Smash...this is a fun word…but it can also be a

Smash...this is a fun word…but it can also be a painful
one. I remember falling off my bicycle and smashing
into the pavement a few times before learning to ride
the thing. Smashing water balloons is fun…as long as
it’s not me on the receiving end! As a teenager, while
riding my motorcycle on the trails behind our house, I
didn’t see another motorcycle coming toward me in
time to avoid hitting him. To this day I have a scar above
my right eye reminding me of that smashing experience.
“SMASH” Camp was inspired by II Kings 22 where King
Josiah’s high priest discovered the book of the law in the
temple. When the law was read, King Josiah immediately
tore his clothes in shame over the behavior of his people.
The king repented of his sins and the sins of his people,
and dedicated his people to serving the Lord.
As camp began, we wanted teens to understand that God
has a great plan for them. He wants to take the things
that consume us, like volleyball, basketball, chess, art,
dance, music, cars, and motorcycles, and give them up to
Him for His glory.
Tanner came to camp not really wanting to be there. It was a
challenge to get him involved in the activities. By Monday evening
he wanted to leave.
Tuesday morning Tanner asked to call home. His grandmother told
him to stick it out a little longer. As campers were challenged to
identify idols in their lives, things that keep them from following
the Lord wholeheartedly, the staff prayed for Tanner. Interns and
other teens reached out to befriend him. During the afternoon he
really enjoyed tubing down the river with other campers. That
evening the Holy Spirit used the speaker to connect with Tanner,
and he surrendered his life to Christ!
In II Kings 23 King Josiah ordered the removal and smashing of all
idols that kept his people from serving the Lord. What is an idol?
How does it become an idol? When does something you like a lot cross the line to become an idol?
These are questions that we helped students work through mid-week. We could see many teens
realizing things in their lives that have become more important than God, and struggled to give Him His
rightful place.
During the week we had a SMASH LAB where teens
smashed old computer printers, cell phones, and even
an old car to demonstrate what Josiah did to the idols in
Israel. Guys especially seemed to relate to this.
As the week went on Tanner’s spirit changed. He
participated in the activities. He laughed, and interacted
more with the other campers. During worship he began
raising his hands in praise to the Lord.
Josiah knew that hearing and studying the Word of God
was the key to guarding himself and his people from idols.
The same is true for us, and the campers. Once we have
identified the idols and smashed them, we guard our
hearts by knowing and obeying what God’s word says.
One day Tanner confided that he had sold some of his drug
paraphernalia to finance his trip to camp. Isn’t that a hoot! What was used for evil and
destruction…God used for good…to set Tanner free
from his idols.
“Thanks” doesn’t seem enough to express our
appreciation for you. I think of the many Tanners of
this world…these are the teens we have a heart for.
Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your
financial support. Our relationship with you means
more to us than mere words can express.
Yours for teens,
Dan and Lavada Klinger
August 2012
Dan and Lavada Klinger
Serving with TFC Connection
997 2 St.
Phillipsburg, KS 67661
[email protected]