elimination of nuclear Token dream just arms several years ago, NP+NP A noble dream just several years ago, the elimination of nuclear arms is no longer the idea only of populists and pacifists; it has now been adopted by professionals – politicians known for their realism and academics known for their sense of responsibility. NP+App The invention of nuclear weapons – which served the goal of deterrence during the Cold War, when the world was divided into two opposing blocs – answered the needs and risks of the time. Security rested on a balance of fear, as reflected in the concept of mutually assured destruction. In that nuclear weapons bipolar world, Value PP+NP In that bipolar world, nuclear weapons were held by only five global powers, all permanent members of the UN Security Council. Today Carrie AdvbP+NP Today, the global picture is different. Actor The invention of nuclear Sayer weapons – which served the goal of deterrence during the Cold War, when the world was divided into two opposing blocs the global picture Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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7 Sparked by the Warsaw Pact Poland’s Solidarity movement 8 9 10 11 Existent Non‐finite+NP Sparked by Poland’s Solidarity movement, the Warsaw Pact dissolved, the Soviet Union disintegrated, and the bipolar world and its East‐West divide vanished. An order based on the carrier dangerous doctrine of mutual deterrence Clause An order based on the dangerous doctrine of mutual deterrence, was not, however, replaced with a system founded on cooperation and interdependence. Destabilization and chaos Actor NP+NP Destabilization and chaos followed, accompanied by a sense of uncertainty and unpredictability. Nuclear weapons Carrier NP Nuclear weapons are now also held by three states engaged in conflicts: India, Pakistan, and Israel. Given the development of the nuclear programs in North Korea and Iran, they, too, may become nuclear‐weapon states. There Existent NP There is also a real danger that this group may expand further to include states where governments will not always be guided by rational considerations. 12 There Existent NP There is also the risk that nuclear weapons may fall into the hands of non‐state actors, such as terrorist groups. 13 An effective non‐
proliferation regime Carrier NP An effective non‐proliferation regime will not be possible unless the major nuclear powers, especially the United States and Russia, take urgent steps toward nuclear disarmament. 14 Together they Carrier AdvbP+NP Together, they hold nearly 25,000 nuclear warheads – 96% of the global nuclear arsenal. 15 It Actor NP It gives us hope that US President Barack Obama recognizes these dangers. 16 We Senser NP We note with satisfaction that the new US administration has not turned a deaf ear to responsible statesmen and scientists who are calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons. 17 Indeed, the goal of a nuclear‐free Goal world NP Indeed, the goal of a nuclear‐free world was incorporated in the US administration’s arms control and disarmament agenda. 18 We NP We appreciate the proposals from the United Kingdom, France, and Germany as well, while Russia also signaled recently in Geneva its readiness to embark upon nuclear disarmament. Experienc
er Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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19 Opponents of disarmament 20 But today appropriate control 21 Of key importance 22 23 24 25 nuclear Sayer NP Opponents of nuclear disarmament used to argue that this goal was unattainable in the absence of an effective system of control and verification. AdvbP+NP But, today, appropriate means of control are available to the international community. Attribute NP Of key importance are the nuclear safeguards of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The world Carrier NP The world must have guarantees that civilian nuclear reactors will not be used for military purposes – a condition for non‐nuclear‐weapon states’ unrestricted access to nuclear technologies, as proposed recently by UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown in his initiative on a global nuclear bargain for our times. This Carrier NP This is especially urgent now, with the search for new energy sources and a “renaissance” of nuclear power. The 2010 Non‐ Sayer Proliferation Treaty Review Conference NP The 2010 Non‐Proliferation Treaty Review Conference calls for an urgent formulation of priorities. The Committee NP The Preparatory Committee will meet in New York this May, and this is where the necessary decisions should be made. 26 The main expectations Carrier NP The main expectations are for a reduction of nuclear armaments, a cutback in the number of launch‐ready warheads (de‐alerting), negotiations on a Fissile Materials Cut‐
off Treaty, ratification of the Comprehensive Test‐Ban Treaty, and other means of strengthening practical implementation of the Non‐Proliferation Treaty, especially its universal adoption. 27 The time Actor NP The time has come for a fundamental change in the proceedings of the Geneva‐based Disarmament Conference, which for years has failed to meet the international community’s expectations. 28 We Carrier NP We share the view expressed by the academics, politicians, and experts of the international Warsaw Reflection Group that consideration should be given to the zero option as a basis for a future multilateral nuclear disarmament agreement. 29 The Group’s report, Arms Carrier Control (…) the British scholar Ian Anthony of SIPRI means of Carrier Preparatory Actor NP+Non finite The Group’s report, Arms Control Revisited: Non‐proliferation and Denuclearization , clause elaborated under the chairmanship of Adam D. Rotfeld of Poland and drafted by the British scholar Ian Anthony of SIPRI, was based on contributions by security analysts from nuclear powers and Poland, as well as from countries previously in possession of Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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nuclear weapons (South Africa) and post‐Soviet countries where they were once stored (Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine). 30 The fact that these states Actor were denuclearized as part of the Safe and Secure Disarmament program Clause The fact that these states were denuclearized as part of the Safe and Secure Disarmament program provides a valuable lesson. 31 The process of gradual Goal nuclear disarmament NP The process of gradual nuclear disarmament must be set in motion. 32 It Actor NP It will not produce results overnight, but it would give us a sense of direction, a chance to strengthen non‐proliferation mechanisms, and an opportunity to establish a global, cooperative non‐nuclear security system. 33 The deadliest threat to Actor global security NP The deadliest threat to global security comes from a qualitatively new wave of nuclear proliferation. 34 The heaviest responsibility Goal NP The heaviest responsibility is shouldered by the powers that hold the largest arsenals. 35 We Experienc
er NP We trust that the US and Russian presidents, and leaders of all other nuclear powers, will show statesmanlike wisdom and courage and begin the process of freeing the world from the nuclear menace. 36 But as of equal importance important as this goal is for internationa
l order and security Attribute PP+NP But as important as this goal is for international order and security, of equal importance is respect for human rights and the rights of minorities, as well as the establishment, on a global scale, of democracy and the rule of law. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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The Limits of Energy Innovation
Project Syndicate (http://www.project‐ extracted March 11, 2009) Outer Theme # Textual Inner theme Interpers
onal Pre head Head Text Experienti
al role Syntactic features Winnipeg –
President Barack Obama Sayer NP President Barack Obama has promised an energy revolution in the world’s largest economy, with renewable sources of power and “green” technologies breaking America’s – and ultimately the world’s – dependence on conventional fuels. 2.
The environmental, (…) well‐paid jobs Carrier NP+NP+N
on finite+no
on The environmental, strategic, and economic benefits – including lower use of carbon‐emitting fossil fuels, less reliance on politically volatile oil‐and‐gas exporters, and the creation of millions of well‐paid jobs – are uncontroversial. 3.
But But how realistic is this vision? 4.
There Existent NP There is only one kind of primary energy (energy embodied in natural resources) that was not known to the first high civilizations of the Middle East and East Asia and by all of their pre‐
industrial successors: isotopes of the heavy elements whose nuclear fission has been used since the late 1950’s to generate heat that, in turn, produces steam for modern electricity turbo‐
generators. 5.
Every other energy resource Affected NP Every other energy resource has been known for millennia, and most of them were harnessed by pre‐modern societies. 6.
The fundamental difference between traditional and modern uses of energy Carrier NP The fundamental difference between traditional and modern uses of energy consists not in access to new or better energy resources, but in the invention and mass deployment of efficient, affordable, reliable, and convenient “prime movers,” devices that convert primary energies into mechanical power, electricity, or heat. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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History Affected NP History could be profitably subdivided into eras defined by the prevailing prime movers. 8.
The longest span (from the first hominids to the domestication of draft animals) Affected Np+App The longest span (from the first hominids to the domestication of draft animals) is made up of the age when human muscles were the only prime mover. 9.
Then Then came 3 p sing Process Adj+Vb Then came the addition of draft animals and gradual supplementation of animal prime movers by mechanical prime movers, such as sails and wheels, that capture natural energy flows. 10.
A fundamental break with this millennia‐
long pattern Actor NP+App A fundamental break with this millennia‐long pattern came only with widespread adoption of the first practical mechanical prime mover able to convert the heat of fuel combustion – James Watt’s improved steam engine, designed in the 1780’s. 11.
More efficient versions of this prime mover Actor NP More efficient versions of this prime mover dominated the modernization of the Western world until the first decade of the twentieth century. 12.
During the 1830’s the first water turbines Actor PP+Np During the 1830’s, the first water turbines marked the beginning of the end of the waterwheel era. 13.
The next two key milestones Actor NP The next two key milestones came during the 1880’s, with the invention by Benz, Daimler, and Maybach of the gasoline‐fuelled Otto‐cycle internal combustion engine and the patenting of Charles Parsons’ steam turbine. 14.
The 1890’s Expereinc
er NP The 1890’s witnessed the arrival of Rudolf Diesel’s inherently more efficient version of the liquid fueled internal combustion engine. 15.
There Existent NP There is only one more prime mover to add to this sequence. 16.
The gas turbine Actor NP The gas turbine was conceived at the beginning of the twentieth century, but its first working prototypes (both stationary and for flight) came only during the 1930’s, and began to be rapidly diffused in the 1950’s. 17.
Today’s most ubiquitous (…) machines and tools Carrier PP+Non finite clause Today’s most ubiquitous mechanical prime mover – installed in nearly a billion road and off‐
road vehicles, water vessels, airplanes, and countless machines and tools – is the gasoline‐
fueled internal combustion engine, fundamentally unchanged since the 1880’s. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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Economic globalization Carrier NP Economic globalization would have been impossible without the diesel engines that power enormous crude and liquefied natural gas tankers, bulk cargo vessels transporting iron ore and grain, and massive container ships: some of them now have unit capacities close to 100 MW, but their basic design was mastered within two decades of Diesel’s test of his final engine prototype in 1897. 19.
Most of the world’s electricity Affected NP Most of the world’s electricity is generated by steam turbines in fossil‐fuel‐burning and nuclear power plants, and, except for much larger capacities and higher efficiencies, Parsons would recognize in them every key feature of his invention, now more than 120 years old. 20.
And intercontinental flights Carrier NP And intercontinental flights would be an even greater trial without the gas turbines invented in the 1930’s by Frank Whittle (who thought about turbofans, now the dominant commercial design, even before he built the first turbojet) and Joachim Pabst von Ohain. 21.
These realities Actor NP These realities offer three obvious but under‐appreciated conclusions about the mechanical prime movers that are the foundations of our economic progress. 22.
First because of their large numbers and their associated (and often expensive and extensive) infrastructur
es, prime movers Carrier NP+AdvbP
+NP First, because of their large numbers and their associated (and often expensive and extensive) infrastructures, prime movers are remarkably inert. 23.
There Existent NP There has been little real innovation ever since these prime movers were first commercialized more than a century ago (water turbines, steam turbines, internal combustion engines) or more than 50 years ago (gas turbines). 24.
d any transition to new prime movers Carrier Np+NP Second, any transition to new prime movers is an inherently prolonged affair, taking decades to accomplish. 25.
Even today, for example there Existent AdvbP+PP
+NP Even today, for example, there are few indications that steam turbines will not continue to generate the bulk of our electricity in the decades ahead, or that gas turbines will be replaced anytime soon. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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Recent developments Actor NP Recent developments show that even automotive internal combustion engines will not yield to electric motors or fuel cells as rapidly as many enthusiasts have hoped. 27.
Finally the wider the scale on which an energy prime mover Affected advbP+Np Finally, the wider the scale on which an energy prime mover is deployed, the longer it will take for substitutions to appear. 28.
A century ago the world Actor NP+NP A century ago, the world used coal and a relatively small volume of oil at the rate of 0.7 TW, but in 2008 established commercial energies – fossil fuels and primary (water and nuclear) electricity – flow at the rate of nearly 15 TW. 29.
Obviously this scale Actor AdvbP+NP Obviously, this scale limits the speed with which new prime movers can be introduced to replace any significant share of the old devices. 30.
For example if 20% of the world’s (…)using steam turbines) we Actor Clause+Ca
luse+NP For example, if 20% of the world’s electricity were to be generated by wind turbines, then, considering their inherently low load factor of about 25% (compared to 75% for thermal stations using steam turbines), we would need to install new capacity of some 1.25 TW in these machines. 31.
Even with large 3‐MW turbines, this Affected AdvbP+NP Even with large 3‐MW turbines, this would require more than 400,000 new tall towers and giant triple blades. 32.
That Carrier NP That is a task for many decades. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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Project Syndicate (http://www.project‐ extracted March 11, 2009) # Outer Theme Textua
l Inner theme Interpers
Pre head onal Head Text Experienti
Syntactic al Role features 1.
With the United States crippled by Wall Street’s collapse this Carrier
With the United States crippled by Wall Street’s collapse, this should be Europe’s moment. 2.
Yet the European Union’s role in the world Carrier
Yet the European Union’s role in the world is weakening; it is listened to less today than it was 15 years ago. 3.
As Singapore’s Kishore Mahbubani, a prominent Asian diplomat and academic Sayer
As Singapore’s Kishore Mahbubani, a prominent Asian diplomat and academic, puts it, “Europeans are irrelevant to the world’s great issues, obsessed by internal process, culturally arrogant, craven in the face of the US, and blind to the rise of Asia.” 4.
If Europe is to gain a more important role in global leadership, it Actor
If Europe is to gain a more important role in global leadership, it must reverse its long‐
term economic decline. 5.
Consider 2 p sing Process VP
Consider the evidence of that decline. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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After centuries in which European corporations dominated the developing world , the trend Actor
Ownership : After centuries in which European corporations dominated the developing world, the trend is reversing. 7.
Indian, Middle Eastern, and other investors Actor
Indian, Middle Eastern, and other investors are buying up European steel mills and carmakers. 8.
In coming years watch out Process
In coming years, watch out for China and Russia. 9.
When the dollar slumped a year ago and eroded European competitivene
ss still further both the European‐led International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank Actor
Exchange rates : When the dollar slumped a year ago and eroded European competitiveness still further, both the European‐led International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank proved impotent. 10.
d, European leaders Actor
Instead, European leaders flew cap in hand to China to ask for support. 11.
While the dollar has risen recently against the euro, Europeans Actor
While the dollar has risen recently against the euro, Europeans did not influence this. 12.
When nobody American and Swiss banks hit the wall Actor
∙ Banks : When American and Swiss banks hit the wall, nobody approached Europe for support. 13.
d sayer
Instead, bank leaders pleaded with the Middle East, Singapore, and China to throw a lifeline. ,
bank leaders Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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Once Europe’s own banks became infected euroskeptic British leadership Affected
Once Europe’s own banks became infected, euroskeptic British leadership was needed to overcome French and German dithering. 15.
European institutions Actor
European institutions remained on the sidelines. 16.
Europe’s growing irrelevance carrier
Of course, Europe’s growing irrelevance is not entirely self‐inflicted. 17.
Emerging‐market countries Actor
Emerging‐market countries have increased their share of the world economy, giving them a more important voice in international relations. 18.
But it Carrier
But it is not others that prevent euro‐zone growth from climbing above 3%, or that are causing the EU‐15’s share of the world economy to dwindle, from 19.5% of global GDP in 1994 to 16% last year. 19.
Despite its Lisbon agenda EU enlargement, and the coming of the euro, Europe’s overall economic performance Actor
Non finite Despite its Lisbon agenda, EU enlargement, and the coming of the euro, Europe’s overall economic performance has not improved because it has neglected many basic and everyday issues. Of course
clause+np 20.
Three examples Actor
Three examples come to mind. 21.
