More Skills 11 Record AutoCorrect Entries

Chapter 2
More Skills 11 Record AutoCorrect Entries
AutoCorrect corrects common spelling errors as you type; for example, if you type teh,
Word will automatically correct it to the.
 You can also use AutoCorrect to create shortcuts for commonly used phrases.
To complete this project, you will need the following file:
 wrd02_MS11Budget
You will save your files as:
 Last_First_wrd02_MS11Budget
 Last_First_wrd02_MS11Snip
1. Start
Word 2013. Open the student data file wrd02_MS11Budget. Save the file in your
chapter folder as Last_First_wrd02_MS11Budget and then add the FileName field to
the footer.
2. On the File tab, click Options. In the left pane of the Word Options dialog box, click
Proofing, and then under AutoCorrect options, click the AutoCorrect Options
The existing AutoCorrect options display in a list near the bottom of the AutoCorrect dialog box.
3. In
the AutoCorrect dialog box AutoCorrect tab, verify that the Replace text as you
type check box is selected. In the Replace box, type shoud and in the With box, type
should Compare your screen with Figure 1.
2007, 1st Edition, by Kris Townsend. Copyright © 2009 by Pearson
Education, Inc. Reprinted and Electronically r­ eproduced by p
­ ermission of
Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
AutoCorrect stores misspelled words in the Replace column and correct spellings in the With column. In this manner, it knows which word to insert if a word is misspelled. Here we are adding
another entry to the AutoCorrect list.
Word Options
dialog box
dialog box
Figure 1
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4. Near
the bottom of the AutoCorrect dialog box, click the Add button, and then click
OK. If you see the Replace button, click it instead. Click OK to close the Word
Options dialog box.
If someone else has already added a correction, a Replace button will display in place of the Add
5. In
the paragraph that begins I just received, click to position the insertion point
between City Council and the period at the end of the paragraph.
6. Type a comma, and then add a space. Type the following text exactly as written, and
watch your screen when you misspell shoud: and I thought you shoud see the plans
for the remainder of the year Compare your screen with Figure 2.
Word should
Figure 2
7. In
the paragraph that begins In accordance with, select the text Aspen Falls Planning
8. On the File tab, click Options. In the Word Options dialog box, click Proofing, and
then click the AutoCorrect Options button. Notice that the selected phrase
automatically displays in the With box.
9. In the Replace box, type afpdx
When you create a shortcut for a phrase you type frequently, it is often a good idea to use an acronym of the phrase, and then add another letter to create a word that will never be typed so that
you don’t accidentally use AutoCorrect when you don’t want to.
Near the bottom of the AutoCorrect dialog box, click the Add button, and then click
OK. If someone else has already added this correction, click Replace instead. Click
OK to close the Word Options dialog box.
1. Press Ctrl + End to move to the end of the document. In the middle line of the last
paragraph, select and then delete the words our own. Type afpdx and then press
SpaceBar to use AutoCorrect to insert the text Aspen Falls Planning Department. If you
have two spaces after the phrase, delete one of them.
You can also activate AutoCorrect to expand a shortcut by typing any punctuation mark or by
pressing Enter .
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Open the AutoCorrect dialog box again. In the Replace box, type afpdx to highlight
the phrase in the list, as shown in Figure 3.
entry afpdx
Figure 3
Start the Snipping Tool. Click the New button arrow, and then click Full‐screen
Snip. In the Snipping Tool mark‐up window, click the Save Snip button .
14. In the Save As dialog box, navigate to your chapter folder. Be sure the Save as type
box displays JPEG file. Name the file Last_First_wrd02_MS11Snip and then press
Enter . Close
the Snipping Tool mark‐up window.
5. With the Aspen Falls Planning Department AutoCorrect still highlighted, in the
AutoCorrect dialog box, click Delete. In the Replace box, type shoud and then click
Delete. Close the dialog boxes.
6. Save
the document, and then Close
Word. Submit the Word and snip files as
directed by your instructor.
You have completed More Skills 11
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