:• > " -'•— ij* •: 'K - C o t e t e r c i a l T O E S D A t E lp a ^ C ^ :l t j 9 7 [ N ttM B E li 1 4 .. - P a u l S k id m o r e F o r Sale* C o, No. g6VVsi.s. ix jisaT , * 3J boxetcaflia {90 bis, t*r boxen piach I Spin.l jh d f Ney^ IngbM Bon' toSn indigoAn afTnrtment of tbe mod elegant Steel En Rappahannock. River, Eoi (arc,iiy a do VirgwaTobacco Havspifa ifugar 40 vtxnifls * Itraved,Jnpt$!dvftetM , and.caft fronted R E G l f JtmMtifp 4tMa Ro^n 7 csiks Indigo Florence oil 7 0 9 r^oakhbdlbtves »7 l E R S T O V E S , that ever before appeared f< Cordage afforted. Apply to coild.i Wot,! tk-otd cardt I calk bi-es «rar 6 coiid.i Sate tti this cobotiy i together wWi be«mi(al doub > V g ± S ! i n 3« ^ , , Wm. and S. Robiofon, let :firfiqdjiiity blue H U G E ! V E D, 8 h hdiW I rum 3 bales and Engle Angle fronted llecl Steve Grates, Henrfht 'fo r bbut FfgureJ^u-^051.5 tf NO.SOO Wall (Ireet. *0• cctunlz) do baf'i* B y th e C h a rlo ftc a n d M e rc h a n t itinir wOod Or coal; Bath, Panihedh,' and cahln Stoi *4 4 J*''* And other laie arrivaU frMte l«OH DON, aeidf Sate and elegant and comimop Hand Irons. Alfo, a bit G e n n a n G o o d s. 40 caflu EiAllniid d o • *5 beg* pepp'i at the Stajm of the fubforibera, IS ^ s ib s s S S H S k r. fomdalTortment of Fire irons, Sxd^lrons, &c 4«o pieeeaGernsonStripeat 30 buniBciurd. bran lv • elegant India toil e BeB faperfine LoMwi broad cloth*, direft from the, And likewifo, an elegint aflbrtment o f Silk .luwn, f»rfiWlfr*«Hl!P«''<“'‘* t t o do SilcfiaCreay . . . lOO calki bell Eng. guapaitcrn manufaHdries Fancy Article* for Ladies nnd Gentlemen, JuRreoeivedlromH.AMBURGa.per ihelhip J amss piwdex 7 tb. India fevvingtik Snperhiie milled ktrfcymcra DangliUg J<ek*, boufeand table BciU, I.aaipt, Candlr- to bis falcprtre SorSale Sadler (3 Co. 1 bo* do pap hangings Yorkihire do. iUUta,Ac. &L tf Bl W'ater ftefet.' yoo huChc-n com I oo.. lb. b!«c fugar aper to bh dd or„o b eef 7 Grkins butter C O F F E E . •"'■***’ a lso . 6 by Sand 1 by 9 yiis36 Hhda. ^ ' lO doi»e(a > p . jAjrm llrong ^ B a m c w a ll, Two cafc* iip»nn*d w»re per inroice. 30 do prime-j dowglats Hive for SALE by the PACKAGE, C Green COfFEE. to q r cilfcst Port * . d i r e t iohhdasnd Cales of i , a,«nd a f doau of fu> Corded fuRiaiis and ^-4 |riO> linens 4 do Sherry \ »£«*" i if. 346 Bagip ) periorqaality jcafei o f^ en san d Royxfelt b«ta , baleof buiirin, j r r -i r Now landing from on botrd the Schooner L i tt L r j 6 cnirs ea.thW5*rart, afforted for family ufc, Vin d e Grave te hhdi, fab, apd a fc s t doz each t calet of Met FOR SALE BY jo tts ,« n d for SAllE by «i/Uh totnM m , wine slaffiri, &C4 . 