SuperOffice CRM

SuperOffice CRM
The smart way to do business
Driven by a passion for customer relationship management,
SuperOffice is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of CRM solutions to
the business to business market. Our software supports the individual
user in achieving stronger sales, marketing and customer service
The Spirit Of SuperOffice
SuperOffice was CRM - Customer Relationship Management - long before CRM became the buzzword that it
is today. We were the first company to see the value of a customer-centric follow-up system. Many of the most
innovative companies in Europe have enjoyed the benefits of our early insight for more than 20 years – so much
so that they tell us, if they had to make the choice today, they would choose SuperOffice.
Respected business and market research companies
worldwide are emphasizing the importance of CRM.
Their message to corporations is to place the customer in
focus across the entire enterprise and build more intimate
and tight-knit customer relationships – clearly defined in
a CRM strategy. To accomplish this and to successfully
implement a CRM strategy, a professional and user-friendly
CRM software solution is vital.
Power through Simplicity – this has been the longstanding
essence of our software development philosophy, proved
through more than 11,000 European corporations that have
enthusiastically embraced SuperOffice CRM solutions.
Those companies who ignore CRM will be struggling.
Smart ones will find the support they need in
SuperOffice CRM.
Une Amundsen
Founder and Group CEO
Page 2
“SuperOffice helps you
find, win and keep more
Taking Care of Customers
Maintaining sound relations with external contacts is
Naturally, contacts need follow-up and follow-up takes
vital for any company. SuperOffice CRM forges seamless
time. SuperOffice CRM frees up time by simplifying tasks
and tight-knit links between your customer oriented
such as searching for external contact information.
business processes, your people and your company’s
Vital information about your customers, prospects and
customers, prospects and suppliers. The software allows
suppliers is consolidated in one easily accessible place.
you to easily keep track of all interactions, giving a
In an instant you can recall full address details, contact
comprehensive overview of all contact-related information.
histories, letters, fax and e-mail correspondence and of
course information from other data sources (e.g. your
This boosts productivity and promotes company-wide
ERP system or various Internet sources).
teamwork. SuperOffice CRM provides all the relevant
information at your fingertips – no matter who has
The productivity gains from CRM are not conceptual –
previously dealt with a company or contact – and bridges
they are swiftly realised and easily measurable! Research
the gaps between departments and business areas.
by AC Nielsen shows an average productivity gain of 20%
within weeks. Job satisfaction and user enjoyment become
part of the SuperOffice concept!
Page 3
The True Value of Usability
Handling greater volumes of information with IT systems
Award Winning Designer Software
that are becoming more and more complex places
SuperOffice is not like other software. It is put together
enormous stress on employees. It can in many cases
with great care and an attention to detail far beyond normal
also cause a decline in productivity and efficiency.
standards. Our development model is centred around the
As organizations become more data-centric, they often
process of quality product design.
neglect their most important activity - taking care of
We apply best practice industrial design principles and
blend this with the latest advances in graphical interaction
design for software. We like to think that the end result is
This climate of complexity threatens to make businesses
pretty close to a work of art.
more transaction-oriented and less customer-oriented.
We need to develop and maintain a customer centric
Our vision and mission is to “create unique pieces of
approach and the only way we can do this is by providing
software with outstanding usability qualities”. Receiving
the employees with user friendly, intuitive and work process
awards for design and usability makes us proud of our
supporting IT solutions.
work. Talking to our loyal customers makes us happy.
SuperOffice CRM is designed with this one purpose in
mind – making customer oriented tasks like sales,
Award for Design Excellence (2002)
marketing and customer care simple, logical and time
The Norwegian Design Council awarded SuperOffice for
efficient. SuperOffice CRM is just a natural extension of
the most innovative user interface design. The award for
how people like to work and it will inspire your employees
good design is a recognition for excellence in the use of
to spend more time revenue generating in a manner that
design to create innovative products and solutions.
improves customer relationships.
SuperOffice CRM was designed to be effective and
enjoyable. The user interface is attractive and easy on
the eye. Key information is displayed on the screen, with
more detailed information available with just a click
of the mouse.