First the EU actor
First, the EU still spends far more of its resources subsidizing declining sectors than preparing for the future. 22.
gh actor
Although research funding is rising, it accounts for just 4.7% of EU spending, compared to 31.7% for agriculture. 23.
d, research funding is rising, it actor
Second, Europe has failed to introduce an independent European Research Council to ensure that funding is allocated on the basis of scientific merit. 24.
Too much of the money earmarked for research actor
Too much of the money earmarked for research goes to prestige projects with limited or no connection to science, like Galileo or the European Institute of Technology. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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Third, European resources carrier
Third, European resources are fragmented, and this hampers European competitiveness. 26.
The weak and diluted EU Takeover Directive, adopted after more than a decade of debate actor
Np+non The weak and diluted EU Takeover Directive, adopted after more than a decade of debate, fails to facilitate the cross‐border mergers within Europe that are needed to build world champions. finite clause 27.
And company‐based social benefits in some leading European countries weaken actor
And company‐based social benefits in some leading European countries weaken corporate flexibility by locking in labor. 28.
Yet there Existent
Yet there are a number of areas of consensus where the EU can push ahead. 29.
Enlargement actor
Enlargement has made far‐away countries our neighbors. 30.
They experienc
They need access to our markets, and we should not turn them away. er 31.
We actor
We should expand the European single market in order to boost growth and avoid new divisions. 32.
This carrier
This means leveraging unglamorous tools like tariffs, industrial standards, market regulation, and cooperation in research and education in our relations with countries like Russia and Egypt, just as we have done with Norway and Switzerland. 33.
Many citizens Experienc
Many citizens believe that European cooperation benefits only the privileged, and that workers and pensioners face higher taxes because cross‐border integration has helped the rich find ways to avoid paying their fair share on interest and capital gains. Non finite Common rules to eliminate cross‐border tax evasion, and thus erase this perception, should become a priority. Participation in a common financial market should not be allowed for free riders who refuse to share information. er 34.
Common rules to eliminate cross‐
border tax evasion, and thus erase this carrier
e Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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perception, 35.
Cooperation with havens like Liechtenstein or Monaco Carrier
Cooperation with havens like Liechtenstein or Monaco should be ruled out unless they accept that within the common market all citizens must pay taxes where they live, according to the rules of that country. 36.
Policy coherence within the EU Carrier
Policy coherence within the EU must also be improved. 37.
The motivation to implement further reforms of the internal market actor
Non finite The motivation to implement further reforms of the internal market has weakened, leading to a situation in which even decisions by EU leaders at their European Council meetings can go ignored. clause 38.
Developments that are fundamental to European competitiveness, like an EU‐wide patent, Carrier
Developments that are fundamental to European competitiveness, like an EU‐wide patent, have proved impossible to achieve. 39.
The EU’s goal of spending 1% of GDP on research by 2010 carrier
The EU’s goal of spending 1% of GDP on research by 2010 will not be met by any member state. 40.
special interests carrier
Too often, special interests are allowed to overrule common European interests. 41.
Europe experienc
Europe needs to curb subsidies for old and dying industries, and to invest the money saved in future‐oriented sectors. Too often
er 42.
The last thing Europe carrier
The last thing Europe needs is to reinforce unnecessary centralization. 43.
A dynamic and successful Europe carrier
A dynamic and successful Europe is not a one‐size‐fits‐all Europe, and European integration must not become a goal in itself, but a means to create sustainable prosperity. 44.
Nor do we experienc
Nor do we need cosmetic efforts to pursue EU‐wide policies to combat the current crisis, when it is obvious that we have failed to act together. Strengthening Europe means Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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encouraging growth‐enhancing policies, rather than focusing on who gets the most benefits from EU funds or institutions. 45.
This carrier
This is particularly important in the area of worker protection. 46.
Europe’s citizens carrier
Europe’s citizens are unlikely to support measures to strengthen the EU if this means that working conditions can no longer be decided locally. 47.
Yet the European Court actor
Yet the European Court has fueled frustrations by undercutting local labor practices in notable recent cases concerning workers employed in Sweden and in Germany. 48.
Europe, to be blunt, actor
Europe, to be blunt, must devote more energy in the years ahead to addressing its micro challenges rather than to promoting grand ideas. 49.
If we stick to that principle the EU carrier
If we stick to that principle, the EU will have a much better chance of regaining global influence. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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Central Asia’s Waking Giant
Project Syndicate (http://www.project‐ extracted March 12, 2009) Outer theme # Textual Inner theme Interpersonal PreHead Head Experiential Role 1.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Actor 2.
Yet 3.
Since launch 5.
The SCO 6.
Until recently the SCO’s Actor members 7.
But, in order to last year the Actor coordinate organization Text Syntactic feature NP The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) brings together almost half the world’s population, several members own nuclear weapons, many are big energy suppliers, and it includes some of the world’s fastest growing economies. few outside Experiencer Central Asia NP Yet few outside Central Asia have heard much about it. The SCO NP The SCO emerged from the wreckage of the Soviet Union in 1996. Today, its members are Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, while Mongolia, Iran, Pakistan and India are observers. Russia and China remain the lead actors. PP+NP Since its launch, the SCO’s military exercises have become increasingly ambitious, growing from largely bi‐lateral to inclusion of all members. NP The SCO is also beginning to work together in the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime. PP+NP Until recently, the SCO’s members addressed energy issues only bilaterally. Actor its the SCO’s Actor military exercises Carrier Non finite But, in order to coordinate energy strategies and strengthen energy clause+NP security, last year the organization launched a club that unites energy‐
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energy strategies and strengthen energy security producing and energy‐consuming states, transit countries, and private companies. 8.
The SCO Actor NP The SCO promotes free trade, too, and aims to build essential infrastructure such as roads and railways to link its members and boost commerce between them while also harmonizing customs systems and tariffs. 9.
Yet cooperation Actor within the SCO NP Yet cooperation within the SCO remains focused on national rather than collective objectives, because its members’ interests vary so much. 10. China NP China, for example, seeks markets for its products and further energy resources, while Russia aims to use the SCO to promote its anti‐Western agenda. 11. The group’s Experiencer other members – led by China and Kazakhstan Np+App The group’s other members – led by China and Kazakhstan – want to strengthen their already robust levels of economic cooperation with the West. Actor 12. Thus, for example, at the SCO Russia summit in August Affected AdvbP+NP Thus, for example, at the SCO summit in August, Russia did not get the support of other members regarding the Georgia conflict. 13. These diverging objectives Actor Non finite clause These diverging objectives make it hard to believe that the SCO will ever evolve into an eastern version of NATO. 14. True its members Actor NP True, its members have held joint military exercises and have expressed a desire to build the SCO into a more mature security organization. 15. But the SCO Actor NP But the SCO still lacks many essential elements of a full‐grown NATO‐style security organization. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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16. The SCO Possessor NP The SCO has no integrated military‐political structure, and no permanent operational headquarters. 17. It Possessor NP It has no rapid‐reaction force and does not engage in regular political deliberations. NATO’s focus is on external security risks, while the SCO’s members target security issues within their own territories. 18. It Carrier NP It makes sense for the West, particularly the European Union, to seek cooperation with the SCO, as this would also help counter Russia’s attempts to use it as a tool for its anti‐Western policies. It would also prevent the SCO from turning into a militarized entity. 19. These Carrier NP These may look like negative reasons for the EU to engage with the SCO, but there are also ample positive reasons for encouraging cooperation. 20. Europe Affected NP Europe needs energy supplies from Central Asia, and Central Asia needs European investment. 21. Another sphere mutual interest Carrier NP Another sphere of mutual interest is Afghanistan. At present, the EU offers financial support to the Afghan government and helps to train its police and judiciary. of 22. The SCO Actor NP The SCO has established a contact group with Afghanistan. Both sides want to do more, and they might be able to make a greater impact by working together rather than separately. 23. The EU Possessor NP The EU has money and the SCO organization, most of whose members border Afghanistan, has trained personnel and direct experience in the region. 24. Cooperation with NATO Carrier NP Cooperation with NATO also looks strategically wise. 25. Given China’s (…) significance for Western security cooperation Carrier between the SCO, the EU, and NATO Non finite Given China’s importance in both military and economic matters, growing clause+non finite energy and trade relations between Central Asia and the West, and the clause+clause+NP reasonable assumption that Central Asia’s security will continue to have great significance for Western security, cooperation between the SCO, the EU, and NATO looks inevitable. 26. This NP Carrier Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
This is all the more true in view of the common security threats faced by NATO and the SCO in Central Asia, such as Al‐Qaeda and Taliban‐sponsored 25
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terrorism and drug trafficking. 27. But But both Experiencer NATO and the SCO NP But both NATO and the SCO have so far hesitated to engage in closer contact. 28. It NP It is hard to discern whether NATO has any opinion at all about the SCO. At best, NATO seems to regard it as being neither a problem nor an opportunity. 29. Reaching out Experiencer to the SCO Non finite clause Reaching out to the SCO would certainly seem to support NATO’s stated objectives. 30. After 9/11, the alliance Actor AdvbP+NP After 9/11, the alliance came to the conclusion that threats may need to be dealt with on a worldwide basis, which explains NATO’s presence in Afghanistan. 31. As a part of NATO this global strategy Actor PP+NP As a part of this global strategy, NATO strengthened its relations with partners elsewhere, including in Southeast Asia which is the SCO’s chief area of responsibility. 32. Perhaps inevitably NP+App Perhaps inevitably, the SCO – and Russia and China as its leading members – regards NATO’s increased presence in the region with some mistrust. Clause+NP As long as NATO remains reluctant to enter into a dialogue with the SCO, such a cautious attitude looks set to linger, and may even intensify. NP Consideration also needs to be given, therefore, to the establishment of a NATO‐China Council, along the lines of the NATO‐Russia Council, and to the creation of arrangements that would facilitate greater cooperation with the SCO as a whole. Carrier the SCO – Experiencer and Russia and China as its leading members 33. As long as such NATO cautious remains attitude reluctant to enter into a dialogue with the SCO 34. a Carrier Consideration Carrier Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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35. Such cooperation Actor NP Such cooperation would not bridge the main differences between SCO members and the West over issues like democratization and human rights. 36. Cooperation Affected NP Cooperation would also need to comprise much more than mere joint policy development, and should involve the practical pursuit of mutually beneficial, smaller‐scale ad hoc projects. NATO and the SCO could work together on neutralizing anti‐personnel mines in Afghanistan, as well as other possible types of confidence‐building measures, such as joint police training and counter‐narcotics operations. 37. If security politically cooperation sensitive is to be a issues success, Affected Clause+NP If security cooperation is to be a success, politically sensitive issues should be avoided, with the emphasis squarely on practical measures. 38. Actor NP This approach would serve the interests of the EU, NATO, the SCO’s members, and, not least, Afghanistan. This approach Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
The Case for Fiscal Stimulus
Project Syndicate (http://www.project‐ extracted March 12, 2009) Outer thematic field # Textual Inner thematic field Interpersonal PreHead Head Experiential role 1.
Governments around the world 2.
Under normal I circumstances 5.
Actor Text Syntactic features NP Governments around the world are now developing massive fiscal stimulus packages that will cause unprecedented peacetime budget deficits. The fiscal deficit in Carrier the United States this year NP The fiscal deficit in the United States this year is likely to exceed 10% of GDP. A substantial part Affected of the increased deficit NP A substantial part of the increased deficit will be due to a wide range of new government spending. AdvbP+NP Under normal circumstances, I would oppose this rise in the budget deficit and the higher level of government spending. When an economy government Actor is closer to full borrowing to employment finance budget deficits Clause+non finite clause When an economy is closer to full employment, government borrowing to finance budget deficits can crowd out private investment that would raise productivity and the standard of living. Budget deficits NP Budget deficits automatically increase government debt, requiring higher future taxes to pay the interest on that debt. The resulting Actor higher tax rates Actor Actor Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
Non finite The resulting higher tax rates distort economic incentives and thus clause weaken future economic performance. 28
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Of course some government Carrier spending Non finite Of course, some government spending is desirable or necessary. clause 9.
But an increase government outlays NP 10.
however, increased Carrier government spending and the resulting rise in the fiscal deficit Non finite Now, however, increased government spending and the resulting clause rise in the fiscal deficit are being justified as necessary to deal with the economic downturn – a sharp change from the reliance on monetary policy that was used to deal with previous recessions. 11.
Countercyclical fiscal policy Affected NP Countercyclical fiscal policy had been largely discredited because of the delays involved in implementing fiscal changes and households’ weak response to temporary tax cuts. 12.
By contrast the central bank Actor NP By contrast, the central bank could lower interest rates rapidly, which worked to raise household and business spending through a variety of channels. 13.
Nevertheless I Actor NP Nevertheless, I support the use of fiscal stimulus in the US, because the current recession is much deeper than and different from previous downturns. 14.
Even with this recession successful countercyclical policy, Carrier AdvbP+NP Even with successful countercyclical policy, this recession is likely to last longer and be more damaging than any since the depression of the 1930’s. 15.
The 40% decline in Actor the US stock market and the dramatic fall in house prices Clause+clause The 40% decline in the US stock market and the dramatic fall in house prices have reduced American households’ wealth by more than $10 trillion, which is likely to reduce annual consumer spending by more than $400 billion. 16.
And the collapse of Actor housing NP in Carrier Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
But an increase in government outlays often means wasteful spending that produces less value than consumers would get from those same dollars. And the collapse of housing starts has lowered construction spending by another $200 billion. This $600 billion fall in demand is more than 3% of GDP. 29
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If not reversed it 18.
As a result 21.
Actor Clause+NP If not reversed, it will cause further cuts in production, employment, and earnings, leading to further reductions in consumer spending. The usual Carrier monetary‐policy response of lowering interest rates Clause The usual monetary‐policy response of lowering interest rates is unable to reverse this sharp drop in demand. The dysfunctional Carrier credit markets caused by the uncertain value of asset‐backed securities Clause The dysfunctional credit markets caused by the uncertain value of asset‐backed securities means that banks and other financial institutions are unable to raise funds and are unwilling to lend. the central bank’s Actor lower interest rates NP As a result, the central bank’s lower interest rates do not translate into increased spending on interest‐sensitive investment and consumption. So there NP So there is no alternative to fiscal policy if we want to reverse the current downturn. 22.
The resulting Carrier increase in the national debt Non finite The resulting increase in the national debt is the price that we and clause future generations will pay for the mistakes that created the current economic situation. 23.
Those mistakes Actor NP Those mistakes led to an underpricing of risk and the resulting increase in excessive leverage. 24.
There Existent NP There are many reasons for the underpricing of risk and the rise in leverage. 25.
The exceptionally Actor easy monetary policy at the start of the decade NP The exceptionally easy monetary policy at the start of the decade contributed to financial investors’ willingness to buy low‐quality financial assets in order to get higher yield and to an explosive rise in house prices. 26.
The agencies NP The rating agencies miscalculated the value of asset‐backed securities. Existent rating Experiencer Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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The increase in Carrier leverage NP The increase in leverage was driven in part by government policies aimed at expanding home ownership among lower‐income groups that have proven unable to afford that life style. Banking supervisors did not deal with many institutions’ low levels of capital and poor asset quality. 28.
A major challenge Carrier for the future NP A major challenge for the future is to fix the institutional policies that led to these problems. 29.
The new Obama Carrier administration and the Congress NP The new Obama administration and the Congress are still working out the structure of the fiscal stimulus for the US. 30.
Although I NP Although I support the need for a large fiscal package, I disagree with many of the specific features of the plans now under consideration. 31.