50 pipci of Cogniac Brandy Geraun lincnl John B. DefJstty, 74 Front-ftrect. Mintum Sj; Champlainj ciit ^ Provence In hampers o f t s botlex each ^ d o x . feifonablc hoCery, 'Doable teSued foil petie by he cwt. Alfo lo r SALE, if applied for in a few dayt, Annizere oTMarie Brizard in Bo>tlet Bed hutle; a»n powilei dtuthli. dturhle ?nd Gngle fcal No. SV5 Pearl-ftrcct, j<iO dox- check xni cotton fhiru. The fiid Pilot Boat Schooner LITTLE JOHN, 9^ ffruits in Brandy in Cafpa oi a a boulei each t'rs Earlhenware Well ai(*rti Swteeda Iron, iffi—tyd Gses, (quart, round andnat) ttitierk , in* burthen, built inahi, city with live oak, cedar ane White Wine Vmegar in fmall keg* iondOn lOntxMlted txMited porirx poriev *(1116 flill quality (uitafole for waggon, ox Uuir ure !qcuR, and hrafs bolted, ten months old, coppered ’ “ ■ FOR SAi.E BY Bottled Porter in Tiercea of 6^ dot each 48 hhdi t u)-t d Sugar i . LaagAon & W . Holmes, (uly, and well known for a very fail failer.. fox tei Yeneriifo Wii^e in Pipea' ^ Sj bateicetloa , No 6 Fletchcr-Slreei D a v id A iifW nvple, Sutioflary afforted. Hair powder and Potnatumt 7 bhdi U runt ' N. B American gam powder in ^ and | hundred and Inventory, apply as abeva. No *6 Joha->fl««f Williim-ftrcel octohn 11. _______ tf lant Linen fcaw itiunt Lineal Leiwax II pipei French'brandy, sd end 4th proof godti a d» Tif&tiexJiifl A rriv e d , iieaufort do Umhrellu And for Sa t n by LOOM IS & T l LUNQHAST, In d ia G o o ^ ~ IrabxBt do Polteimoio of Rotien 3 pipei Geneva „ No. 96 \Vall.flreev > hundred and Jixty (even Packages o f white knd Vforlaix do Stoptllea i fonurd hdkfs *0 tons beril Si. Pe eribargctesit hemp 16 Iibd* Sugar 4OO bu<h. WWeat j:d piece Goods, Silkh HondkeTchitfa, Ac. foiin Sreuenc do Silk xlm thread Ljc«-i too birrfl» Ik ft jiwcdifW gun powder •l ifc A muiUa St bis do. BOO do St. Marun'i Salt. ing a complekaflbctmenaof Bengal and Cooil GOODA PlatilIjS U fii ft wpnwrix gloves 4 ca^ gl^fs w re confiUinf TumbJrf#^ si do 39 b's Wark evrA **<•*•.__________ ottoher q Qcihlcu, Dfcantets, IVine-felairesOit* 'linfer Do do Imihcr and Glk. MennrShirti.au:. Iinghami Ihwa 6cO black nnd red morocco (kins Sag baft fit|rr T h e isublcribcr, RuHia, Ravens and American Gil cloth rhreadnfLif dx Rennot a cafiei Syrcaigea 113 do. pepper Murray*1 whnrf, Wall-ftr. HAS for Sale, at No0 88 on Murray's wl 1 box I- 4 Irilh liniien CaUcoca 5 baka French cloths 5O barrels prime Po|k, 1 4. ■»7-16, 9"8 book niuftin Wk£»..‘for In ittfi quantity «l drcRed fur fci! (kins, Idiiable s S50 do. h ^ and gwS (him Bearhkdkfs 4 do Baisrs Few barrels prime Brel, French pulUcau in'riiiall cafni leclotha 1 paclugc Dmtch check and Datmaflt table EpacMgea auTnH^ CWIjigL ,do 109 BU Oun-powder Few caflu of very excellent Port Wine, *5 boxei^xceUettlfoap gboxianpium jy} pesces Flannels, Baizes and Costings, o i e \ n d ^ ^ ”pu^*^o11l«e*i •*»» th n s ^ lc c . 