Rosing Award voor Usability (2010)
The Rosing jury said, “This year’s winner has shown that
it is possible to move a business-critical application from
clients made for use on a PC to mobile phones. SuperOffice
has solved the challenge of small-screen surfaces, bandwidth, and navigation in an exemplary manner and with
an interface that provides a very good user experience
even across different mobile platforms. The result of what
occurs when you combine the phone’s features with a CRM
system, is a new and innovative type of functionality and
accessibility to business oriented information.”
Page 4
Organizing Your Business
Customer oriented work processes differ from industry
to industry, from company to company and from internal
department to another department. Delivering effective
CRM solutions today is highly dependent on offering
the ability to adapt and customize the solution to fit a
company’s specific needs and work processes.
SuperOffice CRM offers this flexibility, both in the interface
which meets the user every day and on the system
integration side which provides abilities in integration
to other business critical solutions..
We have developed CRM to be tailored to the specific
needs of different companies, with different kinds of
departments and organisations of all sizes and in
various business sectors.
In order to please the needs of individual users,
SuperOffice CRM allows individual users to set their
own preferences, securing a high focus on processes and
information which are most important to them, leaving out
seldom or not used functionality which only will complicate
their daily work. Page 5
Evolving Sales Cultures
Sales cultures and the very process of selling is changing
– it is an ongoing change forced by the ever increasing
competition in the marketplace. The traditional transaction
based selling is moving to the internet where customers can
service themselves, which of course frees up salespeople’s
time - a time that can be used for a more customer-centric
sales approach. As competition intensifies, new challenges
emerge; how do we fill our pipe-line, how do we attract
prospects and generate more leads etc. This is challenging
times for most organizations as they typically lack the
systems to support this “new” way of selling.
What keeps sales executives awake at night? Do more
with less, increase revenue, increase sales effectiveness,
increase margins etc. Sales executives need a platform
and solution that will support the ongoing coaching process
of their sales organization enabling the salespeople to
focus their time and energy on the potential most profitable
customer or prospects. SuperOffice CRM will provide your
sales executives with these capabilities. Sales management
will get a professional, efficient and supportive tool for
handling opportunity management, forecasting and pipeline management and at the same time be able to monitor
the activity level in the sales organization.
With SuperOffice CRM, individual sales people will get a
solution that will support their daily work in an effective and
efficient way, whether that be prospecting, writing proposals
or staying on top of their valuable accounts. SuperOffice
CRM will help salespeople stay engaged and aligned with
the most potential opportunities ensuring better results and
constantly improving relationships.
“SuperOffice makes the communication
simple for our sales teams inside and for
our sales teams outside.”
“We recommend SuperOffice not
only because it is lean and mean, but it
is easy to learn and easy to accept and we
see that the software and the company
are growing to what is happening in the
market. It is an investment for now
and in the future.”
Gerard Dijkers, Sales Manager, Elcee Holland
Michael A. Rozer, Sales Manager, SABA Dinxperlo
Page 6
Customer Centric Marketing
Most marketing organizations are facing ever increasing
marketing costs and are at the same time unable to
document actual return on investments on the market
activities they initiate. Also the gap between the marketing
and sales organization seems to grow bigger and bigger
every day, and the end result is disparate activities with
no real effect in the marketplace.
With SuperOffice CRM the gap between marketing and
sales is leveled out and the two organizations can work
as one joint force, driving the revenue up in the company.
Common work processes or tasks in the marketing
department, such as segmentation, design and execution
of one-to-one campaigns, follow-up and ROI measurement
on campaigns and activities are supported by SuperOffice
CRM giving the marketing department the possibility
of best practice.
Customers being different and being treated differently
is becoming the mantra of our time. The customers are
driving this development and if we want to be in business
we need to be prepared. The ability to treat different
customers differently is a potential source of increased
marketing cost, but with SuperOffice CRM your organization
will be able to adapt to this new market situation and at
the same time address your markets in a targeted and
cost-effective manner.
“If you cannot measure it – if you cannot express it in quantitative
terms – then your knowledge is of a meager and insignificant kind.” Page 7
Providing Excellent Customer Service
Marketing generates the leads. Sales turn the leads into
customers. Great customer service ensures that the
customers stay with you for life. Theoretically, providing great
customer service is easy – answer all phone calls promptly,
respond to every request within a few hours or at least,
within the same day, give customers the ability to track their
own inquiries and provide them this type of service 24x7.
However, this can be a challenge to implement into real life.
Although we all know that providing excellent customer
service is important, many companies find that it is resource
intensive and expensive to maintain good customer support.