Regardless of what Affected is done to provide a fiscal stimulus, governments around the world Clause+NP Regardless of what is done to provide a fiscal stimulus, governments around the world must act to fix dysfunctional credit markets. Otherwise, credit will not flow and growth will not resume. 32.
In the US reviving the credit Affected markets AdvbP+Non finite clause In the US, reviving the credit markets requires stopping the mortgage defaults driven by negative equity. 33.
The US Treasury Actor Department NP The US Treasury Department wasted valuable time in 2008 by not using the funds provided by Congress to deal with those housing‐
market problems. 34.
There NP There is hope that the Congress and the new administration will now address that issue. 35.
When the the US and Possessor recession is over virtually every other country Clause+NP When the recession is over, the US and virtually every other country will have substantially higher debt‐to‐GDP ratios. 36.
At that point, AdvbP+NP At that point, it will be important to develop policies to reduce gradually the relative level of government spending in order to shift to fiscal surpluses and reduce the debt burden. it Actor Existent Carrier Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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The Global Economy’s Dialogue of the Deaf
Project Syndicate (http://www.project‐ extracted March 4, 2009) # Inner thematic field Textual Outer thematic field Interpersonal PreHead Head 1.
As the danger governments protectionism do more to try to coax the world economy out of recession 2.
It 3.
Unfortunately 4.
Text Experiential roles of Carrier Syntactic features Clause+NP As governments do more to try to coax the world economy out of recession, the danger of protectionism is becoming more real. Carrier NP It is emerging in ways that were unforeseen by those who founded our existing global institutions. the discussion Carrier between countries on trade nowadays NP Unfortunately, the discussion between countries on trade nowadays is very much a dialogue of the deaf, with countries spouting platitudes at one another, but no enforceable and verifiable commitments agreed upon. There Existent NP There is an urgent need to reform global institutions – and more dramatically than envisaged by the G‐20 thus far. Protectionism Carrier NP Protectionism is not just about raising tariffs on imports; it is any government action that distorts the global production and allocation of goods, services, and capital to favor domestic producers, thereby reducing overall efficiency. So for example government Carrier pressure on multinational banks Non finite clause So, for example, government pressure on multinational banks to lend domestically, or to withdraw liquidity from foreign branches, is protectionism, as are capital injections into multinational Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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to lend domestically, or to withdraw liquidity from foreign branches 7.
Such actions 8.
Perhaps 10.
companies with the explicit requirement that domestic jobs be preserved. NP Such actions are problematic not only because they insulate inefficient forms of production, but also because foreign countries respond by adopting similar measures towards their national champions, so that everyone is worse off. The number of Carrier inefficient workers protected by these measures Non finite clause The number of inefficient workers protected by these measures is offset by the number of efficient workers laid off by foreign multinationals responding to political pressures in their home country. of greatest concern, Carrier NP Perhaps of greatest concern, moreover, is that the public, especially in poor countries that cannot undertake offsetting measures, will come to distrust global integration, with multinationals viewed as Trojan horses. In addition to governments explicit protectionist measures Experiencer Non finite In addition to explicit protectionist measures, governments now clause+NP plan actions that will affect others across the globe. For example, the large volume of public debt that industrial countries will issue will undoubtedly raise interest rates and affect developing country governments’ borrowing costs. Existent NP There is little dialogue about how industrial country issuances can be staggered to minimize the impact on global markets, and what alternatives can be developed for countries that are shut out. If developing they countries are left to their own devices, Experiencer Clause+NP If developing countries are left to their own devices, they will conclude that they should self‐insure by rebuilding foreign‐exchange reserves to even higher levels, a strategy that has clearly hurt global growth. Expereincer NP We need a moderate‐sized representative group of leaders of the world’s largest economies to meet regularly to discuss such issues, informed by an impartial secretariat that will place its analyses before the group. There We Carrier Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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Initially the group Actor NP Initially, the group should only exert peer pressure on its members to comply with international responsibilities. 15.
But as confidence members in the group’s decision‐
making – and in the impartiality of the secretariat – improves Actor Non finite+finite+NP But, as confidence in the group’s decision‐making – and in the impartiality of the secretariat – improves, members might give it some teeth, such as the ability to impose collective economic sanctions on recalcitrant members. 16.
The United Nations Carrier NP The United Nations is too large to serve this purpose, and the most obvious candidate for the group, the G‐20, is not representative. 17.
There Existent Np There is, however, a representative alternative – the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC), a group of finance ministers and central bank governors that meets twice a year to advise the International Monetary Fund. 18.
While the the real challenge IMFC could be shrunk (for example, if euro‐zone countries agree to a common seat), Carrier Clause+NP While the IMFC could be shrunk (for example, if euro‐zone countries agree to a common seat), the real challenge is to make it a venue in which countries talk to one another rather than at one another. 19.
To meet this some changes goal Carrier Non finite+NP To meet this goal, some changes would be in order. 20.
First the frequency of Carrier meetings NP First, the frequency of meetings should be increased, especially in times of crisis, and the level of a few of these meetings enhanced. 21.
So, for example, two meetings a year Carrier at ()… (with more at the deputy‐minister NP+NP So, for example, two meetings a year at the head‐of‐government level and quarterly meetings at the finance‐minister level (with more at the deputy‐minister level) would provide ample time for Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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level) dialogue, and thus for trust‐building, and would allow the commitments made by the heads of government to be monitored. 22.
Second the IMF’s Affected permanent Executive (…) government functionaries Np+non finite Second, the IMF’s permanent Executive Board, established in an clause+non finite era when travel was costly and communications difficult, and cluase consisting of mid‐level government functionaries, should be abolished. Important decisions should be vetted by the IMFC and others delegated to IMF management. 23.
Current executive Possessor directors typically do NP Current executive directors typically do not have the authority to make commitments on their countries’ behalf, so their effort is often diverted to minutiae. And, in an attempt to preserve its turf, the Board constantly attempts to keep the IMFC from discussing anything of substance. 24.
Third the obvious Carrier secretariat NP Third, the obvious secretariat is the IMF. Unfortunately, the Fund is not regarded as being impartial, especially by countries that have been seared by its past conditionality. 25.
The IMF possessor NP The IMF has, however, become far more neutral than it is given credit for – though it could take more steps to distance itself from its past. 26.
These Actor NP These include abolishing any region or country’s right to appoint IMF management; allowing the Fund to borrow from markets, so that it does not have to keep seeking key countries’ permission to expand; eliminating any country’s official veto power over major decisions; and having its agenda set by the IMFC rather than outside bodies. 27.
Industrial countries Experiencer NP Industrial countries should be happy that developing countries would take greater responsibility for global economic outcomes, rather than simply sulking about their lack of voice and representation. 28.
Developing countries Actor Non finite clause Developing countries, in turn, would gain greater voice, but would also be forced to contribute ideas (and resources) to deal with global problems. 29.
And maybe, maybe, we Actor NP And maybe, just maybe, we would preserve faith in globalization. just Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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The New IMF
Project Syndicate (http://www.project‐ extracted March 5, 2009) # Outer thematic field Textual Inner thematic field Interpersonal Prehead Text Experienti
al roles Head Syntactic features 1.
When Ministers meet for the Actor IMF’s Spring Meeting this month they Clause+NP When Ministers meet for the IMF’s Spring Meeting this month they will find an institution with regained self‐confidence. 2.
The London G20 summit Actor NP The London G20 summit gave a strengthened mandate to the IMF, while tripling its resources. 3.
More concessional finance Actor NP More concessional finance will be available for low‐income countries, and international liquidity will be increased by a hand‐out of $ 250 billion in special drawing rights (SDRs). 4.
This Carrier NP This is a boost for the IMF, and it gives hope to emerging and developing countries that have been severely hit by a crisis that originated elsewhere. 5.
The IMF Carrier NP The IMF is well‐positioned to help its members overcome the financing gaps resulting from the crisis. In the run‐up to the G20 summit access to the Fund’s credit facilities was increased and policy conditions were streamlined. 6.
In a a new non‐conditional credit Carrier watershed line with former practice PP+NP In a watershed with former practice, a new non‐conditional credit line was introduced for well‐performing countries. 7.
NP Mexico and Poland will be its first users and more countries will line up. These more flexible lending policies reflect a new image of the IMF. Mexico and Poland Carrier Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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The negative stigma attached Carrier to IMF financing Non finite The negative stigma attached to IMF financing is a thing of the past. clause 9.
Its financing role in this crisis Actor NP Its financing role in this crisis secured, the IMF now needs to strengthen its position as guardian of an open international financial system. 10. The IMF Affected NP The IMF was created to prevent crises like the current one and in this it has failed. 11. Admittedly there Carrier NP Admittedly, there were warnings, but policy makers, particularly in advanced countries, did not follow suit. 12. The ‘new’ IMF Carrier NP The ‘new’ IMF should be an institution that communicates better with its members, balances the interests of its advanced, emerging and developing members in an evenhanded manner, and aligns its policies better to the needs of the moment. 13. Now that the IMF Affected AdvbP+NP Now that the IMF has been given a second lifetime, it needs to regain its central position in the international financial system. For this, it needs to focus on three issues: improved surveillance of financial stability, strengthened international coordination, and an updated decision‐making process. 14. The new IMF Expereinc
er NP The new IMF needs to become more vocal on global financial stability issues. 15. The IMF Experienc
er NP The IMF should see to it that there are no gaps in the surveillance of financial institutions. 16. It Actor NP It can help shape a more robust global supervisory system which needs to be built in order to preserve the benefits of global financial markets. 17. And it Actor NP And it should help develop a vision on what the future financial landscape should look like. 18. To this end IMF surveillance Actor Non finite To this end IMF surveillance should include regular updates on clause+NP supervisory regimes in systemically important countries. 19. Early warnings, Actor commissioned by the G20, Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
NP+App Early warnings, commissioned by the G20, should be specific and the IMF should monitor whether policymakers give follow‐up to the Fund’s advice. 37
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20. The new IMF 21. 22. First 23. Second Experienc
er NP The new IMF needs to take a fresh look at international policy coordination. The demand for a different Actor monetary order, as advocated by China NP+App The demand for a different monetary order, as advocated by China, sets the stage for a renewed effort to avoid the international imbalances which were at the root of this crisis. the US saving deficit Experienc
er NP First, the US saving deficit will need to be addressed in a sustainable manner. China Actor NP Second, China will have to make its currency convertible. 24. Third the position of the euro Actor NP Third, the position of the euro will strengthen over time as more countries will join the euro zone. 25. With more the perspective of a truly Actor key multipolar currency system currencies in place PP+NP With more key currencies in place, the perspective of a truly multipolar currency system comes in sight, with an increased role for the SDR. 26. This Actor NP This will lessen the need felt by emerging economies for self‐insurance against financial instability, by building up large reserves. 27. Finally the new IMF Experienc
er NP Finally, the new IMF needs governance structures that better reflect today’s new global realities. 28. The perception that Actor advanced countries are running business in the Fund, but do not adhere to Fund advice, Clause+cla
use The perception that advanced countries are running business in the Fund, but do not adhere to Fund advice, has undermined the IMF’s authority. 29. The G20 summit Actor NP The G20 summit marked the return of the United States to multilateralism. 30. This acceptance of collective Actor responsibility NP This acceptance of collective responsibility should come with abandoning US veto power in the IMF by lowering required voting majorities, as well as abandoning Europe’s prerogative of appointing the Managing Director. 31. One of the strengths of the Affected IMF’s present governance NP+Np One of the strengths of the IMF’s present governance structure, the constituency system, should be duplicated at the G20 as well, so as to Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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structure, the constituency system, ensure inclusiveness. 32. The rapid growth of China, Actor India, and other emerging countries NP 33. Advanced including countries, Non finite Advanced countries, including European countries, will see a relative +non finite decrease in voting power. 34. An increased say emerging economies 35. 36. 37. countries, Experienc
European er The rapid growth of China, India, and other emerging countries should come with increased influence, to be implemented through the planned quota increase in 2011. for Actor Non finite An increased say for emerging economies will imply taking more international responsibility as well, also in financial terms. Now European countries Actor AdvbP+NP Now European countries finance 42% of IMF lending and 62% of concessional World Bank lending. This task Affected NP This task will have to be shared by emerging countries with large reserves. These reserves Affected NP These reserves are put to better use by assisting the IMF in maintaining an open and stable financial system and prevent crises like these from recurring Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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1.2 Spanish
Yak-42: justicia a medias
El tribunal admite que la falsa identificación fue intencionada pero no dice los motivos (20/05/2009) Elpais online # Outer Thematic Field Textual Inner thematic field Interpers
onal Pre‐Head Head Text Experienti
al role Syntactic Features 1.
La falsa identificación de 30 de los 62 militares españoles muertos en el accidente del avión Yak‐42, el 26 de mayo de 2003, cuando se aprestaba a aterrizar en la base turca de Trabzon, procedente de Afganistán Carrier Np+App+cla
use La falsa identificación de 30 de los 62 militares españoles muertos en el accidente del avión Yak‐42, el 26 de mayo de 2003, cuando se aprestaba a aterrizar en la base turca de Trabzon, procedente de Afganistán, no fue error, sino un acto intencionado, perpetrado a sabiendas. 2.
La Audiencia Nacional Actor np La Audiencia Nacional ni siquiera ha entrado a deliberar si se trató de una mera imprudencia: todas las pruebas le han llevado a considerar el hecho como un delito de falsedad en documento oficial realizado de modo consciente y con conocimiento de causa, es decir, con dolo. 3.
Las consecuencias Carrier np Las consecuencias son importantes. 4.
Agrava 3 p sing Process VP Agrava laconducta de los acusados haciéndola merecedora de penas de prisión: tres años para el principal acusado, el general de Sanidad Vicente Navarro, y año y medio para el comandante y el capitán médicos José Ramón Ramírez y Miguel Ángel Sanz. 5.
En el caso del general Navarro, y a expensas de la pena de tres años carrier Pp+Np En el caso del general Navarro, y a expensas de posibles recursos, la pena de tres años supone su ingreso en prisión. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
posibles recursos, 6.
No obstante, el fallo de la Audiencia Actor np No obstante, el fallo de la Audiencia se queda en la mitad de las penas de cinco y seis años, respectivamente, solicitadas para este acusado por el fiscal y las acusaciones en representación de las familias de las víctimas. 7.
El tribunal Sayer np El tribunal argumenta por qué: la falsa identificación de los 30 cadáveres responde "a una sola decisión delictiva, a una sola voluntad criminal". 8.
No cabe 3 p sing Carrier advbP+np No cabe, pues, hablar de un delito continuado. 9.