1 CailUe ditto a rafoa Cardamom feed to do CMlIie " C 9 * The above goods are easlUed todrawhack. to erntrs Eanhen Ware, ^ which be will { II low for cafh or f to n credit. i6»oooc»iie», a fnffT b»le»'of Hnena, twine, fcr. 4 copper ftilU with beads ttad v. arm* ccijiplttfi oe/aier «. if. Glal. Tiinibtera per quantity, * t o pigs lend Now hadmg frora tbk (hip Hero, capt JackI SO calks boul'd Foncr very cheap, so feaibrr beda V e p p in a n d S a ttc rtta w a itc , (rym Calcutta and Madrofs, aiM for Tale by C O R D A G E . iX butts 4th proof Brandy, EDW ARD n o O L D & SON. 13 nnclsois Ficm s 4Oto 500 lb. each So, l7 W iier-ttreet, Hx»e lor ftle • * rtry TCtfaMblr 4000 lb green Coilee, GibjfH to drawbseki R ic h a r d M : M a lc o m & C o . tSrr ... tf SO barrels fr*(h fuperfine Floor, T o L e t, No 140 iVater.flieet, tooo Ib- new Cbcefe—Sugar in Hhdt xco liercex Rice, t neatly Gnilhcd Con,|Hing Rooms In Gold>llfeetj R h o d e s axid M * ^ e g o r , pqrA V C for foie B <M lUit fapylv of CORDAGE ALSb FOR SSALE, ' ■Myt 6de$ Ml Lcalbesr, apply ai above. L X OF ALL SIZES. Orders Icb at the odtcr or ai Jio . 187 fearl-firtel. •o ban Coffin, . _.IO RE, BILLS on BALTIM* ibe Rnpe>walk oyBrpoklya, will be immediaiiety a . HAVk received by the Severn, from H*ll,.a quan «o Ml CMfifliir David G. Hvlhcrd. M o dN to' ^brtoier 0. tity Of WOOLLENS, ctw M i^ofelotlu, kerfi^inere*. J u ll R e e d v e d , t5 ^r. cailki Shciry Wifie, and coatings, plains, ferges, Rliped <ofc and^oim btaakeu, A fe w fip tx o f FortW ine. Ptr Ih Aik lAM E, fr<m Absts. lud/te Stk S p riD g I m p o r ta d o iu baiies and fiacnels. . L i n e n s , J u f t I m p o r te d .^ ' N. SC H W E IG H A U S £R , ' D E % V E S and T H O M F S O N. They knotfAfi/orfile. \ Variety of 7 g and yard wide, low priced littcm A fwrtc/ f J).* r YELLOW OCHRE M enjb At their C o aau iaiio iirfT o aa, No S^ Vfoll flrect R o b ig fo n H a rts h o ra c , A few boxes Scwch t h r ^ , chfclci, and brntanmai. / x Britamsiat, Platilla Royales,.white suid eolured i^ o khii CLARET, H A V E r O B S ALB, have removed thcif Comaiio* Roam ! « » Ko. 116 fuiuble for the W dLI«d*aintAet,and fobjed to draw. threads, in packages oaly, on which a drawback cam 195 At. uksit 4 m. m Bodes London bottled porter in tiereex. Watefftreet, to their oerw lo ae,N n . 46 WalLftrati, byk.___________ aeWder n-______________ «L be obtained—For fsle on reafonable terms, fot Calb Lad fii* rdne, mm> iosg A Setfkms’s a.^rf, f a SALE Earthen ware iaaiTor packagea fotceKaarf florta oaltiamy*awrharf, ' AAJtTEk, fir ^famiter ti^ le f e u kfaei etlaM fkia 8 ^ood paper, atmodeiate percent. J o F e p h L y o n a n d C o . Tobacco pipes, Ltvcipeol made TFktrt i k tj h n t f r r SALE, (yriSr exfL oePfe* LOm% t^O tens i»rtke*,niidfris.‘tde4 tetA Englifh nwRard k f ^ g t , very lew B y J o h n Ramjey Have received by tlM HEMO, from Calcoto, Tvfo bates F e Id a ^ -4 ^4 •Qmktr %. tf. _______ N a 133 Greenwkte-areet. »tl nettSiry Refers. Red and browiillaBdana kdkfs. R t a tad 1 NDi a.* M * Ai.,*od 3 ^ Writing A printiiig paper, «XK.waIeta,tiikftaiidt,&c. « *n it* hla nVafter a I f iCboppa Romata . Seton, Maitland ^ Co. Irilb L ukos 4 4 and 7*8, by she piece or pack 10 p*- black Tafiat.1. A t Ifo, 38 Mill ftreet, k x i to the cuAcMn bcMife, ““ b u g a r a n 4 C ^ 'e e , John Halfey, Snperfoac cto&x, kerlevmetct, a few lannelx, hibHIiu 70 pt. Dacca work'd mufilna. calkoex, Ac. ^ H a m f o r Sale, ifitely ImforOed, loth mo ad kf. Bfo. 8c Pearl-Strettf . 