Organizations that are able to divert inquiries from the
telephone to the Internet decrease response times, reduce
costs and at the same time deliver increased customer
SuperOffice CRM, with the Customer Service module, allows
all types of customer inquiries to be answered 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year irrespective of whether inquiries are
made via telephone, e-mail, web forms, fax or SMS. Easily
handle all inquiries no matter how high the volume and at
the same time, give customers the capability to follow their
cases through ‘the system’, from getting status information to
finding out when an answer/solution can be expected.
SuperOffice CRM covers all needs within Customer Service
and is also capable of matching the needs in IT Helpdesk
“Already after 3 months with SuperOffice
Customer Service, we reduced our
response time by 50%.”
Helen Wibe, Service Manager, Lebara
Page 8
Your People on the Move
Doing business is no longer something related to an
office or an office building - today employees need to be able
to do business when they are on the road, out travelling or
even on vacation. Access to relevant and updated customer
information around the clock has become crucial and a
“must have” for most companies and employees.
SuperOffice CRM gives organizations the capabilities
of working with the customer information they need from
different locations and from different devices. This enables
the company to have cost-effective up-to-date and accurate
information about all customer oriented information via
the Internet, on portable computers or SmartPhones and
PDAs. SuperOffice CRM offers a range of mobile solutions,
including a Web-client and synchronization with both laptop
computers and PDAs.
Distributed departments or companies
For organisations with operations spread across different
locations, SuperOffice CRM allows the synchronisation of
information across branch offices.
With SuperOffice CRM you are also able to work efficiently
from any workstation with Internet browsing capability.
Simply logon via the Net and work in a familiar SuperOffice
environment anywhere in the world.
“I travel a lot and data availability is
essential. If you don`t have access where
you are, the data are of no value.
For me, Pocket CRM is an important
part of our CRM solution.”
Simen Frostad, CEO, Bridge Technologies Page 9
The Flexible Company
Flexibility applies to all parts of a business today. The market
management solution is needed. While your employees are
around us is changing at rapid speed and only organizations
using the well known SuperOffice application, your external
that are flexible and adaptive can handle this change – but
contacts have an opportunity to work with the SuperOffice
the flexibility needed also applies to the customer oriented IT
Audience application.
systems that a company uses – when the market changes,
and the employees change the supporting IT systems should
be able change as well.
SuperOffice has always been an innovator. Now, to meet
the needs of more complex business environments, we
are extending the definition of CRM and revolutionizing
the way you can work with your external contacts. “Take
care of your customers before someone else does” is the
name of the game in today’s more and more competitive
markets. New strategies and tools are needed to build
loyal, lasting and profitable customer relationships today.
SuperOffice Audience is such a tool used in combination
with SuperOffice CRM.
SuperOffice Audience is an internet based collaborative
tool, and allows each SuperOffice user to give their external
contacts access to the world’s most user-friendly and open
CRM system. SuperOffice Audience provides full access to
shared projects, and gives secured access to documents,
e-mails, meeting notes and much more. The core value
of the SuperOffice Audience application is to enable
businesses to communicate better with their customers
and to share customer critical information in a unique and
extremely effective manner. The result is a tighter bond
between your company and your customers. SuperOffice
Audience provides large business value within your
processes in sales, marketing and professional services.
SuperOffice Audience is one of several websites where your
company’s customers can find and update information which
is stored in your company’s SuperOffice CRM database.
No double storage or moving of information is needed for
offering external contacts access to the company CRM
database. The magic of SuperOffice Audience is that it is
powered by SuperOffice CRM, meaning that all data you
want to publish in SuperOffice Audience is directly fed from
the CRM application and database. No complex content
Page 10
Business Activity Monitoring
Your customers are becoming more demanding, competition
is getting more intense, and it’s becoming more and more
difficult to pinpoint the right information that you need to
manage and monitor your business effectively.
We are convinced that you are familiar with the term
Business Intelligence (BI). In SuperOffice CRM we go
beyond the traditional transaction-based analytics of BI
by introducing what we call relationship-based analytics.
Our key goal is to enable businesses to build valuable
know-how about how business activities influence a
company’s customer relationships. The result of our work
in this area is called SuperOffice SAINT, where SAINT is
short for Sales Intelligence.