Y en lo que respecta a los otros dos acusados, la omisión de determinados datos en los informes de necropsia que realizaron Actor pp+clause Y en lo que respecta a los otros dos acusados, la omisión de determinados datos en los informes de necropsia que realizaron coadyuvó a "la acción falsaria de Navarro", pero no constituyó delito por sí misma. 10. El tribunal Sayer np El tribunal describe con detalle la conducta dolosa de Navarro, su voluntad de faltar a la verdad. 11. Pero Nada sayer np Pero nada dice sobre por qué actuó así, salvo la explicación del propio Navarro de que su misión era repatriar los cadáveres. 12. Desconocer todo sobre esa misión, si existió o no, y si respondió, de existir, a órdenes superiores, directas o inducidas carrier Non finite+finite clause Desconocer todo sobre esa misión, si existió o no, y si respondió, de existir, a órdenes superiores, directas o inducidas, constituye una grave laguna procesal que, de no corregirse, seguirá proyectando zonas de sombra sobre la tragedia del Yak‐42. 13. Quizás para curarse en salud, el tribunal Actor pp+np Quizás para curarse en salud, el tribunal se cuida de delimitar el objeto de su veredicto, negando que pueda extenderse "a valoraciones ajenas al objeto procesal ni a la conducta de personas no acusadas y sobre las que, en consecuencia, no se ha practicado prueba ni se ha formado convicción alguna". 14. Pero es 3 p sing Process Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
vP Pero es difícil admitir que indagar sobre la existencia y naturaleza de la misión que parece haber condicionado la conducta del 41
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
principal acusado sea tarea ajena al tribunal, bien directamente, bien por deducción de testimonio. 15. Las familias de las víctimas possessor np Las familias de las víctimas tienen motivos para estar satisfechas. Sobre todo, tras los iniciales obstáculos de la propia justicia, reacia a actuar, y la escasa atención inicial de la opinión pública a su lucha por la exigencia de responsabilidades 16. La impunidad Carrier np La impunidad no ha prevalecido, pero queda pendiente saber por qué los acusados actuaron como lo hicieron. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
Sonrojo enWestminster
Los escandalosos gastos de los diputados británicos comienzan a pasar factura política (20/05/2009) Elpais online Text
# Outer Thematic Field Inner thematic field Textual Interpers
onal Pre‐Head Head Experientia
l role Syntactic Features 1.
Es 3 p sing Process VP Es poco probable que el escándalo de los gastos de los diputados británicos a costa del contribuyente afecte decisivamente a la intención de voto de los ciudadanos, pero es seguro que ha asestado un golpe formidable a la reputación de un Parlamento considerado modélico en el exterior y honorable más allá de toda duda en el interior. 2.
La insólita dimisión de su presidente, primera en más de tres siglos, con ser imprescindible por la incompetencia del laborista Michael Martin en el manejo del asunto y sus intentos para ocultar los abusos Carrier Np+non finite clause La insólita dimisión de su presidente, primera en más de tres siglos, con ser imprescindible por la incompetencia del laborista Michael Martin en el manejo del asunto y sus intentos para ocultar los abusos, no va a ser el fin de la historia. 3.
El primer ministro Gordon Brown Actor np El primer ministro Gordon Brown intentó salir ayer al paso del desastre anunciando un acuerdo interpartidista para la reforma del sistema, pero Westminster y los partidos en su conjunto, y eso es lo grave, han perdido la confianza pública. 4.
Las noticias que el diario conservador Daily Telegraph Actor np Las noticias que el diario conservador Daily Telegraph viene publicando son motivo no sólo para desguazar los actuales mecanismos de control ‐
que ni laboristas ni conservadores han tenido el menor interés en cambiar‐, sino probablemente para iniciar por fin una reforma que acabe con los profundos anacronismos del sistema democrático más afianzado del mundo. 5.
Si en ese sistema (…) 3 psing Carrier Clause+clause+v
P Si en ese sistema donde los Lores todavía no son plenamente elegidos o sólo dos partidos tienen monolíticamente el control del poder, los Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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o extravagant
es es Comunes pueden diseñar un tinglado de inaceptables gabelas para que los ciudadanos corran con los gastos particulares de sus representantes, vulgares o extravagantes, es que algo serio no funciona. 6.
Las corruptelas Actor np Las corruptelas afectan a todos los partidos y a diputados de toda edad y condición. 7.
Pero la losa del desprestigio de un pilar básico de la democracia Affected np Pero la losa del desprestigio de un pilar básico de la democracia cae más pesadamente sobre el laborismo gobernante, a cuyo frente el desacreditado premier recoge la ira creciente de unos ciudadanos que, en medio del despilfarro, hacen equilibrios para llegar a final de mes. 8.
Brown Actor np Brown ha rechazado adelantar unas elecciones, como le pide la oposición conservadora, que presumiblemente perdería por goleada. Los diputados británicos no están bien pagados, ni puede considerárseles corruptos para los estándares de otros países, europeos incluidos. 9.
Pero muchos Actor np Pero muchos han cometido el error de considerar sus injustificables gastos consentidos como un complemento salarial de libre disposición. pocas cosas Affected np Y pocas cosas se toleran peor en una democracia que la sensación de que hay unas reglas para los que mandan y otras para los demás. 10. Y Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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Sigue imputado
La declaración de Camps ante el Tribunal Superior no disuelve los indicios de cohecho (21/05/2009) Elpais online
# Outer Thematic Field Inner thematic field Text Textual Interpers
onal Pre‐Head Head Experiential role Syntactic Features 1.
El presidente de la Generalitat valenciana, Francisco Camps, Actor Np+app El presidente de la Generalitat valenciana, Francisco Camps, compareció ayer como imputado ante el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de la Comunidad Valenciana, del que salió, 45 minutos después, con la confirmación de que sigue imputado. 2.
El tribunal Actor np El tribunal facilitó una escueta nota en la que afirma que "el proceso sigue su curso". 3.
Esto Carrier np Esto significa que los indicios de delito de cohecho apreciados por el juez Garzón antes de inhibirse en favor del Tribunal Superior (por la condición de aforados de tres de los investigados) no han sido disueltos por la declaración del presidente, pese a lo que él mismo había dado a entender que ocurriría al manifestar que nada deseaba tanto como poder comparecer ante el juez para aclarar el asunto. 4.
Los dirigentes populares Experiencer np Los dirigentes populares habían pretendido confundir a la opinión pública presentando la condición de imputado como un mero detalle procesal derivado de la forma en que había instruido el caso el juez Garzón. 5.
Pero el juez valenciano Actor np Pero el juez valenciano no ha encontrado motivos para modificar esa condición, lo que en principio significa que aprecia los mismos indicios. 6.
Si de la declaración se hubiera deducido una posición más favorable el juez Actor Clause+np Si de la declaración se hubiera deducido una posición más favorable para el reo, el juez tendría que haberlo traducido en alguna medida. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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para el reo, 7.
No ha 3 p sing Process advbP+VP No ha habido tal, aunque tampoco ha solicitado medidas cautelares, lo que habría indicado reforzamiento de los indicios contra el reo. 8.
El empeño del PP en quitar importancia a la imputación Carrier Non finite clause El empeño del PP en quitar importancia a la imputación estaba motivado por su negativa a adoptar con alguien tan relevante en el partido las mismas medidas (suspensión de militancia) aplicadas a otros imputados de menor nombradía. 9.
El PP Possessor np El PP tiene cada día más difícil mantener esa actitud, contraria a lo establecido en su propio código de conducta y que supone aplicar dos criterios diferentes en Madrid y en Valencia. 10. Porque, entretanto, Camps Actor Advbp+advbp+np Porque, entretanto, Camps sigue sin presentar facturas que, desmintiendo la documentación que figura en el sumario, acreditasen su afirmación de que él se pagó los trajes que presuntamente le regaló el jefe de la trama corrupta en Valencia. 11. Y sigue 3 p sing Process VP Y sigue también sin ofrecer una explicación que reste verosimilitud a la de que trajes y regalos pagaban un trato de favor en adjudicaciones. 12. Desde que la Audiencia Nacional adoptó las primeras decisiones sobre el asunto, la dirección del PP Actor Clause+np Desde que la Audiencia Nacional adoptó las primeras decisiones sobre el asunto, la dirección del PP ha ido cambiando de estrategia para, en último extremo, encontrarse en la actual situación: todas las medidas políticas que se ha resistido a adoptar contra los implicados se vuelven contra la totalidad del partido una vez que las actuaciones judiciales se han puesto en marcha. 13. La instrucción, entretanto, Actor Np La instrucción, entretanto, sigue su curso, y las excusas que los populares han ido desgranando hasta ahora van perdiendo verosimilitud a medida que se van conociendo nuevos datos. Al contrario de lo que el comité de recepción a Camps ante las puertas del tribunal ha querido dar a entender, no se trata de un proceso por motivos políticos, sino de un proceso por corrupción en el que, eso sí, están implicados varios políticos. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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Proyectos divergentes
La visita de Netanyahu a la Casa Blanca anticipa serias discrepancias sobre Oriente Próximo (21/05/2009) Elpais online Outer Thematic Field # Textual Inner thematic field Interpersonal Pre‐Head Head Text Experiential role Syntactic Features 1. Con la visita del primer ministro israelí a la Casa Blanca la diplomacia de Barack Obama Actor Pp+np Con la visita del primer ministro israelí a la Casa Blanca, la diplomacia de Barack Obama ha dado sus primeros pasos relevantes en el avispero de Oriente Próximo. 2. Washington experiencer np Washington ha previsto próximos encuentros con el presidente egipcio, Hosni Mubarak, y con el líder de la Autoridad Palestina,Mahmud Abbas. 3. Si hasta ahora los presidentes de Estados Unidos debían lidiar con el conflicto palestino como principal y casi exclusivo escenario político de la región, ahora el cruce de líneas de alta tensión Carrier Clause+advbP+np Si hasta ahora los presidentes de Estados Unidos debían lidiar con el conflicto palestino como principal y casi exclusivo escenario político de la región, ahora el cruce de líneas de alta tensión es más complejo debido a los errores de Bush y del anterior primer ministro israelí, Olmert. 4. Uno en Irak y otro en Líbano y en Gaza, ambos Actor np Uno en Irak y otro en Líbano y en Gaza, ambos deterioraron gravemente la capacidad de disuasión convencional de sus respectivos países y contribuyeron, así, a colocar la proliferación nuclear en primer plano. 5. Y ésta process np Y ésta tiene un actor principal en Irán, que sobre la inquietud que suscita su programa atómico mantiene un discurso absolutamente radical contra Israel en el que no falta un componente antisemita. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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6. Por si faltaban pruebas sobre su peligrosidad, Teherán Actor Pp+np Por si faltaban pruebas sobre su peligrosidad, Teherán lanzó ayer mismo un misil en pruebas con alcance de 2.000 kilómetros. 7. Ahí radica 3 p sing Process Advb+vp Ahí radica la encrucijada ante la que tenían que haber alcanzado un principio de acuerdo Obama y Benjamín Netanyahu. 8. La tarea carrier np La tarea no era sencilla y la visita del líder israelí no ha arrojado avances. 9. Ambos Gobiernos Sayer np Ambos Gobiernos discrepan sobre las prioridades y sobre el futuro que desean para Oriente Próximo. 10. MientrasWashington estima que la cuestión palestina debe ser resuelta para abordar en mejores condiciones el dossier iraní ‐y de ahí que Obama haya exigido a Israel el fin de los asentamientos y la aceptación de la fórmula de los dos Estados‐, Netanyahu experiencer Clause+clause+np MientrasWashington estima que la cuestión palestina debe ser resuelta para abordar en mejores condiciones el dossier iraní ‐y de ahí que Obama haya exigido a Israel el fin de los asentamientos y la aceptación de la fórmula de los dos Estados‐, Netanyahu quiere la inmediata detención del programa nuclear de Teherán, pero sin ofrecer ninguna garantía sobre el arreglo con los palestinos. 11. Ayer mismo el líder derechista israelí Sayer Advbp+np Ayer mismo el líder derechista israelí aseguraba que había acordado enWashington la necesidad de conversaciones de paz con Siria y con los palestinos. 12. Pero los hechos Carrier np Pero los hechos son contumaces: casi coincidiendo con la entrevista de ambos mandatarios el lunes en la Casa Blanca, Israel ha iniciado la construcción de una nueva colonia en Cisjordania. 13. Por primera vez en muchos años , los intereses de ambos países Carrier Pp+np Por primera vez en muchos años, los intereses de ambos países aparecen como abiertamente divergentes. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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14. En poco tiempo se verá 3 p sing process Pp+vP En poco tiempo se verá si la política de Netanyahu lleva a Israel a una decisión trascendental para la paz y la seguridad mundiales: la de si actuar o no por su cuenta contra Irán. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
Medidas improvisadas
Falta elaboración política en las propuestas para salvar los sectores del automóvil e inmobiliario (23/05 /2009) Elpais online Outer Thematic Field Textual Inner thematic field Interpersona
l Pre‐Head Experiential role Head Text Syntactic Features 1.
Una de las virtudes Actor Np Una de las virtudes que con razón se le atribuyeron al debate sobre el estado de la nación (también en este periódico) fue el grado de concreción de las propuestas económicas del presidente del Gobierno. 2.
Tras un diagnóstico bastante acertado y un reconocimiento razonable de los errores de previsión, Rodríguez Zapatero sayer Pp+np Tras un diagnóstico bastante acertado y un reconocimiento razonable de los errores de previsión, Rodríguez Zapatero anunció la rebaja paulatina de la desgravación fiscal por vivienda y la implantación de ayudas directas a la compra de automóviles para contrarrestar el brutal descenso de la demanda. 3.
Pero ambas propuestas Affected np Pero ambas propuestas perdieron fuerza en la tramitación parlamentaria, y en el caso de la medida estrella para reanimar el mercado automovilístico, se está desperdiciando por una gestión desafortunada con las comunidades autónomas. 4.
De forma que hoy los potenciales compradores, los concesionarios, los Gobiernos autónomos y el propio Gobierno central Experiencer advbP+advbp+
np+np+np+np De forma que hoy los potenciales compradores, los concesionarios, los Gobiernos autónomos y el propio Gobierno central desconocen exactamente quién pondrá los 2.000 euros de subvención prometidos, y los modelos y plazos incluidos. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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El presidente Sayer np Un patrón económico más ordenado, en resumen. 6.
Es 3 p sing Process VP Es un propósito que identificó bien el programa electoral del PSOE en 2004, pero que ha sido olvidado en estos años. 7.
A ese propósito se dirigen 3 p plu Process PP+VP A ese propósito se dirigen algunas decisiones acertadas, como la supresión de la desgravación por compra de vivienda o la simplificación administrativa para la creación de empresas, incluida la extensión de las posibilidades de interlocución digital de los ciudadanos con el conjunto de las administraciones. 8.
La decepción Actor np La decepción ha venido luego, al saberse que gran parte de las medidas propuestas carecían de la mínima elaboración para aplicarse inmediatamente. 9.