89 i Mofeovado SUGAJl ■One tnanktedki (bees and (Uppers {tx> chefls kvfoB tea, firQ qnaliiy and latcR tmpostatiasi Ha* rcccl«e4by the laflarrivals from £aro]tet cdopteccibet No 4 hair KbbM «dW .:. 3 ■39chclUhCCaGa J S o fu tn e M w iM iiib r ti, ClMna,c<>nfiR>Dgis( table, Ua, and bre*kfofl~fetts,'sllo, $im U l u W fRtndfo Ccemn s tS W ater-l*e^ Thrm barrMa Fcendb indigo apt and foo o ^b o w isitn d rolls n f (btaadfoop plau ive recrired by iM latel aX rrr^ and for SALE j - 7 4 : : WwdnwGIal* i t by tg .'aid nfew tzticla of paint pipes Of 4 ^ proof handy «00 boxes Crnwn Window GteCi. alfortcd Ibm Rice by the <a(k or nuancky, and 14 bariT R IA G E too cams of (refla nifins OcltdiBcrdrix J 50 casks Engtilh yd, fd and fid Nail* ROW LANDING froMi fn 00 hoard the SSoop V IC - yocaSn Banriamx claret, w ith drawback. fio pipes of country (in A rnstll^usMityof Gernaji Steel 30 de Acatlriag and deck do '■, and foe Sate by fORY omI Sr% Polhlki, 50 pipes of nU cBadeira wine, fit fnrnfe Loakinf Clxii plates Yffith a very gteneral alforUnciil n f Jalm S , De/dtkj, xO o r. calcs o ln ld s td very fine tbervy *5 pipes higk 41b pioof gin i t t f r ctt.^tvD LEicw »»i xRcuarMOifOERY. ' 30 |n i h IJn c n S u d L aw lioxei nsvsnas mown (ugar ya Front Ibwet O xwlk xstocloxbi and Kankhu, . 40 cafes of nimna is forts rED per the (now F as la s and ftiipO tA nni EECEIVI Afjtmnitmd, 7 kales of rpvsges fn m DUBLIN, add for (ate by the fobferiber, A Gnsll Bock of aid Sherry wine M ancbeA er G oods, 4 cate* ptimtei J . C A RRO LL. I ria s h a c la ili aGIling of 0 An ABartoKni oonGIling 4 cafes damsfk m bk clotbsaod aspluns Gonverneur'a wharf. c iifs ind Cnockexy wire rom Englsad and GerH .\LF ell thickleta,tw ilkd do. corduroys,do. twsL ,0 afet Italhn I fo im J o h a a n d B c n n e t F o rb e s, ted. do. double do. Intf d l relvtis. twOled do. hall ell go ailu French white w iat I M W forSAL,E,Otii» Waaer.|l«oei, received prt H e n ry S a d le r & C q . Liquor cafes, and black velveu plain and twilled, do- prinand, do. do floreace flo oil in jars snd bottles Biiqoe MAUTKA, Cajrt. Cmiwniao. Irooo Bwu* A fiBall piroci o f empty bags ^ ■ No. g t Water^ftreet, bare for Sale. do. plsin, (ringed, feOnoacd and pearied exmnterpaacs, Marble chinmiry pieces Giperbly wrooghi 460aiecex kafBa (heettng Farther Bills oa Loaclod snd HainbitrE, nrarfeiltes bed and cradle qmks, peteted foxnatares, Several aliesnf Itsliss hats of all kinds a o o li^ e o o d Boordeaim C i r ^ Wm 4 ^ boxes H m aaah whHe fo^ar actater a. *■ r ed , purple and blue. ^ M teUhbdi Vtode-Griwe ALSO, G kE B N COFFEE, tybcaies excellent h^edoc Wine In bdUlet, wan ' N o w L a n d in g at C ra n e w h a r ^ CoSiee asd Sugar. A lew batea of 7*8 blue plains, for Sale by ' ‘EiRijiatiiy to o U s (hip bread From on board