SuperOffice SAINT is your business activity monitoring tool
Samples of how SAINT can improve your business are e.g.
that delivers relevant and timely information about business
monitoring which customers your sales or customer care
activities within your company. SAINT provides more
department might be neglecting or giving less attention than
accurate information about the status and results of various
is required. SAINT will quickly analyse your data, provide
operations, processes, and transactions so you can make
a visual notification on the customers who are neglected
better decisions, more quickly address problem areas,
and finally gather them in a dynamic selection which is the
and reposition your organization to take full advantage of
starting point for taking sales- or marketing-oriented actions
emerging opportunities.
(see illustrations). For more details on how SAINT can be
used to improve your business, please contact us.
By implementing SAINT, your organization will be able to;
Analyse customer relationships, provide Awareness of the
findings to the organization and finally to take Action on
potential business opportunities or challenges.
What would your CRM system tell you about your
business if it could talk? Page 11
Management Reporting
Management reporting is often a critical issue when
business are looking for CRM application to support their
CRM strategies. SuperOffice CRM gives you the power and
ease of use to create the reports your company and
users need.
Users – both management and individual employees can define their own search criteria and save them for later
searches. A web version is also available that allows report
generation via the Internet and Intranet.
For more specialised reports and formats, we have
designed the SuperOffice Reporter Studio, an optional
module giving total freedom in report design, layout and
content. From within the Studio, you can create reports
in conformance with your company style sheets and with
content complying with special management requirements.
Once designed, these reports can be run through the
standard reporting functionality within SuperOffice CRM.
If you are looking for advanced, yet user friendly and
efficient, analysis and business intelligence capabilities,
we offer different Business Intelligence solutions. These
solutions will enable users to perform analysis and reporting
on sales forecasting, sales history and sales person
activity levels within the SuperOffice solution. A common
denominator for our BI solutions is fast implementation and
the ability to analyze company critical sales information.
The solutions we offer also have the ability to include other
corporate data sources than SuperOffice - e.g. ERP - in
the data warehouse.
Page 12
Integration and Customization
Integration to other applications has always been a central
Collaborative CRM
point of attention in our development team. In order to
SuperOffice Audience and Customer Centre are 2 internet
support the user in performing everyday tasks, SuperOffice
based collaborative products which allows external
CRM integrates seamlessly to applications like Microsoft
contacts to access data in your SuperOffice CRM solution.
Office, OpenOffice, Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes.
The goal is to build a tighter (and more loyal) customer
This also includes synchronization of corporate calendars
relationship and to provide a more effective communication
like Exchange and Domino.
with customers in a collaborative solution. If SuperOffice
Audience/Customer Centre does not completely cover your
Our integration and customization capabilities do of
business needs, SuperOffice Expander provides developer
course go far beyond office tools, e-mail and calendars.
tools for building customized collaborative CRM as well as
SuperOffice CRM provides a wide range of capabilities
other portal related solutions. For additional information on
when it comes to integration and customization.
this subject, please contact us.
SuperOffice offers a framework of developer tools designed
specifically for customers or partners who want to enhance
Technology for flexibility
or integrate SuperOffice to suit individual needs.
SuperOffice CRM is based upon standard open technology
This framework is named SuperOffice Expander and
for a smooth implementation within any organisation and
contains a wide range of API`s, Web Services, script
is available both as a client/server application for Windows
languages and several tools for developers.
and as a pure web-client running in a browser. Our CRM
framework ensures that SuperOffice CRM maintains
With SuperOffice Expander, we have made one of the
maximum usability and interoperability with other IT
world’s most usable applications into one of the worlds
solutions. SuperOffice CRM requires and runs on one of
most adaptive as well. We have been striving to make
the following databases: Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and
SuperOffice a flexible, customizable, expandable, robust
Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere. The IBM DB/2 database
and reliable CRM platform. SuperOffice CRM is both an
is supported on request.
out-of-the-box ready-to-use application, and at the same
time a CRM framework and a platform for building your
company’s total CRM solution.
Internal IT departments, professional developers, partners
and customers with extensive integration and customization
demands will find the answer to all their questions and
wishes in the SuperOffice Expander developer tools and
our community service SuperOffice Developer Network.
