დღე - საქართველოს თავდაცვის სამინისტრო

საქართველოს თავდაცვის სამინისტროს
Ministry of Defence of Georgia’s
100 Days
ერთი გუნდით
ერთი სტრატეგიით
ერთი მიზნისკენ
ქვეყნის თავდაცვისა და უსაფრთხოებისთვის
One Team
One Strategy
For our Common Goal
For our Country’s Defence and Security
Part 1
Institutional Reforms
The WG with the representatives of state agencies, US & NATO experts.
Updated Regulation of Selection Boards:
Increased & simplified access to vacancies & training programmes;
Council members’ selection via anonymous and random selection methods;
Clearly demarcated boundaries between candidates’ evaluation methods and discussion topics per
selection board.
Structural Reorganization of MoD:
Elimination of functional duplications and structural optimization;
Creation of new units (Public Information Division, the SNGP Coordination & Monitoring Unit).
Updated Regulation of DMB, MT & permanent WGs:
Improved decision-making process; secretariat was created for coordination & execution monitoring;
Engagement of GOs & NGOs, local and foreign experts in decision-making process.
Security Instructions
Compulsory security norms have been reviewed & new
regulations have been elaborated for the following exercises:
Combat Engineer Training SOP;
Paratroopers’ Training SOP;
Combat Diver Training SOP;
Mountain Training SOP;
Anti-Aircraft System Life Firing Training SOP.
Conducted Exercises
Local & International
Inter-Agency CGS exercise “SHIELD 2016”;
CGS exercise “STORM 2016”;
Multinational exercise “AGILE SPIRIT 2016”;
SOF exercise “ARROV 2016” (Estonia);
SOP Multinational exercise “JUNCTION STRIKE 2016” (Romania);
“NATO-Georgia Exercise 2016”.
Bilateral Cooperation
GDRP Preparation Visits & Workshops:
Visits of US DIB GDRP-I team, USAREUR Commander, US DoD, DSCA &
EUCOM representatives.
Important Bilateral Visits:
Visits of Defence Minister of France, CHoD of Finland & Commander of
Land Forces of Turkey; meeting with RSM Commander General John W.
 Visits of US Navy USS Mount Whitney & French Navy Vessel Premier Maître
L'Her to Batumi port.
NATO and International Missions
North Atlantic Council’s (NAC) visit to Georgia;
NATO Assessment Team’s visit to Georgia;
Strategic NATO-Georgia Package (SNGP);
Afghanistan: Resolute Support Mission (RSM);
EU missions: EUTM Mali & EUMAM RCA;
Missions led by United Nations Assistance Mission to Afghanistan
Financial Support
Unitary financial aid (1250 GEL) to all MoD employees, upon
Monthly surplus of 200 GEL for severely wounded soldiers;
Increased salaries for Chain of Command;
55 gratified funding requests.
Allocation of MoD owned apartments to military personnel
based on transparent & fair selection process:
90 selected active and former military servicemen and their families have
been granted apartments;
Refurbishment of 243 apartments to be handed over has started.
Infrastructure Development
Infrastructural Works:
Construction of JTEC Staff building has started;
Barracks were renovated in 5th INF BDE, Akhaltsikhe Armour Training Centre & Orkhevi
Transportation Base;
Bathrooms, water supplies & sewerage systems were renovated & equipped;
“ORPHOLO” & “EKI” firing Ranges were renewed;
Construction works were conducted in dining area of 5th INF BDE, checkpoints &
New mini stadium was constructed in “ADLIA” Military Base;
A swimming pool was renovated in 2nd INF BDE, Senaki;
Outdated military equipment & scrap have been removed from military bases.
Enhance Military Discipline and Military Ethos
Formation of military personnel around the National Flag &
performance of National Anthem (according to the established
procedure and frequency);
Finalized Code of Ethics for Military Personnel;
August 31- Georgian Peacekeepers’ Day.