A la improvisación del Ejecutivo se han añadido 3 p plu Process PP+VP A la improvisación del Ejecutivo se han añadido las dificultades para conseguir apoyos parlamentarios para alcanzar la aprobación de las decisiones. 10. Las prisas por hacer anuncios, por buscar sólo el efecto de los enunciados, sin dotarlos de contenido Carrier Np+non finite clause+non finite clause Las prisas por hacer anuncios, por buscar sólo el efecto de los enunciados, sin dotarlos de contenido, no es una buena forma de gobernar. 11. Todo enunciado possessor np Todo enunciado ha de tener definido con precisión su itinerario de concreción y aplicación. 12. Y en mayor medida si ésta affected Pp+np Y en mayor medida si ésta depende del concurso de otras administraciones y de sus presupuestos. 13. El momento Sayer np El momento no aconseja ni excesos retóricos ni grandes representaciones. 14. En mitad de una recesión ciertas medidas en ámbitos como la fiscalidad, los estímulos de la demanda o la Actor Pp+np En mitad de una recesión, ciertas medidas en ámbitos como la fiscalidad, los estímulos de la demanda o la reforma del sistema bancario exigen amplios acuerdos. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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reforma del sistema bancario 15. Y, desde luego , deben 3 p plu Process VP Y, desde luego, deben presentarse una vez bien estudiadas y con la viabilidad de su aplicación asegurada. 16. Gobierno y PP Experiential Np+np Gobierno y PP necesitan fortalecer la seriedad de sus actuaciones y no contribuir más a la creciente erosión de la confianza de los ciudadanos. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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Equilibrio de poderes
Al contradecir al Gobierno, el Constitucional refuerza la legitimidad de la Ley de Partidos (23/05 /2009) Elpais online # Outer Thematic Field Inner thematic field Text Textual Interperson
al Pre‐Head Head Experiential role Syntactic Features 1. El Tribunal Constitucional Sayer np El Tribunal Constitucional ha estimado el recurso de la coalición Iniciativa Internacionalista‐La Solidaridad con los Pueblos (II‐SP) contra su anulación por parte del Supremo, que la consideró un instrumento de ETA‐Batasuna para burlar su prohibición y concurrir a las elecciones europeas. 2. Con esta resolución se refuerza 3 p sing Process Pp+VP Con esta resolución se refuerza el equilibrio de poderes del sistema político, que incluye un Tribunal Constitucional que no necesariamente avala lo que defiende el Ejecutivo. 3. La Ley de Partidos Carrier np La Ley de Partidos es una norma excepcional motivada por una situación que también lo es. 4. Esa excepcionalidad Carrier np Esa excepcionalidad implica dos riesgos principales: que se relativicen, en nombre de las razones de Estado, las exigencias propias del Estado de derecho y del procedimiento judicial, y que la excepcionalidad en principio prevista para el conglomerado que dirige ETA se extienda a situaciones, grupos y personas cada vez más alejados de ese núcleo. 5. La sentencia Actor np La sentencia incide en ambos aspectos. 6. Por una parte, no se conforma 3psin Process advbP+vP Por una parte, no se conforma con los indicios obvios de voluntad defraudatoria de Batasuna, y constata que no existe en el auto confirmación de que esa voluntad se haya materializado en la candidatura señalada. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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7. Por otra, , no encuentra 3 p sing Process advbP+vP Por otra, no encuentra indicios suficientes para acreditar la integración en una trama al servicio de ETA o de formaciones ligadas a ella. 8. No cualquier actitud favorable al mundo de la izquierda abertzale Carrier advbP+np No cualquier actitud favorable al mundo de la izquierda abertzale implica formar parte del entramado terrorista. 9. La legitimación que para la política antiterrorista supone que la ilegalización de partidos dependa de los tribunales, y no del Gobierno sayer Np+clause La legitimación que para la política antiterrorista supone que la ilegalización de partidos dependa de los tribunales, y no del Gobierno, se ve confirmada por una sentencia que contradice la posición del Ejecutivo, cosa que no había ocurrido hasta ahora. 10. Ello Actor np Ello debilita las críticas nacionalistas de que la ley se aplicaba en función de conveniencias políticas del Gobierno de turno. 11. El Constitucional Sayer np El Constitucional viene a decir que, sin una base probatoria sólida de dependencia de ETA, la aplicación de la ley no puede limitar derechos fundamentales, como el de participación política. 12. las pruebas decisivas de esa dependencia Actor np En el caso de ANV, las pruebas decisivas de esa dependencia aparecieron bastante después de las elecciones municipales 13. Por lo mismo, la sentencia Actor np Por lo mismo, la sentencia protege lo que podía haber sido un flanco débil de la ley con vistas al recurso planteado ante el Tribunal de Estrasburgo: que se expanda, sin las garantías del Estado de derecho, a partidos legales preexistentes. 14. Ya no puede 3 p sing process advbP+advbP+v
b Ya no puede defenderse esa teoría. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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El reto de Pyongyang
El régimen norcoreano prosigue, contra todos, su alarmante camino hacia un arsenal nuclear (26/05 /2009) Elpais online Text
Outer Thematic Field Inner thematic field Textual Interperso
nal Pre‐
Head Head Experiential role
Syntactic Features Resulta 3 p sing Process VP Resulta sorprendente que un país tan aislado, pobre y proscrito internacionalmente como Corea del 1. Norte mantenga tal empeño en romper uno tras otro los puentes que todavía le unen al exterior. 2. Así ha 3 p sing Process advbP+vP Así ha vuelto a ser ayer, cuando el régimen de Pyongyang, en un nuevo desafío, ha detonado su segundo artefacto nuclear en tres años, más potente que el de 2006. 3. La lóbrega exhibición (…) alcance Actor Np+non finite clause La lóbrega exhibición de fuerza, aderezada con el lanzamiento casi simultáneo de tres misiles de corto alcance, acrecienta los temores de proliferación y evidencia el lento pero seguro progreso norcoreano hacia un arsenal atómico, que inevitablemente hará más inestable el noreste de Asia. 4. El ultraje Carrier np El ultraje no es menor por esperado. 5. Pyongyang Sayer np Pyongyang había anunciado volver a la carga inmediatamente después de que en abril pasado el Consejo de Seguridad endureciera sus sanciones contra el Estado comunista por el disparo de un misil de largo alcance disfrazado de satélite. 6. El régimen de Kim Jong‐il Actor np El régimen de Kim Jong‐il también descartó entonces reincorporarse a las interminables negociaciones a seis bandas para que abandone su programa bélico atómico, y que hasta ahora sólo han conducido a una ristra de promesas incumplidas. 7. La opacidad total de las decisiones políticas norcoreanas Actor np La opacidad total de las decisiones políticas norcoreanas no permite sino cábalas. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
8. , la explosión atómica Actor np Se trate de sobresaltar a Barack Obama, de una exhibición de fortaleza ante los suyos de un dictador enfermo que pergeña su sucesión o de una mezcla de factores, la explosión atómica coloca a la nueva política exterior de Washington ante el primer hecho consumado de envergadura en la región. 9. 10. No 11. 12. 13. Al menos Np+non finite clause Si la conmocionada Corea del Sur y Japón, como vecinos más directamente amenazados, la también China y Rusia, valedores de Pyongyang cabe sayer Actor advbP+VP No cabe esperar de la ONU decisiones drásticas. Ni Pekín, sobre todo, ni Moscú, ambos con poder de veto, Descartada por la nueva Casa Blanca una acción militar mientras China Actor Np+app Ni Pekín, sobre todo, ni Moscú, ambos con poder de veto, están dispuestos a apoyar un verdadero consideran alarmante, también China y Rusia, valedores de Pyongyang, han condenado el experimento, que ha reunido de urgencia al Consejo de Seguridad. castigo ejemplar contra Corea del Norte. Actor Actor Non finite cluse Descartada por la nueva Casa Blanca una acción militar, queda ensayar variantes de la actual e np Al menos mientras China mantenga su política o un maestro del chantaje como Jong‐il o el núcleo infructuosa sucesión de recompensas y sanciones. duro de sus generales no acepten que cooperar es mejor que la paranoia en que están instalados, a un precio terrible para 23 millones de norcoreanos. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
Camps y Torquemada
Rajoy descalifica a la justicia mientras el líder valenciano busca la absolución en las urnas (26/05 /2009) Elpais online Outer Thematic Field
Inner thematic field
l Pre‐Head Head
Experiential role Syntactic Features 1. El Partido Popular
El Partido Popular ha cedido a la tentación de confundir unos eventuales
resultados favorables en las próximas elecciones europeas con una absolución
en los casos de corrupción que afectan a destacados dirigentes y cargos
institucionales, como Francisco Camps.
2. Esta reacción
Esta reacción no constituye una sorpresa, puesto que se dejaba traslucir en
las declaraciones de los líderes populares, incluido el propio Camps, desde que
trascendieron las primeras decisiones de la Audiencia Nacional relacionadas
con el caso Gürtel.
3 p sing
Pero más grave aún es que esta forma de eludir responsabilidades tampoco
representa una novedad en las estrategias del PP para enfrentar los casos de
corrupción que le afectan: su respuesta a la imputación de Camps es idéntica a
la que ofreció en los procesos judiciales contra el presidente de la Diputación
de Castellón, Carlos Fabra, para quien el fiscal acaba de solicitar dos años de
4. La dirección nacional
de los populares, con
Mariano Rajoy a la
La dirección nacional de los populares, con Mariano Rajoy a la
cabeza, ha decidido cerrar filas con el presidente de la Generalitat valenciana.
5. La incondicionalidad
de este apoyo
La incondicionalidad de este apoyo no es sólo asunto del PP y de sus
complejos equilibrios internos, en los que Camps llegó a afirmarse como un
sólido apoyo de Rajoy durante el acoso de Esperanza Aguirre y de los sectores
más radicales del partido tras la derrota en las últimas elecciones generales; es
también, y sobre todo, una cuestión que afecta al obligado respeto a los
tribunales desde los partidos políticos.
6. Rajoy
Rajoy ha apuntado a los "Torquemada del siglo XXI" como causantes de los
problemas de Camps con la justicia.
3. Pero
Interpersonal Text
más grave
aún es
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
Las palabras del líder
de la oposición
Las palabras del líder de la oposición descalifican gratuitamente la
actuación de los jueces y, en concreto, del instructor del caso en el Tribunal
Superior de Justicia de Valencia
Sea cual sea la hipótesis que se escoja, parece impropio de una fuerza
política con vocación de Gobierno propagar insinuaciones sobre la justicia en
lugar de exigir responsabilidades a sus militantes.
9. Eso
Eso es lo que establece el código de conducta del PP y ésa es la decisión que ha
adoptado en relación con los implicados en la Comunidad de Madrid.
10. Los problemas
judiciales de Camps
Los problemas judiciales de Camps se deben exclusivamente a
comportamientos sobre los que no ha ofrecido ninguna explicación.
el cerrado apoyo de
Non finite
Y el cerrado apoyo de Rajoy sólo significa, por su parte, que el Partido Popular
ha renunciado a exigírsela.
el PP y su dirección
Non finite
Al seguir este camino, el PP y su dirección nacional no quedan a
merced de los resultados electorales, como pretenden sus dirigentes en un
intento de repetir la estrategia ensayada con Fabra; quedan a merced de lo que
decidan los tribunales
lo que han decidido
los tribunales
Y de momento, lo que han decidido los
7. parece
8. 11. Y
Al seguir
12. 13. Y
tribunales ya les ha llevado a proteger a destacados imputados por cohecho. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
2 News articles
2.1 English
“Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the IMF, escapes dismissal over affair”
The Times online October 26, 2008 Outer Thematic field # Textual Inner thematic field Interper
sonal PreHead 1 2 3 But 4 Head Text Experiential Role Syntactic Features Dominique Strauss‐Kam, the French head of the International Monetary Fund, Actor NP+App The fund's managing director Goal NP The fund's managing director was allowed to remain in his post after an investigation cleared him of accusations of harassment, favouritism and abuse of power over his affair with Piroska Nagy, a Hungarian economist. Actor NP But his reputation took a battering in the statement by the 1M F board, which said the relationship "was regrettable and reflected a serious error of judgment on the part of the managing director." But his reputation Shakour Shaalan, the fund's executive director Sayer NP+App Dominique Strauss‐Kam, the French head of the International Monetary Fund, escaped dismissal for a one‐night stand with a subordinate today, but was denounced by board members for a "serious error of judgment." Shakour Shaalan, the fund's executive director, said 1M F staff, and notably female staff, "are not at all happy" with Mr Strauss‐Kahn, whose amorous adventures in France have earned him the epithet Ie grand seducteur. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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5 6 7 8 9 10 “The managing director has expressed his regrets. I don't think that we can ask him to do more at this time," Verbiage Clause Mr Strauss‐Kam, 59, Sayer NP+App Mr Strauss‐Kam, 59, said in a statement: "I very much regret the incident and I accept responsibility for it." The investigation Goal NP The investigation was launched when Mario Blejer, a senior Argentine economist, said Mrs Nagy, his wife, had been seduced at the Davos international forum. A US law firm Receiver/Be
neficiary NP A US law firm was asked to probe accusations that Mrs Nagy, who left the IMF in August, had been forced out by Mr Strauss‐Kahn, possibly with an exorbitant pay‐off. Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Sayer NP+NP+NP The decision Goal NP The decision was greeted with relief in France, where Mr Strauss‐Kahn is seen as a key figure in President Sarkozy's drive to remodel and regulate capitalism in the wake of the financial crisis. NP French commentators hailed the role played by Anne Sinclair, Mr Strauss‐Kahn's wife, a former television presenter, who wrote in her blog: "Everyone knows that these are things which occur in the life of all couples. This one night adventure is now behind us. We love each other as much as we did on the first day.” 11 French commentators “The managing director has expressed his regrets. I don't think that we can ask him to do more at this time," said Mr Shaalan. "We will continue to work with him." Sayer Morgan, Lewis & Bockius said there was no evidence to support the claims. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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“Opec hawks want to cut oil production to keep up price”
The Times online October 17, 2008 # Outer Thematic field 1 Textual Interpr Inner thematic field Experiential role Syntactic Features Goal NP Opec’s mettle will be tested next week when the cartel assembles in Vienna at a hastily convened meeting to discuss the economic crisis and whether the exporters’ club should take action to arrest the fall in the price of crude oil. Mounting alarm over the dwindling rent from oil sales Actor Non‐
finite Mounting alarm over the dwindling rent from oil sales prompted Opec yesterday to bring forward an emergency meeting scheduled for mid‐November to next Friday. Together the cartel members Carrier NP Together the cartel members have lost about a billion dollars of revenue a day since crude price peaked in July. The benchmark US Light crude price Actor NP The benchmark US Light crude price fell $5 per barrel on the New York Nymex exchange yesterday to $69.15 (£40.05), less than half the value at oil’s peak, while London’s Brent crude futures contract fell to $65.70. Actor NP Evidence of rising oil stocks in America and weakening demand for energy in China’s mills and workshops has speeded up oil’s decline, but there is no agreement within the cartel over price strategy. Experiencer NP + App Opec hawks, such as Iran and Venezuela, want to shore up the price by turning off the taps, but neither country can afford to cut output and forgo revenues. Actor NP Both are failing even to produce at their agreed quotas because of weak investment in their oil industries, so the burden of any cut will fall on Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. PreHead 3 4 5 6 7 Head Opec’s mettle 2 Text Evidence of (...) and workshops Opec hawks, such as Iran and Venezuela, Both Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 The Saudis However But Experiencer NP The Saudis would not like to see the price falling below $60 per barrel, a level at which most economists reckon the kingdom can support its profligate princes, the social security bills and invest in the oil industry. Actor NP However, the Saudis will be listening to the grinding cogs of the slowing Asian industrial juggernaut with mounting concern. Actor NP A deep recession might precipitate an oil price collapse Carrie NP It is Saudi Aramco that has been responsible for the weakening oil price, pushing more oil on the market since the energy summit in Jedda. the Saudis A deep recession It According to Platts, the oil pricing publisher, even as the price tumbles Saudi Aramco Actor Clause According to Platts, the oil pricing publisher, even as the price tumbles Saudi Aramco has supplied every refiner’s request to lift Saudi crude next month. The wider question Token NP The wider question is what impact falling crude will have on nonOpec oil output Russia’s budget Actor NP Russia’s budget depends on a $70 per barrel price, according to Aleksei Kudrin, the Finance Minister Russian oil output Actor NP But Russian oil output is already falling because of weak investment, as is Mexican production The major Western oil companies Experiencer NP The major Western oil companies can probably stomach prices dipping temporarily to $60 for a few months and still pay their dividends, but a prolonged slump at $50 per barrel would lead to the scrapping of investments followed by another cycle of shortages and soaring prices Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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“Microsoft results offer hope to tech sector”
The Times online October 24, 2008 Outer thematic field # 1 2 Textual Inner thematic field Interp PreHead Head Microsoft, the world’s biggest computer company, The software giant, based in Seattle, Washington, Revenue for the quarterly period 4 Wall Street 5 Fears 6 Howeve
r, Thursday’s numbers 7 8 Participant 3 For the full‐