Together with our certified partners we offer a wide range
of modules designed for use with SuperOffice CRM,
including ERP links, helpdesk solutions, integration to
employee portals (Intranets), etc. Page 13
Technology & Architecture
The SuperOffice CRM solutions are built on leading techno-
In today’s complex and increasingly competitive business
logy standards.Our CRM platform is constantly modernized
environments, integration to other corporate solutions is
and brought to conformity with state-of-the-art architecture.
key. With SuperOffice Expander and extensive SDK’s,
Our main technology platform is Microsoft.NET.
SuperOffice CRM solutions can easily be adapted to
specific business processes and integrated with other
The SuperOffice CRM concept consists of an application
server (SuperOffice CRM Server), client applications (for
Windows and Web) and professional developer tools
SuperOffice works very close with strategic international
(SuperOffice Expander). The SuperOffice CRM Platform
vendors and have created seamless integration to
represents a solid and valuable foundation for realizing
Office applications, Portaland Business Systems alike.
business critical solutions within sales-, marketing-, service-
Our expressed focus on developing a modern, reliable
and business intelligence.
technology platform ensures our customers that investing in
software from SuperOffice is a safe and predictable one.
SuperOffice also provides preconfigured and customizable
components for use in various portal solutions – directed
towards both employees (intranets) as well as for external
contacts like customers and partners (extranets).
Page 14
Global Solution with Global Distribution
SuperOffice AS was founded in Norway in 1990 as a software
house dedicated to CRM solutions. The company, with more
Delta Park 46, st
than 11,000 corporate customers, is the leading player in this
DK-2665 Vallensbæk Strand
field in Europe.
Phone: +45 70102201 -
SuperOffice has subsidiaries in Norway, Sweden, Denmark,
Germany, Switzerland, Benelux and the United Kingdom.
In addition, certified distribution partners in Finland,
Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Italy, France, the Czech
Republic, USA, Singapore and Japan offer professional
services related to SuperOffice CRM solutions.
SuperOffice has created a network of subsidiaries and
distribution partners to provide the best possible support at
the local level. Not only do we speak your language, we also
SuperOffice GmbH
Martin-Schmeisser-Weg 3b - D-44227 Dortmund
Phone: +49 231 7586 0 -
Hamburg office:
Mönckebergstrasse 10, D-20095 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 30 37 49 0
Stuttgart office:
Königstrasse 10 C, D-70173 Stuttgart,
Phone: +49 711 222 54164
understand the business and CRM issues that arise within
your market and industry. Our local presence is invaluable to
SuperOffice Benelux BV
all users, while our global organisation enables us to serve
Koninginnenlaan 15 - NL-5211 WD ‘s-Hertogenbosch
you internationally.
Phone: +31 73 6 91 91 91 -
SuperOffice Team Brendel AG
SuperOffice AS
Pfeffingerstrasse 19 - CH-4153 Reinach BL,
Phone: +41 61 338 3737 -
Visting address:
Wergelandsveien 7, NO-0167 Oslo
SuperOffice Software Ltd.
Postal address: P.O. Box 1884 Vika, NO-0124 Oslo
Gloucester House - 399 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes
Phone: +47 23 35 40 00
Buckinghamshire MK9 2AH
Phone: +44 8 707 703 000 -
Partners in other markets
USA & Canada
SuperOffice Norge AS
SuperOffice CRM Inc.
Wergelandsveien 7 - NO-0167 Oslo
1045 E. Atlantic Ave. # 209 - Delray Beach, FL 33483
Phone: +47 23 35 40 00 -
Phone: + 1561 272 8690 -
SuperOffice Sweden AB
Ynglingagatan 14, 3 tr. - SE-113 47 Stockholm
SuperOffice CRM Inc.
200-100 Royal South - West Vancouver, V7T 1A2 Canada
Phone: +1 604 922 4220 -
Phone: +46 8 522 33 800 -
Gothenburg office:
DB-Manager OY
Amerikahuset, Barlastgatan 2, S-414 63
Teknologiakeskus Hermia - Hermiankatu 8D, 33 720 Tampere
Gothenburg, Phone: +46 31 81 77 00
Phone: +358 3599 600 - Page 15
SuperOffice CRM
If you want to know more about SuperOffice contact us
at [email protected] or go to our website
Driven by a passion for customer relationship management, SuperOffice is one of
Europe’s leading suppliers of CRM solutions to the business to business market.
Our software supports the individual user in achieving stronger sales, marketing
and customer service productivity.