Part 2
Main Challenges
Insufficient financial resources to ensure readiness;
2/3 (66%) of the whole Defence Budget on personnel costs (salaries,
social care & insurance);
Large & inflexible bureaucratic apparatus;
“Problem of Pyramid” (disproportional staffing of personnel);
Strategic management, centralized planning & decentralized execution;
Combat readiness (personnel, equipment, training, maintenance).
Aim of the Reform
Effective defence of the independence, sovereignty & territorial integrity
of the country;
Ensuring national defence & support of deterrence (GAF must be one of
the key deterrents);
Balanced, flexible, adaptable & sustainable GAF;
Enhancement of defensive capabilities;
Formation of NATO-compatible Armed Forces.
Key Priorities
Strategic Management (inter-agency cooperation);
Force Optimization;
Force Readiness;
Institutional Reforms;
International Cooperation;
Conscription System;
Reserve and Mobilization system.
Strategic Management
Effective implementation of the National Defence Policy in the
framework of whole of Government approach;
Formation of effective C2 system;
Institutionalization of inter-agency exercises (“DIDGORI”,
General Staff:
Structural reorganization (board of advisers, Maritime Defence
Department, Psychological Selection & Monitoring Department, etc…);
Structural Standardization of departments & divisions.
LF Operational Commands:
Reorganization/transition from 5 to 4 Maneuver BDEs;
Establishment of balanced & standardized organization (COY, BN, BDE).
Aviation & AD Command:
Optimization of Fixed Wing;
Improvement & development of Rotary Wing;
Augmentation of AD BDE’s capabilities;
Development of UAV capability.
Other Structural Units:
Separation of law Enforcement functions from MP;
Transformation & improvement of LSC;
Restructuration of existing civilian positions at MoD.
Optimization of Rank & Unit TOs:
Decreasing 266 COLs up to 100 (at present: 155 active COLs);
Improving of organizational PYRAMID (based on the requirements of
career development).
Combat Readiness
Manning Level:
Maneuver Units - Up to 95%;
 CS Units – Up to 90%;
 CSS Units – Up to 85-90%.
Equipment Acquisition:
 Not less than 15% of the defence budget.
Combat Training:
NATO Interoperability;
 Review of doctrinal base.
Combat Readiness
Georgia Readiness Program:
Training of INF BNs according to task-oriented training programmes;
Equaling Readiness Level to NATO Standards.
Combat Readiness
Military Education:
Development & implementation of modern education programmes.
Military Trainings:
Development of training technology & infrastructure;
Priority- JTEC, NCO School & Mountain Training Centre.
Priorities for GAF Modernization & Capability Development
 Maneuver Units – equipment with NATO interoperable
 Increase of AD capabilities with French systems;
 Improvement of anti-armor and counter-mobility capabilities;
 Development of fire support capability;
 Improvement of ISR.
Conscription System
More prepared citizen for Reserve Forces;
Cost-effectiveness (annual salary for professional army-25000 - 26000GEL;
annual salary for conscripts-9000GEL);
Improved conditions for conscripts (free weekends, salary – 50 GEL);
Effective employment of professional army;
Full programme of Basic Combat Training (3 months).
Reserve System
Contractual and conscription services;
Establishment of 3 component reserve system (Army – up to 50
Years; Territorial - up to 55 Years; Specialists - up to 65 Years).
International Military Cooperation
Bilateral Cooperation with the US
 Deepening strategic Partnership;
 Two components of the GDRP - Institutional Development & Combat
 Bilateral exercises.
Cooperation with NATO
 Participation in exercises & missions in the framework of RSM;
 Timely and effective implementation of SNGP.
International Military Cooperation
Cooperation with the EU and IOs
 Successful implementation of commitments undertaken in the
framework of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement;
 EU missions in Mali and Central Africa (EUTM RCA, EUTM Mali);
Multinational Exercises
NATO-Georgia Exercise.
Strategic Defence Review 2017-2020
Primary tool for the implementation of key strategic