ZOE: This Earthly Paradise

ZOE: This Earthly Paradise
25-31 July 2015
Buddha Hall, Corfu, Greece
with Bruce Lyon
& Mahasatvaa Ananda Sarita
Zoe in Greek means ‘Life Eternal.’ In Japanese the same word means ‘Uniquely different.’ This
annual week-long summer retreat, held this year on the beautiful Island of Corfu, supports
you to fully celebrate the unique expression of the one life that you are. Come play with us as
we explore Meditation, Ritual and Tantra combined with sensual delights of the natural world,
rejoicing in our essential divinity and passion in a fully embodied enlightenment. This annual
retreat is being held during the time of the Leo full moon, a significant event in the mystery
school traditions.
The theme for the Zoe retreat of 2015 is 'This Earthly Paradise.' This term is the subject of a
painting, showing humans and animals living together in utter harmony. This is symbolic of
our present age, where our animalistic and spiritual aspects merge into harmony through a
heart based way of life. And where better to discover Earthly Paradise than Corfu, Greece,
where the exquisite azure sea borders an island densely forested with lush olive groves,
cypress trees and colourful flowers. Being in Corfu is a veritable celebration for all the senses.
The body is an exquisite calibrator for full awareness and presence. Absorbed in the present
moment we enter kairotic time and open to eternity. When we are deeply immersed in the
infinite and at the same time in conscious communion with our physical body and the natural
world, we stand in the great waterfall of being. Owning and grounding our experience of
enlightenment combines spiritual and material power in a field of love, resulting in the capacity
to manifest our unique gifts for the benefit of humanity and the planet as a whole.
The collaboration of Sarita and Bruce teaching together is a potent combination and a unique
gift. They inspire the awakening of spirit within matter and to be with them is to remember
our essential divinity and empowered sensuality.
This group is designed to open a portal directly to source, so that the lightning strike of
Eternal Life is fully earthed in the moment-to-moment experience of being here, in heaven, on
earth. When spirit and flesh dance, the fruit is a wild creative joy and the one taste is: Zoe
"ZOE: This Earthly Paradise" with Sarita & Bruce July 25-31, 2015, Corfu Greece - contact: [email protected]
About Sarita:
Sarita is a world renowned Tantra Master and Mystic offering courses and retreats across the
globe. She spent 26 years in India, with Osho, and received
direct guidance from him in Tantra and meditation. She is true
to the spiritual essence of Tantra and inspires us on the path to
self realisation. At the same time she takes care to help us
transform the psychological blockages that we carry as a result
of our cultural background and past experiences. She is also a
healer, author and consultant. Sarita has written two books on
Tantra and has produced numerous Tantra Meditation CDs. She
offers an 8 level Tantra training for couples and also specializes
in teaching the 112 meditation methods from the Vigyan
Bhairav Tantra. She has been immersed in the world of Tantra
and meditation since 1973 and has been teaching since
1990. For more information on Sarita and her work: www.tantra-essence.com
About Bruce:
Bruce has formal qualifications in ecology, psychology, astrology, and the esoteric arts and
sciences. His chosen spiritual path was the TransHimalayan
tradition but he has a background in many different
pathways and trained with many teachers. He co-founded
Shamballa School – an experiment in residential spiritual
community – and has taught extensively around the world
for the last decade. He has written several books including
Standing For The Sacred, Agni, Group Initiation, Working
with the Will and Occult Cosmology. He is a poet and
anadventurer, a scuba diver and an astronomer,
businessman and philanthropist, an ascetic monk and a
sensualist. He loves to explore the heights and depths of the inner and outer worlds making of
his life a tantric tapestry. For more information about Bruce and his work:
To Join the group ZOE with Sarita and Bruce!
Contact: [email protected]
"ZOE: This Earthly Paradise" with Sarita & Bruce July 25-31, 2015, Corfu Greece - contact: [email protected]
Practical Information
This year ZOE will be hosted by the Buddha Hall in Corfu (CBH), which is situated in the far
northwest corner of Corfu, probably the greenest island of Greece, in Magoulades (near the
small community of Arillas), about 45kms from the capital Corfu Town. Here, in an atmosphere
of Greek hospitality, you will find non-stop Mediterranean sunshine, silent olive groves,
beautiful bays, clean beaches, crystal clear water for swimming, and space for peace and
relaxation. CBH offers a unique Buddha field situated on a hilltop with splendid views and
surrounded by olive groves. We will be meeting in a one of a kind group hall and enjoying
delicious food within an atmosphere fit for the Gods. There is also a beautiful pool to play in,
just outside the group hall (www.corfubuddhahall.info).
Buddha Hall is about 3 km away from the nearest beaches: Arillas and Agios Stefanos.
CBH guests are accommodated near Buddha Hall, or near the beach in various family owned
hotels. Private houses and more luxurious accommodation options may be arranged according
to specific requests.
ZOE will begin at 20:30 on Saturday July 25 at CBH. If you wish to come earlier and enjoy a
community gathering of live music and an Osho Discourse, please arrive at 18:00. If you wish
to stay for the dinner served afterwards, 12Euro per person, you will need to make a
reservation. Each day we will meet for breakfast at 8:30 at CBH. We will begin in the group
hall at 9:30, after breakfast, and work together in
this strong meditative atmosphere until lunch time,
13:30. We will eat a vegetarian lunch together at
CBH, where their restaurant serves a flavorful,
colorful, and healthy array of international vegetarian
foods using locally sourced products as much as
possible. The meals are rich, nutritious, balanced and
delicious. We will have the afternoon to explore
together in nature, and play together at the nudistfriendly beach nearby. After lunch a shuttle service will take participants to their hotels near
the beach, and will bring them back to CBH for the evening session at 20:00. You can dine at
the restaurant or taverna of your choice, by the beach or in the village. The group will end late
in the evening of Friday July 31st, celebrating the Leo Full Moon.
Participants may also choose to rent cars or scooters/motorbikes (which can be shared among
participants), as well as bicycles, in order to get to/from CBH and to move independently
around the island.
There are frequent and often inexpensive connections from many national and international
destinations to Corfu. Carriers include RyanAir, EasyJet, WizzAir, Germanwings, Tuifly, Thomas
Cook, Air Berlin and more. Domestic flights from Athens arrive daily on Aegean and Olympic
Air. Ferries arrive daily from mainland Greece and from several ports in Italy. Most come
directly to Corfu, but some stop in nearby Igoumenitsa which has hourly connections to Corfu.
Carriers include Minoan Lines, Grimaldi Lines, Superfast Ferries and Anek. There are also daily
bus connections to/from Athens, Patra, Thessaloniki and many other Greek cities. There will be
"ZOE: This Earthly Paradise" with Sarita & Bruce July 25-31, 2015, Corfu Greece - contact: [email protected]
a shuttle service available between the airport and CBH on Saturday, July 25, and Saturday
August 1. You can also take a Taxi.
* Please plan to arrive to Arillas, Corfu by Saturday afternoon, July 25,
and leave no earlier than Saturday, August 1. *
Accommodation: On a twin-sharing basis, per night per person, starting at 20Euros. Please
inquire for a detailed list of options, including single occupancy.
Early Bird Special: with deposit made by April 6, 2015 = 750Euro per person, includes Group
Fees, daily shuttle from CBH to the beach and back, and 6 Breakfast and 6 Lunch meals at
(after April 6, 2015 = 850Euro)
Please make a deposit in order to ensure your place in the group
Contact: [email protected]
"ZOE: This Earthly Paradise" with Sarita & Bruce July 25-31, 2015, Corfu Greece - contact: [email protected]