tbe Swrdilh bng TriUMs, Gntlavos ALLEN JACKSON ays cafes old Sarfae Wine in bottles C m m pipea, Fiench brandy in dn. Madeira wiix *6blji',* J rirllqnality of C OFFEE ficr^gli, ntsAcTi from Nsplrsi jOg Fearl'Rreet goVwtdel telrilc Wine Voor|ar la do . and hhdt . s«*n pipesoi well Stvored 4U1 and 51b p rof I Brandy tl hbd/sUCAR t cale Umbrella* »S,to aateches Ldokkifghifeplaixa, di9ie*eat izes,frem gg byes Tobacco, Cotton and Deer-Skms. X7 do. do iR and sd d f NOW LAMDENG from on b a r d ifie Brig TW O 1 think (ilk Reckbnci fialAfc o f tfonipenier •o hhds prime tobacca S50 caflu red urine SISTERS, Cnpt. C im kibe. from CAFE FRANCOIS, t cale 61k JBxicklojp, Rimei, wod (hawU F rem ^ cilb ik ai, Dnamfit table ctetka and aa^ in a 16 bateuemwa , ^ 4 1 do fliellM fweet Almonda ^ R tw ^ is w aa Boo/^,^. and for SAl>E by Paper do dn ngrfor a. {6 bundte*deer-fiti*i,nnw^laiidincfr<»iodb*ard 'ioQnfco wlor growib of lAffitti Tovntfend.fsf FraniKn. brig Apollo, afc iowae'a wharf, *«d lot fote at^no. 96 so trunks perfatmed Fomatnm fflo m ff oo rr idl ., ibbelfes Tiqnewnfibih Marie Bceaard G a fits h n ts-nrl and M M ioi m tettkrr s .—vf.______________________________ W aU 4krm ,by „ 440 afesunf (teftfle Sotp Xfile for cam o r ip^roveB Havt fmr Sate at No. Pimejreet, R a tm fm Hatt/harme. 7 boxes Lavender and oihar feested w ChulznTea. g r .c ^ b c R g n a liiy fbctrywinc no trnnka o f perfumed haik powder d s ^ f iM Hw n hmeher^geilk i^ g e i'll T llO fd A S BA RR OW £if Co. d 't i m i T be i b o v e g ^ s will be fold on rcsfosaU eltrtu for L o T r , ! t o b o ck red bark HAVE rteniradi fcwpcsautfoo(ikiseekb«teo TEA , auprnved n om , by the fobferiber. From aloflf tide brig WalHinv. artbloofe’i whorl, n tp o pe> g u m a p eib h chintx' fo h%kly elbetmted for tes rm trkabte perfume and N . Sehmeilbamfer. rteiajitefe launcli, a W d ay or a S f t^ to length! allbj t o o hike rammala flavor UiichefixBofthe kind evo-imported into this N o w L a n d in g , Alfo for SALE, ka Aaterkaa bidU boottbeiM a s &30 ^ d T enants ciiy,aadsswcU nrattb thn attention sf the curious in frO m lcnD l Ftmm on board (be Bi^HARRlKTi from OPORTO, pipes French kraodjr Ik lent, Su r ^ K liheml reward will be glv.: to o Ctdkta T a . Thepfice fo four O alhn per p d tsd . dns. cisret firllqimlity ad bBd*. 'i ix cd ten t qnalky atfarteuwaiagabeabotveboBs, o t l • i t i W ater dr. to o hlatx uS etka t s bbdacHarct to ptp«* F PoxT Wxni. ALSO, bb^*^ *40 bis of mtcb 49 gr.caikl 1 F o r S a le , , ^ r c d o f W A T C ^ t r o a S k r lu c r U n 'i * FOR SALE BY tn n kep aoit | Thil day landing, fcretsl Cafes of BAT5t„ Black Isoen ' O V E R L A IN Co. ROM oa board fcrtgOLIVE, atLopton’s wimrf, w i W o n ftip-rfine BROADCLOTBS, tmA a Gnafi OR__________Ko. S7 Stane-ft;tet. few s a l e fcy / ^ I n d i a S ilJ e s . ' r h e S u b f e r i b e r s afortxneoi o f Join CBafmtn and Co. 170 Fraatjnttt COTLRXY andH A R D V fA R l, RECEIVED by the 1am arrivaU fn m CANTON, and