year ending Toan Tran, an analyst at Morningstar Microsoft Text Syntactic Features Actor NP+App Microsoft, the world’s biggest computer company, offered a rare glimmer of hope to Wall Street after it unveiled better than expected quarterly profits. Actor NP+App The software giant, based in Seattle, Washington, made net profits of $4.37 billion for the three months to September 30, compared with the $4.29 billion it reported for the same period the year before. Actor NP Revenue for the quarterly period rose 9 per cent to $15.06 billion. Experiencer NP Wall Street is scared about how much the US recession will erode American corporate profits over the next few years. Actor NP Fears have been growing that technology companies will be hard hit by the economic downturns because their customers will cut back on IT spending. Actor NP However, Thursday’s numbers show that Microsoft managed to increase its market share during the period as corporate customers renewed licenses for servers and other business programs. Sayer NP+App Toan Tran, an analyst at Morningstar, said: “If you are a Microsoft investor you should be happy that Microsoft thinks they will weather the storm relatively well.” Sayer Non – finite+ NP For the full‐year ending June 2009, Microsoft forecasts earnings per share to range between $2.00 to $2.10 on revenue from $64.9 billion to $66.4 billion. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
June 2009 9 Microsoft’s previous estimates Sayer NP Microsoft’s previous estimates called for earnings per share from $2.12 to $2.18 and revenue ranging from $67.3 billion to $68.1 billion. 10 Microsoft’s guidance for the current quarter Carrier NP+Adj Microsoft’s guidance for the current quarter was marginally lower than Wall Street was expecting. 11 Its shares Actor NP Its shares rose then dipped in extended trading as investors digested the news. 12 “We (...) particular,” Chief Financial Officer Chris Liddell Sayer Clause+NP “We, like most companies, saw a slowdown at the tail end of thequarter in particular,” Chief Financial Officer Chris Liddell said. Mr Liddell Sayer NP Mr Liddell said the worst hit among Microsoft’s customers in the just‐concluded quarter were small and medium‐sized businesses that “perhaps are more affected by the credit squeeze and who perhaps make decisions on a month‐by‐
month basis.” Sayer PP+NP In a conference call with investors, Mr Liddell said Microsoft will “tailor our business to whatever the economy brings.” 13 13 In a conference call with investors Mr Liddell Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
“Dutch Government to inject €10bn of fresh capital into ING savings bank”
The Times online October 20, 2008 Outer Thematic field # Textual 1 Inner thematic field Interperson
al PreHead 2 3 4 Unlike rescued UK banks Head Experiential role Syntactic Features Sayer NP The Dutch Government announced last night that it would inject €10 billion (£7.8 billion) of fresh capital into ING, the Dutch savings bank with more than a million British customers. Verbiage NP+App The details of the deal, which was agreed over the weekend, were announced last night by Wouter Bos, the Finance Minister, Nout Wellink, the central bank governor, and Michel Tilmant, the chief executive of ING. Actor NP The Government will buy €10 billion of subordinated bonds in ING using a €20 billion fund set aside for fighting the current crisis. Actor NP The deal could leave the state with as much as an 8.5 per cent stake in the Netherlands’ largest bank and it will have two of the 12 seats on its supervisory board. Carrier Non‐
finite+NP Unlike rescued UK banks, ING will be free to pay dividends while it owes money to the Dutch Government. However, the bank said it was scrapping its final dividend for 2008 and executive bonuses because of the “exceptional circumstances”. Carrier NP The bonds are redeemable at any time at 150 per cent of the issue price and carry no voting rights. The Dutch Government The details of the deal, which was agreed over the weekend, The Government The deal ING 5 6 Text The bonds Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
7 The capital injection 8 Mr Bos This is a healthy company,” he 9 11 Mr Tilmant The market environment has changed over the last two weeks and the expectations for capital levels have changed following massive capital injections in financial institutions worldwide he 12 13 The move 14 Its shares 15 ING Actor NP The capital injection will boost ING’s core Tier 1 ratio, a measure of financial strength, from 6.5 per cent to 8 per cent. Sayer NP Mr Bos said the deal was structured to ensure a state exit as soon as “this financial hurricane” receded. Sayer “This is a healthy company,” he said. “We wanted to be able to Clause+NP give it extra buffers to withstand market conditions in these extraordinary times.” Sayer NP Sayer “The market environment has changed over the last two weeks and the expectations for capital levels have changed following massive capital injections in financial institutions Clause+NP worldwide,” he said. Actor NP The move follows ING’s revelation after trading on Friday that it expected a €500 million net loss in the third quarter. Actor NP Its shares had already plumetted 27.5 per cent to a 13‐year low on rumours that it was short of capital. Carrier NP ING has 85 million customers and 130,000 staff around the world. Mr Tilmant said the bank had the trust of its customers and had not seen a large outflow of funds. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
G7 'preparing to drive down the yen'
The Times online October 27, 2008 # Outer thematic field Textual Inner thematic field Interpersonal PreHead 1 2 Head Members of the Group of Seven (G7) nations The yen, which is trading at around Y93 against the greenback, 5 6 Experiencial role Syntactic Features Japanese government sources In its relentless surge higher the yen Some analysts NP Members of the Group of Seven (G7) nations may be considering a joint market intervention to prevent a further surge in the yen as the Japanese currency’s sharp rise threatens the world’s second biggest economy and other Asian economies. NP+App The yen, which is trading at around Y93 against the greenback, lurched higher today, despite the afternoon warning statement from the G7 and direct comments by the Japanese Finance Minister that currency traders said amounted to “the cleares possible” signs the Japanese Government was poised to intervene in the markets. Experiencer NP Analysts interpreted a rare currency volatility warning by the G7 as a sign that Japan and others may step in to foreign exchange markets and artificially force down the Japanese currency if the yen breaches the Y90 level against the US dollar. Sayer AdjP Japanese government sources told The Times that if it intervenes to fight the prevailing market tide and weaken the yen, it “may do so with the support of other G7 nations”. Actor PP+NP In its relentless surge higher, the yen has smashed through levels previously thought to offer more resistance. Experiencer NP Some analysts believe that its rally may continue to Y79 – a level that would be devastating to the earnings of companies such as Toyota, Canon and Sony. Experiencer Actor Analysts 3 4 Text Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
An intervention drive 7 Carrier Although 8 the Bank of Japan has remained tight‐
lipped on the question of currency intervention, Shoichi Nakagawa , Shoichi Nakagawa, Japan's Finance Minister, This 9 Token 11 “We are concerned about the recent excessive volatility in the exchange rate of the yen and its possible adverse implications for economic and financial stability,” said 3p psing Currency traders at Royal Bank of Scotland in Tokyo 12 13 Sayer Process Sayer NP Although the Bank of Japan has remained tight‐lipped on the question of currency intervention, Shoichi Nakagawa, Japan's Finance Minister, said today that he saw "excessive volatility" in the yen's Clause+NP exchange rate and that he was he “watching with grea interest.” NP Clause Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
This was the kind of language used by the Japanese Government during its most recent – and spectacular – bout of intervention in early 2004 where it amassed tens of billions of dollars in its effort to weaken the yen and make the country’s exports more attractive. “We are concerned about the recent excessive volatility in the exchange rate of the yen and its possible adverse implications for economic and financial stability,” said the G7 statement, adding that all members “shared interest in a strong and stable international financial system” and would “co‐operate as appropriate.” NP+PP Currency traders at Royal Bank of Scotland in Tokyo said that verbal intervention was no substitute for the real thing, and that Japan and the other G7 nations needed to move before any traders would believe they were serious. NP+PP Analysts at Société Générale gave warning that even if joint G7 intervention were carried out, the effects would not be long term until the yen carry trade had unwound and the pressures it is creating are relieved. “No matter what authorities do, the yen's longer‐term strength will likely remain for the time being,” said SG’s chief of foreign Analysts at Société Générale Actor An intervention drive by the Japanese authorities could prove hugely costly: the Government would be forced to sell the yen heavily in favour of dollars and would be doing so against the powerful tide of yen‐buying triggered by the global unwinding of the carry trade ‐ the investment practice where the Japanese currency was borrowed on a large scale to finance investments around the world. 68
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
exchange. 14 15 In what one the yen Macquarie economist described as “slow torture” for Japan’s big exporters, Actor In what one Macquarie economist described as “slow torture” for Japan’s big exporters, the yen worked its way towards a 13‐year high against the US currency, and hit an all‐time high against the Australian Clause+NP dollar. It Actor NP It is trading at a six‐year high against the euro, and analysts at Nomura predict further rises in the course of the next few hours as London trading begins Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
Ukraine agrees terms of $16.5bn rescue by IMF
The Times online October 27, 2008 Outer Thematic field # Textual Inner thematic field Interperson
al PreHead Head Expereintial roles Text Syntactic Features 1 The International Monetary Fund Actor NP The International Monetary Fund has reached agreement in principle with Ukraine for a $16.5 billion (£10.5 billion) loan to help to ease the effects of the financial crisis. The 24‐month deal, subject to parliament passing new bank laws Carrier NP+App The 24‐month deal, subject to parliament passing new bank laws, requires IMF board approval. Experiencer NP Ukraine is facing its third parliamentary election in three years, its currency has slumped by a fifth to a record low and the price of steel, its main export, has fallen. 2 3 Ukraine Ukraine and Hungary, which is due to get “a substantial Carrier financing package” from the IMF within days, NP+App Ukraine and Hungary, which is due to get “a substantial financing package” from the IMF within days, are set to become the first nations in the former Eastern bloc to gain IMF help in the credit crisis. Belarus, like Iceland and Pakistan NP+App Belarus, like Iceland and Pakistan, is also seeking an IMF loan. 4 5 Actor Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
“Barclays rejects government funding, secures £5.8bn from Qatar and Abu Dhabi”
The Times online October 31, 2008 # Outer Thematic field Textual Inner thematic field Interp PreHead Head Barclays
The bank
3 4 5 6 1 2 7 Participant Text Syntactic Features Barclays is to raise £7.3 billion from investors after securing a £5.8 billion cash
injection from investors in Qatar and Abu Dhabi, in exchange for a stake of over
30 per cent in the British lender.
Actor NP Sayer NP It
Actor NP It will also raise £3.5 billion pounds from Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, a
member of Abu Dhabi’s royal family, which would give him a 16.3 per cent stake
in the bank.
Actor NP Barclays is seeking to raise up to a further £1.5 billion from existing and other
investors The move boosted Barclays' share price by 7.1 per cent to 220p in early
The plan
Actor NP The plan will help John Varley, Barclays’s chief executive, to recapitalise the bank
without government help.
The bank
Carrier NP The bank will recieve up to £7 billion onto its balance sheet after the move, which
is subject to shareholder approval, as the remaining £300 million will be paid out
in fees, expenses and commissions to the new investors.
Qatar Holdings, and HH
Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed
Al Nahyan Carrier NP+NP Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
The bank announced this morning that it will raise up to £2 billion pounds from
Qatar Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), an existing shareholder, and its
associated holdings. and £300 million from Challenger, an investment vehicle of a
member of Qatar’s royal family.
Qatar Holdings, and HH Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan will receive a
commission of 4 per cent of the value of convertible notes they have agreed to
buy, and 2 per cent of the value of reserve capital instruments, another form of
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
8 In
addtion, , Qatar Holding will
9 10 11 In
to Royal
Bank of
Scotland 12 13 14 17 PP+NP In addtion, Qatar Holding will receive £66 million for having helped arrange the
capital raising.
These commissions
Goal NP These commissions will be paid even if shareholders do not agree to the deal.
Sayer NP Barclays also issued a trading update saying group profit in the first nine months
of this year was“slightly ahead” of the same level a year earlie
HBOS and Lloyds TSB,
which will receive £37 billion
from the Government to prop
up their balance sheets,
Barclays Sayer Clause+NP Last year, Barclays
Actor PP+NP With
investment over 35 per cent of Barclays
Value PP+PP Actor NP In contrast to Royal Bank of Scotland, HBOS and Lloyds TSB, which will
receive £37 billion from the Government to prop up their balance sheets,
Barclays recently announced that it would raise additional funding on its own.
Last year, Barclays raised funds from the China Development Bank (CDB) and
Singapore's Temasek.
With today's investment, over 35 per cent of Barclays is now owned by
foreign investors.
February, the QIA, a sovereign wealth
fund set up to invest profits
from the world’s largest gas
field Sayer/ PP+NP+App In February, the QIA, a sovereign wealth fund set up to invest profits from
the world’s largest gas field, said it had $15 billion (£9.27 billion) to spend on
overseas financial institutions over the next two years.
Actor NP The £30 billion fund is expected to double in size by 2010.
Sayer PP+NP When QIA took its first stake in Barclays in February, Mr Varley said: “The
participation of players such as these is one of the most positive manifestations of
globalisation. It’s highly positive that there are pools of money that can be put to
work in this way. That’s very different to the world of five or ten years ago.”
15 16 Carrier The £30 billion fund
When QIA
took its first
stake in
Barclays in
Mr Varley
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
The QIA bought a substantial stake in Barclays after taking part in the bank’s £4.5
billion capital increase earlier this year.
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
February 18 Gordon Brown
Actor NP Gordon Brown is to visit the UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia this weekend and is
expected to urge the Gulf states to put more money into the International
Monetary Fund (IMF).
19 Mr Brown
Experiencer NP Mr Brown believes the IMF needs substantially more than the current $250 billion
set aside for struggling nations.
20 This
Actor NP This came as Lehman Brothers Holdings said it wanted to rehire about 480
former employees to assist in winding down its business as it deals with inquiries
from traders and hedge funds about their transactions.
21 It
Sayer NP It said its "current workforce is too small to manage this process without incurring
unnecessary expenses and delay Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
“US economy officially on brink of recession”
The Times online October 31, 2008 Outer thematic field # Textual 1 2 3 Inner thematic filed Interpersonal PreHead Head Text Particip
ant The US economy
NP The US economy is on the brink of officially entering recession after a slump
in Americans’ consumer spending saw its gross domestic product (GDP)
decline for the first time since the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of
September 11, 2001.
Goal AP+NP Warnings that the American economy is already in the grip of a new
recession, and fears that this will prove long and deep, were reinforced
after official figures showed that it contracted at an annual rate of 0.3 per cent
in the past quarter.
Carrier NP+App Carrier Syntactic Features Warnings (...) prove long and
deep, The drop in US national
income and output – by 0.1
per cent on a quarter-onquarter basis
US economists
4 5 The main drag on America’s
performance in the past three
months came
6 It
The drop in US national income and output – by 0.1 per cent on a
quarter-on-quarter basis – marked an abrupt reversal after growth at a brisk
0.7 per cent quarterly rate in the previous three months.
US economists predicted that a far more brutal slump was now set to follow
in the present quarter, and into next year. “The drop is a harbinger of much
worse things to come. We now expect that GDP will contract at an average 3
per cent annualised rate in the fourth quarter and the first quarter of next year,
generating the worst recession since 1981-82,” Abiel Reinhart, of JPMorgan
Chase in New York, said.
Sayer NP Actor NP+PP The main drag on America’s performance in the past three months came
as consumer spending slumped at an annual rate of 3.1 per cent.
Carrier NP It was the first drop since the end of 1991, and the biggest since 1980’s
second quarter.
Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
7 8 9 Economic activity
The grim news
American Express, the credit
card group, 10 Markets
11 On Wall Street
US blue-chip shares
12 Anxieties over the global
outlook 13 Economists
14 Germany and France
15 Berlin
16 In France, President Sarkozy
17 In Japan, the Government
18 Taro Aso, the Japanese Prime
Minister Goal NP Economic activity was also sapped as businesses cut back on their
investment spending – the first fall since the end of 2006 – which fell at a 1
per cent annual rate, after rising by an annual 2.5 per cent in the second
quarter. Investment in equipment and software fell by an annual 5.5 per cent.