G o u v « m c u r a n d K e m b le , T T A V E lately received a confignmeat o f tbe foU 54 hbdi. Jamaica ( n ^ r Rtceived b y the ra& w from Londoo, will be Wd by I k taA yeflels bom E O R O P l, a very exiesCre HAVE for SALE, at their Stare nn G o a n X T lowing ariickx,'%vbicb are (or (ate tt their Store, 61 piuxlseoos do fpirztt If a fmlll advance, WMlefale or Reixd, for esfc, ittbrtitieM of No 131 Wmier-ftreet, on reafosable terms, (nr Ca(b wharf, for calh n r a AJ/iia/ax, bills, or exchanged for Drugs, AledlciDea or SHk, Mercery. Linen Drapery fc H o fio j, &c. •r approved Notes—v s* to pOrckaCrrs, tq pipes AmScrdxsn gin Pofamery, by itec iu b trib er. ■ ■ S39 Hbdi exceltest Claret Wiew;^ »be whole of which will be fold on very low ttrinj fo* xoocheftsfine hyfon . -1 .. soixnri Havannab fugats rfmo/rf, ,0 gun powder V TEA R Calh, WhakUeaiia R ^ i by 16 penebaoBs JtinaiCa rofil n S S . I JOHM T u r m e *. jut, SOdo. comntry do. so bis. fmoak'd Uernngs jo o bale* (hort yellow Nankeont _ eitr n No. 18* PearUflr* so liertes led btirrellclover-feed J o h n M u rra y & S o n , so boxes 5|feel A q'lantity q'laniity o f blue and while_China whilejChma, in rolls, both 3 hhdt molaffr* ea-J’tr *. tf 6 do. Caftite .Soap fftvt for Sale, at A*®. ^ce^kkaa^rut, Sat ai)d foup plates.iat three Gzes. W m . T h o m a s Irv in , i is 8 pieca Dnt'h L kb 3 la r g e e le ^ t complete leu Dining Cbina J|0 pwKheooi Jrmaica fpiriu No, g a Maiden lane, I7 PDNCHEU.VS RUM 300 do. bliek fef-ettng|9 do Windward tilxad ru n go Chin* window blinds HAVE received by die (hfpt, Faflor from London 410 hagi 01 a k G 'ngvr • 530 do. hsirrtbbon „ 3 jari balfam (oolou 460'' wt pepper and Alliance from Liverpool, » handfome tfforiinenl o 3.5 ditto While diUo *4 do. Flittllai 1 caft gum lack a afei affnrted hats WoosLKita, confiftmg of 34( ditxo Coco* S3 do* doyleyi or wine rybbev* So wt. ^uafotnii, to o w t. pale bark i^cerensaad 1 b l. SpraiOt Indign SoetaviM B Ca.oTB W o r s t i d Ho i i 3 ditto Tornierte. Saiilkr isf W a ttrb u rj. so large French Looking GlaCPm p pip lead. BtAKKSTa SacoK an do. The above, will be landed at Jones's wharf. Old flip, xoa.Smnilh Hides, 30O empty gin cafe*, , gb calks Hokxcf} ennpowrier RnSlEYIIRI XS 'Vem nn boird (he brfo C all to r s , Leonard, frbm . too pipes good Seoeva, American blifbered Reel SWAhSOOWNS JAMAICA, for SALE by Lan<Iing 8 A elb Dutch Pipes, g bokea Claft Ware A quimityof white brans Safitts, Son and Co* ;R, Cspt. Rider, from From on board Sloop FARMEl to caflu old Sherry Wine t l Cables from tio 1 1 tnchei F l a ik s JAMAICA, J o h n B* Colft. fe hhdsclarrt too pipes old F ie n ^ Brandy IHnALCoTTl BaytaaTT RxNnALCoTTOKS. 13 bhdt Mufeovado Sagar noocafet fine Boardnnx efoeet, fit for particular ^^^teguH aflartm entofgoldaadniver wachei Mx x t C o a tin c s dec. 67 bb do •8*a^pocepprter and wine bottles «fc t s puncheons jsmaies Rum M o n fo n H a y t, gallon cafe bottles, deeiuters and fqim ebo^lri A few talk i tlforted hardware, and a few cafes hata , lOO cafes Wine de Grave *5 caflu ColTce Bibdow giaf, i g l i y i«, t i b y g, tO by t, 9 by with n variety of other articles, ill of which they wilt HAS r o t SALS, No. 140 VVater-flreet, 30 do. frait in Brandy to (ons Logwood. Apply to Losf ind lamp fugars by the too or cwt 7, aodgbyUi 4 esW yiafa ware so baflteu Aimifette Fell low lor calh o r notes st a Siott date. R YATES andG P O llO C K , Old Jaaiiig^s Spirit* and Antigas Rum, by the hhd. 4I1W1 twine, X dbtaadah tmflax, 1 do lackiporc bafxScaresUmbrellaa . ct3>’tr * ________________ . . 9 ' Water flieei *0 hhdi. iV'iXdward Lean. 6o()oxes Clfocotate t5oba(kctsfine fwceioil, t doz.each t u i t | .ydi. I td b blue Guineas 4boxes taixe fans, Gboxes ffoail do. Hion (hawh and tidkfs bv the pekage or dosen, sod »*?iF*»Kin J u f t L a n d in g a t H allct’s W h a rf, T h is d a y in U b e L a n d e d , t cafelndia pemtnsaad bsftdams 40 bales 8t- Domingo Cmton . P l ^ e r o f P a ris . At Bsche’s Wharf, From on board fehooner Valpui, from Jacnscl* aocafos Liquonof Uartiniqoe, alTotted ts8bti pearlaQin, 04 pot do yotiercei lice 7 hhd*. ofgnod retailing Mofolfes koe boxer fweet nil, xoodofoap, to d o h a ir p o S50 bis. Coffee «?3 bi*q. j Coffee. •»*«« 85=00 Wl. to bi{B of C^jfee ^ c r, do capers, 70 giicces Scotch carpeting i8iba£sSpaai(hCocos, 7090 GoarOrins. S3 bales era eon .ft hlids- Mulcovado fa|^r 2 0 0 b a g s E a il-la d ia S u g a r, 4 bis Toixoiicfhell —For fate by Jufl recenrei.ud for b is by WM. CODMAN, Landing at Jones's wharf. . I5AAC ROCET, f o la G. Warren, tt lit Old Sl^. Ro. 30 Wm. Street. L a n d in g , nSeirr 1 tf No. l i i Wue-r-flreet. From Scho«ner T romai, Capt. OaoierJ, ALSO IK SToae, Alfo on Land, f r o m onboard the brig FARMEIl, Henry to barreti L rrtf 0:1 Philsdetphia loaf (ugar so ifiM he-mp, Scotch Barley, . den, mailer, from Madeira, 8 b»”tc» Fi es of Rice , , ' an Tiercel ISO hM t tea'ipCIa, i9 pipe* London pirtntCnlar Madeira wisw 85 caflu of a J.-KKi qaulny, 'U'lil be- tinded di dCafttiPmaioe* 4 jABk^iltRev’d Steel •5 P’p e 'f k ^ o o f brjndv, lO do., Lomien marferi do. froin on board ih ^ Fanny, 10 be fold on rcai'onabl 59 bii ’Nova>Scotia iaetringa Lilroa wi.iT-, claret i*t fifes, [uatity, lor I* do. Vork market do 'o f the firfl quatiry, 1 S boxes excellent Dumb Fib ty bit. fionh-river do. Ruilii dwck.iud bandanna mlkfa. .cnilsby P. & C. STEWART & f*. Sate by Ci de L WILSON i Co. Apply to N o, lOOWalhllireef, 45 quiutali Cod filh loof* 03Jer a //. 'W* Water Erc«. Ktiker I. if. No. sg Fasr-ftrcni. OQober a . tf. l5drbls. fkip Bf«id, 1go tierces Bice *09 Ms. Menhldeii Fifh, in good oxder 3 I7 > 3 ,0 0 0 Buihdk O w n W H E A T , of H A V E ra R S A tE * A t their Whotefale and jg.etail S re a k , 1 53 Broadway imported in the (hip Favorite front L o x n o n, ^ - i '- : /'3 '- . fV ,3 0 I i | f i ' t l M
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