Actor NP The grim news came after the US Federal Reserve stepped up its drive to
shore up the rapidly faltering US economy on Wednesday with a further halfpoint cut in official interest rates to 1 per cent.
Actor NP+App American Express, the credit card group, added to the gloom, announcing
a cull of 7,000 jobs or nearly 10 per cent of its workforce, as it seeks to cut
costs by $1.8 billion (£1.1 billion) next year, while Motorola, the mobile phone
company, is looking to shed 3,000 posts, or 5 per cent of its staff.
ncer NP Markets found solace, however, in the third-quarter fall in US GDP being
smaller than predicted, and in hopes that worldwide rate cuts led by the Fed
could forestall a global recession.
Carrier PP+NP On Wall Street, US blue-chip shares closed up more than 2 per cent, while
in London the FTSE 100 index closed up 49.1 points at 4,291.7, having risen
400 points in the previous two days.
Carrier NP Anxieties over the global outlook were stoked after the latest snapshot of
economic sentiment in the euro-zone showed confidence among businesses
and consumers at its lowest since 1993.
Sayer NP Economists said that this was a clear signal that the 15-nation bloc was
sliding into recession.
Actor NP Germany and France joined Japan in signalling further moves to bolster
economic conditions to try to stave off a recession.
Carrier NP Berlin is set to introduce a stimulus package worth up to £15 billion next
Sayer PP+NP In France, President Sarkozy said a fund for domestic industries would be
set up in three weeks.
Actor PP+NP In Japan, the Government unveiled a Y26.9 trillion (£169 billion) package to
stimulate the economy, including fresh spending of Y5 trillion on measures to
buy growth.
Sayer NP+App Taro Aso, the Japanese Prime Minister, said: “A harsh storm seen only
once in 100 years is raging. Under such circumstances, I am certain that what
is most important is to remove uncertainties from the lives of people.” Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
2.2 Spanish
Una noche sin consecuencias para Strauss-Kahn. (27/10/2008) Elpais online
Outer thematic field Cl # Textual 1 2 3 4 5 Inner Thematic Field Interp Pre‐Head Head Text Experienti
al roles Syntactic Features La aventura amorosa de Dominique Strauss‐
Kahn, director gerente del Fondo Monetario Internacional Actor NP+PP Actor NP+App La relación de Strauss‐Kahn con la economista húngara Piroska Nagy La trinchera doméstica ya la 3 p sing Goal NP La investigación independiente Sayer NP+App Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
Un "serio error de juicio", algo "lamentable", pero sin sombra de acoso, favoritismo o abuso de autoridad La aventura amorosa de Dominique Strauss‐Kahn, director gerente del Fondo Monetario Internacional, con una empleada recibió carpetazo el sábado (madrugada del domingo en España) con la sentencia absolutoria del comité ejecutivo de la institución financiera La relación de Strauss‐Kahn con la economista húngara Piroska Nagy en enero pasado (cuando el director llevaba unas semanas en el cargo) abrió una vía de agua de cierta importancia, justo en un momento en que al FMI se le acumulan los frentes abiertos por la crisis financiera internacional. La trinchera doméstica ya la había zanjado la esposa del ex ministro francés, Anne Sinclair: "Fue cosa de una noche, nos queremos como el primer día". La investigación independiente encargada por la institución a un despacho de abogados sostiene que el ex ministro francés (afable, simpático y tolerante para sus 76
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
encargada por la institución a un despacho de abogados 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Pese a ello defensores; diletante, aficionado a negocios poco transparentes y excesivamente hedonista, según sus detractores) se ajustó en su conducta a los estándares que rigen para el personal del FMI Sayer NP Pese a ello, los letrados recomiendan que se establezcan mayores exigencias para su director gerente dada "su prominencia y las consecuencias para la reputación" de la institución que representa. NP Los abogados de Morgan Lewis afirman que no hubo conductas reprobables más allá del "error personal" que el propio Strauss‐Kahn, de 59 años, ha reconocido: no presionó a la mujer para obtener sexo ni intervino en su decisión de cambiar de trabajo ni favoreció una compensación mayor de la usual cuando abandonó el FMI en agosto. los letrados Los abogados de Morgan Lewis Carrier NP Sayer Además, la recomendación de Strauss‐Kahn para que se concediese una beca en el FMI a la hija de unos amigos, Emilie Byhet Byhet Actor/ NP Byhet había colaborado en la fallida campaña del ex ministro para ser designado candidato socialista a la presidencia francesa en 2005 frente a Ségolène Royal. Poco después, Strauss‐Kahn Actor AdvbP+NP Poco después, Strauss‐Kahn sustituyó a Rodrigo Rato en el FMI, con el apoyo explícito del presidente francés, Nicolas Sarkozy. La clase política francesa, tan distinta en su moral sexual de la estadounidense en Washington se Pero 3p sing Además, la recomendación de Strauss‐Kahn para que se concediese una beca en el FMI a la hija de unos amigos, Emilie Byhet, es una "práctica común" en la institución. La clase política francesa, tan distinta en su moral sexual de la estadounidense, salió en defensa de Strauss‐Kahn desde que saltó el escándalo hace 15 días. Actor NP+App Process PP+VP Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
Pero en Washington se asomó de inmediato la sombra del ex presidente del Banco Mundial Paul Wolfowitz, quien hubo de dejar el cargo en 2007 cuando se supo que había favorecido a su novia Shaha Ali Riza, funcionaria de la misma entidad hermana del FMI. 77
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
13 14 15 16 17 Y ello en un momento en que el convulso panorama financiero Senser Process PP+NP Y ello en un momento en que el convulso panorama financiero necesita, más que nunca, tranquilidad y buenos alimentos en forma de miles de millones de euros y dólares para devolver la confianza al sistema. PP+VP En ello sigue estos días el FMI, al que el presidente del Gobierno español, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, quiere que se dote de un nuevo mandato y de nuevos mecanismos de supervisión de los mercados, además de que facilite préstamos a las economías emergentes con problemas. Ayer mismo el propio Strauss‐Kahn anunció un principio de acuerdo con Ucrania para un préstamo de hasta 16.500 millones de dólares (algo más de 13.000 millones de euros) en 24 meses, condicionado a que se cumplan una serie de requisitos sobre la regulación del sector bancario en ese país. En ello 3 p sing Sayer PP+NP Ayer mismo el propio Strauss‐
Kahn No 3 p sing Process AvbP+ VP También Hungría, Islandia, Bielorrusia y Pakistán Sayer PP+NP+NP+NP+N
P Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
No es el único que ha tenido que recurrir al FMI. También Hungría, Islandia, Bielorrusia y Pakistán han pedido ayuda a Strauss‐Kahn para tratar de salvar la crisis. 78
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
El recorte de producción de la OPEP hunde el petróleo. El crudo cae a 62 dólares después del anuncio del cartel de que rebaja su oferta
en 1,5 millones de barriles al día (24/10/2008) Elpais online
# Outer Thematic field Textu
al 1 2 3 4 5 6 Inner thematic field Interperson
al Pre‐Head Head Text Experienti
al role Syntactic Features El barril de petróleo Actor NP El barril de petróleo se ha desplomado hoy en los mercados de materias primas después de que la Organización de Países Productores haya confirmado en una cumbre extraordinaria convocada para hoy que rebaja en 1,5 millones de barriles al día su producción de crudo para adecuar su nivel de oferta a una caída de la demanda "más profunda" de lo esperado por el calado de la crisis que azota las economías occidentales, que son sus principales consumidores, e intentar subir los precios. El recorte Goal NP El recorte se realizará con respecto a los niveles de oferta de los países productores del mes de septiembre y se hará efectiva a partir del 1 de noviembre. A cada país se le ha 3 p sing Beneficiar
y NP A cada país se le ha asignado una cuota en proporción a su producción, de modo que los mayores recortes se les exigirán a Arabia Saudí (466.000 barriles) e Irán (199.000 barriles). Venezuela dejará de producir 129.000 barriles al día. Experienc
er PP+NP Para la OPEP, los precios del petróleo han sufrido un "dramático derrumbe sin precedente en velocidad y magnitud", por lo que se encuentra "preocupada", ya que los niveles actuales podrían "poner muchos proyectos en peligro de suspensión o retraso", lo que generaría "cortes en el suministro". Para la OPEP los precios del petróleo La actual crisis financiera, señala 3 p sing Process NP+VP La actual crisis financiera, señala la organización, "está teniendo un impacto patente en la economía mundial y está dañando la demanda en general y la de crudo en particular". Esta ralentización de la demanda Actor NP Esta ralentización de la demanda está "exacerbando" la situación del mercado, que ha llegado a estar "sobreabastecido" de petróleo, afirma. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
7 8 9 10 11 12 La OPEP Sayer NP La OPEP explica que el 17 de diciembre celebrará en Argelia una reunión extraordinaria en la que se revisará la decisión adoptada hoy. El anuncio Actor NP El anuncio ha provocado una reacción inmediata en los mercados internacionales. Carrier NP+App El barril de crudo de Mar del Norte, de referencia en Europa, ha llegado a bajar hasta los 61,08 dólares a las 11.14, 4,84 dólares menos que al cierre del jueves y la cifra más baja desde el 15 de febrero de 2007, cuando cotizó a 61,07 dólares. El barril de crudo de Mar del Norte, de referencia en Europa, No obsta
nte ha 3 p sing Process VP No obstante ha moderado esta caída a medida que avanzaba la sesión y se ha estabilizado en torno a los 62,75 dólares. Los precios del crudo Actor NP Los precios del crudo han caído más del 50% desde el récord de 147 dólares registrado en julio. El descenso de la demanda Carrier NP El descenso de la demanda ha sido especialmente significativo en Estados Unidos y en las economías más industrializadas. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
A functional analysis of two newspaper genres. Appendix
“Los resultados de Microsoft brillan gracias al Windows Vista” El líder mundial de software se vuelca en sus accionistas tras mejorar
sus beneficios un 47% entre julio y diciembre de 2007 (25/01/2008) Elpais online
Outer thematic field # 1 2 3 Textu
al Interpersonal Así, 4 Pre‐head Head Text Experiential role Syntactic Features Microsoft NP Microsoft ha logrado esquivar la desaceleración del consumo que ha lastrado las economías de EE UU y Europa desde el pasado verano gracias a las ventas del Vista. Actor NP Así, el nuevo Windows ha permitido a la compañía de Bill Gates ganar en su primer semestre fiscal 8.996 millones de dólares, lo que supone un incremento del 47,3% respecto al mismo periodo de 2006. Actor PP+NP Ante este buen comportamiento del sistema operativo, el líder mundial de software ha elevado sus beneficios por acción un 90% entre julio y diciembre del año pasado. PP+NP En el segundo trimestre fiscal la empresa ha logrado además una facturación récord por las ventas del Windows Vista y el Office 2007 y ha elevado sus previsiones para el conjunto del ejercicio fiscal ignorando las previsiones de una caída del consumo en EE UU y Europa, sus principales mercados. Actor PP+NP De cara a recompensar a sus accionistas tras los flojos resultados del anterior ejercicio, la compañía ha aumentado su beneficio por acción durante el primer semestre fiscal a 95 centavos el dólar, frente a los 61 centavos por título que ganó entre julio y diciembre de 2006. Carrier Clause+Clau
se+NP+VP Aquellos resultados fueron más bajos de lo que cabía esperar debido al retraso en el lanzamiento de sus programas Windows Vista y Office 2007 ‐que tuvo un coste para la compañía de unos mil millones de dólares‐, lo que hace que las cuentas anunciadas hoy hayan sido muy , el nuevo Windows Ante este buen comportamiento del sistema operativo el líder mundial de software En el segundo trimestre fiscal la empresa De cara a recompensar a sus accionistas tras los flojos resultados del anterior ejercicio la compañía Aquellos resultados fueron más bajos de lo que cabía esperar debido al retraso en el 3 p sing Actor Actor 5 6 Inner Thematic Field Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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lanzamiento de sus programas Windows Vista y Office 2007 ‐que tuvo un coste para la compañía de unos mil millones de dólares‐, lo que hace 7 8 En cualqu
ier caso, Por lo que respec
ta Así 11 Adem
ás, los ingresos de Microsoft al segundo trimestre fiscal (octubre a diciembre), el beneficio neto de Microsoft el beneficio por acción 9 10 bien acogida por los inversores. "Los ingresos de más de 16.000 millones de dólares en este trimestre exceden nuestro anterior récord en 2.000 millones de dólares", ha PP+NP En cualquier caso, los ingresos de Microsoft alcanzaron en los seis primeros meses de su ejercicio fiscal 30.129 millones de dólares, un incremento del 29 por ciento respecto al mismo período de 2006, cuando facturó 23.353 millones de dólares. PP+NP Por lo que respecta al segundo trimestre fiscal (octubre a diciembre), el beneficio neto de Microsoft ha ascendido a 4.707 millones de dólares, un 87 por ciento más que en el mismo período del año anterior, en el que ganó 2.626 millones de dólares. Carrier NP Así, el beneficio por acción durante ese periodo se ha situado en 50 centavos de dólares, lo que representa un incremento del 92% con respecto a los 26 centavos de ganancia por título del periodo de referencia. Actor NP Además, sus ingresos se han incrementado el 30 por ciento entre los dos periodos comparados y han alcanzado los 16.367 millones de dólares. Carrier Carrier sus ingresos 3 p sing Process Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
Clause+VP "Los ingresos de más de 16.000 millones de dólares en este trimestre exceden nuestro anterior récord en 2.000 millones de dólares", ha destacado el responsable financiero de Microsoft, Chris Liddell, al presentar los resultados después del cierre de los mercados en Estados Unidos 82
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“Holanda inyectará 10.000 millones en el grupo ING” La entidad logra un acuerdo para una inyección de capital estatal (19/10/2008)
Elpais online
Outer thematic field # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Inner Thematic field Textu
al Interpersonal El grupo holandés de banca y seguros ING Actor NP+NP En concreto las autoridades holandesas Actor NP En concreto las autoridades holandesas inyectarán 10.000 millones de euros en el capital, según han anunciado en rueda de prensa el primer ministro, el director del banco central holandés y el director ejecutivo del grupo ING. A partir de esta inyección de capital, el Estado Actor PP+NP A partir de esta inyección de capital, el Estado aportará dos consejeros a ING que tendrán derecho a veto en decisiones "fundamentales" que se refieran a inversiones que afecten a más del 25% del capital propio de la empresa. NP El Gobierno recibe "seguridades" por valor de 10.000 millones de euros, las cuales "tienen las mismas características que las acciones", según un comunicado del ministerio de Finanzas. También los miembros ejecutivos de ING renuncian a sus bonificaciones sobre el año 2008. App+NP El presidente de ING, Michel Tilmant, ha asegurado en esa comparecencia que la ayuda responde a "circunstancias excepcionales", y que la cantidad de 10.000 millones de euros es "suficientemente cómoda como para absorber las sacudidas del futuro", causadas por la crisis global. App+NP El presidente del DNB (banco central holandés), Nout Wellink, ha comentado que este apoyo financiero a ING, del que ha recorado que es "el segundo banco mundial de ahorros", permitirá al grupo tener "una excelente condición para continuar haciendo negocios". Pre‐Head El presidente de ING, El presidente del DNB (banco central holandés), Head El Gobierno Michel Tilmant Nout Wellink Experienti
al role Text Actor Sayer Sayer Syntactic Features Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
El grupo holandés de banca y seguros ING ha conseguido un acuerdo con el Gobierno y el banco central de Holanda para fortalecer el capital del grupo financiero ante la crisis. 83
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7 8 9 10 11 12 Las acciones de la entidad El valor bursátil del banco Se trata 3 p sing El pasado 4 de Holanda octubre La inyección de capital anunciada este domingo para ING Tiene 3 p sing NP Las acciones de la entidad cayeron el pasado viernes un 27%, precisamente ante los rumores de que necesitaba inyección de capital estatal. Actor NP El valor bursátil del banco se ha visto reducido en un 73% en lo que va año. ING tiene en España 1,7 millones de clientes, a través de su filial ING Direct, primer banco por Internet del país gracias a productos de ahorro populares como la Cuenta o el Depósito Naranja. Process VP Se trata de la primera operación de rescate que Holanda emprende en solitario, ya que con anterioridad había acudido a rescatar el Fortis, pero en una acción conjunta con Luxemburgo y Bélgica. Senser PP+NP El pasado 4 de octubre Holanda decidía así adquirir por 16.800 millones de euros los activos de esta entidad en su territorio. Carrier NP+PartClau
se Process VP Actor Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
La inyección de capital anunciada este domingo para ING supone la mitad del fondo que el gobierno de Amsterdam había anunciado para el rescate de entidades financieras en crisis. Tiene más de 75 millones de clientes en Europa, EEUU, Canadá, Latinoamérica, Asia y Australia, de los que 1,7 millones habitan en España, con depósitos de 13.800 millones de euros, informa EFE. 84
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El G7 reafirma su interés en que el sistema financiero sea "fuerte y estable". El Grupo de los Siete se muestra preocupado por la
"excesiva volatilidad" del yen (27/10/2008) Elpais online
Outer thematic field # 1 2 3 4 5 Textu
al Inner Thematic Field Interpersonal Pre‐Head Head Experiential role Sayer Text Syntactic Features El G7 NP Sayer NP+App El G7 ha reafirmado hoy su compromiso de que exista un sistema financiero internacional "fuerte y estable" y ha expresado su preocupación por la "excesiva volatilidad" en el tipo de cambio de la divisa japonesa, el yen, que en los últimos meses se ha apreciado con fuerza frente al dólar y sobre todo frente al euro. El Grupo de los Siete, integrado por EEUU, Japón, Francia, Reino Unido, Italia, Canadá y Alemania Los países ricos, dice 3 p sing Process VP Los países ricos, dice la nota, seguirán "vigilando de cerca los mercados y cooperando de manera apropiada" ante la crisis financiera global. El G7 Sayer NP El G7 insiste además en que todos sus miembros tienen un "interés común" de que haya un sistema financiero internacional "fuerte y estable". "Estamos preocupados por la reciente excesiva volatilidad en el tipo de cambio del yen y sus El Grupo de los Siete, integrado por EEUU, Japón, Francia, Reino Unido, Italia, Canadá y Alemania, ha divulgado un comunicado de urgencia sobre los últimos movimientos en los mercados de divisas, de apenas un párrafo. "Estamos preocupados por la reciente excesiva volatilidad en el tipo de cambio del yen y sus posibles implicaciones adversas para la estabilidad económica y financiera", indican los ministros de Finanzas y gobernadores de los bancos centrales del G7. 3 p plu Process Clause+VP Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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posibles implicaciones adversas para la estabilidad económica y financiera", indican 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 el yen Carrier PP+NP En el último mes, el yen se ha apreciado el 13% frente al dólar y el 27% frente al euro, lo que ha propiciado fuertes descensos en la bolsa de Tokio y caídas en los beneficios de las empresas. El índice Nikkei de la Bolsa de Tokio bajaba, a 45 minutos para el cierre, un 6,23%, situándose a 7.172,89 puntos. En el último mes, El dólar Actor NP El dólar ha abierto en Tokio a 93,52 yenes y el euro a 118,05 yenes, un fuerte descenso con respecto a los valores que se registraban a comienzos de año. En un año, el yen Carrier PP+NP En un año, el yen se ha apreciado el 18% frente al dólar y el 28% frente al euro, sobre todo debido a los movimientos registrados desde agosto pasado, hace apenas dos meses. Japón Sayer NP El primer ministro japonés, Taro Aso Sayer App+NP Según la agencia nipona Kyodo Aso Actor PP+NP El gobernante japonés Experiencer NP Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
Japón anuncia mayor control en la venta de acciones El primer ministro japonés, Taro Aso, ha anunciado hoy que su Gobierno buscará un mayor control de la venta de acciones a corto plazo, después de que la bolsa japonesa haya perdido alrededor de la mitad de su valor desde principios de año. Según la agencia nipona Kyodo, Aso también tratará de inyectar más fondos para capitalizar las instituciones financieras japonesas. El gobernante japonés desea estabilizar el mercado de valores y fortalecer el sistema financiero nipón, afectado por la crisis crediticia global 86
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El FMI anuncia ayudas financieras para Ucrania y Hungría. El organismo llega a un principio de acuerdo con Kiev para el préstamo de
12.990 millones de euros (27/10/2008) Elpais online
# Outer Thematic Head Text
ual Inner Thematic Field Interper Pre‐Head Head Text Experie
ntial role Syntactic Features 1 El Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) 2 Ade
más, , el director gerente del organismo, Dominique Strauss‐Kahn, 3 p sing Process Clause+VP 3 p sing Process Clause+VP 3 El programa de las autoridades busca la vuelta de Ucrania a la estabilidad financiera y económica tratando la liquidez y solvencia del sector financiero, puliendo el ajuste a la conmoción interna y reduciendo la inflación", prosigue 4 "Al mismo tiempo, (el acuerdo) la defenderá ante el Sayer NP Senser App+NP El Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) ha anunciado este domingo en un comunicado que ha llegado a un principio de acuerdo con Ucrania para el préstamo de 16.500 millones de dólares (12.990 millones de euros) para aliviar los efectos de la crisis. Además, el director gerente del organismo, Dominique Strauss‐Kahn, ha prometido una "importante ayuda financiera" para Hungría con el objetivo de estabilizar la economía de este país centroeuropeo. "El programa de las autoridades busca la vuelta de Ucrania a la estabilidad financiera y económica tratando la liquidez y solvencia del sector financiero, puliendo el ajuste a la conmoción interna y reduciendo la inflación", prosigue el comunicado de Strauss Kahn. "Al mismo tiempo, (el acuerdo) la defenderá ante el importante descenso de la producción (...) en la medida de lo posible", indica. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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importante descenso de la producción (...) en la medida de lo posible", indica. 5 El FMI en Kiev y las autoridades ucranianas 6 El préstamo Carrier NP El préstamo equivale al 800% de la cuota que Ucrania aporta al FMI. 7 Esta cuota Goal NP Esta cuota es determinada para cada país en función de su peso en la economía mundial y de la cantidad de dinero que puede prestar. 8 En circunstancias normales los países Sayer PP+NP En circunstancias normales, los países pueden pedir préstamos sólo de hasta el 300% (el triple) de su cuota. 3 p sing Process Clause+VP El paquete para Hungría Phenom
enon NP Actor NP+NP 9 "La fortaleza del programa justifica el alto nivel", explica 10 3 p sing Process Clause+VP Los detalles sobre el tipo de Verbiag
m or NP 11 "La participación en este proyecto incluye al FMI, la UE y algunos gobiernos europeos de forma individual, junto a otras instituciones regionales y multilaterales", agrega 12 El FMI en Kiev y las autoridades ucranianas han logrado un acuerdo para un paquete con las condiciones de devolución necesarias teniendo en cuenta los efectos combinados del derrumbe de los precios del acero y la inestabilidad del crédito internacional. "La fortaleza del programa justifica el alto nivel", explica Straus‐Kahn en el comunicado. El paquete para Hungría se concretará en los próximos días, "cuando el programa de apoyo esté completo", ha explicado en un informe Strauss‐Kahn. "La participación en este proyecto incluye al FMI, la UE y algunos gobiernos europeos de forma individual, junto a otras instituciones regionales y multilaterales", agrega el documento. Los detalles sobre el tipo de financiación y la cantidad aún no han sido revelados. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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financiación y la cantidad Phenom
edium Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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“Barclays recibe 9.200 millones de fondos soberanos para evitar acudir al fondo de Brown” (31/10/2008) Elpais online
Outer thematic field # 1 2 3 4 5 Text Inner Thematic Field Interp Pre‐Head Head Text Experiential Role Syntactic Features El Barclays Actor NP El Barclays recurrirá en su mayor parte a inversores del Golfo Pérsico para llevar a cabo una ampliación de capital de hasta 7.300 millones de libras (9.305 millones de euros), ha comunicado hoy el banco británico al regulador de la Bolsa de Londres. La entidad Actor NP La entidad emitirá 3.000 millones de libras (3.822 millones de euros) en opciones sobre acciones, destinadas a esos inversores árabes, y otros 4.300 millones de libras (5.479 millones) en títulos convertibles de forma obligatoria. De esta segunda cantidad 2.800 millones de libras (3.567 millones de euros) Actor Conj+NP+Cl
ause Experiencer PP+NP+NP+
NP De este modo el Barclays, que tras la ampliación estará controlado en más de un 30% por esos inversores del Golfo Frente al rechazo de Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds TSB y HBOS, Actor PP+NP De esta segunda cantidad, 2.800 millones de libras (3.567 millones de euros) irán a esos fondos del Golfo pérsico y otros 1.500 millones de libras (1.910 millones) a actuales accionistas e inversores institucionales. De este modo, el Barclays, que tras la ampliación estará controlado en más de un 30% por esos inversores del Golfo, rechaza de nuevo la ayuda ofrecida por el Gobierno británico para incrementar la liquidez de los bancos del país. Frente al rechazo de Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds TSB y HBOS, sí han accedido a acudir a este fondo por un monto global de 37.000 millones de libras esterlinas (47.000 millones de euros). Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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La crisis financiera lleva a Estados Unidos al borde de la recesión (31/10/2008) Elpais online
Outer thematic field # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Inner Thematic Field Pre‐Head Head Text Textual Interp Experiential roles Estados Unidos Actor NP El producto interior bruto (PIB) Carrier NP El producto interior bruto (PIB) registró una contracción del 0,1% en el tercer trimestre del año (equivalente a un ritmo anual de caída del 0,3%), el peor dato desde la última crisis económica, en 2001. Carrier NP+App El motivo de este frenazo reside en la mayor caída del consumo ‐motor de la primera economía del mundo‐ de los últimos 28 años y el pesado lastre de la devaluación de la vivienda, en medio de la peor crisis financiera desde la Gran Depresión. Syntactic Features Estados Unidos dio ayer el primer paso hacia la recesión. El motivo de este frenazo Los economistas Sayer NP Los economistas anticipan ya que la contracción continuará hasta la primavera, en el que será el periodo más prolongado de recesión desde la II Guerra Mundial. El paro podría alcanzar entre tanto el 8%. Con todo, el frenazo Carrier Conj+NP Con todo, el frenazo es menor de lo que preveían los analistas, y quizá por eso las Bolsas estadounidenses reaccionaron con subidas moderadas. Pero este parón Carrier Conj+NP Pero este parón es importante si se tiene en cuenta que Estados Unidos crecía a un ritmo anual del 2,8% en el segundo trimestre. Este vuelco Actor NP Este vuelco se produjo sobre todo en septiembre, cuando el caos volvió a dominar los mercados financieros tras el rescate de las hipotecarias Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac, el colapso del banco de inversión Lehman Brothers y la intervención pública en la aseguradora AIG. Con el precio de la vivienda las familias Carrier PP+NP Con el precio de la vivienda en caída libre, las restricciones para acceder al crédito y el desplome de las inversiones, las familias no tienen otra salida en la presente Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
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en caída libre, las restricciones para acceder al crédito y el desplome de las inversiones, 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 coyuntura que mirar a sus bolsillos y recortar ahí donde pueden para hacer frente a un futuro incierto, sobre todo en el empleo. El gasto de los consumidores, del que dependen dos terceras partes del crecimiento, cayó un 3,1%. El gasto de los consumidores, del que dependen dos terceras partes del crecimiento, cayó un 3,1%. Es 3 p sing Process 3psing Es el primer recorte trimestral en el consumo desde el último trimestre de 1991 y el mayor desde la primavera de 1980. El Departamento de Comercio Senser NP El Departamento de Comercio calcula que esta caída en el gasto de los hogares restó 2,25 puntos al PIB. Y es 3 p sing Carrier Conj+3psing Y es que las finanzas de las familias están bajo una tensión considerable, por la continua pérdida de empleo y de caída de las inversiones. Sayer NP El dato del crecimiento económico revela en este sentido que los ingresos personales cayeron un 8,7% en el tercer trimestre, el peor dato desde que se empezó a utilizar este indicador en 1947 y que contrasta con el incremento del 19,1% del segundo trimestre, cuando empezaron a fluir los primeros estímulos fiscales al crecimiento. Los hogares no son los únicos que miran hasta el último dólar en la coyuntura actual. Actor NP+App El dato del crecimiento económico Los hogares Token NP Las empresas Actor NP La del tercer trimestre Token NP Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
Las empresas están buscando cómo ahorrar por todos los rincones La del tercer trimestre fue la primera reducción en el gasto desde final de 2006, del 1%. 92
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17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Y también están destruyendo empleo. Y También están 3 p plu Process VP Motorola Actor NP El otro punto vulnerable Token NP La inversión residencial cayó Actor NP La inversión residencial cayó un 19,1% en el tercer trimestre, lo que refleja que la contracción continúa con fuerza tras 11 trimestres y que queda camino por recorrer antes de que se pueda hablar de estabilización. La contracción Carrier NP La contracción habría sido aún mayor de no ser por el sector exterior y el gubernamental. Del lado de la balanza comercial , las importaciones Actor PP+NP Esto Actor NP El gasto público Actor NP Estos datos Actor NP Estos datos están sujetos aún a dos revisiones. Wall Street anticipó una contracción mayor del PIB, de en torno a medio punto. En cierta medida el indicador Carrier PP+NP En cierta medida el indicador es viejo, porque no refleja el fuerte deterioro registrado en octubre, y podría quedarse corto, ya que los analistas hablan ya de una caída de tres puntos en el cuarto trimestre. "Nos llevó tiempo llegar a esta situación, y llevará tiempo salir de ella", reconoce 3 p sing Process Clause+VP Lara Moratón Gutiérrez
Motorola va a despedir a 3.000 empleados y American Express anunció ayer que eliminará 7.000 puestos de trabajo. El otro punto vulnerable sigue estando en la vivienda, el epicentro de la crisis. Del lado de la balanza comercial, las importaciones cayeron un 1,9%, y las exportaciones subieron un 5,9%. Esto sumó 1,1 puntos al crecimiento, aunque es tres veces menos que en el trimestre precedente. El gasto público subió un 5,8% y aportó 1,2 puntos al PIB. "Nos llevó tiempo llegar a esta situación, y llevará tiempo salir de ella", reconoce el jefe del equipo de asesores económicos de la Casa Blanca, Edward Lazer, que aunque se mostró confiado en un repunte del consumo gracias al abaratamiento de la energía, no negó que el dato refleja el pesimismo de los estadounidenses. 93
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28 29 30 La Reserva Federal (Fed) Actor NP La Reserva Federal (Fed) rebajó el miércoles medio punto los tipos de interés, hasta el 1%, su nivel más bajo desde mayo de 2004. Los precios vinculados al consumo personal subieron a un ritmo del 5,4% anual, el mayor desde comienzos de 1990. La subyacente Carrier NP La subyacente fue del 2,9%. Pero esto no es un problema para la Fed, porque en octubre empezaron a moderarse. El banco central estadounidense Senser NP El banco central estadounidense está claramente preocupado en este momento por devolver a la actividad económica su crecimiento potencial y evitar una recesión severa. Lara Moratón Gutiérrez